Laws in the field of education
- Law on Primary Education
- Law on Secondary Education
- Law on Vocational Education and Training
- Law on Higher Education
- Law on Adult Education
- Law on Scientific Research Work
- Law on the Open Citizens Universities for Lifelong Learning („Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia“ No. 36/2011, 41/2014 и 145/2015)
- Law on Pupils Standard Закон за ученичкиот стандард
- Law on Students Standard Закон за студентскиот стандард
- Law on Pedagogical Service Закон за Педагошката служба
- Law on the Bureau for Development of Education („Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia“ No.37/2006; 142/2008; 148/2009, 69/2013, 120/2013, 148/2013, 41/2014 и 30/2016)
- Law on the State Examination Center Закон за Државниот испитен центар
- Law on Textbooks for Primary and Secondary Education („Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia“ No. 98/2008, 99/2009, 83/2010, 36/2011, 135/2011, 46/2012, 24/2013, 120/2013, 29/2014, 146/2015, 217/2015 и 30/2016)
- Law on National Qualifications Framework („Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia“ No.137/2013 и 30/2016)
- Law on Establishment of the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility („Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia“ No.113/2007, 24/2011 и 24/2013)
- Law on training and examination for the director of primary school, secondary school, pupils’ dormitories and opened civil university for lifelong learning („Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia“ No.10.2015, 30/2016)
- Law on educational inspection („Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia“ No. 52/2005, 81/2008, 148/2009, 57/2010, 51/2011, 24/2013, 137/2013, 164/2013, 41/2014, 33/2015 и 145/2015
- Law on innovation activity („Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia“ No. 79/2013, 137/2013, 41/2014, 44/2015, 6/2016, 53/16 и 190/16).
- Law on sport academy („Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia“ No. 115/2014, 129/2015, 146/2015, 30/2016 и 142/16)
- Law on Recognition of Professional Qualifications
Rulebooks, guidelines and methodologies in the field of education
- Guidelines for awarding ECVET credits and points in vocational education and training, 24 October 2018
- Methodology for preparation of modular curricula based on competences, 24 October 2018,
- Methodology for development of curricula in technical education, 24 October 2018
- Rulebook on the manner and detailed criteria for organizing and conducting student competitions for individual subjects at municipal, regional and state level in primary education, March 02, 2017
- Rulebook on amending and supplementing the Rulebook on the manner of election for the best student in the profession from the final years of education in vocational education, January 27, 2017
- Rulebook on the manner of acquisition and distribution of funds in public schools, 30 December 2016
- Rulebook on basic professional competencies in the areas of expert associate in primary and secondary schools, October 20, 2016
- Rulebook on the manner of election for the best student in the profession from the final years of education in vocational education, May 31, 2016
- Rulebook on the manner of obtaining the right for accommodation in a student dormitory for students from Sports Academy, March 24, 2016
- Tutoring program for secondary education, February 29, 2016
- Tutoring program for primary education, February 29, 2016,
- Rulebook on the standards for nutrition and meals of students accommodated in student dormitories, February 26, 2016,
- Rulebooks on the manner of determining the salary and expenses to which the primary education teacher has the right when performs the educational activity for the children of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia who are staying abroad, February 10, 2016,
- Rulebooks on the manner and procedure for selection of teachers who teach primary education in the mother tongue for the children of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia who are staying abroad, February 10, 2016,
- Rulebooks on the manner of performing student excursions and other free activities of students from primary and secondary schools, June 05, 2014,
- Rulebook on the form, content and manner of keeping the register for higher education qualifications, May 02, 2014,
- Rulebook on the manner of confirming the compatibility of the National Framework of Higher Education Qualifications with the European Framework of Higher Education Qualifications, 02 May 2014,
- Rulebook on nutrition standards and meals in primary school, 03 April 2014
- Rulebook on functional assessment, January 2023
- Programme on student and parent/guardian counseling in primary schools, June 2023
Strategies and programmes in the field of education or related fields
- Education Strategy 2018-2025
- Work Programme of the Ministry of Education and Science for 2024
- The Strategic Plan of Ministry of Education and Science 2024-2026
- Adult Education Strategy 2019-2023
- National Youth strategy 2016-2025
- Strategy for entrepreneurial learning in Republic Macedonia 2014-2020
- National employment strategy of Republic Macedonia 2016-2020
Concept for secondary education of adults
Concept for establishment of regional VET centres
Concept for inclusive education
Concept for state examination in primary education
Concept for extra curricular activities in primary education