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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice



Last update: 23 December 2024


Alternativni programi

Alternativni programi/Alternative programmes are other available plans and programmes of study in osnovno obrazovanje, besides the regular ones, e.g. programmes following Waldorf or Montessori pedagogy.

Cjelodnevna nastava

Cjelodnevna nastava/Full-time classes – a specific form of the extended stay program, designed as a combination of classes and organized free time for at least eight hours a day.

Darovito dijete/učenik

Darovito dijete/učenik / gifted child/student is a child/student who has been identified with above-average general intellectual abilities and/or specific abilities, a high degree of creativity and motivation, and consistency in achieving exceptionally above-average accomplishments and/or work in one or more areas.

Dijete s posebnim odgojno-obrazovnim potrebama

Dijete s posebnim odgojno-obrazovnim potrebama/Child with special educational needs' may refer to: – dijete s teškoćama/child with disabilities – a child who has been identified as having a certain degree and type of disability under social welfare regulations and who is included into regular and/or special educational group in the kindergarten, or into a special educational establishment or – darovito dijete/gifted child – a child who has been identified as possessing an above-the-average ability in one or more fields included in nursery or kindergarten education programmes.

Dječji vrtić

Dječji vrtić/Kindergarten is an institution (with or without branch offices) that provides upbringing, care and education for pre-school children. Pre-school programmes can also be implemented in primary schools, in library playrooms, and in other social, cultural, and sport institutions and organizations (other legal entities).

Dodatna nastava

Dodatna nastava/Additional classes is an individualised form of work with gifted students.

Dopunska nastava

Dopunska nastava/Remedial classes is a form of work with students who do not achieve satisfactory results in the regular programme.

Hrvatski kvalifikacijski okvir

Hrvatski kvalifikacijski okvir/The Croatian Qualifications Framework (CroQF)  is a an instrument for regulating the qualifications system in the Republic of Croatia, and linking the levels of qualifications in Croatia with the levels of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF) and Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA), and indirectly with the qualification levels of qualification frameworks in other countries.

Izvannastavne aktivnosti

Izvannastavne aktivnosti/Out-of-class activities – educational activities conducted in school planned, programmed, organised and executed by the school which students can participate in on voluntary basis.


Kurikul/kurikulum / Curriculum – is a way of regulating, planning, implementing, and evaluating the educational process, which can be defined at different levels – the entire education system (National curriculum) or its individual parts (e.g., National curriculum for early childhood and preschool education and care, National curriculum for vocational education, Curriculum for the subject Croatian language, etc.), at the level of the educational institution (e.g. School curriculum, Kindergarten curriculum, etc.), and at the individual level.

Kombinirani razredni odjel

Kombinirani razredni odjel/Combined class of students is a group of students consisting of two, three or four classes, commonly formed in schools with few students.

Modularna nastava

Modularna nastava/modular classes is a pupil-centered teaching that encourages independent, responsible and active learning through certain teaching strategies and methods. Modular teaching, conducted by teacher moderators, is based on a modern consideration of the purpose, function and provision of vocational education and training with relevant scientific knowledge, and includes combining general education subjects into applied programmes. The pupil is in the center of attention, and the emphasis is on learning outcomes. Also, cooperation between teachers and project teaching are encouraged.

Mreža osnovnih škola

Mreža osnovnih škola/Network of primary schools is a group of institutions of primary education, head and branch schools and branch classes which provide primary education locally and regionally, and which is defined by its enrolment area.

Napredovanje učitelja i suradnika

Napredovanje učitelja i suradnika/Promotion of teachers and expert associates is a framework for promotion of full-time teachers through which they can attain a higher rank in educational work on the basis of the evaluation of their work with students, their work in extracurricular activities and their professional development.


Nastava/Classes is planned and organised form of education in schools or other educational institutions. Nastava is organized as set of scheduled activities following nastavni plan and nastavni program.

Nastava u kući i/ili zdravstvenoj ustanovi

Nastava u kući i/ili zdrastvenoj ustanovi/Homeschooling and/or in a health facility - For pupils who cannot attend classes due to major motor difficulties or chronic diseases, the school, with the approval of the Ministry, organizes classes at home, or in a health institution if the pupil is undergoing long-term treatment, and enables taking a subject or class exam. Teaching at home can be conducted in the form of distance teaching (virtual teaching), using means of electronic communication.

Nastavni plan

Nastavni plan/Plan of study – a document containing the stipulated names and number of subjects and of other school activities and the weekly and annual number of classes for each grade and each class.

