Hellenic Constitution, as revised by resolution dated May 27th, 2008 by the 8th revisionary Parliament session.
Presidential Decree 84/2019 (Government Gazette 123 Α΄/2019) “Establishment and abolishment of General Secretariats and Special Secretariats/Single Administrative sectors within the Ministries.”.
Presidential Decree 81/2019 (Government Gazette 119 Α΄/2019) “Establishment, merger, renaming and abolition of Ministries and definitionof their responsibilities - Transfer of services and responsibilities between Ministries”.
Presidential Decree 18/2018 (Government Gazette 31 A'/2018): "Organisation of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs". It contains the provisions, structure and responsibilities of the Ministry's staff Organisation of Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs". It contains the provisions, structure and responsibilities of the Ministry's staff.
Law 4622/2019 (Government Gazette 133 A'/2019): "Organisation, operation and transparency of government, governmental institutions and Central Public administration."
Law 4559/2018 (Government Gazette 142 A'/2018): "University of Ioannina, Ionian University and other provisions"
Law 4547/2018 (Government Gazette 102 A’/ 2018): "Re-organisation of support structures of primary and secondary Education and other regulations".
Law 4555/2018 (Government Gazette 133 A'/2018): "Reforming the institutional framework of local administration - Deepening of democracy-enhancing participation-improving the economic and development function of the local authorities ("KLEISTHENIS I" programme); [......] other provisions of Ministry of Interior jurisdiction and other provisions.
Law 4485/2017 (Government Gazette 114 A’ /2017): "Organisation and operation of higher education, regulations for research and other provisions".
Law 4415/2016 (Government Gazette 159 A΄) "Arrangements for Greek language education, intercultural education and other provisions".
Law 4386/2016 (Government Gazette 83 Α’ /2016): “Regulations for Research and other provisions”.
Law 4327/2015 (Government Gazette 50 Α’/ 2015): "Urgent measures for Primary, Secondary and Higher Education and other provisions".
Presidential Decree 114/2014 (Government Gazette 181 A'/2014): "Organisation of Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs". It contains the provisions, structure and responsibilities of the Ministry's staff.
Law 4301/2014 (Government Gazette 223 A'/2014): "Organisation of the legal form of religious communities and their associations in Greece and οther provisions of the General Secretariat of Religious Affairs".
Law 4186/2013 (Government Gazette 193 A'/2013): "Restructuring of Secondary Education and other provisions". It contains provisions regarding Upper Secondary Schools, Vocational Upper Secondary Schools, the National Organisation of Examinations, the organisation and operation of bodies in non-formal education, the certificates of vocational education and training and the professional rights, the organisation of the regional bodies of non-formal education of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.
Law 4142/2013 (Government Gazette 83A'/2013): "Authority for Quality Assurance in Primary and Secondary Education". This Law provides for the establisment of the Authority for Quality Assurance in Primary and Secondary Education, and in particular its mission and responsibilities, the Council Recommendation, the President, while it also regulates issues related to assessment decisions of the Authority, and finally the criteria for the evaluation of the educational work.
Law 3966/2011 (Government Gazette 118 A'/ 2011): 'Legal framework for pilot schools, establishment of the Educational Policy Institute, organisation of the Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus" and other provisions'. This law establishes the Educational Policy Institute, abolishes the Centre for Educational Research, Teacher Training Agency and the Pedagogical Institute, renames the Research Academic Computer Technology Institute into Computer Technology Institute and Publications "Diophantus", and regulates the institutional framework of Pilot Schools.
Law 3852/2010 (Government Gazette 87Α΄/2010): "New Architecture of Local Government Administration and Decentralisation - Callicrates programme". The Law provides for the provisions regarding the formation and establishment of Local Government Administration and Decentralisation.
Law 3432/2006 (Government Gazette 14 Α'/2006): "Structure and Function of Ecclesiastical Education". This Law includes provisions regarding the structure and aim of Ecclesiastical Education in Greece, Ecclesiastical Academies, Upper Secondary Ecclesiastical Education and Ecclesiastical Education.
Law 1850/1989 (Government Gazette 114 Α'/1989): "Ratification of the European Charter of Local Self-Government". Under this law, the European Charter of Local Self-Government, signed in Strasbourg on 15 October 1985, is ratified and obtains the force of law.
Hellenic Constitution, as revised by resolution dated May 27th, 2008 by the 8th' revisionary Parliament session.
Law 5094/2024 (Government Gazette 39, B): Strengthening the Public University - Framework for the operation of non-profit branches of foreign universities
Law 4957/2022 (Government Gazette 141): "New Horizons for the Higher Education Institutions: Enhancing the quality, functionality and connection of higher education institutions with society and other provisions".
Law 4763/2020 (Government Gazette 254 A΄) ”National System of Vocational Education, Training and Lifelong Learning, transposition into Greek law of Directive (EU) 2018/958 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 June 2018 on proportionality control before the introduction of new legislation (OJ L 173), ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Hellenic Republic and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Hellenic-German Youth Foundation and other provisions”.
Law 4713/2020 (Government Gazette 147A΄) "Modernization of private education and other urgent provisions under the Ministry of Education and Religions."
Law 4692/2020 (Government Gazette111 A΄)"Upgrading of the School and other provisions".
Law 4485/2017 (Government Gazette 114/issue Α/4-8-2017): "Organisation and operation of higher education, regulations for research and other provisions".
Law 114/2014 (Government Gazette 181/issue Α/29-8-2014): "Organisation of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs".
Law 4283/2014 (Government Gazette 189/issue Α/10-9-2014): "Foundation and organisation of Council of National Policy on Education and other provisions".
Presidential Decree 152/2013 (Government Gazette 240/issue Α/5-11-2013): "Evaluation of primary and secondary education".
Law 4186/2013 (Government Gazette 193/issue A/17-9-2013): "Restructuring of Secondary Education and other provisions". It includes provisions for the transformation of General and Vocational Upper Secondary Schools, Vocational Training Institutes and Special Education structures. It establishes Schools of Vocational Education. Last, it supplements new provisions regarding Higher Education Institutions.
Law 4142/2013 (Government Gazette 83/issue A/9-4-2013): "Authority for Quality Assurance in Primary and Secondary Education". This Law provides for the establisment of the Authority for Quality Assurance in Primary and Secondary Education, and in particular its mission and responsibilities, the establishment of the Council, the President, while it also regulates issues related to assessment decisions of the Authority, and finally the criteria for the evaluation of the educational work.
Ministerial Decision 30972/2013 (Government Gazette 614/issue Β/15-3-2013): "Evaluation of the Educational Work of the School Unit - Self-evaluation procedure".
Law 4115/2013 (Government Gazette 24/issue A/30-1-2013): "Organisation and operation of the Institute for Youth and Lifelong Learning and of the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance and other provisions". It sets the rules of operation and organisation of the two above mentioned bodies. Chapter three contains other provisions for issues under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports.
Law 4093/2012 (Government Gazette 222/issue A/12-11-2012): "Approved Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016 - Emergency Measures of Implementation of Law 4046/2012 and the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016". By this law, the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016 is approved. Pages 5580 – 5590 contain provisions relating to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.
Law 4076/2012 (Government Gazette 159/issue A/10-8-2012): "Regulating issues of Higher Education Institutions and other provisions". It provides for issues relating to Higher Education Institutions collective services, as well as other provisions for all education levels.
Law 4009/2011 (Government Gazette 195/issue A/6-9-2011): "Structure, operation, quality assurance of studies and internationalisation of higher education institutions". It provides general rules on the structure and operation of higher education. It regulates the framework for autonomy, structure and bodies of Higher Education Institutions. It provides for the assessment and transparency, as well as issues relating to reaching and other staff. It distinguishes studies between those of first, second and third cycle. It regulates student issues, issues pertaining to the funding of Higher Education Institutions, as well as issues relating to quality assurance and accreditation in higher education.
Law 3966/2011 (Government Gazette 118/issue A/24-5-2010): "Institutional Framework for Model Experimental Schools, foundation of the Institute for Educational Policy, Organisation of the Institutie of Computer Technology and Publications "DIOFANDOS" and other provisions". This law establishes the Educational Policy Institute, abolishes the Centre for Educational Research, Teacher Training Agency and the Pedagogical Institute, renames the Research Academic Computer Technology Institute into Computer Technology Institute and Publications "Diophantus", and regulates the institutional framework of Pilot Schools.
Law 3879/2010 (Government Gazette 163/issue A/21-9-2010): "Development of Lifelong Learning and other provisions". It provides for the regulation of Lifelong Learning in Greece. It regulates responsibilities of Lifelong Learning bodies. It also sets the Lifelong Learning National Network.
Law 3852/2010 (Government Gazette 87/issue A/7-6-2010): "New Architecture of Local Government and Decentralized Administration-Kallikratis Programme". The municipalities and regions constitute the first and second levels of local government. The decentralized administrations are formed as single units for the decentralized services of the state and exercise decisive authority in state affairs of their region.
Law 3848/2010 (Government Gazette 71/issue A/19-5-2010): "Upgrading of teacher role-establishment of assessment and meritocracy rules in education and other provisions". It describes the process of selection of teaching staff in primary and secondary education. It defines the education staff selection process, as well as it regulates issues relating to status and evaluation of teachers in primary and secondary education. It also provides for the operation of Higher Education Institutions (access, writings, teaching staff, research fund, Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency). It also comprises issues of ecclesiastic education, post-secondary education centers and issues relating to the General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
Law 3794/2009 (Government Gazette 156/issue Α/4-9-2009): "Regulation of issues regarding the university and technological sector of high education and other provisions". It deals with issues of Universities and Technological Education Institutes. It also contains provisions for all education levels.
Law 3699/2008 (Government Gazette 199/issue A/2-10-2008): "Special Education of persons with disabilities or with special educational needs". This law regulates the institutional framework for the organization and operation of Special Needs Education in Greece. It also contains provisions for preprimary, primary and secondary education.
Law 3696/2008 (Government Gazette 177/issue A/25-8-2008): "Establishment and operation of colleges and other provisions". Colleges are established, as providers of post-secondary education and training in Greece.
