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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Developments and current policy priorities
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

8.Adult education and training

8.2Developments and current policy priorities

Last update: 3 March 2025


The Framework Law on Primary and Secondary Education in BiH provides that “Education of adults shall be organized in specific subjects and for the purpose of their professional and personal advancement”. “Education of adults shall include professional training, supplementary training, re-training and other activities ensuring lifelong learning. Education of adults shall be governed in more detail in the laws of the entities, cantons, and the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in line with the principles and standards defined in this Law”.

The Framework Law on Vocational Education and Training in BiH provides that "Schools may organize adult training within their registered activities, with the consent of the competent education authorities. The responsible minister shall adopt curriculum for adult education and training.” Also, the same law provides that “Adult students shall be charged for the training. The amount of fee shall be determined by the school board with the consent of the relevant ministry of education.”

Adult Education Principles and Standards in BiH were developed in the framework of the European Union project entitled Capacity Building for Human Resource Development in BiH (IPA 2009).  The Council of Ministers has adopted this document.  Strategic Platform for Adult Education in the Context of Lifelong Learning in BiH 2014-2020 was also developed under the same project. 

The current education system and its legislative harmonization at lower levels of government are based on this Strategy. The key goals and objectives of strategies at different levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina are:

  • Improvement of legislation for adult education in the context of lifelong learning and harmonization with the reference framework of the European Union
  • Establishing efficient ways of participation of relevant (representative) and other social partners in the process of adult education in the context of lifelong learning
  • Development of programmatic and institutional opportunities and improvement of the availability of adult education in the context of lifelong learning
  • Ensuring and raising the quality of adult education in the context of lifelong learning.

This document presents the strategic basis for the planning and operation of educational and other competent authorities at all levels of government in BiH, on the basis of which they initiate, implement and coordinate their activities in the field of adult education in line with the EU priorities, standards and trends in this area.

In the Strategic Platform, adult education is defined as "an integral part of the education system in Bosnia and Herzegovina".

  The framework law on primary and secondary education in Bosnia and Herzegovina stipulates that "Adult education is organized in certain subjects and for their professional and personal progress". "Adult education includes professional training, additional training, retraining and other activities to ensure lifelong learning. Adult education is regulated in more detail in the laws of entities, cantons and Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in accordance with the principles and standards defined by this law".

The Framework Law on Secondary Vocational Education and Training in Bosnia and Herzegovina provides that "Schools may organize adult training within their registered activity, with the consent of the competent educational authorities. The competent minister shall adopt a curriculum for the education and training of adults." Also, the same law stipulates that "Participants of adult training are charged a training fee. The amount of the fee is determined and adopted by the school board, with the approval of the competent Ministry of Education."

The Republic of Srpska adopted regulating the organization and structure of adult education as part of a unified educational system of the Republic of Srpska, which provides adult education, development and training. Also, there is the Institute of Adult Education of RS that operates in accordance with this Law. Republika Srpska has adopted an Adult Education Strategy in Republika Srpska for the period 2021-2031

Adult education in FBiH is provided in training centers and VET schools. All cantons in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina have passed their own laws on adult education, and the Brčko District as well.