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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mobility in adult education and training


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.3Mobility in adult education and training

Last update: 6 October 2024

Learner mobility

Erasmus+ Key Action Mobility for Learners in Adult Education offers mobility opportunities for adult learners.  

The action will contribute to the implementation of the Skills Agenda and to the creation of the European Education.

Specifically, the objectives are the following:

  • strengthening the European dimension of teaching and learning

  • promoting values of inclusion and diversity, tolerance, and democratic participation

  • promoting knowledge about shared European heritage and diversity

  • supporting development of professional networks across Europe

  • improving the quality of formal, informal and non-formal adult education in Europe for key competences as defined by the EU framework (2018), including basic skills (literacy, numeracy, digital skills) and other life skills

  • extend and diversify adult education offer through professionalisation of educators and building capacity of adult education providers

  • simplifying the implementation and accessibility of high quality teaching and learning programmes in all forms of adult education, and making them relevant to the needs of individual and the society at large

  • building the capacity of adult education providers to carry out high quality mobility projects

  • raising the participation of adults of all ages and socio-economic background in adult education, especially by fostering participation of organisations working with disadvantaged learners, small adult education providers, newcomers to the Programme and less experienced organisations, as well as community-based grassroots organisations.

Adult education providers and other organisations active in adult education can apply for funding in two ways:

  • Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff provide applicant organisations with an opportunity to organise various mobility activities over a period of six to eighteen months. Short-term projects are the best choice for organisations trying Erasmus+ for the first time, or for those that wish to organise only a limited number of activities.

  • Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff are open only to organisations holding an Erasmus accreditation in the field of adult education. This special funding strand allows accredited organisations to regularly receive funding for mobility activities that contribute to the gradual implementation of their Erasmus Plan.

Learner Mobility Formats

  • Group mobility of adult learners (2 to 30 days, at least two learners per group)

  • Individual learning mobility of adult learners (2 to 30 days)

In addition to physical mobility, all learner mobility activities can be blended with virtual activities. The minimum and maximum durations specified above apply to the physical mobility component.

Teacher and trainer mobility

Erasmus+ Key Action 1 for Mobility of Staff in Adult Education provides, among other things, support for a wide range of actions, including job shadowing and professional development courses.

Staff mobility formats include:

  • Job shadowing (2 to 60days)

  • Teaching or training assignments (2 to 365 days)

  • Courses and training (2 to 30 days).

In addition to physical mobility, all staff mobility actions can be blended with virtual options. The minimum and maximum durations specified above apply to the physical mobility component.

Eligible participants include teachers, trainers, and all other non-teaching experts and staff in adult education.

Eligible non-teaching staff includes staff working in adult education, either in adult education providers (e.g. management staff) or in other organisations active in adult education (e.g. volunteers, counsellors, policy coordinators in charge of adult education, etc.).