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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Lifelong learning strategy


2.Organisation and governance

2.2Lifelong learning strategy

Last update: 27 November 2023

According to the "Länder Agreement on the Common Basic Structure of the School System and the National Responsibility of the Länder in Central Questions of Education Policy" ('Ländervereinbarung über die gemeinsame Grundstruktur des Schulwesens und die gesamtstaatliche Verantwortung der Länder in zentralen bildungspolitischen Fragen'), lifelong learning will become even more important in the future due to changes in the world of life and new requirements in the world of work. The Länder pay particular attention to lifelong learning and will help to develop and shape corresponding processes in close exchange with each other and together with the Federal Government, the local authorities, the social partners and other providers of continuing education and training. Continuing education and training offers enable needs-based and flexible learning. The Länder ensure good framework conditions for this and support quality development. In addition, the Länder, together with the Federation and the partners in the national networks, take measures to ensure basic education for all.

More information on lifelong learning in the Federal Republic of Germany is available in the chapter on adult education and training and the chapter on ongoing reforms and policy developments.