Start of implementation of the project Further Development of the Quality Assurance System in Adult Education and Raising Awareness on the Importance of Lifelong Learning
In 2024, the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (ASOO) started the implementation of the project "Further Development of the Quality Assurance System in Adult Education and Raising Awareness on the Importance of Lifelong Learning".
The project will run until 2029, with the aim of improving the quality assurance system. The main activities include further development of the quality assurance system in adult education, strengthening the capacity of experts and other stakeholders in the adult education system, and promoting lifelong learning.
PIAAC 2023
The Republic of Croatia was included in the second cycle of the PIAAC research, which lasted from 2018 to 2024. The Ministry of Science, Education, and Youth appointed the Agency for Vocational Education and Adult Education as the national body responsible for implementing the PIAAC research in the Republic of Croatia.
Additional information about the research and an overview of the most significant results are available on the website of the Agency for Vocational Education and Adult Education: Summary of PIAAC 2023 Results of the Adult Skills Survey in Croatia.
Curriculum for acquiring andragogic competences for teaching basic skills in adult education
In August 2024, the Decision on the adoption of the Curriculum for the acquisition of andragogic competences for teaching basic skills in adult education was adopted.
As stated in the introduction of the document, one of the most important factors for the development of basic skills in adults are teachers who possess competencies for quality work with adult students, which differ significantly from pedagogical competencies for working with children. This teaching program is intended for teachers in adult education and/or adult education leaders in order to acquire appropriate generic and specific andragogic and didactic, subject-specific, and methodical competences of teachers who teach basic skills.
The programme will start to be implemented in the school year 2024/2025. It will be conducted by higher education institutions licensed to conduct study programmes in the field of pedagogy and educational sciences and by the Agency for Vocational and Adult Education in cooperation with a higher education institution licensed to conduct study programmes in the field of pedagogy and educational sciences.
Upon completion of the programme, qualification level 7.1 according to the Croatian Qualification Framework (CroQF) is acquired.
Evaluation and recognition of competences and outcomes of non-formal and informal learning
In July 2024, the Ordinance on the manner of application and evaluation of prior learning, adopted by the Ministry of Science, Education and Youth, entered into force.
The evaluation of prior learning can include the recognition of sets of learning outcomes and the evaluation of competencies acquired through non-formal and informal learning. It is conducted for the purpose of acquiring a micro qualification (a set or sets of learning outcomes), a partial qualification or a complete qualification at levels 2 to 5 of the Croatian Qualification Framework (CroQF).
Through the process of evaluation of previous learning, a public document is obtained, which is equivalent to a public document obtained by attending an education program.
The evaluation programmes will be carried out by institutions registered for the activity of adult education that meet the prescribed conditions and have a decision on the approval of the implementation of the evaluation program. Institution will prescribe in its general acts detailed procedures for application and evaluation of prior learning, as well as a description of the internal system for ensuring the quality of evaluation of prior learning and ensuring support for applicants.
Decision on financing the implementation of basic adult education and training for simpler jobs in the professions in 2024
In January 2024, the Ministry of Science and Education, on the basis of the Adult Education Act (Official Gazette, 144/21) issued a Decision on financing the implementation of basic adult education and training for simpler jobs in the professions in 2024.
The Ministry of Science and Education will implement the financing of the basic adult education programme in accordance with the Curriculum for Basic Adult Education (Official Gazette, no. 136/2003) and the training programme for simpler jobs in the professions. The programme will be conducted in regular, correspondence-consultative and consultative-instructional form of teaching for Croatian citizens and citizens of member states of the European Economic Area residing in the Republic of Croatia between the ages of 14 and 65. The decision also stipulates monetary amounts per student during the educational period and a protocol for the implementation of financing.
Ordinance on Standards and Norms for the Implementation of Adult Education Programmes
On February 16, 2023 the Ministry of Science and Education issued the Ordinance on Standards and Norms for the Implementation of Adult Education Programmes (OG14/2023).
The Ordinance prescribes the minimum material and personnel requirements for the implementation of adult education programmes, and standards for implementation of programmes on levels 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2. and level 5 in the part related to vocational specialist training of the Croatian Qualification Framework (CROQF), as well as standards for foreign language learning programmes that are based on the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
On February 25, 2023 the Ordinance on the Method of External Evaluation of Adult Education Institutions and Sets of Learning Outcomes, Work and Appointment of the Committee for Objections to the External Evaluation Report came into force.
This by-law act regulates quality assurance in adult education institutions in the Republic of Croatia for the first time.
The project "Development of a quality assurance system in adult education" establishes a quality assurance system in adult education through the development of a model for quality assurance of the adult education system, the introduction of self-evaluation of institutions and external evaluation of adult education institutions and strengthening the capacity of experts to implement a new quality assurance model. Until now, a comprehensive model of quality assurance for adult education has been proposed, including manuals for self-assessment and external evaluation of adult education providers. 25 providers have been included in piloting self-assessment and external evaluation in 2021. Establishing an external evaluation committee and further support to providers is underway in 2022.