Law 3653/2008 (Government Gazette 49/issue B/21-3-2008): "Institutional framework for research and technology and other provisions". The Law defines the purpose, the content and the management of expenditures of the National Program for Research and Technology, regulates the design and implementation of research policy, establishes the National Council for Research and Technology and the National Agency for Research and Technology, introduces international cooperation and the participation of Greece in the European Research Area, as well as in European and international intergovernmental organizations and finally establishes research centers and institutes.
Law 3549/2007 (Government Gazette 69/issue Α/20-3-2007): "Reform of the institutional framework for the structure and operation of Higher Education Institutes".
Law 3475/2006 (Government Gazette 146/issue A/13-7-2006): "Organisation and operation of secondary vocational education and other provisions". The law provides for the organisation of secondary vocational education, it renames the Unified Lyceums into General, it organises Upper Secondary Vocational Schools and post secondary Vocational Schools (EPAS), it sets the curriculum and the professional rights of graduates, while it regulates issues of private Upper Secondary Vocational Schools and post-secondary Vocational Schools (EPAS).
Law 3467/2006 (Government Gazette 128/issue A/21-6-2006): "Selection of primary and secondary education executives, regulation of issues of administration and other provisions". It regulates administrative staff selection issues in primary and secondary education. It also refers to issues of administration of education and to other provisions concerning all levels of education.
Law 3376/2005 (Government Gazette 191/issue A/2-8-2005): "Foundation of European Education School".
Law 3374/2005 (Government Gazette 189/issue A/2-8-2005): "Quality assurance in higher education. System for transfer and accumulation of credit units – Diploma Supplement". This law introduces quality assurance in higher education, and also establishes the Quality Assurance Agency. It also provides for the organization of undergraduate and postgraduate programs based on the European Credit Transfer System, as well as the issue of the Diploma Supplement.
Law 3369/2005 (Government Gazette 171/issue A/6-7-2005): "Systematisation of Lifelong Learning and other provisions". It defines the general principles of Lifelong Learning, as well as the bodies responsible for Lifelong Education and Lifelong Training. It describes the Lifelong Education and Lifelong Learning programmes and introduces their certification. Last, it establishes the Institutes of Lifelong Education and Lifelong Learning.
Law 3328/2005 (Government Gazette 80/issue A/1-04-2005): "National Academic Recognition Information Center". This law deals with the establishment, structure and functions of National Academic Recognition Information Center.
Law 3255/2004 (Government Gazette 138/issue A/22-7-2004): "Regulation of issues in all grades of education". This law deals with the establishment of Departments at Universities, establishment of branches and departments in Technological Education Institutions, joint postgraduate degrees in the framework of international - transnational collaborations, as well as other issues of primary and secondary education.
Presidential Decree 127/2003 (Government Gazette 114/issue Α/12-5-2003): "Formation, organisation, operation, administrative support and seat of National Council of Education".
Law 3027/2002 (Government Gazette 152/issue A/28-6-2002): "On issues of the Organisation of School Buildings for Higher Education and other provisions". It defines the process of expropriation and requisition of immovable property by the School Building Organisation S.A. as well as the operation of its personnel. It also defines regulations for the establishment, merger and abolishment of Technological Education Institutes and provides for the renaming of University departments. It establishes the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education and abolishes SELETE.
Joint Ministerial Decision 16065/2002 (Government Gazette 497/issue B/22-4-2002): "Model operation regulation of municipal and community public law legal persons of nurseries and kindergardens".
Law 2986/2002 (Government Gazette 24/issue A/13-2-2002): "Organisation of Regional Services of Primary and Secondary Education, evaluation of the teaching work and staff, training of teachers and other provisions". It organises the prefectural services of primary and secondary education and defines the selection procedure of the prefectural directors. It regulates issues pertaining to the evaluation of the teaching process and of the teachers, as well as for their continuous training.
Law 2909/2001 (Government Gazette 90 A΄)"Arrangements for Admission to Higher Education and other provisions".
Law 2880/2001 (Government Gazette 9/issue A/30-1-2001): "Programme 'POLITEIA' for the reform and modernisation of public administration and other provisions".
Law 2817/2000 (Government Gazette 78/issue A/14-3-2000): "Education of persons with special educational needs and other provisions". It describes the meaning, purpose and status of education of people with special educational needs. It also establishes the Centers for Diagnosis, Evaluation and Support, while it also regulates organizational issues of special education staff.
Law 2009/1992 (Government Gazette 18/issue A/14-2-1992): "National System of Vocational Education and Training and other provisions".
Law 1566/1985 (Government Gazette 167/issue A/30-9-1985): "On the structure and operation of Primary and Secondary Education and other provisions". It describes the purpose, structure and levels of primary and secondary education, the administration of schools, while it also regulates on issues of teaching and administrative staff. The same law provides for the re-foundation of the Pedagogical Institute. What is more, provisions for the training and further education of teachers are included. Also, the law regulates issues related to special education and training of people with disabilities. It also lays down provisions on the School Vocational Guidance, organisation of student life, the institutions for people participation, parental organisations and other special topics.
Presidential Decree 9/1985 (Government Gazette 6/issue A/21-1-1985): "Foundation of Research Institute of Computer Technology".
Law 1320/1983 (Government Gazette 6 A΄)"Recruitment in the Public Sector and other provisions".
Law 682/1977 (Government Gazette 244/issue A/1-9-1977): "On private schools of general education and boarding schools". It regulates issues related to the establishment of private schools of general education and boarding school.
Law 4862/1931 (Government Gazette 2/Issue Α΄/07-01-1931): "On Foreign Schools":
Law 4887/2022 (Government Gazette 16 A΄): "Development Law - Greece Strong Growth".
Law 4864/2021 (Government Gazette A΄ 237): "Strategic investments and improvement of the investment environment through the acceleration of processes in private and strategic investments, the creation of a framework for tech companies and other urgent provisions for development".
Law 4790/2021 (Government Gazette A΄48 ): "Urgent arrangements for the protection of public health from the continuing effects of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, development, social protection and the reopening of courts and other provisions."
Law 4653/2020 ( Government Gazette 12 Α΄): “National Authority of Higher Education. Special Accounts for Research Funds of Higher Education Institutions, Research and Technological Institutions and other provisions".
Law 4763/2020 ( Government Gazette 254 Α΄): "National System of Vocational Education, Training and Lifelong Learning, transposition into Greek law of Directive (EU) 2018/958 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 June 2018 on proportionality control before the introduction of new legislation (EU) L 173), ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Hellenic Republic and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Hellenic-German Youth Foundation and other provisions ".
Law 4635/2019 (Government Gazette167 A΄): "I invest in Greece and other provisions".
Law 4646/2019 (Government Gazette 201 A΄): "Tax reform with a development dimension for Greece of tomorrow".
Law 4521/2018 (Government Gazette 38 A’): "Establishment of the University of West Attica and other provisions".
Law 4512/2018 (Government Gazette 5 A΄): "Arrangements for the implementation of the Structural Reforms of the Economic Adjustment Program and other provisions."
Law 4559/2018 (Government Gazette 142 Α΄): "University of Ioannina, Ionian University and other provisions".
Joint Ministerial Decision Δ22/11/2705/58/17-1-2018 (Government Gazette 57 B΄): "Defining the procedure for granting child benefit".
Joint Ministerial Decision 50025/19-9-2018 (Government Gazette 4217 B΄): "Transfer of public school students from the Regions".
Law 4455/2017 (Government Gazette 22 Α΄): "National Register of Loaders, National Register of Private Social Welfare Institutions and other provisions."
Law 4455/2017 ( Government Gazette 22 Α΄): "National Register of Loaders, National Register of Private Social Welfare Institutions and other provisions."
Law 4485/2017 (Government Gazette 114 A΄): "Organization and operation of higher education, arrangements for research and other provisions".
Joint Ministerial Decision Δ22/οικ.11828/293/2017 ( Government Gazette 1157/B΄): "Determination of conditions for the establishment and operation of Care Units, Preschool Education and Training (Nursery - Kindergartens, Infant and Toddler Employment Units) by Private Law institutions, for-profit and non-profit".
Law 4445/2016 ( Government Gazette 236 A’) "National Mechanism for Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation of Social Inclusion and Social Cohesion Policies, regulations for social solidarity and implementing provisions of Law 4387/2016 (AD 85) and other provisions".
Law 4386/2016 (FEK 83/ issue Α΄/11-5-2016):“Regulations for Research and other provisions”.
Law 4186/2013 (Government Gazette 193/issue A'/17-9-2013): "Restructuring of Secondary Education and other provisions". It includes provisions for the transformation of General and Vocational Upper Secondary Schools, Vocational Training Institutes and Special Education structures. It establishes Schools of Vocational Education, as well as Lifelong Learning Directores. Last, it supplements new provisions regarding Higher Education Institutions.
Law 4141/2013 (Government Gazette 81/issue Α΄/5-4-2013): "Investment Tools for Development, Financing and other provisions".
Law 4172/2013 (Government Gazette 167/issue Α΄/23-7-2013): "Income taxation, urgent measures for implementing law 4046/2012, law 4093/2012 and law 4127/2013 and other provisions".
Ministerial Decision 24001/2013 (Government Gazette 1449/issue B'/14-6-2013): "Transferring primary school students from the Regions".
Law 4111/2013 (Government Gazette 18/issue A'/25-1-2013): "Pension issues and other provisions". It includes provisions for Colleges.
Law 4093/2012 (Government Gazette 222/issue A'/12-11-2012): "Approved Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016 - Emergency Measures of Implementation of Law 4046/2012 and the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016". By this law, the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016 is approved. Pages 5580 – 5590 contain provisions relating to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.
Joint Ministerial Decision 905/2012 (Government Gazette 557/issue B'/2-3-2012): "Provision of initial vocational training voucher to public and private Vocational Training Institutes students".
Law 4024/2011 (Government Gazette 226/issue A'/27-10-2011): "Pension arrangements, single payroll - ranking, job redundancy and other provisions for the implementation of the medium term fiscal policy framework 2012-2015".
