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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice



Last update: 8 August 2024



A-level refers to a subject’s level in general upper secondary education. A-level is the highest level in general upper secondary education.

AMU - Arbejdsmarkedsuddannelse

Adult vocational training programme

Adult vocational training programmes consist of relatively short courses targeted unskilled and skilled workers, who wish to maintain and/or develop their vocational competencies and qualifications further. AMU-centres, vocational colleges, private education institutions and a few university colleges offer AMU programmes. Most of the institutions charge tuition fees for AMU programmes.

AUB - Arbejdsgivernes Uddannelsesbidrag

The Employers’ Reimbursement Fund

The Employers’ Reimbursement Fund is an independent institution that finances and administrates reimbursement and subsidy schemes in the vocational education and training area. The objective is to obtain more training places.

AVU - Almen Voksenuddannelse

General adult education

General adult education is a programme for adults, who wish to improve their common competencies. Adult education centres (VUC) offer the programme as single-subject courses, which the participants can piece together according to their requirements and needs. The subjects are completed with tests and exams.



B-level refers to a subject’s level in general upper secondary education. B-level is the middle level in general upper secondary education.

BUPL - Børne- og Ungdomspædagogernes Landsforbund

The Danish National Federation of Early Childhood Teachers and Youth Educators

The Danish National Federation of Early Childhood Teachers and Youth Educators is a trade union and unemployment insurance fund for pedagogues.



Kindergartens are day care centres for children over the age of three. Typically, the children attend kindergarten until they begin primary and lower secondary education. The municipalities or private suppliers manage the kindergartens.



C-level refers to a subject’s level in general upper secondary education. C-level is the lowest level in general upper secondary education.


Day care centres

Day care centres refer to both public and private day care centres in which early childhood education and care takes place. The Ministry of Children and Education is responsible for day care centres.


Day care in private homes

Day care in private homes encompasses the care of a few children, typically under the age of three in the childminder’s private home.

DLF - Danmarks Lærerforening

The Danish Union of Teachers

The Danish Union of Teachers is a trade union for teachers that represents their interests in relation to salary and working conditions and their pedagogical and school policy interests.

DPU - Danmarks Institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse

Danish School of Education

The Danish School of Education is one of the three departments at the faculty of arts at Aarhus University. The school offers a number of postgraduate programmes within the fields of preschool, compulsory schooling and lifelong learning.


Continuation schools

Continuation schools are an alternative to the ordinary school system that enables 14-17-year-olds to meet the compulsory education obligation outside the traditional mainstream education system. Continuation schools are boarding schools, where the pupils live at the school.

EUD – Erhvervsuddannelse

Vocational education and training programme

EUD is a vocational education and training programme for young people up to the age of 24 who want to start a vocational education and training programme immediately after form level nine or ten.

EUV - Erhvervsuddannelse for voksne

Adult vocational education and training

EUV is a vocational education and training programme for adults at the age of 25 or above who want to start a vocational education and training programme. The education programme is adjusted according to the students’ potential work experience and preceding education.

EUX - Erhvervsfaglig studentereksamen i forbindelse med erhvervsuddannelse

Vocational education programme qualifying for access to higher education

EUX is a vocational education and training programme for people who wish to combine a vocational education with an upper secondary exam. Students complete the part of the EUX, which gives access to higher education as a one-year course and continue with the main course of their chosen educational training programme.


Folk high school

Folk high schools are residential schools offering non-formal education for adults at courses varying in length, the most typical being four months. Students can freely choose from a wide variety of different subjects and classes.


Liberal adult education

Liberal adult education is non-formal education. It encompasses evening classes, folk high schools, day high schools and university extension courses. The purpose of non-formal education is to broaden general, social and democratic competencies. The Ministry of Culture is responsible for liberal adult education.


Public primary and lower secondary school

Public primary and lower secondary schools offer ten years of comprehensive compulsory education, including one year of pre-school and nine years of primary and lower secondary education. In addition, they offer a one-year optional tenth form. The municipalities are responsible for the public primary and lower secondary schools.