Nastavni program

Nastavni program/Programme of study – a document defining the goal, content and scope of other class and school activities.

Obrazovanje djece i mladeži s teškoćama u razvoju

Obrazovanje djece i mladeži s teškoćama u razvoju/Education of disabled children and youth - is carried out in basic schools in special training-educational groups and class units within the school. In the case of heavier developmental difficulties, basic education is provided in special institutions. Disabled children can attend school until the age of 21.

Obrazovanje na jeziku i pismu nacionalne manjine 

Obrazovanje na jeziku i pismu nacionalne manjine/Education on language and script of national minority - In areas with large national minority population, basic and secondary schools (school units) are established with educational programmes in their respective languages and scripts.

Obrazovanje odraslih

Obrazovanje odraslih/Adults Education - it is implemented through formal (primary and secondary), non-formal and informal learning programs, and it is carried out by adult education institutions and other bodies registered for providing adult education programs.  


Odgojitelj/Preschool Teacher is a professional qualified for performing educational work with children in kindergartens or within other legal entities providing an organised form of preschool education.

Odgojno obrazovna skupina

Odgojno obrazovna skupina/Educational group is a group of a relatively stable number of students from one, two or more classes, formed with the purpose of carrying out elective, catch-up and additional classes, out-of-class activities and other forms of work in the school.

Osnovno obrazovanje

Osnovno obrazovanje/Basic education - lasts for eight years and is compulsory as a rule for all children between the age of six and fifteen. It gives basic general education according to the established educational plan and programme.

Osnovna glazbena i baletna škola

Osnovna glazbena i baletna škola/Basic music and ballet school are educational institutions which prepare children for the continuation of education in secondary art schools of the same kind. The pupils are obliged to concurrently attend a regular basic school.

Osnovna škola

Osnovna škola/Primary school (ISCED 1 and ISCED 24) is an educational institution providing education and having the minimum of one class of students in each grade, from grade 1 to grade 8.

Osnovna škola s otežanim uvjetima rada

Osnovna škola s otežanim uvjetima rada/School with less-favoured working conditions are educational institutions located on the islands, hilly and mountain regions and areas with poor road and traffic connections, as well as the schools to which the ministry in charge of education has granted this status under special regulations.

Područna škola

Područna škola/Branch school is an educational institution which is dislocated from the head office of the head school but is in its programme and staff associated with it. It is established if its enrolment quota guarantees a sufficient number of students for organising the minimum of one class of students in each grade, from grade I to grade IV, or from grade V to grade VIII, and if it complies with the Standard regulating its activities.

Područni odjel

Područni odjel/Branch class is a class or classes of students which are dislocated from the head office of the head school and do not meet the requirements for establishment of a branch school.

Posebni razredni odjel

Posebni razredni odjel/Special class of students – a group of students of the same grade, approximately the same age, with special educational needs, enrolled in a special programme for students with severe learning disabilities.

Poludnevna nastava

Poludnevna nastava/Part-time classes – classes organised in a single half-day (either morning or afternoon) shift.

Predmetna nastava

Predmetna nastava/Subject classes – classes organised by subjects and grouped by educational fields.

Predškolsko obrazovanje

Predškolsko obrazovanje/Pre-school education non-mandatory education for all children from three years of age to school age.

Produženi boravak

Produženi boravak/Extended stay – an organised stay and meals for children in the school after the regular, compulsory classes and school activities have finished.

Produženi stručni postupak

Produženi stručni postupak/Extended professional treatment is a professional assistance programme for children with special educational needs, involving providing assistance in acquiring educational contents, rehabilitation programmes and interest groups for encouraging students’ creativity.

Razredni odjel

Razredni odjel/Class of students – a group of students of the same grade and of approximately the same age and educational and emotional level.

Razredna nastava

Razredna nastava/Classroom teaching – class organisation in the first four grades of primary school where one teacher teaches the majority of the programme contents.

Redovita nastava

Redovita nastava/Regular classes – a planned educational activity in school requiring compulsory attendance and participation in educational and school work in accordance with the prescribed plan and programme of study and which is performed during the entire school year.


Smjena/Shift is organisation of daily timetable in two or three time blocks with the goal of organising classes for all students from a given enrolment area.

