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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Lifelong learning strategy
Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia

2.Organisation and governance

2.2Lifelong learning strategy

Last update: 27 November 2023

In addition to the multitude of laws and documents regulating at national level the education tiers and addressing issues pertaining to lifelong learning, the Government of the Republic of Macedonia adopted in 2010 the Strategy for Adult Education as a lifelong learning concept and basis of the general education system. Its goals are:

• development of an adults education and learning system which facilitates equal opportunities equal opportunities for participation in quality learning in the course of the entire life;

• adoption of measures for joint action of key partners in adult education;

• creation of legal and professional prerequisites for the transformation of adult education into a significant constituent part of the country’s general education system;

• development of opportunities for adults to acquire knowledge, skills and values necessary for the improvement of the quality of their lives;

• increase of opportunities for choices in education;

• education of adults for the purpose of social cohesion;

• development of education and training opportunities that adequately respond to the expectations, aspirations and needs of the diverse groups within the current and potential workforce;

• development of adult education and training capable of responding to the dynamic changes in the world of labour and life in general;

• encouragement and enabling of the population for participation in all segments of modern life, primarily social and political;

• efficient linking of learning and work.