Law 4823 /2021 establishes the institutions of
- the Education Consultant,
- the Educational Quality Supervisor and
- the Regional Educational Quality Supervisor.
Education Advisors
Law 4823/21 issues eight hundred (800) posts of Education Advisors, which are filled by teachers and members of the Special Education Staff (EEP) and which are distributed in specializations as follows:
Specialties | Posts |
Pre-primary (PE60) | 73 |
Primary (PE70) | 240 |
Theology (PE01) | 16 |
Greek Language and Literature (PE02) | 89 |
Mathematics (PE03) | 40. |
Natural Sciences (PE04) | 42 |
French Language (PE05) | 13 |
English Language (PE06) | 41 |
German Language (PE07) | 9 |
Arts (PE08) | 10 |
Physical Education (PE11) | 36 |
Social Sciences (PE78) | 7 |
Music (PE79) | 15 |
Economics (PE80) | 14 |
Civil Engineers - Architects (PE81) | 4 |
Mechanical Engineers (PE82) | 9 |
Electrical Engineers (PE83) | 7 |
Electronic Engineers (PE84) | 4 |
Chemical Engineers (PΕ85) | 1 |
Information Technology (PE86) | 31 |
Health - Welfare - Well-being (PE87) | 8 |
Agriculture - Food and Environment (PE88) | 7 |
Applied Arts (PE89) | 2 |
Νautical Studies (PΕ90) | 1 |
Theatre Studies (PE91) | 4 |
Special Education and Inclusive Education | 45 |
Psychologists(PΕ23) | 10 |
Social Workers (PΕ30) | 10 |
Speech Therapists (PΕ21) | 2 |
School nurses (PΕ25) | 2 |
Occupational Therapists (PΕ29) | 2 |
Physiotherapists (PΕ28) | 2 |
Minority curriculum in primary education Minority Schools in Thrace | 2 |
Minority curriculum in secondary education Minority Schools in Thrace | 1 |
Muslim Religion | 1 |
An education counsellor has the following tasks and responsibilities:
- to provide pedagogical and scientific guidance to teachers and members of the Special Education Staff (EEP) and Special Support Staff (EBP),
- to provide training,
- to develop innovative initiatives in the field of education,
- to evaluate teachers and members of EEP and EBP and
- to participate in the process of collective planning and self-evaluation of the work of the school unit and the support structures of primary and secondary education.
Within the framework of the above listed responsibilities, the education counsellor cooperates with
- the teaching staff of the school units of his/her responsibility,
- school heads and principals,
- parents and guardians' associations,
on any issue relating to the effective operation of the school units.
Scientific responsibility of school units
Each education advisor is scientifically responsible, for the issues of his/her field, for all the school units and laboratory centres (EKs) under the directorate of primary or secondary education.
In addition to the scientific responsibility of case (a), special education and inclusive education counsellors are scientifically responsible, for the issues of their field, for the Interdisciplinary Assessment, Counselling and Support Centres (KEDASY) whose headquarters are in the directorate of primary or secondary education, where the counsellor is placed.
The education counsellors of EEP members are scientifically responsible, for the issues of their field, for all the special education and training school units (SMEAE) and KEDASY. In addition, they are scientifically responsible, for the issues of their field, for EEP members serving in schools of general and vocational education.
The scientific responsibility of the minority programme of minority primary and secondary schools is distributed exclusively to the education counsellors of the minority programme of minority schools of primary and secondary education, respectively.
The education advisor for Muslim religion is scientifically responsible for the Muslim religion specialisation courses in Muslim seminaries, Muslim religious courses in minority secondary schools and the teaching of the Koran to Muslim minority students.
Pedagogical responsibility of school units
Each Education Advisor, in addition to the scientific responsibility, is also pedagogically responsible for a group of schools and EKs within the directorate of primary or secondary education, where s/he is placed.
Special education and inclusive education counsellors are pedagogically responsible for groups of primary and secondary education schools regarding inclusive education.
The pedagogical responsibility of SMEAE is assigned exclusively to special education and inclusive education advisors.
The assignment of the pedagogical responsibility of school units is made by decision of the regional education quality supervisor or the regional director of education, accordingly, based on the preferences of the education advisors and their order in the selection list.
Supervisors of Quality in Education
In each directorate of primary education, as well as in each directorate of secondary education, one (1) post of education quality supervisor is established. These posts are occupied by education advisors of the regional directorate of primary and secondary education.
The education quality supervisor is administratively subordinate to the director of primary or secondary education and is supervised in the exercise of his/her work by the regional education quality supervisor.
