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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Organisation of centre-based ECEC


4.Early childhood education and care

4.2Organisation of centre-based ECEC

Last update: 27 March 2024

Admission requirements and choice of ECEC setting

The procedure and criteria for the admission of children to preschool institutions are laid down in the Rulebook on the manner, procedure and criteria for admission of children in institutions providing preschool education. Children can be admitted to nursery groups from birth to the age of 3 years and to kindergarten groups when they are aged 3-5 years.

Admission is conducted on the basis of a public call, announced by the preschool institution according to the number of available places per educational unit. The call for admission is announced in at least one printed daily newspaper and, as a rule, on the website of the institution with a 15-day deadline for applications.

For the 2023/2024 school year, parents had the opportunity to electronically submit enrolment applications. Children enrolling in preschool institutions for the first time were enrolled electronically. All others were automatically enrolled.

Before a child enters an educational unit, a parent needs to:

  • provide a medical certificate for the child;

  • sign a statement on authorised persons who can take the child out of the institution;

  • conclude a contract on mutual rights and obligations between parents and institution.

A child may be transferred from one educational institution to another on the request of  the parents, if there is an available place in other institution. Parents mostly enroll their child in a unit near their home. The approach of the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation is that all children should be included in preschool education. 

Children with infectious diseases may be temporarily excluded from the institution on the basis of a doctor’s report, in accordance with the statute of the institution.

Group size and child/staff ratios

In preschool institutions, educational groups are organised according to the age of children.

Depending on the age of children, the number of children enrolled in an educational group for the preschool programme is:

  • 8 for children up to the age of 1 year;

  • 12 for children up to the age of 2 years;

  • 14 for children up to the age of 3 years;

  • 10 for children in a mixed group up to the age of 3 years;

  • 20 for children aged 3-4 years;

  • 24 for children aged 4-5 years;

  • 25 for children aged 5-6 years;

  • 20 for children in a mixed group aged 3-6 years. 

In educational groups that include children with disabilities and developmental difficulties, the number of children can be reduced, following the approval of the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation.

Educational and other - professional staff

Educational work in the institution is performed by educators, English language teachers and professional associates.

Educational work with children up to the age of 3 years is carried out by an educator, and care, including preventive care, is carried out by paediatric nurses (also known as health technicians and triage nurses).

Educational work with children aged 3 years until starting school is carried out by educators, and preventive healthcare for children is carried out by paediatric nurses.

The educational work of the specialised programme is carried out by the educators.

Those carrying out educational work with children in their own family are registered as private educators.

Professional associates provide assistance to educators and nurses in performing professional tasks.

Educational work for the English language program is carried out by English teachers. 

Educators are required to have completed a 2-year programme studying preschool education (i.e. level VI of the qualifications framework (180 Montenegrin System of Credit Transfer (Crnogorski sistem prenosa kredita (CSPK)) or level VII of the qualifications framework, sublevel 1 (240 or 300 CSPK credits) for preschool education) (see Chapter 9.1).

English language teachers are required to have a qualification at level VII of the qualifications framework, sublevel 1 (240 or 300 CSPK credits), or to have completed a 2-year English language study programme.

Professional associates are required to have a qualification at level VII of the qualifications framework, sublevel 1 (240 or 300 CSPK credits), for the appropriate role (psychologist, pedagogue, speech therapist, social worker, nutritionist, etc.).

Triage nurses (i.e. nurses / health technicians) are required to have a qualification at least at level IV of the qualification framework, sublevel 1 (at least 240 CSPK credits).

Age of children Maximum number of children per group Maximum number of children per core practicioner Staff members
up to 1 year  8 If groups are significantly bigger, an additional preschool teacher or healthcare technician is required Preschool teacher and healthcare technician
2 years  12 Preschool teacher and healthcare technician
3 years 14

Preschool teacher, English language teacher, and, if there are children with special educational  needs, a teaching assistant.

Healthcare technician working on preventive programmes

4 years 20

Preschool teacher, English language teacher, and, if there are children with special educational  needs, a teaching assistant.

Health care technician working on preventive programmes

5 years 24

Preschool teacher, English language teacher, and, if there are children with special educational  needs, a teaching assistant.

Healthcare technician working on preventive programmes

Annual, weekly and daily organisation

The implementation of the preschool education programme begins on 1 September and ends on 31 August. During the summer and winter breaks, as well as during other holidays, the preschool education programme is carried out at the on-duty institutions iaccording to the needs of parents (i.e. institutions will open if there is a sufficient number of children).

The duration of the daily schedule in institutions throughout the year is determined by the founder, with the approval of the local self-government body, depending on the content of the programme being implemented, according to the needs and interests of parents and children, as well as climate and other environmental conditions.

Preschool education is carried out according to the type of preschool education programme offered in the institution. The basic programme is implemented as a full-day programme, lasting 6-9 hours, or as a half-day programme, taking 4-6 hours, whereas the shorter programme lasts 3 hours per day, and the specialized programme lasts up to 4 hours per day.

An institution is obliged to offer an English language programme for children from the age of 3 years until starting school, if the parents wish for their child to attend. The institution may occasionally organize outdoor programmes and seasonal programmes following the opinion of the Parents’ Council, after the decision of the governing board of the institution.

A shorter programme can be organized one or several times a week, taking up to 4 hours a day, according to the needs and interests of children and parents. For children not included in the basic programme, for the purpose of more efficient preparation for primary school, the institution must implement a short preparatory programme. The institution organizes the preparatory programme for children not covered by the basic programme, at times that does not disturb its regular work and programme. This programme is implemented for children from the age of 5 until they start primary school.

Specialized programmes are offered according to the child’s expressed preferences and the parents’ decision.

Depending on spatial and staffing capacity, an institution may provide a basic programme alongside other programmes for children’s engagement and entertainment.

Institutions adopt annual work plans. The annual work plan of an institution defines, in more detail, the organisation, form, content and schedule of activities of educational work.

The working hours of preschool institutions are 06.00 to 17.00; however, as a rule, this is adapted to the needs of parents.

The table below shows the weekly schedule of activities in a preschool institution for all children.

Typical daily schedule
  Out-of-hours provision (before activities) Morning activities Lunch break Afternoon activities Out-of-hours provision (after activities)

6.00–8.00: arrival

8.30: breakfast

9.00–10.00: interactive learning, group activities in centres of interest

10.00–11.30: outdoor playing

11.00: handwashing and lunch preparation

12.00: lunch

12.00–14.00: relaxing (sleeping or quiet activities)

14.00–17.00: interactive learning, group activities in centres of interest

17.00 Going home
Specialised programmes (music, dancing, theatre, sport, recreation, as well as different forms of entertainment – fun programmes, birthdays, etc.)