The Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation, in partnership with the Centre for Vocational Education, and through the project EPALE National Support Service for Montenegro, co-financed from the ERASMUS+ program within the EU Fund, created a Guide to Transversal Competences in Adult Education.
As part of the regional project Improving the quality of work-based learning through strengthening the role of the organizer of practical classes, which is implemented by OeAD - Agency for Education and Internationalization (former KulturKontakt Austria) for BiH, Serbia and Montenegro, activities are carried out that support the quality of professional education by effectively developing the quality of work-based learning at work (dual education), with a focus on the role and tasks of practical education organizers. As part of the project, national and regional round tables were organized in order to determine similarities and differences in dual education systems in three countries in the region. The activities that will be worked on nationally and regionally in the coming period have been determined. The project implies regional harmonization of work procedures of practical education organizers between Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Within the project BRIDGE - Overcoming the gap - youth work based on cooperation in learning between the countries of the Western Balkans (Erasmus + Project). The goals are to establish cooperation between partners from the Western Balkans and the EU for the implementation of joint activities and events in the network of companies for practice, strengthening the exchange of examples good practices between partner countries and creating a program of joint activities for the exercise company, which could serve as a framework for future cooperation with other regional institutions. The project will strengthen regional cooperation between institutions and actors working on the development of the vocational education sector and the youth training sector, connect national networks of Western Balkan training companies with their partner networks in the EU, build a better understanding among young people from the Western Balkans about how it works EU market, and how in practice companies and young entrepreneurs from the region can adapt to EU laws and regulations, in order to achieve positive educational cooperation.
The EQET SEE regional project is financed by the Austrian Development Agency with funds from the Austrian Development Cooperation, and the partners in the project are: the Initiative for the Reform of Education in Southeast Europe (ERISEE), which coordinates project activities in the economies of the Western Balkans, the Alliance for Work-Based Learning in the Western Balkans (WBA4WBL) - VET agencies / centers from the region, KulturKontakt Austria, Chamber Investment Forum of the Western Balkans, as well as the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. During the 1st and 2nd quarters, preparation activities for the development of regional occupational standards in the field of agriculture were carried out.
Erasmus+ project: Mobility of students and teachers in vocational education. The "Connected through mobility" Project, refers to the mobility of students and teachers from Montenegro, initiated by the Hungarian Embassy and the MeOut organization. The overarching goal of this pilot project is to familiarize four countries of the Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Kosovo, with the international mobility program in vocational education. The students stayed in Greece for the period April-May 2022. Within the framework of the same project, during the II quarter, an invitation was announced for students to participate in the mobility process for 90 days in Slovakia, and the selection process will take place in the III quarter.
Erasmus+ project: Eco-social entrepreneurship (Project BC4ESE - Building capacities for innovation in the education of eco-social entrepreneurship). This project is implemented by a consortium of organizations from the European Union and the Western Balkans. The project "Building capacities for innovation in the education of eco-social entrepreneurship" (Building capacities for innovation in eco-social entrepreneurship education - BC4ESE) aims to establish an innovative framework for cross-sectoral eco-social development, which will enable local associations and young people to actively contribute to the smart, sustainable and inclusive development of target areas in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro , Belgium and Cyprus. As part of the project, material was prepared for a newsletter about the project, a text about the Center for Vocational Education, recorded video content/interviews with young people about entrepreneurial and digital competence, with representatives of the state and private sector about the state of the environment in the local community and activities significant for the environment.