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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Statistics on educational institutions
Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia

2.Organisation and governance

2.8Statistics on educational institutions

Last update: 26 December 2024



Table 1

Statistics on educational institutions providing pre-primary, primary, secondary (and post-secondary non-tertiary) regular education

Type of educational institution in English  ISCED levels provided Main orientation of the programmes provided  Number of educational institutions
Total Public Government-dependent private Private independent
Preschool * education (preduchilishno obrazovanie) 0 G 122* 81 (-) 41
Primary School** (Osnovno ucilishte) 1,2 G 363** 363 (-)


with approval for experimentation

Upper Secondary School – Gymnasium (Sredno ucilishte – Gimnazija) 3 General 78 60 (-) 18
Secondary Vocational School (Sredno strucno ucilishte) 3 Vocational 77 75 (-) 2


*Source: Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

**Source: Ministry of Education and Science

The number of schools in the table refer to legal entities. In the total number of schools 363 as legal entities there are 637 affiliates. The number of schools in the table refer to legal entities.

The number provided for Private Independent Primary School (Osnovno ucilishte) has an approval for experimentation.

For the secondary schools total number is 108 as legal entities (60 gymnasium and 75 vocational). In the number of gymnasiums as legal entity there is one school that has 10 affiliates. Secondary schools can offer either general (gymnasium) or vocational education, but very often they offer both.

Government dependent private educational institutions are not envisaged in the legal framework.



Table 2

Statistics on separate educational institutions providing pre-primary, primary, secondary (and post-secondary non-tertiary) special needs education

Type of educational institution in English  ISCED levels provided Main orientation of the programmes provided  Number of educational institutions
Total Public Government-dependent private Private independent
Primary School (Osnovno ucilishte) 1,2 General 5* 5 (-) (-)
Upper Secondary School – Gymnasium (Sredno ucilishte – Gimnazija) 3 General (-) (-) (-) (-)
Secondary Vocational School (Sredno strucno ucilishte) 3 Vocational 4 4 (-) (-)


*Source: Ministry of Education and Science

According to Law on Primary Education as of School year 2020/21 these primary schools are in process of transformation to Primary school with resource center and will provide wide range of services: educational, advisory and rehabilitation. They will enroll students until 2022/23 school year. Bylaw on the manner of cooperation between primary schools with resource centres, centres for support during learning and other primary schools was adopted in 2021.