Education quality supervisors have the responsibility to exercise pedagogical supervision and achieve optimal coordination, at the level of the directorate of education, of the work of:
- education advisors,
- heads of Information Technology and New Technologies,
- heads of Physical Education and School Sports,
- heads of Natural Sciences Laboratory Centres,
- heads of School Activities,
- heads of Environmental Education,
- heads of Health Education,
- heads of Cultural Affairs,
- heads of School Vocational Guidance and
- school units and laboratory centres (EKs).
The responsibilities of the Supervisor of Quality in Educationm include in particular:
- to promote and implement the educational policy, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,
- to supervise, coordinate and support the educational work of public and private schools, as well as of the EΚs with the aim of upgrading the quality of educational work,
- to organise and implement training programmes or seminars and educational activities in general, for teachers at the level of the directorate of education,
- to coordinate the pedagogical and supportive work of the education counsellors of the directorate of education,
- to introduce and implement innovations and programmes to upgrade the quality of education,
- to support collective planning and self-evaluation of the work of school units,
- to supervise and offer guidance on the way in which education advisors carry out their duties,
- to arrange for the settlement of issues of scientific, pedagogical guidance,
- to call a meeting of all the education advisors of the directorate of education at the beginning and end of the school year, as well as at least once a month,
- to cooperate and meet monthly with heads of schools and EKs, as well as to make scheduled visits to schools and EKs.
Regional education quality supervisors
In each regional directorate of primary and secondary education, one (1) post of regional education quality supervisor is established. This post is occupied by an education counsellor of the regional directorate of primary and secondary education.
The regional education quality supervisor reports to the regional director of education.
Regional education quality supervisors are responsible for supervising pedagogically and at the same time coordinating optimally, at the level of the regional directorate of education, the work of:
- Education quality supervisors,
- Interdisciplinary Assessment, Counselling and Support Centres (KEDASY) and
- Training Centers for the Environment and Sustainability (KEPEA).
Regional supervisors of quality in education exercise in particular the following responsibilities:
- ensure the implementation of the educational policy for primary and secondary education, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and guide the relevant bodies and the aforementioned structures they coordinate, accordingly.
- organise and implement training programs or seminars and educational activities in general at the level of the regional directorate of primary and secondary education for teachers, and members of EEP and EBP, with the participation of the institutions and structures they coordinate.
- ensure the dissemination and exchange of knowledge and experiences on pedagogical and scientific issues between teachers and members of EEP and EBP of the same or different level and of the same or different specialisations,
- are informed and monitor, in cooperation with the education quality supervisors, the educational activities of the education counsellors,
- systematically study the reports of supervisors of quality in education on planning and evaluating their contribution to improving the quality of educational work in their area of responsibility and present them to the regional director of education, with a view to planning, scheduling and acting,
- ensure, in cooperation with education quality supervisors, the implementation of compensatory educational programmes to deal with phenomena such as school failure, student dropout and school bullying,
- ensure, in cooperation with education quality supervisors and KEDASY, for combating all forms of exclusion and discrimination and promoting inclusive education by strengthening and supporting teachers with training and organising training seminars for parents, with the aim of informing them on issues relating to their parental role and cooperating with teachers and/or other support structures in the local community,
- support, in cooperation with education quality supervisors and KEPEA, the organisation of innovative school activity programmes on environmental and sustainable development issues.
Regional education quality supervisors and education quality supervisors retain the scientific responsibility of the school units, as well as the scientific responsibility of KEDASY, regarding the issues of their specialisation, which corresponds to the post of the education counsellor they occupy.
Regional Board of Supervisors
A regional board of supervisors (PESEP) is established at the headquarters of each regional directorate of primary and secondary education by decision of the regional director of education. PESEP consists of the regional education quality supervisor as chairman and the education quality supervisors of the regional directorate of primary and secondary education, as members.
PESEP is convened at the beginning and end of the school year, as well as at least once a month or on an ad hoc basis, at the invitation of the regional education quality supervisor.
At the level of the regional directorate of primary and secondary education PESEP deals mainly with:
- educational planning issues,
- issues supporting the operation and educational work of the school units and laboratory centres (EKs) of the regional directorate of primary and secondary education,
- organising scientific conferences as well as promoting innovation and cooperation with HEIs and research centres-institutes,
- supporting training in a variety of forms and subjects,
- coordinating the cooperation of the structures supervised by the regional education supervisors.
At the level of school units and EKs PESEP deals mainly with:
- supporting the educational executives, the teachers and the members of EEP and EBP in their work and
- supporting collective planning and self-evaluation of their work.
