Organisation of doctoral studies
The third cycle of studies refers to the organization of Doctoral Study Programs, with a minimum duration of three (3) academic years, the successful completion of which leads to the attainment of a level eight (8) degree, as recognized by both the National and European Qualifications Framework.
According to l.4957/2022 , Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) may organize third-cycle study programmes, which aim to promote original scientific research and make a substantial contribution to the advancement of knowledge in at least one (1) scientific field and lead to the acquisition of a doctoral degree after the preparation and successful support of a doctoral thesis.
The third-cycle study programmes include the mandatory preparation of a doctoral thesis in a subject related to the scientific area of the Department and may also include an independent programme of doctoral study courses which consists of the attendance and successful completion of an integrated course or other educational or research activities corresponding to a minimum of thirty (30) credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System ECTS).
The doctoral studies regulation sets:
The terms and conditions of the organisation of third cycle study programmes and entry of non-Master’s graduates as PhD students
The deadline for submission of applications, the supporting documents and the language of the thesis
The supervision of the doctoral thesis
The maximum number of doctorate candidates for each supervisor
Any additional duties of doctorate candidates
All issues relevant to the organisation and operation of third cycle programmes.
The duration of studies for the acquisition of a PhD degree is at least 3 years. Six (6) calendar years are defined as the maximum duration for the completion of the doctoral thesis.
Pursuant l.4957/2022, HEIs can organize industrial PhDs. Candidates who meet the enrollment criteria for doctoral study programmes may submit an application for the preparation of a doctoral thesis in collaboration with a company or industry or its subsidiary operating in the country. This collaboration concerns the conduct of industrial or applied research with the aim of generating research results that can lead to the development of innovative products or services. The cooperating company or industry appoints one (1) representative with experience and knowledge related to the subject of the doctoral thesis, whose task is to guide the doctoral candidate. The representative from the business or industry may participate, without the right to vote, in the meetings of the three-member advisory committee and the seven-member examination committee, where they can express their opinions.
Admission requirements
Eligible to apply for a doctoral thesis are postgraduate degree holders of:
Greek higher education institutions
Equivalent foreign institutions
Integrated master’s degree according to l. 4957/2022.
In exceptional cases, non-Masters’ Degree holders, may be accepted as PhD students.
PhD candidates have to submit an application to the secretary of the respective department.
Their application must include:
The proposed title
The language of the thesis (other than Greek if this is foreseen in the doctoral studies regulation)
The name of the provisional supervisor.
Candidates also submit the following:
Curriculum Vitae
Thesis draft
Any other documents defined by the doctoral studies regulation.
The department’s general assembly classifies the doctorate candidates’ applications on the basis of their relevance to the research field. Then, it appoints a committee consisting of three academic staff members of the department concerned.
The committee’s first duty is to examine the applications and interview the candidates.
After that, the committee makes a proposal towards the department’s general assembly, where it states:
The reasons whether the candidate should be accepted or not
The provisional supervisor, in case he/she has not already been proposed by the candidate.
The general assembly takes into account the supervisor’s opinion and the committee’s proposal. It approves or disapproves the candidate’s application justifying its decision. In case of approval, the language of the thesis is also defined.
Universities may issue calls for doctorate candidates. In these, they define:
The terms and conditions
The application procedure
Additional information on the candidates’ duties, such as time limits for the completion of the doctoral thesis.
Status of doctoral students - candidates
Doctorate candidates (ypopsifioi didaktores) are students who follow the third cycle of studies at Universities.
The time-period for obtaining a doctoral degree cannot be less than three full calendar years from the date of the appointment of the three-member advisory committee before which the presentation of the thesis will take place (l. 4957/2022) The maximum duration for the completion of the doctoral thesis is six calendar years. The maximum duration of the doctoral thesis may be extended by decision of the Assembly of the Department, upon the doctoral candidate’s request but only with the agreement of the three-member advisory committee and for exceptional reasons.
Doctoral candidates have the following obligations: (a) submit a detailed written report on the progress of their dissertation on an annual basis to the three-member advisory committee and provide an oral presentation of this progress, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Doctoral Studies; (b) cooperate with the supervisor and the members of the advisory committee in supporting the preparation of their dissertation; (c) provide auxiliary teaching work in accordance with the needs of the first and second cycle programmes of the Department, as indicated by the supervisor; and (d) fulfill any other obligation set forth. Doctoral candidates have the rights of postgraduate students and any other rights specified in the regulations for doctoral studies. Doctoral candidates may participate in research projects/programmes of the HEI and may receive grants under co-funded, self-funded or other projects/programmes for the financial support of their doctoral research.
Supervision arrangements
Writing a doctoral dissertation is a process which demands close cooperation between:
The doctorate candidate
His/her supervisor.
Upon decision of the Assembly of the Department of a Higher Educational Institution (HEI), a three-member advisory committee is appointed, including the supervisor. The advisory committee may include as members, a) academic staff, with the rank of professor, associate professor or assistant professor of any level within the Department of the HEI, b) academic staff from other Departments of the same or another HEI c) Emeritus Professors d) members of teaching and research staff of Higher Military Educational Institutions and Higher Ecclesiastical Academies; (e) researchers of any rank serving at research and technological institutions, including the Academy of Athens and the Institute of Medical Biological Research of the Academy of Athens, as well as the scientific staff of the Hellenic Authority for Geological and Mineral Research (EAGME), provided that they hold a doctoral degree and engage in research activity relevant to the subject of the doctoral thesis; f) professors of from foreign institutions and researchers from foreign research organisations.
The members of the three-member advisory committee have either the same or related subject matter or the same or related scientific work as the doctoral thesis being undertaken. The three-member advisory committee is responsible for supporting the doctoral candidate throughout the preparation and the writing process of the doctoral thesis as well as monitoring its progress.
There are no available data on the employability of PhD holders. PhD holders may follow an academic career or work in the public or private sector.
However, Innovation and Career Offices that operate within HEIs, offer:
Information and career counselling services
Support to students in the diagnosis of their inclinations and skills
Access to the labour market.
After completion of the writing of a doctoral thesis and the submission of the last progress report to the three-member advisory committee, the doctoral candidate submits a request for public defense of the thesis in accordance with the regulations for doctoral studies, (l. 4957/2022). Upon receiving a positive written recommendation from the three-member advisory committee, the Departmental Assembly shall appoint, by decision, a seven-member examination committee to judge and evaluate the doctoral thesis. This examination committee consists of the three-member advisory committee along with four additional members. At least four out of the seven members of the examination committee shall be members of the teaching and research staff of the higher education institution where the doctoral thesis is being conducted. If the above-mentioned recommendation to the Departmental Assembly is not submitted or if it is negative, the procedure may still be continued at the candidate’s request, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations for Doctoral Studies.
A doctoral thesis is publicly defended by the doctoral candidate before a seven-member examination committee, which poses questions to the candidate. The meeting for the public defense of the dissertation may also be held by means of videoconferencing if it is not feasible for all members of the examination committee to be physically present. After the completion of the thesis defense, the seven-member examination committee meet without the presence of third parties to evaluate the doctoral thesis in terms of its quality, completeness, originality of thought and contribution to science and, on the basis of these criteria, to approve or reject the awarding of the doctoral degree. The award of the doctoral degree requires the agreement and positive evaluation of the doctoral thesis by at least five members.
Organisational variations
There is no substantial variation in the organisational structure and methodological emphasis of doctoral studies in Greece, even if they are carried out through distance learning, as i.e. the Hellenic Open University.