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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Programmes outside the bachelor and master structure


7.Higher education

7.4Programmes outside the bachelor and master structure

Last update: 28 November 2024
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In Denmark, a small number of programmes are outside the Bachelor and Master structure. These programmes are typically provided by recognised private higher education institutions. The programmes are within the field of design, aviation, teaching, healthcare etc.

An example is The Independent Academy for Free School Teaching that offers a primary and lower secondary teacher training programme. With this degree, graduates can work at private independent schools, continuation schools and day folk high schools. An additional test is required if graduates wish to work as a teacher in municipal primary and lower secondary schools (Folkeskolen).

The admissions criteria are set by top-level documents or by the educational institutions. Contrary to the ordinary education system, the private programmes are often fee-based. However, students enrolled in most of these programmes can apply for state grants.



Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science (Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen), 2024: Approved private higher education programmes (Godkendte private uddannelser). [Accessed 28 November 2024]

The Education Guide (UddannelsesGuiden), 2021: Private higher education programmes (Private uddannelser). [Accessed 14 January 2021]

The Education Guide (UddannelsesGuiden), 2020: Teachers from the Independent Academy for Free School Teaching (Lærer fra Den Frie Lærerskole). [Accessed 14 January 2021]

The Education Guide (UddannelsesGuiden), 2020: Ollerupprøven. [Accessed 14 January 2021]

The Independent Academy for Free School Teaching, 2021: The Academy. [Accessed 14 January 2021]