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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Organisation of centre-based ECEC


4.Early childhood education and care

4.2Organisation of centre-based ECEC

Last update: 3 December 2024
  1. Admission Requirements and Choice of Settings:

Under Georgian law, admission to early childhood education and preschool programs is accessible for all children. Importantly, admission is universally accessible and voluntary, ensuring that all eligible children, regardless of citizenship or background, can participate in EPEC services. Municipalities are mandated to implement these services in line with national standards and governmental regulations, guaranteeing that quality EPEC programs are available to all children within their jurisdiction. This legal framework fosters inclusivity and equal access, providing every child in Georgia with the opportunity for early developmental and educational support.

  1. Group Size and Child-Staff Ratios:

The Georgian law establishes clear guidelines for group sizes and child-staff ratios to promote quality and safety within EPEC settings. 

The law specifies group sizes and adult-child ratios:

  • Ages 0-2: No strict definition

  • Ages 2-3: Maximum 25 children, 1 caregiver/caregiver-pedagogue per 13 children

  • Ages 3-5: Maximum 30 children, 1 caregiver/caregiver-pedagogue per 15 children

  • Ages 5-6: Maximum 30 children, 1 caregiver/caregiver-pedagogue per 15 children

 It also allows for multi-age groupings when necessary (e.g., when there are not enough children of the same age).

  1. Annual, Weekly, and Daily Organization:

The academic year for institutions is set by local municipalities, allowing flexibility to address community-specific needs while adhering to state guidelines. Each program day is organized into a 9-hour program, which includes three meals to support children's health and well-being. In addition, children in the school readiness program, intended to prepare them for primary education, receive dedicated instruction for 3 hours daily. This structured schedule is designed to provide a stable and enriching environment that aligns with developmental milestones and prepares children for a smooth transition to formal schooling.