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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Statistics on educational institutions


2.Organisation and governance

2.8Statistics on educational institutions

Last update: 11 February 2025

This section provides the most recent available data on the number of educational institutions from pre-school to post-secondary non-tertiary education level (ISCED levels 0-4). Statistics on numbers and characteristics of higher education institutions can be found in the European Tertiary Education Register. A general overview of the categories of institutions providing publicly-subsidised adult education and training can be found in the chapter on adult education. The notes below the tables provide methodological explanations necessary for a good interpretation of data.

Statistics on educational institutions providing regular education
Type of educational institution in English (and in Greek) ISCED levels provided Main orientation of the programmes provided​ Number of educational institutions            
Total Public Government-dependent private Private independent            
Single type all-day pre-school school (eniaiou typou oloimero nipiagogeio) 1 (-) 5.614 4.795   819      
Single type all-day primary school (eniaiou typou oloimero dimotiko scholeio) 1 (-) 3.548 3.394   154      
All-day primary school, 1-5 teachers (oligothesio oloimero dimotiko scholeio) 1 (-) 623 623   (-)      
Minority primary school (dimotiko scholeio meionotikis ekpaidefsis) 1 (-) 17 17   (-)      
Day lower secondary school (imerisio gymnasio) 2 G 1.521 1.427   94      
Day lower secondary school with upper secondary classes (imerisio gymnasio me lykeiakes taxeis) 2,3 G 188 188   (-)      
Evening lower secondary school (esperino gymnasio) 2 G 48 48   (-)      
Evening lower secondary school with upper secondary classes (esperino gymnasio me lykeiakes taxeis) 2,3 G 123 123   (-)      
Day general upper secondary school (imerisio geniko lykeio) 3 G 1.061 978   83      
Evening general upper secondary school (esperino geniko lykeio) 3 G 49 48   1      
Day vocational upper secondary school (imerisio epangelmatiko lykeio) 3,4 V 322 320 (-) 2      
Evening vocational upper secondary school (esperino epangelmatiko lykeio) 3,4 V 92 91 - 1      
Higher Vocational training school (scholi anoteris epangelmatikis katartisis) 4 V 203 125 (-) 78      
College (kollegio) 4 V 35 (-) (-) 35      


  1. Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs - my school/ DIOFANTOS (ITYE), September 2024
  2. Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, General Secretariat for VET, Training and Lifelong Learning, September 2024.

ISCED= International Standard Classification of Education

G= General V= Vocational      
(:) Data not available (-) Not applicable      
The 2018 version of the Unesco/OECD/Eurostat Manual on concepts, definitions and classification can be consulted for the definitions of regular education (p. 10); general and vocational programmes of education (p. 19); as well as public institution, government-dependent private institution and private independent institution (pp. 24-26)


  • The educational institutions are counted in accordance with the legal entity approach.
  • The use of (-) indicates that there are no educational institutions within the specific governance category.
  • There are also infant centres, infant/child centres and child centres (ISCED 0) but no official data on their number is currently available for the reason that they are within the competence of municipalities (Ministry of Interior) and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
  • 17 experimental pre-schools are counted in public single type pre-schools (ISCED 1).
  • 12 all-day intercultural education primary schools, 73 all-day minority primary schools and 33 all-day experimental primary schools are counted in public single type all-day primary schools (ISCED 1).
  • There are 623 all-day primary schools (ISCED 1), which operate with 1-5 teachers, based on the teacher-pupil ratio.  These are not counted in public single type all-day primary schools.
  • There are 17 public minority primary schools (ISCED 1) that do not follow the all-day programme. They are not counted in public single-type all-day primary schools.
  • 7 intercultural education schools, 1 art school, 3 music schools,17 experimental schools and 20 model schools are counted in public day lower secondary schools (ISCED 2).
  • One (1) lower secondary intercultural education school with upper secondary classes, 6 general upper-lower secondary ecclesiastical schools, two (2) lower secondary minority education schools with upper secondary classes, 8 lower secondary art schools with upper secondary classes, 48 lower secondary music schools with upper secondary classes and 2 lower secondary experimental schools with upper secondary classes are counted in public day lower secondary schools with upper secondary classes (ISCED 2, 3).
  • 2 Muslim madrasas are counted in public day lower secondary schools with upper secondary classes (ISCED 2, 3). They are religious schools that only students/members of the Muslim minority of Thrace attend.
  • 4 upper secondary intercultural education schools, one (1) general upper secondary music school, 2 model upper secondary ecclesiastical schools, 12 upper secondary experimental schools and 19 upper secondary model schools are counted in public day general upper secondary schools (ISCED 3).
  • 25 model vocational upper secondary schools are counted in public day vocational upper secondary schools (ISCED 3,4).
Statistics on separate educational institutions providing special needs education
Type of educational institution in English (and in Greek) ISCED levels provided Main orientation of the programmes provided​ Number of educational institutions
Total Public Government-dependent institutions Private independent
All-day special education pre-primary school (oloimero nipiagogeio eidikis agogis) 1 (-) 126 126 (-) (-)
All-day special education primary school (oloimero dimotiko scholeio eidikis agogis) 1 (-) 182 183 (-) (-)
Special education lower secondary school (gymnasio eidikis agogis) 2 G 6 6 (-) (-)
Special vocational education and training workshop (ergastirio eidikis epangelmatikis ekpaidefsis) 2 V 95 95 (-) (-)
Special education lower secondary school with upper secondary classes (gymnasio eidikis agogis me lykeiakes taxeis) 2,3 G 2 2 (-) (-)
Special needs vocational lower - upper secondary education school (eniaio eidiko epangelmatiko gymnasio-lykeio) 2,3 V 65 65 (-) (-)
Special education upper secondary school (lykeio eidikis agogis) 3 G 4 4 (-) (-)
Special education vocational training institute (institouto epangelmatikis katartisis eidikis agogis) 4 V 2 2 (-) (-)


  1. Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs - my school/ DIOFANTOS (ITYE), September 2024.
  2. Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, General Secretariat for VET, Lifelong Learning and Training , September 2024.

ISCED= International Standard Classification of Education

G= General V= Vocational
(:) Data not available (-) Not applicable
The 2018 version of the Unesco/OECD/Eurostat Manual on concepts, definitions and classification can be consulted for the definitions of regular education (p. 10); general and vocational programmes of education (p. 19); as well as public institution, government-dependent private institution and private independent institution (pp. 24-26).


  • The educational institutions are counted in accordance with the legal entity approach.
  • The use of (-) indicates that there are no educational institutions within the specific governance category.
  • One (1) all-day special education experimental primary school is counted in public all-day special education primary schools (ISCED 1).