Folkeskolens nationale overgangstest

The temporary national test of the Folkeskole

The tests are digital and self-correcting tests that give teachers an insight into the individual pupil’s academic skills. In addition, the tests are linear, which means that all pupils have to complete the same tasks in the same order. It is compulsory for the pupils to complete the national tests in Danish (reading) and mathematics. New national tests in primary and lower secondary education come into effect from 2026/2027.


The Danish Parliament (the legislative assembly)

Folketinget is the Danish Parliament, which has four major tasks: to pass bills, to exercise control over the government, to adopt the state budget and to take part in international cooperation.

Folketingets EU-oplysning

EU Information Centre

The EU information centre is a politically neutral information service set up by the Danish parliament (Folketinget). The objective of the centre is to answer questions from citizens concerning the EU and to disseminate information and documentation concerning the EU to all interested parties. 


University extramural department

A university extramural department is a university that is open to everybody and has no exams or admission requirements. The objective is to disseminate knowledge about research results and research methods as well as promoting active citizenship. The Ministry of Culture is responsible for the university extramural departments.


The amount of money students is allowed to earn before taxes while receiving state educational grants (SU).

Frie fagskoler

Vocational schools

Vocational schools offer practical or vocational subjects combined with general instruction. Pupils in a vocational school do not obtain formal qualifications, but receive an instruction that aims at preparing the pupils for further education. Vocational schools are boarding schools, where the pupils live at the schools.

FVU - Forberedende voksenundervisning

Preparatory adult education

The purpose of the FVU programme is to prepare adults for further education and strengthen their participation in society. The programme is targeted adults over 25 years, who wish to clarify, improve and supplement their basic skills in reading, spelling, writing, mathematics, digital task completion, and English

GL - Gymnasieskolernes Lærerforening

The Danish National Union of Upper Secondary School

GL organises teachers in the general upper secondary schools in Denmark. GL’s purpose is to represent its members’ economic, pedagogical, and academic interests.

Hf - Højere forberedende eksamen

Higher Preparatory Examination Programme

Hf is a two-year general upper secondary education, which qualifies the student for admission to a higher education programme at business academies and university colleges. A hf combined with additional courses qualifies the student for admission to higher education programmes at business academies, university colleges and universities.


Higher Preparatory Examination single subject course

Hf single subject courses is a way for students to improve their competencies in one or two subjects at upper secondary level.

HHX - Højere handelseksamen

Higher Commercial Examination Programme

HHX is a three-year upper secondary education, which qualifies the student for admission to a higher education programme at business academies, university colleges and universities. The HHX programmes focus on business and socio-economic disciplines in combination with general subjects.

HTX - Højere teknisk eksamen

Higher Technical Examination Programme

HTX is a three-year upper secondary education, which qualifies the student for admission to a higher education programme at business academies, university colleges and universities. The HTX programmes focus on technological and scientific subjects in combination with general subjects.

IKV - Individuel kompetencevurdering

Individual competence assessment

IKV is an assessment that gives an overview of the relevant opportunities for continuing education and training within a subject area. The individual competence assessment is carried out in relation to a specific education programme so that knowledge and experiences are assessed in relation to the objective of the education programme.

KL - Kommunernes Landsforening

Local Government Denmark

KL is the association and interest organisation of the 98 Danish municipalities. Among others, KL assists individual municipalities with consultancy services, negotiates with the unions on behalf of the municipalities, and furthers the interests of the municipalities in relation to the Danish Parliament, the government, the central administration, the EU, professional and industrial bodies, and the public.

Kommunal ungeindsats

Youth guidance units

The youth guidance units provide guidance in relation to the transition from compulsory primary and lower secondary education to upper secondary education or, alternatively, to the labour market.



Denmark is divided into 98 municipalities. The governing bodies of the municipalities are the municipal councils. Among others, the municipalities are responsible for early childhood education and care, the public primary and lower secondary school as well as special needs education.

KOT - Den Koordinerede Tilmelding

The Coordinated Admission

KOT administrates the admission to higher education programmes.


