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Third-cycle (PhD) programmes


7. Higher education

7.5Third-cycle (PhD) programmes

Last update: 15 November 2024
Organization of Doctoral (PhD) Programs in Georgia

PhD programs represent the third cycle programmes, the highest level of academic achievement in higher education in Georgia, aimed at developing advanced research skills and contributing new knowledge in specific fields of study. These programs are regulated by the Law on Higher Education and typically require a combination of advanced coursework, independent research, and the successful defense of a doctoral dissertation. 

Improvement and development of quality assurance of doctoral education and scientific-research component is one of the essential priorities of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Georgia. For this purpose, at the initiative of the Ministry, a conceptually new standard for evaluating the quality of doctoral education and educational programs at the doctoral level was developed and approved in 2024, which ensures a significant improvement in the quality of the scientific research process of doctoral theses.

It should be noted that the updated document includes the specifics of doctoral-level research, taking into account modern research approaches. It is based on European and international standards and guidelines for doctoral education.

The document concerns such issues as prerequisites for admission to the doctoral educational program, prerequisites for admission to the defense of the dissertation, qualification requirements of the doctoral student's scientific supervisor, the process of reviewing the thesis, the ratio of doctoral students and supervisors, etc.

The doctoral-level education framework document mentioned was developed with the broad involvement of interested parties. The content and all-important details were discussed at Board of Rectors meetings.

PhD Programmes in Georgia cover a broad array of academic fields, including:

  • Humanities and Arts

  • Science, Mathematics and Computing

  • Social Sciences

  • Health and Welfare

  • Law

  • Business

Higher education institutions shall provide doctoral students with a supervisor and ensure appropriate conditions for carrying out works focused on scientific research, which shall include substantiated results of theory and/or experiments. They shall also facilitate the integration of a doctoral student into the international scientific community.

PhD programs in Georgia generally take 3-5 years to complete. This duration can vary depending on the field of study, the specific research program, and if additional time is required for data collection and publication.

Third-cycle studies are typically organized into several stages, including coursework, comprehensive examination, research proposal development, and dissertation defense. The doctoral program's educational component typically includes up to 60 ECTS credits, although this can vary based on the institution and specific program requirements.

After completing a doctoral education programme and presenting a dissertation, a doctoral student shall be granted an academic degree, the title of which shall be determined according to the field of education classification.

A doctoral program focuses on completing a doctoral dissertation, which must make an original contribution to the chosen field of study. The dissertation is expected to be a comprehensive research project demonstrating the candidate's ability to conduct independent, high-level research.

Research Component Doctoral programs are structured to provide significant opportunities for independent research. Candidates are expected to work closely with academic supervisors, who guide them through the research process, help refine their research questions, and ensure the methodological soundness of their work. In many cases, PhD candidates also participate in research seminars and workshops to present their work in progress and receive feedback from peers and faculty.

PhD candidates are often encouraged to participate in teaching or other academic responsibilities within their institutions. This experience helps them develop essential skills for future academic or professional careers.

Admission Requirements 

To be admitted into a PhD program, candidates must hold a Master’s degree or an equivalent qualification. The admission process may include entrance exams specific to the doctoral program or other criteria set by the higher education institution. Institutions also have the flexibility to assess candidates' research proposals or prior academic achievements as part of the admission process.

Status of doctoral students/candidates

In Georgian universities, doctoral students, also referred to as PhD candidates, are legally recognized as students rather than employees.

Supervision arrangements

The supervision of PhD students in Georgian universities is guided by a doctoral-level education framework document that outlines the responsibilities and expectations of the doctoral candidates, their supervisors, and the institution. This framework is designed to ensure that students receive consistent and high-quality guidance throughout their research journey. Supervision arrangements may involve multiple supervisors. 

The scientific supervisor must be a university professor with an academic degree and research experience in the scientific field related to the doctoral student's dissertation topic. HEIs have developed a contract/agreement form to be signed between the doctoral student, his/her supervisor/co-supervisor, and HEI, which defines the rights and duties of all parties; the supervision of the doctoral student is considered to be part of the overall university workload of the relevant academic/scientific staff.


Georgian HEI implements various measures to enhance the employability of PhD graduate and facilitate their entry into the labor market. Framework documents underline as requirementsfor HEI; key initiatives include industry partnerships in order to implement the scientific research component and integrate the graduates into the labor market and advance their careers, and collaborative research opportunities to encourage international mobility and/or participation in international conferences, seminars, and other scientific/creative activities, which aims to develop a solid and inclusive research environment and promotes the establishment of best research practices, internationalization of research and implementation of joint research projects: If necessary, the university should offer doctoral students additional support mechanisms in the form of extracurricular events and activities aimed at the personal, professional, and career development of the doctoral student.


The Assessment of PhD candidates is a comprehensive process designed to evaluate their progress and ensure that they meet the academic standards required for a doctoral degree. The educational component of the doctoral educational program is evaluated using methods corresponding to the content of the educational component and the requirements of the doctoral level, which ensures the evaluation of the knowledge and skills of the doctoral student, including analytical and critical thinking, selection and independent use of research methodology, argumentative expression of opinion, and other skills.

One of the critical evaluation criteria is publication by PhD Candidates. Before submitting a thesis/creative/performative work by a doctoral candidate for the certification of an academic degree, the doctoral candidate is required to publish at least two scientific articles in the relevant field of research, one of which must be published in a peer-reviewed journal with international indexing;

Dissertation and Defense: The culmination of a PhD program is the completion and defense of the doctoral thesis, which is defended according to the doctoral thesis assessment and defense procedures available at the university, which comply with the current legislation. The dissertation must demonstrate the candidate's ability to produce original research and contribute significantly to their field of study. The defense is a public presentation where the candidate presents their findings to a panel of academic experts, who evaluate the quality and rigor of the work. The doctoral thesis is assessed by commission/commissions.


Upon successfully completing the PhD program and the dissertation defense, candidates are awarded a Doctoral Diploma. This diploma certifies the candidate’s academic achievements and research contributions and is recognized both nationally and internationally. Graduates of PhD programs are well-prepared to pursue academic, research, or high-level professional careers.

The process involves specific authorities and bodies that are responsible for awarding degrees, assessing candidates, and maintaining quality standards across higher education institutions, including the NCEQE, which is responsible for setting national standards for doctoral programs, accrediting institutions, and ensuring that the certification process aligns with both national and European Higher Education Area (EHEA) standards and Each university or higher education institution accredited to offer PhD programs is authorized to award doctoral degrees upon successful completion of all program requirements. Institutions must comply with NCEQE guidelines and standards, which are verified during the accreditation and periodic quality assurance processes. Per the law of Higher Education, a Dissertation Council shall grant a Doctor's academic degree as provided by appropriate regulations.

Institutional Autonomy PhD programs in Georgia are subject to the regulations outlined in the Law on Higher Education. Still, institutions enjoy a high degree of autonomy in designing and implementing their doctoral programs. Institutions are responsible for setting the specific requirements for admission, research, and dissertation completion, ensuring that the programs meet national educational standards.