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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice



Last update: 19 December 2024


Acronym of Alta formazione artistica, musicale e coreutica (Higher education for the fine arts, music, and dance). The AFAM system groups all institutions offering higher education programmes in the arts, music, and dance sectors: Academies of Fine Arts, the National Academy of Drama, Higher institutes for Artistic Industries (ISIA), Conservatoires, the National Dance Academy and officially recognised music institutes. Afam institutions have legal status and statutory, teaching, scientific, administrative, financial, and accounting autonomy. AFAM institutes organise programmes and release qualifications of the first, the second, and the third cycle of the Bologna Process (ISCED 6, ISCED 7 and ISCED 8, respectively). The AFAM system is described in the chapter on Higher education.


Acronyms of Credito Formativo Universitario and Credito Formativo Accademico, to indicate the credits awarded by universities and institutions of the Afam system, respectively. CFU/CFAs measure the volume of study work, including individual study, in the university system. Each credit is equivalent to 25 hours of full-time study and one year is equivalent to 60 credits. 1 CFU/CFA corresponds to 1 ECTS credit. For further details please refer to the chapter on Higher education.


Acronym of Centro Provinciale per l'Istruzione degli Adulti (Provincial centre for adult education). CPIAs are the main providers of adult education, together with upper secondary schools. CPIAs are public institutions, financed with public funds, organised in local networks. They have the same level of autonomy as state schools: they have their own premises, staff and collegiate bodies. They provide courses called of the 'first-level' leading to a lower secondary certification and to the certification of competences in compulsory education, as well as literacy courses and Italian language courses for foreign adults. CPIAs are described in the chapter ‘Adult education’.

Diploma accademico

General term indicating the qualification issued in the Higher education for the fine arts, music, and dance (AFAM) system. The first level of Diploma accademico is issued at the end of a first-cycle programme (ISCED 6), while the second level of Diploma accademico is issued at the end of a second-cycle programme (ISCED 7); the Diploma accademico di formazione alla ricerca is issued at the end of a third -cycle programme and correspond to Doctoral studies. Certifications are described in the relevant section of the chapter ‘Higher education’.

Diploma di perfezionamento o Master

Diploma issued by institutes belonging to the Higher education for the fine arts, music, and dance (AFAM) system at completion of in-depth studies in certain study sectors as well as of professional refreshing or re-qualification and lifelong learning needs. The requirement to access these courses is a second-level academic diploma. Courses have a duration of at least 1 year (60 credits). The term 'Master' does not refer to the second-cycle qualification of the Bologna process (Master degree). Certifications are described in the relevant section of the chapter ‘Higher education’.


Term indicating the right/duty of all to receive education and training for at least 12 years or until the obtainment of a certificate within 18 years of age.


Acronym of Istruzione e Formazione Professionale (Vocational education and training). The IeFP system is under the responsibility of the single Regions. It is organised into three and four-year courses for those who have completed the first cycle of education and wish to complete their compulsory education in the vocational training system or receive a three-year qualification by their 18th year of age (known as diritto/dovere). The courses are organised by accredited training agencies or upper secondary schools. At the end of regional courses, learners receive a qualification that gives them access to second-level regional vocational courses or, under certain conditions, to short-cycle tertiary education. IeFP courses are described in the chapter ‘Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education’.

Istituto comprensivo (comprehensive institute)

Istituto comprensivo (comprehensive institute) is the ordinary form of organisation of schools from the preprimary up to the lower secondary level of education. The comprehensive institute is an administrative unit that groups one or more preprimary, primary and lower secondary schools. The purpose of comprehensive institutes is to assure didactic continuity within the same cycle of education. A single school manager is responsible for the managing and administration of the whole comprehensive institute. For further details please refer to the section ‘Administration and governance at local and/or institutional level’.

ITS or ITS Academy

ITS is the acronym of Istituto Tecnologico Superiore. ITSs are highly specialised technical schools established to meet the demand of new and high-level competences coming from the labour market, both in the public and private sectors. Courses are organised according to the priorities indicated by the economic planning at regional level. Courses are accessible to holders of an upper secondary education qualification and lead to qualifications corresponding to the EQF level 5 and EQF level 6. For further details on ITSs please refer to the chapter ‘Higher education’.


Qualification issued by universities at completion of a first-cycle programme (3 years of studies corresponding to 180 credits) and after successfully passing the final exam. It has academic value and does not qualify to work freelance in one of the regulated professions. It gives access to the second-cycle programmes and to the qualifying State exams required to enrol in the relevant professional registers. Certifications are described in the relevant section of the chapter ‘Higher education’.

Laurea specialistica/magistrale

Qualification issued by universities at completion of a second-cycle programme (2 years of studies corresponding to 120 credits, or the number of years foreseen for single-cycle programmes corresponding to or 300-360 credits) and after successfully passing the final exam. It has academic value and does not qualify to work freelance in one of the regulated professions. It gives access to Doctoral studies and to the qualifying State exams required to enrol in the relevant professional registers. Certifications are described in the relevant section of the chapter ‘Higher education’.


General term indicating institutes providing general upper secondary education for students aged between 14 and 19 years old. There are six different types of liceo specialising in: arts, classical studies, sciences, music and dance, foreign languages, human sciences. General upper secondary education is described in the relevant sections of the chapter ‘Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education’.

Master universitario

Certificate issued by universities after completion of scientific specialisation courses of 1 year (60 credits). Courses can be of two levels: the first-level courses can be accessed by holders of a Laurea, while the second-level courses can be accessed by holders of a Laurea Magistrale. The term 'Master' does not refer to the second-cycle qualification of the Bologna process (Master degree). Certifications are described in the relevant section of the chapter ‘Higher education’.


Acronym for Piano educativo individualizzato (individualised education plan). PEI is the document drawn up by schools in collaboration with the national health service and parents of pupils with disabilities, describing tools and strategies aimed at creating a positive learning environment; the plan describes also interventions tailored for these pupils in a specific period of time.


Acronym for Piano didattico personalizzato (personalised plan). PDP is the document that contains specific support measures for pupils with proven specific learning/developmental disorders and special educational needs due to proven disadvantage from socio-economic, linguistic and cultural factors. For example, through the PDP pupils are allowed the use of compensative tools and are exempted from some activities.


Acronym of Piano triennale dell'offerta formativa (Three-year educational offer plan). The PTOF is the steering document that describes the cultural and planning identity of the single school institution. It defines the curricular, extra-curricular, educational and organisational projects that each school adopts every three years according to the school autonomy regulations. It has a three-year duration but can be reviewed annually and must be made public by schools. For further details, please refer to the section on administration at institutional level.

Scuola paritaria

Non-State school that, at certain conditions, has the same status of State schools. To obtain and maintain parity, paritarie schools must guarantee, among the others: an educational project coherent with the current regulations, the transparency and publicity of balance, the availability of premises and equipment, the presence of collegiate bodies, enrolment and inclusion for all students, qualified teaching and managing staff. Independent schools with parity are free to choose their own cultural orientation and teaching approach. Moreover, they deliver the same certificates and qualifications of State schools. Independent schools with parity receive partially a direct financing from the State and an indirect financing from grants to pupils and tax relief for families. This type of school is described in more details in the sections on the organisation of private education.

Sezione primavera (spring section)

One of the ECEC services for children under three years of age. Spring sections are ECEC sections set at preprimary schools and welcome children aged between 24 and 36 months. Spring sections are set and managed by the Regions or by the State and must be considered as a separate organisation from the preprimary school where they operate. For further details on the ECEC services for children under the age of three years please refer to the relevant chapter.