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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Assessment in single-structure education
Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia

5.Single-structure primary and lower secondary education

5.3Assessment in single-structure education

Last update: 27 November 2023



1 Students’ Assessment

Students' achievements in primary school are formally checked and they are summarized and recorded with descriptive and / or numerical marks. In the first period, the student's achievement during the academic year are recorded with descriptive marks. At the end of the first semester students receive report with descriptive grades, and at the end of the school year descriptive grade certificate is issued. In the second period, the student's achievement during the academic year are marked with descriptive and numerical grades. The student at the end of the first semester receives report with descriptive grades, and at the end of the school year certificate with numeric grades and general success rating is received. In the third period, the student's achievement during the academic year is marked with numeric grades. At the end of the first semester the student receives report with numeric grades, and at the end of the school year certificate with numeric grades and general success rating is issued. The overall success of the student is determined on the basis of the annual marks of all subjects according to the curriculum at the end of the year, and for students referred to corrective exam after completing corrective exams. The numerical scores are: excellent (5), very good (4), good (3), sufficient (2) and insufficient (1). All grades are transitory, except grade insufficient (1). The student 's assessment is carried out in accordance with the assessment standards in the subject programs. Grading of students with numerical grades is done according to the criteria for the numerical evaluation prepared by the Bureau.

The assessment is delivered as formative and summative. The grades are awarded mainly on the basis of oral and written examinations. They are registered in the assessment book and communicated to the parents through the parental meetings during the year as well as through the written reports at the end of the two terms.

Assessment of students with disabilities is adjusted according to their needs: Braille written tests, enlarged text format, electronic form version, audio format and the like, use of assistive technology for a long time test, help with reading test questions, supervised breaks and flexible curriculum, presence of educational assistant. The manner of assessment of students with disabilities are prescribed by the Minister upon Bureau’s proposal.


2 Progression of Pupils

Pupils from grades 1 to 5 do not repeat the year. Exceptionally, due to poor school results, illness, move or other reasons, and upon parents’ or teacher’s proposal and teachers assembly approval, they may remain in the same year.

Student in sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grade who has a negative grade at the end of the school year of up to two subjects is being referred for a remedial exam. The primary school is obliged to organize supplementary instruction in subjects in which the student has negative grades in duration of at least 30% of the number of hours specified in the curricula in June. Student referred to supplementary instruction but has not met the criteria for a positive assessment, is referred to a corrective examination. The student takes the corrective exams in June and / or August. If the student did not pass the correctional exam after one or two subjects is kept in the same grade. The student who has more than two negative grades at the end of the school year in sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grade is repeating the year in the same grade.

According to the Law on Primary Education pupils that achieve results above average may advance from year to year faster. They can use this right twice during their primary education.


 •3 Certification

At the end of each year grade certificate is issued to students with numeric grades and general success rating. Students receive their grade certificate by the end of June.