Law 4009/2011 (Government Gazette 195/issue A'/6-9-2011): "Structure, operation, quality assurance of studies and internationalisation of higher education institutions". It provides general rules on the structure and operation of higher education. It regulates the framework for autonomy, structure and bodies of Higher Education Institutions. It provides for the assessment and transparency, as well as issues relating to reaching and other staff. It distinguishes studies between those of first, second and third cycle. It regulates student issues, issues pertaining to the funding of Higher Education Institutions, as well as issues relating to quality assurance and accreditation in higher education.
Law 3879/2010 (Government Gazette 163/issue Α'/21-9-2010): "Lifelong Learning development and other provisions"; article 25 includes provisions on domestic transfers. It provides for the regulation of Lifelong Learning in Greece. It regulates responsibilities of Lifelong Learning bodies. It also sets the Lifelong Learning National Network.
Law 3852/2010 (Government Gazette 87/issue A'/7-6-2010): "New Architecture of Local Government and Decentralized Administration-Kallikratis Programme". The municipalities and regions constitute the first and second levels of local government. The decentralized administrations are formed as single units for the decentralized services of the state and exercise decisive authority in state affairs of their region.
Law 3696/2008 (Government Gazette 177/issue A'/25-8-2008): "Establishment and operation of colleges and other provisions". Colleges are established, as providers of post-secondary education and training in Greece.
Law 3549/2007 (Government Gazette 69/issue A'/20-3-2007): "Reform of the institutional framework for Higher Education Institutions structure and operation". This Law regulates the institutional framework for the structure and the operation of Higher Education Institutes, which are distinguished between those of University and Technological sector.
Law 3432/2006 Government Gazette 14 Α): "Structure and function of Ecclesiastical Education".
Law 3377/2005 (Government Gazette 202 Α΄): "Principles and Rules for the Consolidation of Operation and the Development of Key Sectors of Trade and Market - Issues of the Ministry of Development."
Law 3279/2004 (Government Gazette 205/issue A'/1-11-2004): "Foundation of National Council of Competitiveness and Development and regulation of other issues of the Ministry of Development".
Joint Ministerial Decision 16065/2002 (Government Gazette 497/issue B'/22-4-2002): "Model operation regulation of municipal and community public law legal persons of nurseries and kindergardens".
Law 2413/1996 (Government Gazette 124/issue Α΄/16-6-1996): "Greek education abroad, cross-cultural education and other provisions".
Law 2238/1994 (Government Gazette 151/issue Α΄/16-9-1994): "Validation of the Code of Income Taxation".
Law 682/1977 (Government Gazette 244/issue Α΄/1-9-1977): "On private schools of general education and boarding schools".
Joint Ministerial Decision G.P./D11/12001/2023 (Government Gazette 607/ Issue Β'/09-02-2023): "Amendment of the decision referred to in point D22/p.11828 / 293/13.3.2017 of the Deputy Minister of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity "Determination of the conditions for the establishment and operation of Care, Pre-school Education and Education Units (Infant - Child - Nursery Schools, Infant and Toddler Employment Units) by private legal entities, profit and non-profit" (B΄ 1157)”.
Ministerial Decision 40494/Δ2/11-05-2022: “Conditions for the establishment and operation of units Child Protection and Care (ΜοΠΠ) from legal persons governed by private law and not for profit."
Joint Ministerial Decision 78812/2021 (Government Gazette 3116/ Issue Β'/15-07-2021): "Management, Evaluation, Monitoring and Control System - Implementation Procedure of the Action "Reconciliation of family and professional life" for the year 2021-2022, co-financed by the European Social Fund in the framework of the Partnership Pact for the Development Framework (NSRF) for the 2014-2020 programming period”.
Joint Ministerial Decision 54128/2021 (Government Gazette 3360/ Issue Β'/28-07-2021): "Definition of the conditions and procedure for the implementation of the programme of financial support for families with preschool children”.
Law 4704/2020 (Government Gazette 133 Α΄): "Acceleration and simplification of the support of audiovisual works, strengthening of the Digital Governance and other provisions".
Law 4659/2020 (Government Gazette 21 Α΄): "Childbirth allowance and other provisions."
Ministerial Decision 26396/D2/13-07-2020: “Amendment of Decision No Δ22/11828/293/13-3-2017 "Determination of conditions for the authorisation of the establishment and operation of care, pre-school education and education (infant - child - nursery - nursery schools, infant employment units, childcare centres and childcare centres) and infant care facilities) by private law bodies, whether profit-making or not" (B΄ 1157)"
Μinisterial Decision 127860/Δ1/13-08-2019 (Government Gazette 3233 Β΄ 2019): "Amendment of the Joint Ministerial Decision Φ.15/27268/Δ1/21-02-2019 on "Designation of municipalities for the implementation of two-year pre-school education from 2019-2020" and the 100872/Δ1/24-06-2019 Joint Ministerial Decision on "Designation of municipalities for the implementation of two-year pre-school education from 2020-2021" ”.
Joint Ministerial Decision Φ15/27268/Δ1/29-2-2019 (Government Gazette 623 Β΄/2019): “Designation of municipalities for the implementation of two-year pre-school education from 2019-2020”.
Law 4521/2018 (Government Gazette 38 Α΄/ 2018): “Foundation of the West Attica University and other provisions”.
Joint Ministerial Decision D22/11828/293/4-4-2017 (Government Gazette 1157 B' /2017): " Establishment of conditions for authorisation to establish and operation of care units, pre-school education and education Infant Care , Infant/Child Care and Child Care Centres by bodies of
Private law, speculative and non-profit character."
Presidential Decree 134/2017 (Government Gazette 168 Α΄): "Organization of the Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Social Solidarity".
Ministerial Decision Δ22/οικ.11828/293/2017 ( Government Gazette 1157 B΄): "Determination of conditions for the establishment and operation of Care Units, Preschool Education and Training (Nursery - Kindergartens, Infant and Toddler Employment Units) by Private Law institutions, for-profit and non-profit".
Ministerial Decision 63619/Δ6/13-4-2017 (Government Gazette 1367/issue Β'/21-4-2017):«Students' admission and relevant provisions for Experimental and Model Schools for school year 2017-2018".
Law 4386/2016 (FEK 83/ issue Α΄/11-5-2016):“Regulations for Research and other provisions”.
Ministerial Decision 130272/Δ1/5-8-2016 (Government Gazette 2670/issue Β΄/26-8-2016): 'Timetable for the Single Type of Pre-Primary School'.
Ministerial Decision C1/14987/3-2-2014 (Government Gazette 269/issue Β΄/7-2-2014): 'Students introduction and relevant regulations in Model Experimental Schools for the school year 2014−2015.'
Ministerial Decision 14245/C1/31-1-2014 : 'Instructive books of Primary Education for the school year 2014-2015.'
Ministerial Decision 24001/11-6-2013 (Government Gazette 1449/issue B/14-6-2013): 'Pupils transport to public schools by Regional Authorities.'
Law 4115/2013 (Government Gazette 24/issue A'/30-1-2013): 'Organisation and operation of the Institute for Youth and Lifelong Learning and of the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance and other provisions'. It sets the rules of operation and organisation of the two above mentioned bodies. Chapter three contains other provisions for issues under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports.
Law 3966/2011 (Government Gazette 118/issue A'/24-5-2010): 'Institutional Framework for Model Experimental Schools, foundation of the Institute for Educational Policy, Organisation of the Institutie of Computer Technology and Publications "DIOFANDOS" and other provisions'. This law establishes the Educational Policy Institute, abolishes the Centre for Educational Research, Teacher Training Agency and the Pedagogical Institute, renames the Research Academic Computer Technology Institute into Computer Technology Institute and Publications "Diophantus", and regulates the institutional framework of Pilot Schools.
Law 3699/2008 (Government Gazette 199/issue A'/2-10-2008): 'Special Education and Training of persons with disabilities or with special educational needs' . This law regulates the institutional framework for the organization and operation of Special Needs Education in Greece. It also contains provisions for preprimary, primary and secondary education.
Ministerial Decision F.32/190/81670/C1/20-7-2007(Government Gazette 1420/issue Β΄/8-8-2007): 'Pre-primary and all-day pre-primary schools schedule'.
Law 3518/2006 (Government Gazette 272/issue A'/21-12-2006): 'Restructuring of the engineers and public work contractors pension fund and regulation of other matters within the remit of the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection' (article 73, para.1): ‘Issues of Primary and Secondary Education’.
Law 3463/2006 (Government Gazette 114/issue A'/8-6-2006): "Ratification of Code for Municipalities and Communities".
Ministerial Decision F.3/898/97657/C1/25-9-2006 (Government Gazette 1507/issue Β΄/13-10-2006): "Number of children per class in pre-primary schools."
Law 3376/2005 (Government Gazette 191/issue A'/2-8-2005): 'Foundation of European Education School’.
Ministerial Decision 82521/Ζ2/23-8-2005 (Government Gazette 1173/issue Β'/24-8-2005): "Beginning and end of school year for European Education School, enrollments and transfer of students and other organisational issues of Pre-primary and Primary education cycles of European Education School".
Ministerial Decision 21072b/Γ2/28-2-2003 (Government Gazette 304/issue Β'/13-3-2003): 'Ιnterdisciplinary Single Curriculum Framework and Analytical Curricula for Compulsory Education: Music, Foreign Language, Home Economics, Information Technology, School Vocational Orientation, Technology, Natural Sciences (Biology, Geology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry), Physical Education, Interdisciplinary Single Curriculum Framework and Analytical Curricula for Pre-primary education, design and development of cross-curricular activities (Flexible Zone, Health Education, Olympic Education, Environmental Education) and Appendix: Instructions for authors of textbooks, Specifications of textbooks'.
Ministerial Decision 16065/17-4-2002(Government Gazette 497/issue Β΄/22-4-2002): "Model Rules of Operation of Municipal and Community Legal Entities of Public Law, Child and Infant/Child Centers".
Law 2880/2001(Government Gazette 9/issue A΄/30-1-2001): "POLITEIA programme on the reform and modernization of public administration and other provisions". It introduces a National Action Plan for Public Administration, referred to as POLITEIA programme, while it institutionalizes its implementing regulations.
