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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mobility in Adult Education and Training


13.Mobility and Internationalisation

13.3Mobility in Adult Education and Training

Last update: 27 November 2023

13.3 Mobility in Adult Education and Training • 1 Learner Mobility • 2 Teacher and Trainer Mobility 13.4. Others Dimensions of Internationalisation in Early Childhood and School Education • 1 European, Global and Intercultural Dimension in Curriculum Development Important element of the education reform is the curriculum reform. During this time the curriculum has been organized in specific subjects programs, which mainly were separate, unconnected to one another to emphasize the development of theory and less on practical it. The reform in the Pre-university education is a process, involving: *the whole educational system, *curricula documentation, * organization and evaluation of learning, *reform the systems of initial training, *qualification and professional development of human resources at work, *Physical infrastructure of institutions educational. Curriculum reform aims to develop key European powers, that our students are able to solve complex problems of modern life on a personal level as well as at national and global level. Through its we ensure quality and equal education for every member of society, regardless of ethnicity, gender, social status and other changes. The curriculum is structured in six degrees, which represent periods with common characteristics in terms of child development and curriculum requirements themselves. It is structured according to key competencies and learning outcomes and competence in the field of learning organized. Key competencies upon which structured curriculum reform are: *Competence of communication and expression *Competence of thinking *The competence of learning to learn *Competencies for life, entrepreneurship and environment *personal Jurisdiction *civic competence *digital competence While areas of learning are: *Languages and Communication *Mathematics *Natural sciences *Society and Environment *Arts *Physical education, sports and health *Technology and ICT Curriculum determined what to know and what they should be able to make the students sufficiently, what values and attitudes should be cultivated, as should enable them to coexistence and tolerance, as can contribute actively to social welfare and personal etc. At the same time, it clarifies the curriculum of students and their parents for guidance, and level of learning destinations in scale and various educational levels, which are the basis for subsequent levels and stairs.   • 2 Partnerships and Networks As part of participation in the EU framework Programme Erasmus Plus for Education Training Youth and Sports, MES has benefited a grant in 2015 and has become partner of E-twinning- Online Community of schools all over Europe.  E-Twinning promotes cooperation of schools in Europe by use of Information and Communication Technologies offering support, means and service for schools. For 2016 MES has gained the right for continuity of this project. In the plan of activities for this year several activities are predicted directly related to professional development of teachers aiming to improve their competencies for integration of technology in teaching. Moreover, participation of teachers in international activities such as workshops and conference will be another added opportunity for teachers which within the framework of e-twinning will have the chance to establish cooperation partnerships at international level.