Private school

Private schools are non-public schools that receive a grant for their operational expenditures and tuition fees from the parents. The schools provide education in preschool and form level one to nine. The schools can also offer education in form level ten. The education must measure up to the education in the public school.


Professional bachelor's degree

A professional bachelor’s degree is awarded when a student successfully completes a professional bachelor’s programme.


University College

University colleges offer first-cycle higher education programmes (i.e. professional bachelor’s programmes) and certain academy profession programmes, further adult education and diploma programmes.


Professional postgraduate teacher training

Professional postgraduate teacher training is a one-year education programme for teachers in upper secondary education that provides them with basic competencies in their work as teachers.


Lower secondary school leaving examination

Lower secondary school leaving examination is a particular kind of examination that was abolished in 1978.



Denmark is divided into five regions that have between 0.6 and 1.6 million inhabitants. The governing bodies of the regions are regional councils. The regional councils are composed of 41 members directly elected for a four-year period. The regions have the main responsibility for the provision of health services. 

RKV – Realkompetencevurdering

Competence assessment

The competence assessment clarifies a person’s requisites in relation to the education that he/she wants to attend. The institution performs the competence assessment.

SPS - Specialpædagogisk støtte

Special educational assistance

SPS aims to provide compensatory support to students with decreased functionalities in order for them to complete their education on equal terms with other students. The target group of SPS is students with decreased functionalities such as dyslexia, psychological difficulties, deafness or hearing impairment, blindness, weak sight and physical handicap(s).

STU – Ungdomsuddannelser for unge med særlige behov

Youth education programmes for young people with special needs

STU is a three-year youth education programme for young people with special needs, who are not able to complete any other youth education even with socio-educational support. The aim is for the students to obtain personal, social and educational competencies so they can live a life with as much independence and active participation in adult life as possible.

Studievalg Danmark

Study and Career Guidance Denmark

Study and Career Guidance Denmark is an independent organisation placed under the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. It consists of seven regional guidance centres that provide guidance relating to the transition from upper secondary education to higher education or vocational education and training. 

STX - Almen studentereksamen

Higher General Examination Programme

STX is a three-year upper secondary education, which qualifies the student for admission to a higher education programme at business academies, university colleges and universities. The STX programmes consist of a broad range of subjects in the fields of humanities, natural science and social science.

SU - Statens Uddannelsesstøtte

State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme

SU is publicly subsidised financial support for students. Students can apply for both grants and loans. The students must meet a number of requirements to be eligible for grants and loans. The loan must be repaid within 7-15 years. Students must start paying back state loans no later than one year after the end of the year in which they graduate or give up their studies.

SVU - Statens Voksenuddannelsesstøtte

State educational support for adults

SVU is publicly subsidised financial support for adults. It is targeted adults who participate in an education programme at primary and lower secondary level, upper secondary level or an academy profession (part-time) programme.


Tripartite agreement

A tripartite agreement is an agreement negotiated between the three central parts of the Danish labour market: employer organisations, labour market organisations and the Danish Ministry of Finance. The tripartite agreements are an important part of the Danish labour market model.

Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet

Ministry of Higher Education and Science

The ministry is for one thing responsible for higher education, including academy profession programmes, professional bachelor’s programmes, maritime education programmes, fine arts programmes, and university level programmes (Bachelor’s programmes, Master’s programmes and PhD programmes).


Compulsory education

Primary and lower secondary education is compulsory for ten years and consist of one year of pre-school and nine years of primary and lower secondary education. Schooling is not compulsory, meaning that parents can choose another solution if they do not want their child or children to attend the Danish public school (Folkeskole).

VEU - Voksen- og efteruddannelse

Adult education and continuing training

VEU is an alternative and a supplement to the ordinary education system. The selection of programmes ranges from formal qualifying general education, continuing vocational training and adult higher education to non-formal education. Tuition fees are charged for adult education and continuing training.

VUC - Voksenuddannelsescenter

Adult education centre

Adult education centres offer general adult education programmes, including FVU, AVU and hf single subjects.



Nurseries are day care centres for children under the age of three.