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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Support measures for learners in early childhood and school education


12.Educational Support and Guidance

12.3Support measures for learners in early childhood and school education

Last update: 5 March 2024

Definition of the target group

Supportive measures for pupils in the elementary and regular school sector are aimed at children and young people with a migration background, from families which are disadvantaged socio-economically, and also at children and young people who have missed schooling for an extended period, for example due to health reasons.

In addition, there are supportive measures in the field of promotion of individual talents and interests as well as gifted persons (BBF (Begabten- und Begabungsförderung)) for both children and young people.

Specific support measures

The school support measures aim to provide children and young people with and without special educational needs with the best possible support and encouragement in developing their individual potential. The entire support programme covers a wide range of different measures and services:
special educational measures (besondere schulische Massnahmen BSM),
pedagogical-therapeutic measures (pädagogisch-therapeutische Massnahmen PTM),
socio-educational measures (sozialpädagogische Massnahmen SPM),
School Psychological Service (Schulpsychologischer Dienst SPD) and
support for gifted children (Begabtenförderung BF).

The support concept for public kindergartens and compulsory schools is based on the Ordinance on School Support Measures and is supported by the Liechtenstein Education Strategy2025plus and the basic values of the Liechtenstein curriculum.

German as a second language (Deutsch als Zweitsprache DaZ)

German as a second language refers to special lessons for children whose mother-tongue is not German. DaZ lessons are based on the DaZ curriculum which is part of the Liechtenstein curriculum. There are two kinds of support:

Intensive course

The intensive course is aimed at migrant children and young persons of eight years and older whose level of German is not yet of a sufficient standard for them to attend regular school classes. The emphasis is on learning German, but attention is also given to their general educational potential. The aim of the intensive course is to integrate pupils into normal lessons. The course lasts a maximum of one year.

Supplementary lessons

The aim of the supplementary lessons for children and young people whose mother tongue is not German is to improve their knowledge of the German language so that they are able to follow the lessons without significant difficulties.

Special support

Special support is a special educational measure (besondere schulische Massnahme BSM) for children and young persons who, because of special circumstances such as extended illness, unfavourable family background, a change of school etc., have fallen behind with their education.

Support and remedial courses, assisted learning and homework assistance

Support and remedial courses, and also assisted learning are offered in the secondary schools and in the Optional10th School Year. Assisted learning and help with homework are offered in the primary schools.

Day schools

As of the beginning of the 2013/2014 school year, the day schools in Vaduz and Schaan have been included in the regular system on a trial basis. The day schools operate a system of mixed-age learning groups.

Mixed-age learning groups

In addition to day schools the municipal schools Schaanwald and Schellenberg also teach mixed-age learning groups. This involves treating the two kindergarten years and the first two primary school years as one unit (4) and the subsequent middle stage of classes 3 to 5 as a second unit (3). There is a team teaching approach.

Special support for talented children (all levels)

In the sense of supporting and promoting individual talents of all students, support for talented children is part of the basic task of the school and a component of such support at all school grades. Special support frequently occurs in the context of project-style lessons and partly also as project days or weeks.

Support for exceptionally gifted children (Kindergarten and primary education)

It may be appropriate for individual children who are exceptionally gifted or who have a particular talent to be supported in their education by a teacher with special expertise in remedial education. The primary schools have developed local plans for supporting exceptionally gifted children. Such support is also offered at the kindergarten level. This adds a new element to the operational plans of the municipal schools. Practically all the municipal schools have set up so-called resource rooms equipped with a range of materials available for the support of specially gifted children.

Time-out school

The Liechtenstein ‘Time-Out School’ is a social-educational measure for pupils at secondary level I aged between 11 and 16 who are temporarily in a difficult school, family or private situation. It has established itself as an offer of help and relief for secondary schools. Pupils are normally allocated to the school as a result of an agreement between the school and parents. Referrals are usually made on the basis of agreements between the school and parents. The aim is successful reintegration into the mainstream class or the development of alternative follow-up solutions.