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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Assessment in general upper secondary education
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

6.Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary Education

6.3Assessment in general upper secondary education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Students assessment

The school evaluates pupils' knowledge, skills and abilities and their applications. Pupils are evaluated by follow-up, checking and assessment. The assessment is expressed by numerical and descriptive marks. The behaviour of pupils at school is evaluated on the basis of relations towards the rights of other pupils, work and towards oneself. Evaluation of behaviour is expressed in descriptive grades. Pupils who are classified under the Regulation on Classification as persons with multiple disabilities, autism, mental, as well as more retarded persons are assessed descriptively.

Each student has an educational card containing basic information about the student, information about the process of advancement in the upbringing, education and socialization.

Teachers apply a formative assessment, which is a regular check on achievement and monitoring of students' behavior while mastering the school curriculum, and which contains feedback and recommendations for further progress. This grade is recorded in the student's educational records.

Also, a summative assessment, that is, evaluation of the student's achievements at the end of the program unit or for the classification period in the subject and course, is carried out, which is as a rule numbered and entered in the journal and in the educational record of the students.

Progression of students

The success of full-time pupils is monitored and evaluated during teaching hours. Teacher evaluates pupils in the class, with public explanation and evaluation available to the pupils and their parents. The mark is inscribed in a class book by numbers from 1 to 5 with no additional characters, along with the date on which the pupil was assessed. The teacher proposes the final mark for each subject in public in the classroom at the end of the semester and academic year, based on monitoring and evaluation during the semester or school year. The success of pupils in learning in academic subjects during the semester and at the end of each semester is evaluated by descriptive and numeric marks:

a) Excellent (5),

b) Very good (4),

c) Good (3)

d) Sufficient/Pass (2), and

e) Insufficient/Fail (1).

The grade Unsatisfactory (1) is not passing.

The Class Council (the council consists of teachers who teach in one class) establishes the final grades from subjects upon the proposal of a subject teacher, and the Teachers' Council verifies them. The overall success of pupils is determined by the Class Council, and verified by the Teachers' Council. Behaviour of a pupil is assessed by descriptive mark:

a) Exemplary,

b) Good,

c) Satisfactory and

d) Bad.

The final grade is determined by the Class Council upon proposl by the class teacher and verified by the Teachers' Council.

The overall success of a pupil who has all the positive assessment grades is determined by the grade point average (GPA) of positive assessments of all compulsory subjects, namely:

a) Excellent success if there is a minimum GPA of 4.50,

b) Very good success if GPA ranges from 3.50 to 4.49,

c) Good success if GPA ranges from 2.50 to 3.49 and

d) Sufficient success if GPA ranges from 2.00 to 2.49.

Grades in optional subjects do not affect the overall success of pupils. The grade point average of the overall success with two decimal places is entered into the prescribed register, as well as in certificates and diplomas. Pupils have completed a grade when they have a positive assessment in all subjects at the end of the school year. A pupil who has two fail grades in mandatory subjects or in the class examination takes a remedial examination at the end of the second semester. Pupils take a remedial examination in August in the school where pupils receive education, and pupils of the final grade during the examination period in June or August examination period. Pupils of the final grade who failed the remedial exam end class in the coming school year in the same school as part-time pupils by taking examinations in subjects in which they failed and by paying fee costs. Full-time pupils are instructed to repeat a grade when at the end of the second semester they have at least three negative grades in mandatory subjects, when they fail to take the class examination, or remedial examination, or if they fail. Full-time pupils have the right to repeat a grade once during their schooling.

A pupil who excels in learning and behaviour is praised or rewarded. The School Board, at the proposal of the Teachers' Council, determines the kind of praise and rewards, as well as the conditions for their award. A pupil who is particularly successful in the educational process and other activities at school may be awarded commendations, awards and diplomas according to the criteria established by the school statute. A pupil can get praise for the results achieved by: a) Class teacher, b) Class Council and c) Teachers' Council. A full-time pupil who demonstrates exceptional ability and has an excellent success during education can advance faster, that is complete two grades in one school year. The pupil who during the entire secondary education had all the highest scores and achievements in his or her generation in learning, governance, curricular and extra-curricular activities can be chosen for the pupil of the generation. The Minister issues rules on the choice of the pupil of the generation in the scondary school.


Public documents issued by the school are:

1) testimony

2) diploma,

3) a certificate of passing the exam, or of a completed vocational training program,

4) diploma for outstanding success in a particular subject,

5) recognition of the student's special achievements,

6) Certificate of attendance,

7) the stationery.

The enrollment, printing, repetition and exclusion of students from the school must be recorded on the back of the certificate and certified by the school stamp.

The school issues the student a certificate of passing the exam, or of the completed program, of vocational training.

Forms of public documents issued by the school are printed in Cyrillic or Latin script.

The Minister shall issue an ordinance on the content and manner of keeping documentation and records and forms of public documents in the secondary school.