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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Developments and current policy priorities
Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia

8.Adult education and training

8.2Developments and current policy priorities

Last update: 27 November 2023

The first significant phase that regulates adult education and training on national level is the Law on Adult Education Law on Adult Education (2008) and the establishing of the Adult Education Centre (AEC). Accordingly, that meant establishment of a suitable foundation for the development of the adult education policies.

AEC is a key player in the creation of the adult education policies at national level and active partner in the relevant projects in the international cooperation.

AEC has been actively involved in the drafting of the Strategy for Adult Education 2010-2015 which has been adopted by the Government in 2010. This strategy has set five strategic goals:

  • Strengthening the system for adult education by development of information and statistical system for monitoring of the educational mobility of the adults;
  • Making mobility and lifelong learning a reality;
  • Improving the quality and efficiency of the education and training of adults;
  • Promotion of equality, social cohesion and active citizenship and
  • Promotion of adult education and learning culture by active access into education and training of adults.

The key policy instruments and activities for achieving these goals were:

  • Further amendments in the relevant legislation;
  • Development of the strategic document conception for adult education;
  • Development of the strategic document conception for informal and non-formal learning of adults;
  • Strengthening the institutional support for the adult education system;
  • Promotion of the adult education and learning culture;
  • Development of information system, an online platform, for adult education providers and programmes;
  • Development of the system for recognition of the knowledge, skills and competencies in adult education;
  • Development of municipality/regional centres for development of human resources;
  • Strengthening the public institutions for adult education;
  • Strengthening the career guidance and professional orientation system, etc.


Current Policy Priorities

The new strategy Strategy for Adult Education 2018-2022 has set several strategic goals. Within this Strategy, the enlisted priorities and respective expected outcomes (described in more detail, including measures, activities and indicators, in the proper Pillar of the Action Plan) are defined to contribute to promoting the Adult learning and education to the appropriate level of development:


Priority I. Improve qualifications (knowledge, skills and competences) of adults

1.1. Opportunity to validate competences acquired through non-formal and informal learning is provided to all citizens thus improving attractiveness of Lifelong Learning and increasing competitiveness of labour force;

1.2. Education attainment level of population is increased;

1.3. Key competences of adults are improved;

1.4. Learning opportunities of adults with special educational needs are improved;

1.5. Conditions for inmates to complete primary and secondary general education and participate in VET are provided;

1.6. Motivation of adults to participate in courses is improved;

1.7. Opportunities of ALE are enhanced due to improved policy;

1.8. Enrolment in ALE is increased and contributes particularly to regional and local development.


Priority II. Improve Content and Quality of Adult Learning and Education Provision

2.1. Preconditions for increasing the number of providers of non-formal education for adults and for expanding the scope of qualifications offered in accordance with the Labour market needs are in place;

2.2. Pre-conditions for quality assurance in ALE provision are in place;

2.3. Quality of ALE provision is improved as a result of strengthened professional competences of Adult Educators;

2.4. Relevance of the Adult Education to the Labour Market needs is increased.


Priority III. Improve Legislation, Organisation and Management of Adult Learning and Education

3.1. Financial base necessary for sustainable functioning and development of the ALE system are ensured;

3.2. Up-to-date statistical data on ALE system is available and allows to take evidence-based policy decision;

3.3. Opportunities and options for establishing preconditions for increased investments in ALE are identified.