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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Developments and current policy priorities


8.Adult Education and Training

8.2Developments and current policy priorities

Last update: 25 November 2024

In 2000, the European Commission created a Memorandum on lifelong learning (Memorandum o celoživotnom vzdelávaní) and since then, lifelong learning, as a basic principle, has been applied in systems of education in the Slovak Republic as well. In 2001, it was followed by a consultation process in the form of a nationwide discussion of central government authorities, non-governmental organisations, and social partners at the national level. In 2004, the Memorandum on lifelong learning was followed by the Concept of lifelong learning in the Slovak Republic (Koncepcia celoživotného vzdelávania v SR - pdf), which put individual goals of the memorandum into the context of the existing strategic documents in the Slovak Republic focusing on education and employment.

From the strategic point of view, the lifelong learning system in Slovakia was also dealt with by the Strategy of Lifelong Learning 2011 (Stratégia celoživotného vzdelávania), the goal of which was to support the creation of conditions for the transition to a functional lifelong learning system for all. The strategy defines the citizens, educational institutions, counselling centres, employers, professional and union associations as well as local and regional self-government authorities, recruitment agencies, and non-governmental organisations as key actors in the system of lifelong learning.

During the Slovak presidency of the EU Council in the second half of 2016, adult education became a key strategic initiative of the European Commission – New Skills Agenda for EuropeUpskilling Pathways: New Opportunities for Adults recommendation is key for the Slovak Republic in relation to a relatively big proportion of long-term unemployed adults with low qualification levels.

In 2018, Slovakia joined the Manifesto on Adult Learning in the 21st Century. The manifesto is a document of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) and it focuses particularly on the promotion of the concept of lifelong learning and support of access to and participation in non-formal education for everyone.

Current priorities (also) in adult education are presented in the National Skills Strategy prepared in cooperation with OECD in 2019 and published at the beginning of 2020. Its four priority areas are:

  • Strengthening young people’s skills 
  • Support of increased participation in adult education 
  • Decreasing skill discrepancy 
  • Strengthening the use of skills at the workplace.

An important source of information for proposing new policies and formulation of national and regional priorities in adult education is found in the results of the Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competence (Program medzinárodného hodnotenia kompetencií dospelých (PIAAC). They are a valuable and representative source of information on the current situation in the area of important competencies in the Slovak population and the position of Slovakia compared to other participating countries. Results of the Slovak Republic are published in the National Report (Národná správa).

The most important tool for the support of lifelong learning is represented by the Strategy of Lifelong Learning and Lifelong Guidance (Stratégia celoživotného vzdelávania a poradenstva na roky 2021-2030) approved in November 2021. Its task is to respond to the dynamically changing labour market with measures. It thus responds to the need to provide lifelong education and counselling where citizens have a problem as individuals or where a systemic deficiency has been identified in the areas of skills for the population or specific target groups. 

In 2022, the Action Plan for the Strategy for Lifelong Education and Counselling for the years 2022-2024 (Akčný plán k Stratégii celoživotného vzdelávania a poradenstva na roky 2022 – 2024) was approved. The task of this document is to elaborate and specify the measures approved in the Strategy for the given period of 2022-2024. 

More detailed information on the strategy of lifelong learning and the implemented measures is available in chapter 2.2 Lifelong learning strategy

The topic of adult education is also partially elaborated in other strategic documents. The most complex strategic document for the development of education is the Recovery and Resilience Plan (Plán obnovy a odolnosti) which covers reforms in adult education in component 17: Digital Slovakia (Digitálne Slovensko), which contains two goals:

  • Better access to the state’s digital services by seniors, improving their digital skills, as well as removing social exclusion barriers through modern applications.
  • Efficient and systematic education (lifelong learning) of professional employees in the area of cyber security in public administration.


The National Strategy for Research, Development, and Innovations 2030 Národná stratégia výskumu, vývoja a Inovácií 2030 wants to create programmes that can motivate people to learn strategically important skills that are or will be in supply. The policy aims to significantly increase the number of citizens who develop their skills for work in the knowledge economy. 

Specific measures are elaborated in the National Programme of Active Aging for 2021 – 2030  Národný program aktívneho starnutia na roky 2021 – 2030 which describes lifelong learning as one of the key prerequisites for active aging.