General education in Georgia is a foundational level of compulsory education designed to provide a comprehensive and progressive learning experience through its general education framework, which spans 12 years and is divided into three levels. This framework ensures a comprehensive and seamless educational journey for students, starting with foundational learning and culminating in preparation for higher education or vocational pathways.
Full General Education Structure
Primary Education (Grades I-VI): Primary education is the first stage of general education and is both compulsory and foundational. It caters to students aged approximately 6 to 12 and focuses on developing the basic skills and knowledge required for lifelong learning.
Basic Education (Grades VII-X): Basic education is the second stage of general education, compulsory, lasts four years, and caters to students aged 12 to 16. This level builds upon the foundation established in primary education and prepares students for secondary education or vocational education. At the end of Grade X, students receive a Basic General Education Certificate.
Secondary Education (Grades XI-XII): Secondary education spans two years. This stage allows students to select elective subjects and further specialize in areas of interest that align with their future academic or vocational goals. (See Chapter 6)
The learning outcomes of the basic level of general education comply with generalized learning outcomes defined for level 2 of the National Qualifications Framework. In contrast, the learning outcomes of the secondary education level of general education/complete general education correspond to the generalized learning outcomes defined for level 4 of the National Qualifications Framework.
Georgia’s general education system is designed as a single continuum, with a natural progression from primary to basic education. This integration ensures consistent standards and learning objectives across the two levels. Most of the schools in Georgia offer complete general education. A cohesive curriculum ensures that students progressively build on their skills and knowledge across the three stages. All the stages align with the overarching goals of Georgia’s general education system, emphasizing inclusivity, foundational skills, and civic responsibility.
Legal and Administrative Framework
All acts regulating the general education system of Georgia are created in accordance with the document of national goals of general education, which was approved by the Parliament of Georgia and reflects the main state and public priorities set for the school (resolution of the Parliament of Georgia N4261-XIVმს-Xმპ dated June 12, 2024).
The law of Georgia on General Education regulates the conditions for carrying out complete general educational activities, the principles and procedures for managing and funding general education; it also defines the status of all general education institutions (irrespective of their organizational and legal form), rules for their establishment, functioning, reorganization, liquidation and authorization, as well as the conditions and procedures for implementing teaching activities in general education institutions in Georgia.
The language of instruction in general education institutions is Georgian, while in the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia – Georgian or Abkhazian. However, in the cases determined by Georgia's international agreements and treaties, a foreign language may be the language of instruction in general education institutions. Teaching the official language in such general education institutions and both official languages in the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia is mandatory. Ethnic minorities living in Georgia: Azerbaijanis and Armenians have the opportunity to receive general education in their native language.
The acquisition of knowledge in general education institutions in Georgia is guided by a national curriculum, based on which tools and mechanisms supporting its implementation are being created at all levels of the system: sectoral characteristics of teacher education, national assessments, examination programs, and general education institution authorization standards. Developing a national curriculum is done by the Department of Preschool and General Education Development of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth.
National Curriculum – in Georgia serves as a foundational document guiding the educational process across all levels of general Education. It establishes the framework for teaching, learning, and assessment to ensure consistency and quality throughout the general education system. The curriculum specifically defines:
Mission, Goals, and Priorities: Outlining the objectives and key content focus for teaching and learning at each educational level.
Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Principles: Providing the methodology and standards for effective instruction and student evaluation.
Organizational Guidelines: Addressing specific issues related to structuring and managing the educational process.
Noteworthy, the first chapter of the National Curriculum is mandatory for all general education institutions ), and the second chapter is mandatory for public schools.
General education is fully funded by the state according to the rules established by law through the voucher corresponding to the financial norm calculated per student. (For details, see Chapter 3)
Types of Institutions Offering General Education
Public Schools: Free and state-funded general educational institutions established as legal entities under public law that serve most students in Georgia.
Private Schools: Fee-based general educational institutions established as legal entities under state law and adhering to the national curriculum.
The quality assurance of general education in Georgia is maintained through a combination of internal and external mechanisms, ensuring high standards across all institutions. Internal mechanisms are designed and implemented directly by general education institutions, enabling schools to monitor and improve their own educational practices, aligning with institutional goals and national curriculum standards. External mechanisms are governed by Georgian legislation and implemented under the oversight of the LEPL National Center for Education Quality Enhancement and the primary tool for external quality assurance is authorization, a formal process that ensures institutions meet predefined standards for infrastructure, teaching practices, and overall management. The authorization period for a general education institution is 9 years.