Requirements for appointment
For the posts of education advisors, candidates can be teachers of the respective specialisations, with at least fifteen years of educational service, who have
- knowledge of a foreign language of at least B2 level (good knowledge)
- certified knowledge of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) level 1.
More specifically:
- For the posts of special education and inclusive education advisors, candidates can be teachers of all fields, specialising in Special Education and Training (EAE) or school psychology.
- For the posts of education advisors of the members of Special Education Staff (EEP), candidates can be EEP members who occupy a permanent post in primary or secondary education or in a KEDASY.
- For the posts of education advisors of the common specialisations in primary and secondary education (PE05, PE06, PE07, PE08, PE11, PE79, PE86, PE91), candidates can be teachers who occupy a permanent post in primary or secondary education.
- For the posts of education advisors of the minority programme of minority schools in primary and secondary education, candidates can be teachers in primary or secondary education, respectively, with at least fifteen years of educational service and eight years of teaching service in the minority programme of minority schools of the relevant level.
- For the post of education advisors for Muslim religion, candidates can be teachers with at least fifteen years of educational service and eight years of teaching service in Muslim seminaries in a Muslim religious subject.
For the posts of supervisors of quality in education and regional education quality supervisors, candidates can be education counsellors of the regional directorate of primary and secondary education, except for the education counsellors of the members of EEP, who are not eligible to apply for the post of education quality supervisor.
Selection and appointment of education advisors
Selection criteria:
For the ranking in selection boards, the selection criteria for education counsellors are evaluated with a maximum of one hundred (100) points and are the following:
- scientific and pedagogical training,
- teaching, counselling-mentoring and administrative support experience,
- evaluation,
- personality and general conduct.
They are placed in vacant posts and posts that fall vacant by decision of the head of the general directorate of primary and secondary education staff of the Ministry of Education Religious Affairs and Sports, following a proposal by the competent regional selection council, formed according to the selection lists and statements of preference.
Their placement is for a four-year term, which begins with their placement and ends on July 31 of the fourth year following the selection.
Selection and appointment of supervisors of quality in education
The education quality supervisor and his/her deputy are appointed by decision of the head of the general directorate of primary and secondary education staff of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and sports, issued upon call for applications and the proposal of the competent regional selection council.
Up to four (4) candidates who apply and obtain the highest number of points on the selection lists will be admitted to the selection procedure.
Their placement is for a four-year term, which begins with their placement and ends on July 31 of the fourth year following the selection.
Selection and appointment of regional education quality supervisors
The regional education quality supervisor and his/her deputy are appointed by decision of the head of the general directorate of primary and secondary education staff of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, issued upon call for applications and the proposal of the competent central selection council.
Up to two (2) candidates from each level of education who apply and obtain the highest number of points on the selection lists will be admitted to the selection procedure.
The proposal of the competent central selection council is formed after:
- CV submission and
- interview of the candidates before the central selection council.
The regional education quality supervisor and his/her deputy come from different levels of education.
Their placement is for a four-year term, which begins with their placement and ends on July 31 of the fourth year following the selection.
Conditions of service
- the pedagogical and scientific guidance of teachers and members of the Special Education Staff (EEP) and Special Support Staff (EBP),
- the professional development and training of teachers,
- the development of innovative initiatives in the field of education, as well as
- the evaluation of teachers and members of the EEP and EBP and the participation in the process of collective planning and self-evaluation of the work of the school unit and the support structures of Primary and Secondary education.
Within the framework of his above listed responsibilities, he cooperates
- with the teaching staff of the school units of his responsibility,
- school heads and principals,
- parents 'and guardians' associations,
regarding any issue related to the efficient operation of the school units.
Scientific-pedagogical responsibility of school units
A. Each Education Advisor has the scientific responsibility, for the issues of his speciality, of all the school units and Laboratory Centers (Laboratory Centers) that belong to the Directorate of Primary or Secondary Education.
B. In addition to the scientific responsibility of case (A), the Special Education and Inclusive Education Advisor have the scientific responsibility, for the issues of their field, of the Centers for Interdisciplinary Assessment, Counseling and Support (KEDASY) whose headquarters are located in the Directorate of Primary or Secondary Education, where they are placed.
C. The Education Advisor of the members of EEP assume the scientific responsibility for the issues of their sector, of all the School Units of Special Education and Training (SMEAE) and KEDASY. In addition, they assume the scientific responsibility for the issues of their speciality of the members of EEP, serving in schools of general and vocational education.