Presidential Decree 200/1998 (Government Gazette 161/issue A'/13-7-1998): ‘Pre-primary schools organization and operation’. It sets the regulatory framework for the organization and operation of kindergartens and the entry requirements of infants. It also defines the school and academic year and the daily and analytical curriculum.
Law 2525/1997 (Government Gazette 188/issue A'/23-9-1997): ‘Unified Upper-Secondary School, access of its graduates to tertiary education, assessment of educational work and other provisions’. It establishes the Eniaio Lykeio and sets the rules for access of graduates to higher education. It also establishes the all-day Kindergarten and all day primary school and sets the rules for the teaching process evaluation.
Presidential Decree 301/1996 (Government Gazette 208/issue Α΄/29-8-1996): "Analytical Programme of Special Education".
Law 2082/1992 (Government Gazette 158 A΄): "Reorganization of Social Welfare and introduction of new institutions of Social Protection."
Presidential Decree 486/1989 (Government Gazette 208 Α΄): "Curriculum for Preschool Education".
Law 1566/1985 (Government Gazette 167/issue A'/30-9-1985): ‘Structure and operation of primary and secondary education and other provisions’. It describes the purpose, structure and levels of primary and secondary education, the administration of schools, while it also regulates on issues of teaching and administrative staff. The same law provides for the re-foundation of the Pedagogical Institute. What is more, provisions for the training and further education of teachers are included. Also, the law regulates issues related to special education and training of people with disabilities. It also lays down provisions on the School Vocational Guidance, organization of student life, the institutions for people participation, parental organizations and other special topics.
Law 5128/2024 (Government Gazette 118/A (30-07-2024): "Arrangements for the Digital Educational Portal and the Digital Tutoring Centre, vocational guidance in secondary education, measures to support the educational system in remote areas and other regulations of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports".
Ministerial Decision 22010/D6/2023 (Government Gazette 1062/Issue Β'/24-02-2023): "Regulation of issues related to the admission of pupils to Standard Schools, Experimental Schools and Church Schools".
Ministerial Decision 160159/GD4/2022 (Government Gazette 6712/Issue Β'/23-12-2022): "Creation, establishment, operation and technical support of the Register of Textbooks (M.D.B.) and the Digital Library of Textbooks (D.D.B.B.), structure, organization and technical support of the Digital Library of Textbooks (D.D.B.) content, conditions, specifications, characteristics, criteria and procedure for the inclusion, modification, alteration or removal of textbooks in the M.D.B. and the P.B.B.D.B., submission and examination of administrative appeals against the relevant acts and their control bodies.".
Law 4957/2022 (Government Gazette 141/Issue Α΄/21-7-2022): "New Horizons for Higher Education Institutions: Enhancing the quality, functionality and connection of higher education institutions with society and other provisions".
Law 4215/2022 (Government Gazette 4215/Issue Β΄/10-08-2022): "Designation of Primary Education school units with a new, upgraded program for the school year 2022-23".
Ministerial Decision 16449/ΓΔ4/25-02-2022 (Government Gazette 877 Β): "Conduct of national tests of a diagnostic nature for students of the 6th grade of Primary schools and 3rd grade of High Schools".
Law 4823/2021 (Government Gazette 136 A): "School upgrading, empowering teachers and other provisions".
Ministerial decision Φ.31/94185/Δ1/2021 (Β΄ 3791): "Skills Labs in Primary Education".
Ministerial Decision F.80378/ΓΔ4/2021 (Government Gazette 3311/Issue Β'/26-7-2021): "Introduction of English in the Kindergarten curriculum".
Ministerial Decision 104671/GD4/2021 (Government Gazette 4003/Issue Β'/30-08-2021): "Pilot Implementation of Curricula in Primary and Secondary Education"
Law 4704/2020 (Government Gazette 133 Α΄): "Acceleration and simplification of the support of audiovisual works, strengthening of the Digital Governance and other provisions".
Law 4692/2020 (Government Gazette 111 A΄): "School upgrade and other provisions".
Law 2418/2020 (Government Gazette 2418/Issue Β΄/18-06-2020): "English language activities in Kindergarten".
Ministerial Decision 155689/ΓΔ4/14-11-2020 (Government Gazette 5044/ Issue Β/14-11-2020): “Amendment of the 120126/GD4/ 12-09-2020 joint decision of the Minister and the Deputy Minister of Education and Religious Affairs on the subject: "Modern distance learning education for the school year 2020-21 - (Β’ 3882)».”
Ministerial Decision 82462/ΓΔ4/29-06-2020 (Government Gazette 2653/ Issue Β/30-06-2020): "Defining specific Kindergartens for the Pilot Introduction of English Language Activities in Kindergarten."
Ministerial Decision 79511/ΓΔ4/24-06-2020 (Government Gazette 2539/Issue Β/24-06-2020): “"Implementation of the pilot action "Skills Labs" in Primary and Secondary Education".
Ministerial Decision 76108/ΓΔ4/17-06-2020 (Government Gazette 2418/Issue Β/18-06-2020): "English Language Activities in Kindergarten".
Joint Ministerial Decision 102535/Δ3/26-06-2019 (Government Gazette 2702/issue Β/ 2019): "Foundations, promotions and removals of special needs education school units (SMEAE) of primary and secondary education, conversion and renaming of the existing special vocational upper secondary education schools into special needs vocational lower - upper secondary education schools, defining sectors and specialisations in them and establishment of sectors and specialisations in the existing special needs vocational lower - upper secondary education schools, from the school year 2019-2020".
Ministerial Decision 85317/Δ3/29-05-2019 (Government Gazette 2171/issue B/7-6-2019: "Daily timetable of compulsory and all-day programme of special education nipiagogeio and special education dimotiko scholeio".
Law 4610/2019 (Government Gazette 70/issue Α/7-5-2019): "Synergies of Universities and TEI, access to tertiary education, Experimental schools, Official Records of the state and other regulations".
Ministerial Decision Φ.17/47528/Δ1/28-03-2019 (Government Gazette 1097/issue Β/2019): "Definition of school units included in the School Library Network System of primary education from the school year 2019-2020".
Ministerial Decision 158733/ΓΔ4/2018 (Government Gazette 4299/issue B/27-9-2018): "Single Operation Regulation of PEKES and specific duties and responsibilties of Co-ordinatots of Educational Work".
Joint Ministerial Decision 50025/19-09-2018 (Government Gazette 4217/issue B/26-09-2018): "Transport for pupils of public schools by the regional authorities".
Ministerial Decision 101470/Δ2/16-06-2017 (Government Gazette 2104/issue B/19-06-2017): "Curriculum of the subject of Religious Education in dimotiko scholeio and gymnasio".
Ministerial Decision 100371/Δ3/15-06-2017 (Government Gazette 2103/issue B/19-06-2017): "Compulsory and all-day curriculum for Special Education Nipiagogeio and Dimotiko Scholeio".
Ministerial Decision 83939/Δ1/19-5-2017 (Government Gazette 1800/issue B/24-5-2017): "Timetables for multigrade Primary Schools".
Ministerial Decision 4358β/2017: "Elementary school students progress report form".
Ministerial Decision 141417/Δ2/9-9-2016 (Government Gazette 2871/issue B/9-9-2016): "Single Curriculum for foreign languages in dimotiko scholeio and gymnasio".
Law 4415/2016 (Government Gazette 159/ issue Α/6-9-2016): "Regulations on Greek Education abroad, on Intercultural Education and other provisions".
Ministerial Decision 117619/Δ1/18-7-2016 (Government Gazette 2419/issue B/5-8-2016): "Curriculum for English Language Learning in Grades A and B of Primary School".
Law 4386/2016 (Government Gazette 83/issue Α/11-5-2016): "Regulations for Research and other provisions".
Ministerial Decision Φ.12/657/70691/Δ1/26-4-2016 (Government Gazette 1324/issue B/11-5-2016): "Timetable for Single Type All-Day Primary School".
Law 4327/2015 (Government Gazette 50/issue Α/14-05-2015): "Urgent measures for Primary, Secondary and Higher Education and other provisions".
Ministerial Decision 24001/11-6-2013 (Government Gazette 1449/issue B/14-6-2013): "Pupils transport to public schools by Regional Authorities".
Law 4115/2013 (Government Gazette 24/issue A/30-1-2013): "Organisation and operation of the Institute for Youth and Lifelong Learning and of the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance and other provisions'.
It sets the rules of operation and organisation of the two above mentioned bodies. Chapter three contains other provisions for issues under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports".
Ministerial Decision Φ.52/63/12873/Γ1/06.02.2012 (Government Gazette 253/issue B/13-2-2012): "Second foreign language teaching in primary schools".
Ministerial Decision Φ.12/530/62626/2011 (Government Decision 1345/issue Β/16-6-2011): "Amendment − completion of Ministerial Decisions F.20/482/95210/C1/9−9−2003, (GG 1325, issue B΄) and Φ.12/773/77094/Γ1/28−7−2006, (GG 1139, issue Β΄)".
Ministerial Decision Φ.12/520/61575/2011 (Government Gazette 1327/issue Β/16-6-2011): "Amendment − completion of Ministerial Decisions Φ.12/773/77094/Γ1/28−7−2006 (GG 1139, issue Β) and Φ.12/620/61531/C1/31−5−2010 (GG 804, issue Β΄) Daily timetables of primary schools with a single reformed education programme".
Law 3966/2011 (Government Gazette 118/issue A/24-5-2010): "Institutional Framework for Model Experimental Schools, foundation of the Institute for Educational Policy, Organisation of the Institutie of Computer Technology and Publications "DIOFANDOS" and other provisions". This law establishes the Educational Policy Institute, abolishes the Centre for Educational Research, Teacher Training Agency and the Pedagogical Institute, renames the Research Academic Computer Technology Institute into Computer Technology Institute and Publications "Diophantus", and regulates the institutional framework of Pilot Schools.
Law 3852/2010 (Government Gazette 87/issue A/7-6-2010): "New Architecture of Local Government and Decentralized Administration-Kallikratis Programme". The municipalities and regions constitute the first and second levels of local government. The decentralized administrations are formed as single units for the decentralized services of the state and exercise decisive authority in state affairs of their region.
