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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice



Last update: 7 January 2025


  1. Academic Year [Vit akademik]: Academic year. Refers to higher education system
  2. Academia [Akademia]: The law on higher education states that academia is a higher education institution that operates in the area of profiled higher education, scientific research, creative and professional activities. It consists of at least one faculty. In compliance with its area of study, an Academia can offer study programmes for all cycles and study programmes with a professional character.
  3. Academic career [Karrierë akademike]: Academic career is, according to the law on higher education the scientific and teaching activity exercised by academic staff of higher education institutions.
  4. Accreditaton [Akreditimi]. According to the law on higher education accreditation is the independent process for the external evaluation of quality which defines whether higher education institutions and/or study programmes offered by them fulfil or not the defined quality standards conform the legislation enforce. 
  5. Application tariff [tarifa e aplikimit]: Application tariff. Within the framework of the law on higher education this tariff entails the monetary value paid by the student to apply into a study programme.
  6. Basic Education [Arsimi bazë]: Basic education according to the law on pre-university education basic education starts at the age of six and is compulsory. It is composed by two cycles: primary and lower secondary.
  7. Competition tariff [Tarifa e konkurrimit]: Competition tariff. Based on the law on higher education it entails the monetary amount paid by the student to compete into higher education institutions in order to be entitled to a study progamme in those institutions where competition is obligatory.
  8. Core curricula [Kurrikula bërthamë]: According to the law on pre-university education it is a joint curriucla for all pupils of the same level in pre-university education system.
  9. Curricula [Kurrikula]: Curricula, within the law on pre-university education is defined as the whole documentation including the curricular framework, the school plan, teaching programme, text and other materials in a subject or area of learning and the whole activity  organized in the learning environment that serves for providing certain qualifications of the pupils.
  10. Curricular Framework [Kornizë kurrikulare]: According to the law on pre-university education this is the key curricular document that describes the general intentions of the curricula key competences and expected results of pupils regarding knowledge, skills and stances at the end of basic and upper secondary education, aims of learning areas and general principles of teaching and learning process as well as of pupils assessment.
  11. Core Curricula [Kurrikula Bërthamë]: Is a curricula that is the same for all students of the same education level in pre-university education.
  12. Creches [Çerdhet]: Institutions for children 0 to 3 years old. They are dependent from local governance units.
  13. Education in Distance [Arsim në distance]: Education in distance is defined in the law on pre-university education as a way of education where most of the learning/teaching process is conducted where the pupil and teacher are not at the same place and by using ICT means.
  14. Education Institution [Institucion arsimor]: Education institution within the meaning of the law on pre-university education it includes kindergartens and or schools.
  15. External Evaluation [vlerësim I jashtëm]: Refers to evaluations at pre-university education system conducted at national or local level by regional directorate or other institutions external to the school.
  16. General High School [Gjimnaz]: General high school with a duration of three years.
  17. Higher Education [Arsimi i lartë]: Higher education. According to the law on higher education this type of education is offered after completing secondary education by higher education institutions.
  18. Higher Education Institutions [Institucione të Arsimit të Lartë]: Based on the law on higher education higher education institutions include the juridical entities that offer higher education or professional qualification following completing of higher secondary education. Depending on the type of institution, most higher education institutions conduct also scientific research and exercise their activity based on legislation enforce.
  19. Higher Secondary Education [Arsimi i mesëm i lartë]: Higher secondary education is optional. It can be followed in general high schools and in vocational ones.
  20. Higher Vocational College [Kolegji i Lartë Profesional]:  Higher Vocational College is a higher education institution with professional orientation that prepares professionals with practical skills. It consists of at least two departments. It offers teaching activities that last for 1-2 academic years and correspond respectively with 60 or 120 ECTS. It may be established in affiliation with higher education institutions, which have the status of universities and university colleges. In these cases, it shall be considered as a main unit of the institution. In all other cases, the higher vocational education college is considered a special unit of a higher education institution
  21. Internal Evaluation [Vlerësim i brendshëm]: Internal evaluation
  22. Joint Diploma [Diplomë e përbashkët]:  According to the law on higher education this diploma is issued jointly by agreement by at least two higher education institutions and testifies the successful completion of a joint study programme.
  23. Key competences [Kompetencat themelore]: Within the meaning of pre-university education law these include the competences needed by all individuals for fulfillment and self-development, for active citizenship, social inclusion and employment.
  24. Kindergarten [Kopsht]: Kindergarten is defined by preuniversity law as the education institution that offers education service that equal the code 0 level.