D. The scientific responsibility of the minority program of the minority schools of Primary and Secondary education is distributed exclusively to the Education Counselors of the Minority Program of the Minority Schools of Primary and Secondary Education, respectively.
E. The Education Advisor for Muslim religion has the scientific responsibility for Muslim religion specialization courses in Muslim seminaries, Muslim religious studies in minority high schools, and the teaching of the Koran to students, members of the Muslim minority in Greece.
F. Each Education Advisor, in addition to the scientific responsibility, also has the pedagogical responsibility of a unit of schools and EK of the level of education, within the Directorate of Education, where he is placed.
G. The Special Education and Inclusive Education Advisor have the pedagogical responsibility in units of Primary and Secondary education schools regarding the inclusive education.
The pedagogical responsibility of SMEAE is assigned exclusively to Special Education and Inclusive Education Advisors.
The Education Minorities Program of the Minority Schools of Primary and Secondary Education of Thrace have the pedagogical responsibility of the minority schools of Primary and Secondary education together with the Education Advisors of the other branches.
The assignment of the pedagogical responsibility of school units is made by decision of the Regional Education Quality Supervisor or the Regional Director of Education, as the case may be, based on the preferences of the Education Advisor and their order in the selection table.
The responsibilities of the Education Quality Supervisor include in particular:
- the promotion and implementation of educational policy, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the supervision, coordination and support of the educational work of public and private schools, as well as of the EΚ with a view to upgrading the quality of the educational work;
- the organization and implementation of training programs or seminars and in general educational activities, at the level of the Directorate of Education, for teachers οf all kinds of school units;
- the coordination of the pedagogical and supportive work of the Education Advisors of the Directorate of Education;
- the introduction and implementation of innovations and programs to upgrade the quality of education and the support of collective planning and self-evaluation of the work of school units;
- supervising and guiding the way in which the Training Advisors perform their duties;
- the care for the settlement of issues of scientific pedagogical guidance;
- convening a meeting of the Board of Education Advisors of the Directorate of Education, at the beginning and end of the school year, as well as at least once a month;
- the cooperation and the monthly meetings with school principals and EK as well as the planned visits to school units and EC.
Regional educational quality supervisors
In each Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education, one post of Regional Educational Quality Supervisor is established. This post is occupied by an Education Advisor of the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education.
The Regional Education Quality Supervisor reports to the Regional Director of Education.
Regional Quality Supervisor of Education have the responsibility of exercising pedagogical supervision and at the same time coordinating optimally, at the level of the Regional Directorate of Education, the task of:
- Quality Supervisors of Education,
- Centers for Interdisciplinary Assessment, Counseling and Support (KEDASY) and
- Training Centers for the Environment and Sustainability (KEPEA).
The Regional Education Quality Supervisor exercises in particular the following responsibilities:
- ensures the implementation of the educational policy for Primary and Secondary education, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and guides accordingly the relevant bodies and the above structures, which he coordinates.
- organizes and implements training programs or seminars and in general educational activities at the level of the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education for teachers.
- ensures the dissemination and exchange of knowledge and experiences between teachers and members of the EEP and EBP of the same or different level and of the same or different disciplines in pedagogical and scientific matters.
- is informed and monitors, in collaboration with the Education Quality Supervisors, the educational activities of the Training Consultants.
- studies systematically the reports of the Education Quality Supervisors for the planning and evaluation of their contribution and presents them to the Regional Director of Education, for the purpose of planning, scheduling and undertaking actions.
- ensures, in cooperation with the Education Quality Supervisors, the implementation of compensatory educational programs to deal with phenomena such as school failure, student dropout and school bullying.
- takes care, in collaboration with the Quality Supervisors of Education and the KEDASY, of:
- combating all forms of exclusion and discrimination and promoting inclusive education by strengthening and supporting teachers with training;
- the organization of training seminars for parents, with the aim of informing them on issues related to their parental role and cooperation with teachers or other support structures of the local community;
- supports, in collaboration with the Supervisors of Educational Quality and the KEPEA, the organization of innovative programs of school activities in matters of environment and sustainable development.
The Regional Quality Supervisors of Education and the Quality Supervisors of Education retain the scientific responsibility of the school units, as well as the scientific responsibility of KEDASY, regarding the issues of their specialty, which corresponds to the post of the Education Counselor that they occupy.
Regional Board of Supervisors
At the headquarters of each Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education is established a Regional Board of Supervisors (PESEP). The PESEP consists of the Regional Educational Quality Supervisor as President and the Supervisors of Educational Quality of the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education, as members.