Ministerial Decision Φ.12/879/88413/Γ120-7-2010 (Government Gazette 1139/issue Β/28-7-2010): "Teaching - education programme of new subjects to be included in all-day primary schools, which will operate with a Single Reformed Curriculum - revision & updating of analytical programmes and of guidelines for teaching subjects of the all-day programme".
Ministerial Decision Φ.3/724/71442/Γ1/18-6-2010 (Government Gazette 1048/issue Β/12-7-2010): "Modification - completion of the ref. no. Φ.3/609/60745/Γ1/28−5−2010 (Government Gazette 804 /9−6−2010 issue Β΄) Ministerial Decision: "Designation of 800 Primary Schools with a Single Reformed Curriculum".
Ministerial Decision Φ.12/620/61531/Γ1/31-5-2010 (Government Gazette 804/issue Β/9-6-2010): "Timetables of Primary Schools with a Single Reformed Curriculum".
Ministerial Decision Φ.3/609/60745/Γ1/28-5-2010 (Government Gazette 804/issue Β/9-6-2010): "Designation of 800 Primary Schools with a Single Reformed Curriculum".
Law 3687/2008 (Government Gazette 159/issue A/1-8-2008): "Personnel issues of the Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs and other provisions". This law regulates issues pertaining to primary and secondary education personnel, lifelong learning issues, religious education issues, as well as issues related to the education of expatriates and intercultural education.
Ministerial Decision 179/84525/Z2/27-6-2008 (Government Gazette 1444/issue Β/23-6-2008): "Beginning and ending of the school year at the European Education School, students registration and other organisational issues of EES secondary education cycle".
Law 3518/2006 (Government Gazette 272/issue A'/21-12-2006): “Restructuring of the engineers and public work contractors pension fund and regulation of other matters within the remit of the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection' (article 73, para.1): ‘Issues of Primary and Secondary Education”.
Ministerial Decision 103672/Z2/Α.Σ.781/4-12-2006 (Government Gazette 1859/issue B/22-12-2006): "Curriculum of Minority Schools".
Ministerial Decision Φ.3/897/97657/Γ1/25-9-2006 (Government Gazette 1507/issue Β/13-10-2006): "Number of pupils per class in Primary Schools".
Ministerial Decision Φ.12/773/77094/Γ1/28-7-2006 (Government Gazette 1139/issue Β/23-8-206): "Timetable redesign in Primary Schools".
Ministerial Decision F.12.1/545/85812/C1/31-08-2005 (Government Gazette 1280/issue B/13-9-2005): "General implementation of the Flexible Zone Programme in primary education".
Law 3376/2005 (Government Gazette 191/issue A/2-8-2005): "Establishment of European Education School". This law provides for the establishment, since 2005-2006 school year, in Heraklion-Crete, of a general education school entitled "School of European Education" to provide preschool, primary and secondary education to children of employees of the European Agency for Network Security and Information.
Ministerial Decision 21072α/Γ2/28-2-2003 (Government Gazette 303/issue Β/13-3-2003): "Ιnterdisciplinary Single Curriculum Framework and Analytical Curricula (DEPPS) for Primary and Lower Secondary Education: a) General Part β) DEPPS and APS of Hellenic Language, Neohellenic Literature, Ancient Hellenic Language and Literature, Visual Arts, Theatre Studies, Religion, History, Social and Civil Education, Mathematics, Environment Study".
Ministerial Decision 21072β/Γ2/28-2-2003 (Government Gazette 304/issue Β/13-3-2003): "Ιnterdisciplinary Single Curriculum Framework and Analytical Curricula for Compulsory Education: Music, Foreign Language, Home Economics, Information Technology, School Vocational Orientation, Technology, Natural Sciences (Biology, Geology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry), Physical Education, Interdisciplinary Single Curriculum Framework and Analytical Curricula for Pre-primary education, design and development of cross-curricular activities (Flexible Zone, Health Education, Olympic Education, Environmental Education) and Appendix: Instructions for authors of textbooks, Specifications of textbooks".
Presidential Decree 201/1998 (Government Gazette 161/issue A/13-7-1998): "Primary school organisation and operation".
Law 2525/1997 (Government Gazette 188/issue A/23-9-1997): "Unified upper secondary school, access of its graduates to tertiary education, evaluation of the educational work and other provisions". It establishes the Eniaio Lykeio and sets the rules for access of graduates to higher education. It also establishes the all-day Kindergarten and all day primary school and sets the rules for the teaching process evaluation.
Presidential Decree 301/1996 (Government Gazette 208/issue Α/29-8-1996): "Detailed Special Education Curriculum".
Law 2327/1995 (Government Gazette 156/issue A/31-7-1995): "National Education Council, regulation of research issues in the education and post-graduate education of teachers and other provisions".
Presidential Decree 121/1995 (Government Gazette 75/issue A/18-4-1995): "Completion of provisions for Primary School pupils assessment". This Presidential Decree redefines the regulatory framework for the promotion of primary education pupils, as well as that for their progress titles and qualification.
Presidential Decree 8/1995 (Government Gazette 3/issue A/10-1-1995): "Assessment of Primary School pupils". This Presidential Decree defines the concept and the process of the evaluation, establishes the institution of descriptive assessment for all grades of primary school and reintroduces grading.
Law 1566/1985 (Government Gazette 167/issue A/30-9-1985): "Structure and operation of primary and secondary education and other provisions". It describes the purpose, structure and levels of primary and secondary education, the administration of schools, while it also regulates on issues of teaching and administrative staff. The same law provides for the re-foundation of the Pedagogical Institute. What is more, provisions for the training and further education of teachers are included. Also, the law regulates issues related to special education and training of people with disabilities. It also lays down provisions on the School Vocational Guidance, organisation of student life, the institutions for people participation, parental organizations and other special topics.
Law 5174/2025 (Government Gazette 12/A (30-01-2025): Ratification of the 20.1.2025 Donation Agreement between the Hellenic State, the Hellenic Republic and the Foundation with the name "Charitable Foundation "ALEXANDROS S. ONASIS" (ALEXANDER S. ONASSIS PUBLIC BENEFIT FOUNDATION)' and the company with the name 'ARIONA GREECE ANONYMOUS COMPANY FOR ARTISTIC AND CULTURAL EVENTS TEXNIKI OIKODOMIKI' for the operation of the "Onassia" Public Secondary Schools
Law 5128/2024 (Government Gazette 118/A (30-07-2024): "Arrangements for the Digital Educational Portal and the Digital Tutoring Centre, vocational guidance in secondary education, measures to support the educational system in remote areas and other regulations of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports".
Ministerial Decision 20923/D2/2023 (Government Gazette 878/Issue Β'/05-03-2021): "Operation of the Music Schools".
Ministerial Decision 16449/ΓΔ4/25-02-2022 (Government Gazette 877 Β): "Conduct of national tests of a diagnostic nature for students of the 6th grade of Primary schools and 3rd grade of High Schools".
Ministerial Decision 53173/2022 (Government Gazette 4294/Issue Β'/11-08-2022): "Amendment of the Joint Declaration No. 50025/2018 of the Ministers of Finance, Education and Religious Affairs, Interior, Infrastructure, Infrastructure and Transport Transport and Transport 'Transport of pupils of public schools of public schools by the Regions" (B' 4217) (V' 4217)".
Ministerial Decision 20923/D2/2021 (Government Gazette 878/Issue Β'/05-03-2021): "Operation of Music Schools”.
Ministerial Decision 154132/D2/2021 (Government Gazette 5643/Issue Β'/03-12-2021): "Amendment of Decision No 106689/D2/18.8.2020 ministerial decision on: "Timetable of the courses of A', B' and 106106658.1, 106658.2, 106658.2 and 106658.3 of the Music High School classes and of the A, B and C classes of the Music High School classes. Classes A, B and C of General Music High School" (B 3523)”.
Ministerial Decision 103832/D3/2021 (Government Gazette 4037/Issue Β'/02-09-2021): "Timetable of the lessons of the High School E.A.E. - "Skills Workshops in Secondary Education”.
Ministerial Decision F9/90217/D4/2021 (Government Gazette 3470/Issue Β'/29-07-2021): "Timetable of General Courses of General Education and Vocational Courses Orientation courses of the first grade of the Standard Vocational Lyceums (P.EΠA.L.)".
Ministerial Decision F4/53112/D4/2020 (Government Gazette 1766/Issue Β'/08-05-2020): "Promotion - dismissal of students of day and evening EPAP.L. during the school year 2019-2020".
Ministerial Decision F5/55515/D4/2021 (Government Gazette 2093/Issue Β'/20-05-2021): "Promotion - Dismissal of students of Daily and Evening VET schools during the school year 2020-2021".
Ministerial Decision F4/116552/CD4/2021 (Government Gazette 4380/Issue Β'/22-09-2021): "Determination of the "Written Examination" subjects in the promotional examinations of the 1st class of the 1st grade of the EPAP.L. and the Lyceums of EN.E.E.E.Y-Y-Lin the context of the Bank of Subjects of Graded Difficulty, the syllabus and the and the way they are assessed in the school year 2021-2022, based on Article 9 of Law No. 4692/2020 (Α' 111)".
Ministerial Decision F4/141050/CD4/2021 (Government Gazette 5197/Issue Β'/10-11-2021): "Determination of the "Written Examination" courses in the promotional examinations of class B' of VET schools in the context of the Bank of Subjects of Graded Difficulty, the examination syllabus and the way in which they will be assessed in the 2021-2022 school year, based on article 9 of the law 4692/2020 (Α΄ 111)”.
Ministerial Decision ΦΒ6/24964/Κ3/2021 (Government Gazette 981/issue B/12-03-2021): "Approval of Pilot Standard Training Guide for Vocational Training Institutes (I.E.K.)".
Ministerial Decision 94207/Δ2/2021 (Government Gazette 3791/Issue Β'/13-08-2021): "Timetable of the curriculum of the A', B', C' and C' classes of the Daily High School".
Ministerial Decision 94214/Δ2/2021 (Government Gazette 3791/Issue Β'/13-08-2021): "Timetable of the curriculum of the A', B', C' and C' classes of the Evening High School".
