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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Funding in education
Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia

3.Funding in education

Last update: 27 November 2023


Main policy goals of public funding

Financing of the educational system is mainly centralized and decentralized; the resources for the costs of the educational system are provided from the budget of the Ministry of Education and Science and from the budgets of the municipalities. In addition, financing of certain projects and activities is supported from international programs or grants. The centralized financing is provided for the capital investments which includes reconstruction of the existing infrastructure and building of new schools and additional facilities (such as sport halls for the schools). The state allocated about denars (or approximately 53 millions EUR) for capital investments in 2017. The provision of financial resources for goods, services and salaries in public education sector is provided from the budgets of the municipalities who passed the second phase of the decentralization. Until December 2016, 83 out of 84 municipalities in the country completed the transition into the second phase of decentralization. In total, the state budget foresee allocation of denars (or about 408 millions EUR) for the educational sector, which is about 8.5% increase as compared to 2016. Funding is focused on the public sector, although there are some examples of support to private providers. It is specifically allocated against the objectives of sectoral programs. As regulated by the Constitution, compulsory education (comprising single structure primary, lower-secondary and upper-secondary levels) is free of charge.


Legislative References

State budget of the Republic of Macedonia for 2017: State budget of the Republic of Macedonia for 2016:,;