  25. Lifelong learning [Të mësuarit gjatë gjithë jetës]:  Lifelong learning, according to the new law on higher education is the following of activites or teaching programmes in different life periods aiming to enhance knowledge and study or professional skills
  26. Lower Secondary Education [Arsim i mesëm i ulët]: Lower secondary education comprises the second cycle of 9 years schools classes.
  27. Minister [Ministri]:Refers to the minister that covers issues of education
  28. Ministry [Ministri]: Refers usually to the institution in charge for education issues
  29. Multiple or Dual Diploma [Diplomë e dyfishtë ose e shumëfishtë]: Based on the law on higher education this type of diploma is launched apart by two or more higher education institutions by means of an agreement and marks successful completing of a joint study programme.
  30. Parents Council [Këshilli i prindërve]: Parents council is within the framework of pre-university education law, a joint organ composed by representatives of parents of students of the education institution.
  31. Pre-school education [Arsim parashkollor]: Pre-school education starts from 0 to 6 years old
  32. Pre-university Education [Arsim parauniversitar]: According to the law on pre-university education the pre-university education system includes education levels coded 0, 1, 2 and 3 based on “International Standard Classification of Education approved by UNESCO in 1999. It is composed respectively by: 0 pre-school education 1 basic education 2. Lower secondary education 3. Higher secondary education
  33. Priority document [Dokumenti i prioriteteve]: Based on the law on higher education is the paper defining the expenditure structure of the public fund for higher education and scientific research in conformity with the country’s priorities.
  34. Pupil [Nxënës]: Pupils are defined by pre-university education law as the person that takes education in pre-university education.
  35. Pupil with limited abilities [Nxënës me aftësi të kufizuara]: Pupil with limited abilities: is the pupil with long term physical, mental or other types of damages that might obstacle him/her to take part in a full and equal way in his education and social life. 
  36. Provimet e Lirimit: test given upon completion of lower secondary education
  37. Provimet e Maturës: Tests given upon completion of upper secondary education
  38. Quality Code [Kodi i cilësisë]:  Within the framework of the law on higher education this code includes a summary of standards and guidance for internal and external quality assurance in higher education
  39. Registration Tariff [Tarifa e rregjistrimit]: Registration tariff is defined by the law on higher education as the monetary value paid by the student to register in a certain programme of study
  40. School [Shkolla]: Refers to institutions that offer education with codes 1,2,3 as predicted in the law for higher education. This includes basic education institutions and upper secondary education ones.
  41. School texts [Tekste Shkollore]: Is the text used in the learning process as one of the sources of knowledge and information in print or in digital format for a specific learning area, by private publishers and/or public institutions with publishing rights certified by the ministry.
  42. School Year [Vit shkollor]: Refers to pre-university education system.
  43. Scholarship [Bursa]: According to the law on higher education it is the monetary amount provided for supporting education of a student based on his/her academic achievement or other criteria set conform the legal acts enforce.
  44. Student: In terms of pre-university education student is the person that follows different levels of this type of education for a given period on time. In terms of higher education student referrs to the person that follows higher education institution programmes for a given period in time. 
  45. Student tracking [Gjurmimi i studentëve]: Student tracking is defined into the law on higher education as the process of following of higher education students in regard to his/her further qualifications based on the completed programme in the respective higher education institution.
  46. Teacher [Mësues]: Teacher. Pre-university education law defines the teacher as the person that has gained the right to exercise the profession of teaching in pre-university education.
  47. Teaching programme [Program mësimor]: Within the pre-university education system this refers to a document containing the aims, objectives and learning results as well assessment methodologies for one subject or area.
  48. University [Universitet]: University is a higher education institution that operates in the area of education, scientific research, creative and professional activities. It represents an integrated structure composed of main units, basic units and other units as the institution statutes provide for, including at least three main units. University provides higher education, development of knowledge, science, innovation and professions. It conducts basic and applied scientific research activities in compliance with its study programmes, with the higher education law and with its statutes. A university offers study programmes in all higher education study cycles and programmes with a professional character.
  49. University College [Kolegji Universitar]: University College is consists of main units, basic units and other units as provided in its statutes. It includes at least two faculties and provides higher education, knowledge, scientific and innovation development as well as professional programmes. A College conducts basic scientific research activities in line with the areas of its study programmes and its statutes. Such institutions offer study programmes in the first and/or second study cycle and programmes with a professional character.
  50. Vlerësim i jashtëm: External evaluation