Law 4807/2021 (Government Gazette 96/Issue Α'/11-06-2021): “Institutional framework for teleworking, provisions on human resources in the public sector and other urgent provisions”.
Ministerial Decision 154132/Δ2/2021 (Government Gazette 5343/Issue Β'/03-12-2021): "Amendment of the ministerial decision under item 106696/D2/18.8.2020 on: "Timetable of classes of classes A', B' and C' of Artistic High School and classes A', B' and C' of General Artistic High School" (B' 3523)".
Ministerial Decision 94196/Δ2/2021 (Government Gazette 3791/Issue Β'/13-08-2021): "Timetable of the lessons of classes A', B' and C' of the Daily General High School".
Ministerial Decision 94201/Δ2/2021 (Government Gazette 3540/Issue Β'/03-08-2021): "Timetable for the classes of classes A', B' and C' of the Evening General Lyceum".
Law 4763/2020 (Government Gazette 254 A΄): "National System of Vocational Education, Training and Lifelong Learning, transposition into Greek law of Directive (EU) 2018/958 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 June 2018 on proportionality control before the introduction of new legislation (EU) L 173), ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Hellenic Republic and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Hellenic-German Youth Foundation and other provisions".
Ministerial Decision 106689/Δ2/2020 (Government Gazette 3523/Issue Β'/25-08-2020): "Timetable of the courses of A, B', C' and D' and C' classes of the Music High School and the A', B' and C' classes of the Music High School and 3rd classes of the General Music Lyceum”.
Ministerial Decision 106689/Δ2/2020 (Government Gazette 3523/Issue Β'/25-08-2020): "Timetable of the lessons of classes A, B and C of the Music Gymnasium and classes A, B and C of the General Music Lyceum".
Ministerial Decision 106689/D2/2020 (Government Gazette 3523/Issue Β'/25-08-2020): "Timetable of the courses of A, B', C' and D' and C' classes of the Music High School and the A', B' and C' classes of the Music High School and 3rd classes of the General Music Lyceum".
Ministerial Decision 74442/Δ2/2020 (Government Gazette 2450/Issue Β'/19-06-2020): "Teaching the teaching/learning field Technology and Informatics in secondary school".
Law 4692/2020 (Government Gazette 111/ Issue Α’/12-6-2020): «School upgrading and other provisions».
Ministerial Decision 106689/Δ2/25-08-2020 (Government Gazette 3523/issue B/25-08-2020): " Timetable Program of the lessons of the A, B' and 3rd grades of Music High Schools and the A', B' and 3rd grades of General Music High Schools".
Ministerial Decision 85980/Δ2/2020 (Government Gazette 2737/issue B/04-07-2020): "High school and general high school course assignments".
Ministerial Decision 83315/Δ3/30-06-2020 (Government Gazette 2686/issue B/01-07-2020): "Timetables of the Programs of the lower - upper secondary schools of Special Education and Training".
Ministerial Decision 74181/Δ2/15-06-2020 (Government Gazette 2338/issue B/15-06-2020): "Timetable of the lessons of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades of General High Schools".
Ministerial Decision 72322/Δ2/11-06-2020 (Government Gazette 2265/issue B/12-06-2020): "Timetable Program of the lessons of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd grades of the Daily High School".
Ministerial Decision 100526/Δ2/21-06-2019 (Government Gazette 2629/issue B/21-6-2019): "Timetable of subjects of A, B and C grades of music gymnasio and A, B and C grades of general music lykeio".
Ministerial Decision 100530/Δ2/21-6-2019 (Government Gazette 2581/issue B/27-6-2019): "Timetable of subjects of A, B and C grade of Art Gymnasio and A, B and C of General Art Lykeio".
Ministerial Decision 79942/ΓΔ4/21-05-2019 (Government Gazette 2005/issue B/31-05-2019): "Registration, transfer, attendance and organisation issues of school life in secondary education".
Ministerial Decision 71388/Δ2/8-5-2019 (Government Gazette 1674/issue B/14-5-2019): "Groups and specialisations of subjects, format and time for the exams and marking, allocation and dutites of supervisors, duties of students during the exam, guide for composing questions, marking of written tests of progression and graduation exames, re-marking of written tests of progression and graduation tests of general lykeia, guarding exam papers and any other relevant issue".
Law 4610/2019 (Government Gazette 70/issue Α/7-5-2019): "Synergies of Universities and TEI, access to tertiary education, Experimental schools, Official Records of the state and other regulations".
Joint Ministerial Decision 102535/Δ3/26-06-2019 (Government Gazette 2702/issue Β/ 2019): "Foundations, promotions and removals of special needs education school units (SMEAE) of primary and secondary education, conversion and renaming of the existing special vocational upper secondary education schools into special needs vocational lower - upper secondary education schools, defining sectors and specialisations in them and establishment of sectors and specialisations in the existing special needs vocational lower - upper secondary education schools, from the school year 2019-2020".
Ministerial Decision 43496/Δ2/2019 (Government Gazette 1201/issue B/10-04-2019): "Determination of the type of General High School diplomas".
Ministerial Decision 77568/Δ2/16-5-2019 (Government Gazette 1790/issue B/16-5-2019): "Daily timetable of subjects of evening geniko lykeio".
Ministerial Decision Φ4/72379/Δ4/09-05-2019 (Government Gazette 1675/issue B/14-5-2019): "Regulation of written and non-written subjects of EPAL and assessment of EPAL subjects during terms and in progression, graduation and degree exams of EPAL - Organisation of progression, graduation and degree exams of EPAL".
Ministerial Decision Φ.17/47528/Δ1/28-03-2019 (Government Gazette 1097/issue Β/2019): "Definition of school units included in the School Library Network System of primary education from the school year 2019-2020".
Ministerial Decision 40204/Δ3/14-03-2019 (Government Gazette 992/issue B/22-3-2019): "Subjects that are examined and not examined in single structure special vocational secondary education lykeio of ENEEGY-L".
Joint Ministerial Decision F22/134291/Δ4/2018 (Government Gazette 3520/Issue Β'/21-08-2018): "Assignments of Technological – Professional of the courses of the Maritime Professions Sector of the 2nd Class of the Vocational Training School and the courses of the of the specialities of the specialities of the Maritime Professions Sector of the third class of the Vocational Training and Education ν. 4386/2016 (Α' 83)".
Ministerial Decision 163742/Δ3/2-10-2018 (Government Gazette 4691/issue B/2-10-2018): "Timetable of subjects of A, B and C grades of special needs education lykeio".
Ministerial Decision 50025/26-09-2018 (Government Gazette 4217/issue B/26-9-2018): "Transport of public school students from the regional authorities".
Ministerial Decision 139454/Δ2/28-8-2018 (Government Gazette 3807/issue B/28-8-2018): "Daily timetable of grades A, B and C of geniko lykeio".
Ministerial Decision 136986/Δ3/20-08-2018 (Government Gazette 3791/issue B/02-09-2018): "Timetable of lykeio of single special education vocational gymnasia - lykeia".
Joint Ministerial Decision Φ2/129460/Δ4/30-07-2018 (Government Gazette 3224/issue B/30-07-2018): "Daily timetable of technological-vocational subjcts of the sector of maritime professions of grade B of day and evening (three-year) EPAL and of the specialisation subjects of grade C of day and evening (three-year) EPAL and grades C and D of evening (four-year attendance) EPAL".
Ministerial Decision Φ2/107972/Δ4/28-06-2018 (Government Gazette 2636/issue B/28-06-2018): "Daily timetable of subjects of three-year evening EPAL of law 4386/2016 (A 83)".
Law 4547/2018 (Government Gazette 102/issue A/12-06-2018): "Re-organisation of support structures of primary and secondary Education and other regulations".
Ministerial Decision Φ2/92271/05-06-2018 (Government Gazette 2187/issue B/05-06-2018): "Dialy timetable of general education, specialisation and elective subjects of grade A and general education and technological-vocational subjects of grade B of EPAL of the law 4386/2016 (A 83)".
Joint Ministerial Decision 90050/Υ2/1-6-2018 (Government Gazette 2007/issue Β/4-6--2018): "Validation systemfor graduates of post-secondary year-apprenticeship class of vocational upper secondary schools".
Ministerial Decision 76099/Δ2/11-05-2018 (Government Gazette 1704/issue B/11-05-2018): "Subject assignment at Gymnasio and General Lykeio".
Ministerial Decision Φ22/75401/Δ4/10-05-2018 (Government Gazette 1664/issue B/10-5-2018): "Subject assignment at vocational lykeio".
Presidential decree 40/2018 (Government Gazette 76/issue A/30-4-2018): "Assessement of EPAL students and trainees of post-secondary year-apprenticeship class".
Ministerial Decision 58167/Δ2/13-04-2018 (Government Gazette 1371/issue B/24-4-2018): "Operation of Music Schools".
Ministerial Decision 10645/ΓΔ4/23-1-2018 (Government Gazette 120/issue Β/23-1-2018): "Registrations, transfers, attendance and issues of organisation of school life in Secondary Education schools".
Ministerial Decision 167152/D2/6-10-2017 (Government Gazette 3638/issue Β/16-10-2017): "Organisation and operation of School Centers of Compensatory Education regarding remedial teaching for school year 2017−2018".
Ministerial Decision 99058/Δ2/13-06-2017 (Government Gazette 2105/issue B/13-6-2017): "Curriculum of the subject of Religious Education of geniko and epangelmatiko lykeio".
Ministerial Decision Φ2/95229/Δ4/07-06-2017(Government Gazette 2072/issue B/07-06-2017): "Amendment of Ministerial Decision Φ2/65921/Δ4/21-04-2017 (Β’ 1426) "Daily timetable of general education and specialisation subjects of grade C and grades C and D of evening EPAL of law 4386/2016 (Α 83)".
Ministerial Decision 68755/Δ3/26-04-2017 (Government Gazette 1606/issue B/10-05-2017): "Timetable of single special education vocational gymnasia and lykeia".
Ministerial Decision Φ2/65921/Δ4/21-04-2017 (Government Gazette 1426/issue B/21-04-2017): "Daily timetable of general education and specialisation subjects of grade C of day and grades C and D of evening EPAL of lav 4386/2016 (A 83)".
