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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Assessment in general lower secondary education


6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.3Assessment in general lower secondary education

Last update: 26 January 2024

Pupil assessment

Educational performance is determined through regular learning assessments and standardised tests, such as the "Check your knowledge" (Check dein Wissen (Checks FL)). The Checks FL enable independent assessments at the end of each cycle of Curriculum 21 respectively the Liechtenstein curriculum. The tests are carried out at the end of the 2nd, 6th and 9th grade. These dates are aligned with the Liechtenstein curriculum, as the basic requirements of the cycle should have been met by then. Competences in German (focus on reading and language) and maths (number and variables, shape and space as well as quantities, functions, data and chance) are assessed at all levels, as well as in English (listening and reading) at the end of years 6 and 9. The checks conclude with a questionnaire on a general school topic.

Performance assessments at Liechtenstein schools are mandatory by law (Art. 106 SchulG) and have already taken place in the past as part of the "standard tests" (Standardtests). With the introduction of the Liechtenstein curriculum, a renewal of these assessments took place via checks, which are also being carried out digitally for the first time. The adaptive online tests for the 6th and 9th grades last 40 minutes each. Accordingly, about two lessons each are needed to conduct the online tests in German and English and three lessons in mathematics.

At the secondary level, the school report plays an important role in pupil assessment. Reports are compiled twice a year, at the end of each semester. In addition to assessment of performance in each subject it reports as well on pupils’ learning, work and social behaviour. The term report provides the basis for the decision on a pupil’s advancement to the next higher grade, as well as offering additional information relating to a student’s progression to a higher level of education or into employment. School reports are normally backed up by teacher-pupil and teacher-parent assessment meetings.

The grading system uses a nummerical scale of 1 - 6 (6 = very good; 5 = good; 4 = satisfactory; 3 = unsatisfactory (1 minus point); 2 = weak (2 minus points) and 1 = very weak (3 minus points). Scores can also be given in half-points. The marks in the separate subjects are determined by written and oral tests and exams. The report on the learning and social  behaviour uses three terms: “good”, “complaint”, and “serious complaint”. In addition, at the Oberschule and Realschule there are different levels in certain subjects marked ‘A’ and ‘B’, where ‘A’ means ‘advanced requirements’ and ‘B’ ‘standard requirements’.

In relation to progression to an educational programm at upper secondary level, there is a mandatory assessment meeting at the end of the 3rd grade for all students at the Oberschule and Realschule and for those Gymnasium students whose end-of-term report has an average score of less than 4.3. At this meeting, which involves the parents, the discussion focuses on the pupil’s situation in relation to schoolwork and the choice of career and to their strengths and weaknesses with respect to a possible continuation in formal education (9th grade and/or transfer to the upper level of the Gymnasium).

Progression of pupils

Pupil progression (to higher grades) is governed by the Ordinance on Admission to and Progression and Transfer within Secondary Level I.

The teacher’s conference decides which pupils in the Oberschule and Realschule should progress to the next grade based on their marks in the school report at the end of the second semester: a minimum of 3.5 in the Oberschule and 4.0 in the Realschule.

The average score at the Gymnasium required for promotion is at least 4.0. Single marks may be unsatisfactory. Using a point system allows for compensation of negative marks (1 grade – no more than 1 minus point and 1 ‘unsatisfactory’ mark; 2nd grade -  no  more than 1.5 minus point and 2 ‘unsatisfactory’ marks; 3rd grade – no more than 2 minus points and 3 'unsatisfactory' marks).

Pupils who do not meet promotion requirement must repeat the year or change to a different type of school. Only one repeat year is allowed at secondary level 1.

The teachers’ conference can promote students to the next school grade even if they have not achieved the required promotion average, if:

  1. the unsatisfactory performances are due to special circumstances such as a learning disability that is currently being treated, irregular earlier schooling, extended illness, unfavourable family circumstances, a change of school, having a foreign mother tongue and suchlike;
  2. a repeat year at the upper school level is not permitted or if there is no prospect of it achieving anything;
  3. pupils are in the A level in at least one subject and have been given a minimum 4.0 grading in that subject. This decision is based on an overall assessment which takes into account the actual current level of achievement, progress in learning and a forecast of the likely educational development of the pupil.

Pupils and their parents are kept informed through regular meetings about the pupil’s performance, attitude to learning and behaviour, as well as of any measures taken as a result of the former. At least one teacher-parent meeting per year should be held, normally in the presence of the pupil.

Parents can submit a complaint to the Office of Education about a decision by the teachers’ conference in relation to their child’s grades or to non-promotion as long as the complaint is submitted within 14 days of the decision. A decision by the Office of Education about the awarding of grades, non-promotion or transfer to a different kind of school can be challenged by the parents through a formal complaint to the government within 14 days of the Office of Education decision.


At the end of  lower secondary level (=end of compulsory education) a school leaving certificate is issued. The marks in the certificate are calculated from the end-of-term grades and the outcome of the final examination.

Pupils who attend the lower level of the Gymnasium normally continue their education in the upper level of the same school.