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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Quality assurance in adult education and training
Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia

11.Quality assurance

11.3Quality assurance in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023



• 1 Responsible bodies

The system of quality assurance of adult education is demonstrating an upward development trend. The progress is reflected in several areas, including:

-      development of procedures for accreditation of training programs;

-      development of procedures for licensing of providers of adult education;

-      development of procedures for validation of non-formal and informal learning;

-      building of the organisational and human resource capacities of the Adult Education Centre, etc.

The competent national bodies for quality assurance of adult education include the Council of Adult Education (CAE) and Adult Education Centre (AEC). The Strategy for Adult Education (2018-2022) was passed in 2017.


Council for Adult Education

The Council for Adult Education is advisory body that proposes strategic policies and actions in the field of adult education. It is composed of 13 members nominated from different stakeholders in the field of adult education (Ministry of labour and Social Policy, Ministry of finance, Employment agency, union representative, Chamber representative, experts etc.) with following responsibilities:

-      To propose strategy for development of adult education in the context of lifelong learning to the competent ministry;

-      To propose annual action plans for implementation of the Strategy;

-      To closely monitor the realization of the annual action plans;

-     To propose financing of the programmes for adult education by allocation of finances in the State Budget;

-      To propose national qualifications and standards of occupations to the competent ministry;

-   To propose development of the network of public institutions for adult education, in cooperation with the municipalities.

Adult Education Centre

The Adult Education Center (AEC) is the key institution for the development of quality adult education system at national level. In this process the AEC is responsible for establishment of standards and criteria for creating high quality and competitive workforce in the labour market with support of social partnership.

State Education Inspection

Quality assurance activities over non-state training provision are carried out by the State Education Inspection (SEI) in the form of control and supervision in licensed training providers.

References and links


• 2 Approaches and methods for quality assurance


Adult Education Centre

The Adult Education Center (AEC) has developed organisational structure that contributes to successful implementation of QA related tasks. Hence, apart from the Unit for Development of Standards, Procedures and Criteria, AEC established two other units in order to support the process in question:

-      Unit for Professional Monitoring and Evaluation and

-      Unit for Quality Assurance, Development and Cooperation.

AEC supports the QA process also by creating progress report regarding the realization of the action stipulated in the Strategy. This report is submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science and the Council for Adult Education. The AEC experts contribute to the QA objectives by providing counselling, instructions and mentorship for the trainers/instructors who are responsible for implementation of the AE programmes. Finally, the AEC is competent to provide solutions for boosting synergy between the non-formal and informal learning.

State Education Inspection

In regard to non-formal education, SEI reviews compliance with licensing requirements. The technical supervision and control of implementation of verified programs is carried out by the AEC, which is entitled to revoke license and verification. In the formal education, SEI has a stronger mandate, controlling all aspects of institutional organization, administration and management and of the teaching process through regular (Integral Evaluation) or extraordinary (upon notification) inspections. Companies organizing training for employees are not subject to external control, i.e. they solely are responsible for the quality of the training provision.

References and links