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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice



Last update: 14 January 2025


Training for a semi-skilled job providing individual basic education in certain aspects of a given profession. It permits young people who, because of their state of health, their intellectual capacities or because of other circumstances, are not or not yet able to meet the requirements of a common apprenticeship to train for their future professional lives.

Amt für Berufsbildung und Berufsberatung

The Office of Vocational Training and Vocational Guidance is the central office in charge of the entire organisation and administration of basic and further vocational education.


The Council for Vocational Education and Training is appointed by the government. The terms of office coincide with the Schools Council's. Its seven members regard applications towards the recognition of vocational training and courses, or are concerned with planning training programmes to be implemented in Liechtenstein; in addition they issue training regulations, and implement experimental school structures in vocational education.


Final examination taken at Berufsmaturitätsschule/Berufsmittelschule (vocational baccalaureate schools). The Berufsmatura (vocational baccalaureate) entitles to study at any higher education institution in Liechtenstein and Austria and at universities of applied sciences in Switzerland.


Berufsmaturitätsschulen (vocational baccalaureate schools) provide an extended general education to those who have completed a basic vocational education and training (apprenticeship) and who wish to follow a higher education course (ISCED 5A). The Berufsmaturitätsschule can be attended by those who have successfully completed an apprenticeship lasting at least three years.


The Vocational Baccalaureate Committee is responsible for the procedures leading to certification at Vocational Baccalaureate School. Their prominent duties include supervising the final oral exams, approving and finalising exam marks and final marks; they also decide on the final qualifications at the Vocational Baccalaureate, and settle questions on candidates' special applications.


Offers that are located between the completion of compulsory schooling and the start of upper secondary education - such as an apprenticeship or secondary school - are referred to by the term Brückenangebot (bridging offers). They are aimed at young people who have not found an apprenticeship place after leaving school or who need more time to choose a career or further education. A particular focus of bridge offers is to support young people in developing and implementing their school and career plans and to accompany them on their further educational path. 

Duales System

Vocational education and training is carried out in a dual system which is of great educational importance to Liechtenstein. Roughly 65% of the students complete an apprenticeship after leaving compulsory school. Apprenticeships are organised in close cooperation with businesses from trade and industry, of the service sector and administration. At the moment about 1'200 apprenticeship positions are registered.


The Elternkind-Forum is an advice centre for education and and family issues. It offers help in finding supplementary childcare services like persons for day care or babysitters, and ensures their professional status.

Fachmaturitätsschule / Fachmittelschule

Specialised baccalaureate school.


Teacher department. Consists of teacher responsible, respectively teaching the same subject.

Familienergänzende Kinderbetreuung

Supplementary childcare supports families in Liechtenstein. It encourages a better balance between family and working life, serves the integration and socialisation of children and promotes their development. It consists of voluntary services which parents use at their discretion.


Higher secondary school (baccalaureate school). It imparts a comprehensive consolidated general education to its pupils and aims at leading them to Maturität (baccalaureate) and preparing them for university studies.


Nursery school institution offering pre-school education during 2 years for 4 to 6 years old children.

Koordinations- und Beratungsstelle Frühe Förderung (KBFF)

The task of the coordination and advice center is to provide support, advice, coordination, information and awareness-raising in the area of early childhood intervention. Early childhood intervention encompasses various measures and programmes that take place in the context of supporting families, supplementary childcare, community development, integration promotion, health promotion and prevention or preparation for school entry.


The major part of the students, i.e. around 55%, start vocational education and training (VET) at upper secondary school in the form of an apprenticeship that usually lasts for three to four years. In this dual system students attend a VET school along with the practical training in the host company. The leaving certificate (certificate of proficiency) entitles to attend programmes of advanced vocational education at tertiary level. In the course of the apprenticeship or after finishing it apprentices have the opportunity to attend Vocational Baccalaureate School giving access to higher education.


Apprenticeship certificate. After having concluded basic vocational education, apprentice is acknowledged to have achieved vocational ability by being presented the apprenticeship certificate and a regular certificate quoting the individual marks achieved.