The PESEP is convened at the beginning and end of the school year, as well as at least once a month or extraordinarily, at the invitation of the Regional Educational Quality Supervisor.
The PESEP deals with following tasks:
- At the level of the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education in particular:
- educational planning issues,
- issues of support for the operation and the educational work of the school units and Laboratory Centers (Laboratory Centers) of the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education,
- the organization of scientific conferences, the promotion of innovation and collaborations with HEIs and research centers-institutes,
- support of the teacher training of various forms and topics,
- the coordination and cooperation of the structures supervised by the Regional Education Supervisors
- at the level of school units and EK:
- the support of the educational executives, the teachers and the members of the Special Teaching Staff (Special Teaching Staff) and Special Supporting Staff (EAF) in their work and
- the support of the collective planning and the self-evaluation of their work.
Requirements for appointment
For the posts of Education Advisors, candidates can be teachers of the respective specialities, with at least fifteen years of educational service, who have
- knowledge of a foreign language of at least B2 level (good knowledge).
- certified knowledge of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) of level 1.
For the posts of Special Education and Inclusive Education Advisors, candidates can be teachers of all disciplines, specializing in Special Education and Training (EAE) or school psychology
For the posts of Education Counselors of the members of the Special Education Staff (EEP), candidates can be members of the EEP who occupy a permanent post in Primary or Secondary education or in a KEDASY.
For the posts of Education Advisors of the common specialities of Primary and Secondary education, candidates can be teachers who occupy a permanent post in Primary or Secondary education (PE05, PE06, PE07, PE08, PE11, PE79, PE86, PE91).
Selection criteria:
For the ranking in the selection boards, the selection criteria of the Education Advisors are evaluated with a maximum of one hundred (100) points and are the following:
- scientific pedagogical composition,
- didactic, advisory-instructional and administrative support experience,
- evaluation,
- personality and general conduct of the candidate.
For the posts of Education quality supervisors and Regional education quality advisors candidates can be Education Counselors of the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education, except for the Education Counselors of the members of the Special Educational Staff (EEP), who can not apply for selection to the post of an Education Quality Supervisor.
Selection and appointment of educational quality supervisors
The Educational Quality Supervisor and his deputy are appointed by decision of the Head of the General Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education Staff of the Ministry of Education and Religions, which is issued after an invitation for the expression of interest for the above posts and the proposal of the competent Regional Selection Council.
In the selection process participate up to four (4) candidates, who submit an application and collect the largest number of points in the evaluation selection tables.
Selection of regional educational quality supervisors
The Regional educational quality supervisor and his deputy are appointed by decision of the Head of the General Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education Staff of the Ministry of Education and Religions, which is issued after the invitation of the competent Central Selection Council for the expression of interest and its proposal.
The above proposal is formed after:
- CV submission and
- Interview of the candidates before the Central Selection Council.
In the selection process can participate up to two (2) candidates from each level of education, who submit an application and collect the largest number of points in the evaluation selection tables.
The Regional Education Quality Supervisor and his deputy, ideally, come from different levels of education.
Conditions of service
Εducation Counselors
- The regional service council for primary or secondary education (PYSPE or PYSDE) of the directorate of education is responsible for issues relating to the service status of education advisors.
- The higher regional service council for primary or secondary education (APYSPE or APYSDE) gives its opinion on the discharge from their duties.
- The education quality supervisor supports education counsellors in their work.
Regional educational quality supervisors
- The higher regional service council for primary or secondary education (APYSPE or APYSDE) of the regional directorate of primary and secondary education, in which the regional education quality supervisor serves, is responsible for issues relating to his/her service status.
- The central service council for primary or secondary education (KYSPE or KYSDE) gives its opinion on the discharge from their duties.
Educational quality supervisors
- The regional service council for primary or secondary education (PYSPE or PYSDE) of the directorate of education, in which the education quality supervisor serves, is responsible for issues relating to his/her service status.
- The higher regional service council for primary or secondary education (APYSPE or APYSDE) gives its opinion on the discharge from their duties.
Salaries of education counselors, educational quality supervisors and regional educational quality supervisors
Regarding monthly payment they receive a salary as all teachers do, according to law 4354/2015, as described in Chapter 9.2 "Conditions of Service for Teachers Working in Early Childhood and School Education", subsection "Salaries".
According to the new law 4823/21, for as long as they are on duty, they receive an additional monthly allowance, which amounts to:
- Education counsellors: three hundred (350) euros,
- Education quality supervisors: five hundred (500) euros and
- Regional education quality supervisors: six hundred (600) euros.