Ministerial Decision 64379/D2/18-4-2017 (Government Gazette 1405/issue Β/25-4-2017): "Operation of Music Schools".
Ministerial Decision 53476/ΓΔ4/28-03-2017 (Government Gazette 1171/issue B/26-3-2017): "Selection of second foreign language and formation of classes".
Ministerial Decision 26412/16-2-2017 (Government Gazette 490/Issue Β/20-2-2017): “Quality Framework for VET Curricula”.
Ministerial Decision 147356/Δ3/13-09-2016 (Government Gazette 3011/issue B/20-09-2016): "Timetable of lessons of A, B and C class of Special Needs Gymnasio and A, B and C class of Special Needs Lykeio".
Ministerial Decision 141417/Δ2/9-9-2016 (Government Gazette 2871/issue B/9-9-2016): "Single Curriculum for foreign languages in dimotiko scholeio and gymnasio".
Law 4415/2016 (Government Gazette 159/issue Α/6-9-2016): "Regulations on Greek Education abroad, on Intercultural Education and other provisions".
Ministerial Decision 135800/Δ2/23-08-2016 (Government Gazette 2732/issue B/31-08-2016): "English Language teaching according to levels in Gymnasio".
Ministerial Decision 103540/Δ2/24-6-2016 (Government Gazette 2078/issue B/6-7-2016): "Timetable for evening gymnasio grades A, B and C".
Ministerial Decision 121072/Δ2/22-6-2016 (Government Gazette 2449/issue B/9-8-2016): "Amendment of ministerial decision 93381/Δ2/07-06-2016 (issue B 1640) with the subject "Timetable for day gymnasio grades A, B and C".
Ministerial Decision 93381/Δ2/7-6-2016 (Government Gazette 1640/issue B/9-6-2016): "Timetable fpr day gymnasio grades A, B and C".
Ministerial Decision Φ20/82041/Δ4/20-05-2016 (Government Gazette 1489/issue B/20-5-2016): "Definition of the new sectors and specialisation of EPAL of law 4386/2016 (Α 83) and their correspondence".
Law 4386/2016 (Government Gazette 83/ issue Α/11-5-2016): "Regulations for Research and other provisions".
Ministerial Decision 136680/Δ2/25-8-2016 (Government Gazette 2758/issue Β/1-9-2016): "Amendment - supplementation of Ministerial Decision no. 94588/Δ2/09-06-2016 on: Subject assignment in Gymnasium and General Lyceums (Β΄ 1670)".
Ministerial Decision 94588/Δ2/9-6-2016 (Government Gazette 1670/issue Β/10-6-2016): "Subject assignment in Gymnasium and General Lyceums".
Ministerial Decision 147356/Δ3/13-9-2016 (Government Gazette 3011/issue Β/20-9-2016): "Timetable for Special Education Gymnasium Grades A, B and C and Special Education Lyceum Grades A, B and C".
Ministerial Decision 106486/Δ2/29-6-2016 (Government Gazette 2107/issue Β/7-7-2016): "Timetable for Art Gymnasium Grades A, B and C and General Art Lyceum Grades A, B and C".
Presidential Decree 46/2016 (Government Gazette 74/issue A/22-4-2016): "Assessment for General Upper Secondary School Students".
Ministerial Decision 7885/Δ2/19-1-2016 (Government Gazette 190/issue Β/3-2-2016): "Syllabus for Art Education Subjects administered in Art Lyceums".
Ministerial Decision 7888/Δ2/19-1-2016 (Government Gazette 166/issue Β/1-2-2016): "Syllabus for Art Education Subjects administered in Art Gymnasiums".
Presidential Decree 126/2016 (Government Gazette 211/Issue Α/11-11-2016): "On school and academic year and assessment of students of General Lower Secondary Education Schools".
Law 4327/2015 (Government Gazette 50/Issue Α/14-05-2015): "Urgent measures for Primary, Secondary and Higher Education and other provisions".
Ministerial Decision 31636/9-9-2015 (Government Gazette 1931/Issue Β/9-9-2015): "Amendment - Supplementation of joint ministerial decision no. 24001/11-6-2013(1449 Β΄/14-6-2013), as currently in force".
Ministerial Decision 116886/Δ2/21-07-2015 (Government Gazette 1687/issue B/21-7-2015: "Teaching of the subject Technology and IT in Gymnasio".
Ministerial Decision 182667/Δ2/12-11-2015 (Government Gazette 2499/Issue Β/19-11-2015): "Lower Secondary Education School and General Upper Secondary Education School courses assignment".
Ministerial Decision 132127/Δ2/24-8-2015 (Government Gazette 1840/Issue Β/26-8-2015): "School timetablefor classes Α, Β and C of Lower Secondary Art Schools and for classes Α, Β and C of Upper Secondary Art Schools".
Ministerial Decision 131149/C2/18-8-2014 (Government Gazette 2298/Issue Β/27-8-2014): "Correspondences of cycles, sectors and specialties of Law 3475/2006 (Α΄ 146) EPAL with the orientation groups, sectors and specializations of Law 4186/2013 (Α΄ 193) EPAL".
Law 4283/2014 (Government Gazette 189/issue A/10-9-2014): "Regulation of issues of VET".
Ministerial Decision 100634/C2/30-7-2014 (Government Gazette 1915/Issue Β/15-7-2014): "General Education courses Curriculum for B, C and D grades of evening EPALs".
Ministerial Decision 99927/27-6-2014 (Government Gazette 1853/Issue Β/7-7-2014): "Curriculum of grades A', B', C' and D' of Evening General Lyceums".
Ministerial Decision 5954/2-7-2014 (Government Gazette 1807/Issue Β/2-7-2014): "Regulation of Operation of Vocational Training Institutes (IEK) falling under the General Secretariat of Lifelong Learning".
Ministerial Decision 5953/23-6-2014 (Government Gazette 1861/Issue Β/8-7-2014): "Organization and Operation Regulation of Second Chance Schools (SDE)".
Presidential Decree 79/2014 (Government Gazette 123/Issue Α/28-5-2014): "Amendment and completion of PD 50/2008 "Vocational Upper Secondary Education School Students Attendance and Assessment" (A 81) as amended and completed by PD 43/2010 (A 86), PD 61/2012 (A 112) and PD 112/2013 (A 145)".
Ministerial Decision 77204/C2/16-5-2014 (Government Gazette 1336/Issue Β/26-5-2014): "Curriculum for Orientation Group Sector Specialisations of B and C grades of Day EPAL and B,C and D grades of Evening EPAL".
Law 4264/14-5-2014 (Government Gazette 118/Issue Α/15-5-2014): "In-shop trade activities and other provisions".
Presidential Decree 68/2014 (Government Gazette 110/Issue Α/7-5-2014): "Amendment and completion of PD 60/2006 "Single Upper Secondary Education School Students Assessment" (A 65) as amended and valid".
Ministerial Decision 2944/17-4-2014 (Government gazette 1098/Issue B/30-4-2014): "Certification System of Initial Vocational Training of Vocational Training Institutes and Vocational Training Schools graduates".
Ministerial Decision 53324/C7/7-4-2014 (Government Gazette 977/Issue Β/17-4-2014): "Amendment of Ministerial Decision 10918/C7/27−1−2014 as regards the Curriculum of A' grade Upper Secondary Education Art Schools students".
Ministerial Decision 53143/C2/7-4-2014 (Government Gazette 903/Issue Β/10-4-2014): "A' grade of evening Vocational secondary education school curriculum".
Ministerial Decision 42712/C2/20-3-2014 (Government gazette 833/Issue Β/3-4-2014): "Pupils number per class in Vocational Upper Secondary Education Schools".
Presidential Decree 39/2014 (Government Gazette 75/Issue Α/28-3-2014): "Lower Secondary Education School students assesment, completion of provisions on students absence, ending of courses in Lower Secondary Schools and other provisions".
Ministerial Decision 24756/C7/20-2-2014 (Government Gazette 582/Issue Β/10-3-2014): "Completion of Ministerial Decision 185744/C7/4−12−2013 (GG 3139/issue Β΄/10−12−2013) with subject "Organization and operation of School Centers of Support Teaching for school year 2013−2014".
Ministerial Decision 10918/C7/27-1-2014 (Government Gazette 168/Issue Β/30-1-2014): "Amendment of Ministerial Decision 1029/C7/4−1−2013 regarding the curriculum of grade A, B and C Lower Secondary Education School students and A grade Upper Secondary Education Arts Schools students".
Law 4186/2013 (Government Gazette 193/Issue A/17-9-2013): 'Restructuring of Secondary Education and other provisions'.
It includes provisions for the transformation of General and Vocational Upper Secondary Schools, Vocational Training Institutes and Special Education structures. It establishes Schools of Vocational Education, as well as Lifelong Learning Directores. Last, it supplements new provisions regarding Higher Education Institutions.
Biministerial Decision 129818/Γ2/16-9-2013 (Government Gazette2451/Issue B/1-10-2013): 'Number of pupils per class in Lower Secondary and General Upper Secondary Education Schools'.
Ministerial Decision 137506/C7/26-9-2013 (Government Gazette 2449/Issue Β/30-9-2013): «Amendment of Ministerial Decision 84924/C7/24.7.2012 (GG 2184/issue Β΄/24.7.2012, correction of mistakes GG 2307/issue Β΄/6.8.2012) with subject: «Amendment of Ministerial Decision 72137/C7/28.6.2011 (GG 1643/issue Β΄) with subject: "Transitional Curriculum of grade A, B and C students of Musical Lower Secondary Education Schools and General Musical Upper Secondary Education Schools".
Ministerial Decision 115475/Γ2/21-8-2013 (Government Gazette 2121/Issue A/28-8-2013): 'School timetable for classes A, B, C of Lower Secondary Education Schools.'
Ministerial Decision 115472/Γ2/21-8-2013 (Government Gazette 2121/Issue A/28-8-2013): 'School timetable for classes A, B, C of Lower Evening Secondary Education Schools.'
Ministerial Decision 24001/11-6-2013 (Government Gazette 1449/Issue B/14-6-2013): 'Pupils transport to public schools by Regional Authorities.'