Srednje obrazovanje

Srednje obrazovanje/Upper secondary education (ISCED 3) is non-compulsory level of education above the osnovna škola which may last from one to four years. It gives education and skills that are necessary either to enter the labour market or to continue with the education. Upper secondary education is not compulsory. Depending on education plan and programme, there are following types of upper secondary schools:

  • grammar schools/gimnazije
  • technical and related schools/tehničke i srodne škole
  • art schools/umjetničke škole
  • industrial and crafts schools/industrijske i obrtničke škole.


Srednje obrazovanje mladeži s teškoćama u razvoju

Srednje obrazovanje mladeži s teškoćama u razvoju/Upper secondary education of disabled youth is provided by applying individual methods within special class units or educational institutions.

Stručni suradnik

Stručni suradnik/Expert Associate is a person with qualifications in pedagogy, psychology or special education and rehabilitation providing assistance to children and teachers in education and contributing to the development and enhancement of the field of education.

Stručno usavršavanje učitelja i stručnih suradnika

Stručno usavršavanje učitelja i stručnih suradnika/Professional development of teachers and expert associates is a continual professional progress of teachers and expert associates by means of official and unofficial, group and individual forms of training and acquisition of additional knowledge and skills with the goal of improving one’s personal competences and abilities in one’s own field and in the entire field of education.

Studentski dom

Studentski dom/Boarding homes for students/Dormitories are institutions that provide board and lodging for students during their studies. Besides accommodation, meals can be provided.

Stručni studiji

Stručni studiji/Professional studies are organised and carried out at polytechnics and universities and include professional short studies, professional undergraduate studies and professional graduate studies. Professional study trains students to perform professional work in the business world, the public sector and society in general.

Sveučilišni studiji

Sveučilišni studiji/University studies are organised and carried out at the university and include university undergraduate studies, university graduate studies, university integrated studies, university specialist studies and doctoral studies. University studies prepare students for work in science, art and higher education, in the business world, the public sector and society in general.


Škola/School is an educational institution providing formal education. In education statistics a school is considered a group of pupils following the same educational plan and programme at a certain location. Each geographically separated unit (a class) is also considered a school (a school unit).

Učenički dom

Učenički dom/Boarding homes for pupils - are institutions that provide board and lodging for pupils during their studies and organize educational work, cultural and other pupils’ activities.


Učenik/Student is an agent of the educational process, a person who has been officially enrolled in a primary or secondary school and who acquires knowledge and develops competences and skills, habits and educational values by attending a compulsory and non-compulsory primary school.

Učenik s posebnim odgojno-obrazovnim potrebama

Učenik s posebnim odgojno-obrazovnim potrebama/Student with special educational needs is a student with disabilities or a potentially gifted student.

Učenik s teškoćama

Učenik s teškoćama/student with disabilities is subcategory of učenik s posebnim odgojno-obrazovnim potrebama that refers to a student whose abilities in interaction with factors from the environment limit his full, effective and equal participation in the educational process with other students. It includes physical, mental, intellectual, sensory impairments and functional disorders (e.g. impairments of vision, hearing, organs and organ systems, language and speech communication disorders and specific learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, behavioral disorders and mental health impairments), or a combination of several types of disorders. Students can be enrolled in a regular, individualised or special programme classes depending on the type and degree of disability.

Učenje temeljeno na radu

Učenje temeljeno na radu/work-based learning is the process of acquiring knowledge and skills and the associated independence and responsibility in a vocational education institution, in a vocational education institution and at the employer, or at the employer.


Učitelj/Teacher is a person who has received formal education and qualifications in teaching and education of students in an educational institution in osnovna škola.

Učitelj za provođenje nastave u posebnim razrednim odjelima

Učitelj za provođenje nastave u posebnim razrednim odjelima/skupinama i skupinama produženoga stručnog postupka/Teacher conducting classes in special classes of students/groups and the groups undergoing an extended professional treatment – a person who has received formal education in the field of special education and rehabilitation and is qualified for teaching and education of children with disabilities.

Upisno područje

Upisno područje/Enrolment area is the area from where children who have registered permanent or temporary residence in that area are entitled to enrol in a particular school, or an institution providing primary education.


Veleučilišta/Polytechnics - carries out higher education and professional activities. The polytechnic can perform scientific or artistic activities and other activities in accordance with the law and statute. The polytechnic is managed by the administrative council, the dean and the polytechnic council. 

Visoka učilišta

Visoka učilišta/Institutions of higher education - are founded with the aim of carrying out activities of higher education and scientific, artistic and professional activities. A university is an institution and can be a university, faculty, art academy and polytechnic. The basic general act of a higher education institution is the statute. A higher education institution is established as a public or private higher education institution.