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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mobility in adult education and training


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.3Mobility in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

Learner Mobility

Mobility at adult education is not different from the legislation of formal education and higher education mobility.  Almost all mobility activities at this level are within EU Project and programmes and guided by the works of ME (Ministry of Education) and NA (National Agency).

Directorate for the Centre of European Union Education and Youth Programmes (Turkish National Agency) acting as the related department of the Ministry of European Union is acting as the institution in charge of carrying out grant support programmes in the field of education, youth and sport from 2004 onwards.

Socrates and Leonardo Da Vinci programmes were carried out between the years 2004 – 2006. These programmes were combined under the heading of Lifelong Learning Programme in the period of 2007 -2013. The Programme of Adult Education (Grundtvig) is one of the sub-programmes under the Programme of Lifelong Learning. The programme of Grundtvig was formed to aim in order to encourage lifelong learning and form partnerships from different countries. The target population of the programme was made up of adults and the staff working in the field of adult education. Adult Education and Training programs framed within Erasmus+ 2014-2020 period provide personnel working in adult education institutions with different mobility opportunities.

Learning Partnerships, which are among the activities of the Grundtvig Program, have enabled both staff and adult learners to participate in overseas mobility. Within the scope of the Learning Partnerships projects carried out between 2007 and 2013, approximately 6,000 adult learners participated in overseas activities to share in the fields of education and culture. Within the scope of Erasmus+ Adult Education Program, 445 learners and teachers/trainers participated in international education and training activities with strategic partnership projects (February 2022, Erasmus+ Program Guideline, Turkish National Agency).

Teacher and Trainer Mobility

Directorate for the Centre of European Union Education and Youth Programmes (Turkish National Agency) acting as the related department of the Ministry of European Union is acting as the institution in charge for carrying on grant support programmes in the fields of education, youth and sport from 2004 onwards.

Socrates and Leonardo Da Vinci programmes were carried out between the years 2004 – 2006. These programmes were combined under the heading of Lifelong Learning Programme in the period of 2007 -2013. The Programme of Adult Education (Grundtvig) is one of the sub programmes under the Programme of Lifelong Learning. The programme of Grundtvig was formed to aim at adult and carried out in order to encourage lifelong learning and form partnerships from different countries. The target population of the programme was made up of adults and the staff working in the field of adult education (February 2022, Erasmus+ Program Guideline, Turkish National Agency).

Between 2007-2013 period, Learning Programs/Grundvig Program allowed both the staff and adult learners to participate in foreign mobility. Within the context of Learning Association, around 800 projects that were carried out over 7000 adult learners participating in a foreign activity between 2007 – 2013 in order to share in the field of education and culture (Turkish National Agency). Almost 900 people benefitted from individual activities within the context of Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig Programme and had mobility and a chance to participate in an educational activity in Europe. Over 800 projects had institutional grants and the participation of 14.000 people in foreign activities was supported. Erasmus + Programme is a grant programme that will be carried out by European Union in the period of 2014 – 2020 in the field of education, youth and sport. Erasmus+ Programme activities consist of 3 basic activities with the names of Learning Mobility of Individuals, Cooperation for the Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices, Support for Policy Reform. In addition to this activity, Sport Supports and Jean Monnet special programme are supported by Erasmus+.

Within the scope of the Mobility Projects for Erasmus+ Adult Education Personnel, a total of approximately 3,000 applications have been received since 2014, and as of July 2021, approximately 2700 adult educators have been supported to take part in education and training activities with the projects for which grant support has been provided, and so far, approximately 1800 of them have been abroad.

Learning Mobility of Individuals

The Projects for the Mobility of Adult Education Personnel are the projects providing the personnel and professionals working actively in the field of adult education with participation in an educational activity abroad in order to attain new competences. Only the professionals serving in the field of adult education could be benefitted. Students cannot benefit from these projects.

Basic aim of the mobility projects is to support the development of adult education personnel with regard to the adult education activity they carry out and improve the capacity of the institutions given an adult education and its international dimension. Mobility projects are made up of central projects in the countries and applications are made to the National Agency of the Institution. 

In this mobility project, the staff of adult education could participate one or more of the activities below for a period of 2 days and 2 months.

a. Teaching/Education Assignments: This activity allows the personnel of a partner adult education institution to teach or present an education abroad.

b. Personnel Training: This activity supports the staff of an adult education to develop personally by participating the structured courses abroad or the process of training at work/observation at a suitable institution acting in the field of adult education abroad.

Individuals participating in an activity within the context of a mobility project have the right to demand a “Europass Mobility Certificate”. Europass Mobility Certificate is a document to certify and recognize the period when the person participates in a mobility activity for the purpose of training or education in a European country and the learning outcomes attained as a result of this experience in international arena.

Within the scope of Erasmus + Adult Education Program, 2 basic activities are carried out, namely, Collaboration for Learning Mobility of Individuals and Change of Innovation and Good Practices. Since 2014, the scope of Learning Mobility of Individuals 1770 teachers/trainers, and has participated in 620 projects within the strategic partnership projects overseas teachers and trainers within the framework of educational activities (February 2022, Erasmus+ Program Guideline, Turkish National Agency).