Staff meetings include all the teachers teaching at a particular school. Meetings may focus on thematic or departmental topics (e.g. the departments at Liechtenstein Gymnasium). Staff meetings particularly consider questions of school development, they also supply their own house rules 
Staff meetings are run by the school head. Decisions are based on simple majority; for particularly important matters a qualified majority may be applicable. In the event of a tied vote the head of school has the casting vote. If the head of school is not in the deputy head takes the chair.


The successful cempletion of the final examination at Gymnasium lead to the Matura (baccalaureate). The Matura entitles to study at any higher education institution, including universities in Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Austria without having to take any further examination.


The Baccalaureate Commission at Gymnasium and at Vocational Upper Secondary School are responsible for the implementation of the final exam in close cooperation with the rector's office. Their most important tasks as groups of experts are to supervise the final oral exams, to approve and confirm the examination and graduation marks, to decide on the achievement of the final exam of the vocational upper secondary school and to settle special applications from exam candidates.


Type of (lower) secondary school of Sekundarstufe I providing general education and presenting different levels of standard. Its pupils usually tend to prepare for professions in skilled trade.

Pädagogische Arbeitsstelle

The Pedagogical Division of the Office of Education deals with any kind of questions on education. Tasks include information and advice on new developments in education, developing concepts and problemsolving as well as leading pedagogical projects and moderations.


Compulsory schooling. This includes the Primarstufe (primary level) and Sekundarstufe I (secondary level I).


The first five of totally nine years of compulsory schooling. Primary school is divided into a lower cycle (Unterstufe, the first and second forms) and an intermediate cycle (Mittelstufe, the third to fifth forms).


Intermediate secondary school of Sekundarstufe I. It imparts an extended and consolidated basic education and prepares its pupils for training in skilled trades as well as for professions with advanced requirements. Moreover, it also serves as a basis for the attendance of Gymnasium.

Sekundarstufe (Sek. I / Sek. II)

The term refers to school education and basic vocational education attended after Primarstufe. It is divided into Sekundarstufe I (pupils from twelve to sixteen years of age) and Sekundarstufe II (until 19 years).


The Office of Education is in charge of the central organisation and administration of the entire system of school education.

Schulische Fördermassnahmen

This collective term designates all measures and means of support available within the framework of regular schools but which do not require the particular assistance offered by Sonderschule, i.e. special school. 


The responsibilities of the Schools Council include decisions in appeals, transferring students to another type of school, allowing the early start of school, the exemption from compulsory education, and determining compulsory in-service training for the teaching staff etc. Implementing the Schools Council's tasks has been transferred to the Office of Education by ordinance.


Liechtenstein started setting up school administrations already in the seventies and regulated their responsibilities in detailed ordinances. In the course of time the mainly organisational and administrative tasks were extended and gradually included more pedagogical executive functions. In 2012 professional school heads for all types of school were nationally introduced and regulated by law.

Schülerinnen-/ Schülerbeurteilung

Assessment contributes to shaping the learning processes in the lessons in such a way that each child can achieve his/her learning goals. It provides knowledge of the level of performance of each child and of the whole class so that the effect of the teaching can be checked. Assessment is also an important source of information for the parents and an important basis for decisions on further educational pathways within the school system

Spezielle Einschulung

For children who are somewhat backward in development at the decisive moment, there are special provisions - known as special preparatory classes - by means of which they are supported and prepared for the demands of the first or second stage of the primary school. This is based on targeted support diagnostics under conditions of the maximum possible individual attention.


Day-care parents look after one or more additional children of a mixed age, mostly along with their own children, for a few hours or for the whole day. In order to be allowed to offer these services families require authorisation from the Social Services Department (as a rule, from 40 paid hours a month working in childcare).


The Teaching Commission at the Liechtenstein Gymnasium and at vocational upper secondary school observes tasks of counselling and supervision on behalf of the government at both schools. It consists of external experts, mainly from Switzerland or Austria, with long work experience in teaching, in teacher education and in staff appraisal; it is appointed for a period of four years. The Teaching Commission meets once a year, the meetings are chaired by the Office of Education.