Ministerial Decision 1029/Γ7/4-1-2013 (Government Gazette 210/Issue Β/5-2-2013): 'Amendment of the transitional timetable of courses for grades A, B and C of Lower Secondary Education Art Schools and for grades A, B and C of Upper Secondary Education Art Schools'.
Ministerial Decision 10141/IA/18-11-2012 (Government Gazette 3056/Issue B/18-11-2012): 'Initial Training Accreditation System for IEK graduates'.
Law 4093/2012 (Government Gazette 222/Issue A/12-11-2012): 'Approved Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016 - Emergency Measures of Implementation of Law 4046/2012 and the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016'. By this law, the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016 is approved. Pages 5580 – 5590 contain provisions relating to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.
Ministerial Decision 127781/Γ2/18-10-2012 (Government Gazette 2985/Issue Β/8-11-2012): 'Organisation and operation of Additional Teaching Support'.
Ministerial Decision 84924/Γ7/24-7-2012 (Government Gazette 2184/Issue Β/24-07-2012): 'Amendment of the ref. no. 72137/Γ7/28-6-2012 Ministerial Decision (Government Gazette 1643/B') titled Transitional Timetable of courses for grades A, B and C of Lower Secondary Music Schools and for grades A, B and C of Upper Secondary Music Schools.
Presidential Decree 61/2012 (Government Gazette 112/Issue A/3-5-2012): 'Amendment of provisions of P.D. 50/2008 (A' 81) – Attendance and assessment of Upper Secondary Vocational School students, as amended by P.D. 43/2010 (A' 86) – Amendment of P.D. 50/2008 (Government Gazette 81 A') Attendance and assessment of Upper Secondary Vocational School students.
Ministerial Decision 37596/Γ2/3-4-2012(Government Gazette 1131/Issue B/10-4-2012): 'Amendment of ref. no. 111276/Γ28-10-2007 Ministerial Decision Timetable for grades A, B and C of Upper Secondary Vocational Day Schools (Government Gazette 2057/B') and ref. no. 138011/Γ2/3-12-2007 Ministerial Decision Timetable for grades A, B, C and D of Upper Secondary Vocational Evening Schools (Government Gazette 26 B).
Ministerial Decision 36799/Γ2/2-4-2012(Government Gazette 1163/Issue Β/10-4-2012): 'Timetable of grade B' of General Upper Secondary Education Schools'.
Ministerial Decision 36798/Γ2/2-4-2012 (Government Gazette 1163/Issue Β/10-4-2012): 'Timetable of grades B' and C' of General Upper Secondary Education Evening Schools'.
Ministerial Decision 14302/Γ2/9-2-2012 (Government Gazette 253/Issue Β/13-2-2012): 'Teaching of a second foreign language in Lower Secondary Education Schools'.
Ministerial Decision 70000/Γ2/21-6-2011 (Government Gazette 1557/Issue Β/27-6-2011): 'Timetable for the 1st grade of General Evening upper secondary education school'.
Law 3966/2011 (Government Gazette 118/Issue A/24-5-2011): 'Institutional Framework for Model Experimental Schools, foundation of the Institute for Educational Policy, Organisation of the Institute of Computer Technology and Publications "DIOFANDOS" and other provisions'. This law establishes the Educational Policy Institute, abolishes the Centre for Educational Research, Teacher Training Agency and the Pedagogical Institute, renames the Research Academic Computer Technology Institute into Computer Technology Institute and Publications "Diophantus", and regulates the institutional framework of Pilot Schools.
Law 3848/2010 (Government Gazette 71/Issue A/19-5-2010): 'Upgrading of teacher role-establishment of assessment and meritocracy rules in education and other provisions'. It describes the process of selection of teaching staff in primary and secondary education. It defines the education staff selection process, as well as it regulates issues relating to status and evaluation of teachers in primary and secondary education. It also provides for the operation of Higher Education Institutions (access, writings, teaching staff, research fund, Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency). It also comprises issues of ecclesiastic education, post-secondary education centers and issues relating to the General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
Ministerial Decision 105954/Γ2/4-3-2009 (Government Gazette 1890/Issue Β/3-9-2009): 'Modification of the ref. no. 54530/ Γ2/2-6-2005 ministerial decision regarding the introduction of the Spanish language in the curriculum of Lower Secondary Education Day Schools'.
Law 3699/2008 (Government Gazette 199/Issue A/2-10-2008): 'Special Education and Training of persons with disabilities or with special educational needs' . This law regulates the institutional framework for the organization and operation of Special Needs Education in Greece. It also contains provisions for preprimary, primary and secondary education.
Ministerial Decision 118842/C2/17-9-2008 (Government Gazette 1984/Issue Β/24-9-2008): "Lower Secondary Education Schools, General Upper Secondary Education Schools, EPAL and EPAS courses assignment".
Ministerial Decision 179/84525/Z2/27-6-2008 (Government Gazette 1444/Issue Β/23-7-2008): 'Start and end of the school year in the European Education School, student enrollments and transfers, and other organizational issues of the secondary education cycle of the European Education School'.
Presidential Decree 51/2008 (Government Gazette 82/Issue A/8-5-2008): 'Attendance and assessment of Vocational School pupils'. It defines the purpose of student assessment, the periods of the school year, while it identifies the subjects taught in theoretical, laboratory, design and mixed ones. It regulates issues related to the final evaluation, attendance, promotion, dismissal and rejection of students, as well as the degrees of Vocational Schools.
Presidential Decree 50/2008 (Government Gazette 81/Issue A/8-5-2008): 'Attendance and assessment of Vocational Upper Secondary Education School pupils'. It defines the purpose of the assessment and the periods of the school year, it distinguishes taught subjects, in those examined in writing and non, it determines the assessment for mixed courses, the diagnostic evaluation and the final evaluation. It also regulates issues related to the attendance, promotion, dismissal and rejection of students, as well as the certificate of upper secondary vocational schools.
Ministerial Decision 28118/Γ2/4-3-2008 (Government Gazette 429/Issue Β/13-3-2008): 'Timetable of grades A' and B' of Vocational Schools'.
Ministerial Decision 260/16-1-2008 (Government Gazette 34/issue B/16-1-2008): 'Organization and functioning of Second Chance Schools'.
Ministerial Decision 138011/Γ2/03-12-2007 (Government Gazette 26/issue B/15-1-2008): 'Timetable for grades A, B, C and D of VocationalUpper Secondary Evening Schools'.
Ministerial Decision 111277/Γ2/8-10-2007 (Government Gazette 2057/issue Β/23-10-2007): 'Analytical Curriculum for the subject "Elements of Technology" of the Technology Cycle – Grade A', Vocational Upper Secondary Education Schools'.
Ministerial Decision 111276/Γ2/8-10-2007 (Government Gazette 2057iIssue Β/23-10-2007): 'Timetable for grades A, B and C of VocationalUpper Secondary Education Day Schools'.
Ministerial Decision 56645/Γ2/1-6-2007 (Government Gazette 947/Issue B/13-6-2007): 'Definition of specialization in Vocational Schools'.
Ministerial Decision 36682/Γ4/30-3-2007 (Government Gazette 649/Issue Β/27-4-2007): 'Criteria - Process and bodies responsible for the selection of physical education teachers for the athletic facilitation departments of lower secondary education schools and the special athletic facilitation departments of upper secondary education schools'.
Ministerial Decision 36618/Γ2/30-3-2007 (Government Gazette 940/Issue Β/12-6-2007): 'Subject cycles, sectors and disciplines in VocationalUpper Secondary Education Schools'.
Ministerial Decision 80033/Γ2/2-8-2006 (Government Gazette 1286/Issue Β/12-9-2006): 'School year, holidays, books and forms, student registration – transfer – attendance, behavior and honorary distinctions, regarding Vocational Upper Secondary Schools'.
Law 3475/2006 (Government Gazette 146/Issue A/13-7-2006): 'Organization and operation of vocationalsecondary education and other provisions'. The law provides for the organization of secondary vocational education, it renames the Unified Lyceums into General, it organizes Upper Secondary Vocational Schools and Vocational Schools, it sets the curriculum and the professional rights of graduates, while it regulates issues of private Upper Secondary Vocational Schools and Vocational Schools.
Presidential Decree 60/2006 (Government Gazette 65/Issue A/30-3-2006): 'Assessment of the Unified Upper Secondary School pupils'. It defines the purpose of the assessment and the periods of the school year, distinguishing the subjects taught in groups and defines they way of assessment. It also regulates issues related to the diagnostic and the final evaluation, as well as the attendance, promotion, dismissal and rejection of upper secondary school pupils.
Law 3376/2005 (Government Gazette 191/Issue A/2-8-2005): 'Establishment of European Education School' . This law provides for the establishment, since 2005-2006 school year, in Heraklion-Crete, of a general education school entitled "School of European Education" to provide preschool, primary and secondary education to children of employees of the European Agency for Network Security and Information.
Ministerial Decision 63444/Γ2/27-6-2005 (Government Gazette 921/Issue Β/5-7-2005): 'Nationally examined subjects of Grade C' of Upper Secondary Day Schools and Grade D' of Upper Secondary Evening Schools'.
Ministerial Decision 54529/Γ2/2-6-2005 (Government Gazette 771/Issue Β/8-6-2005): 'Timetable of Grades A', B', C' of Lower Secondary Education Evening Schools'.
Law 3194/2003 (Government Gazette 267/Issue Α/20-11-2003): 'Regulation on issues pertaining to education and other provisions'.
Ministerial Decision 107922/Γ7/3-10-2003 (Government Gazette 1497/Issue Β/10-10-2003): 'Purpose of establishment and operation of Lower Secondary Education Arts Schools'.
Ministerial Decision 21072b/Γ2/28-2-2003 (Government Gazette 304/Issue Β/13-3-2003): 'Ιnterdisciplinary Single Curriculum Framework and Analytical Curricula for Compulsory Education: Music, Foreign Language, Home Economics, Information Technology, School Vocational Orientation, Technology, Natural Sciences (Biology, Geology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry), Physical Education, Interdisciplinary Single Curriculum Framework and Analytical Curricula for Pre-primary education, design and development of cross-curricular activities (Flexible Zone, Health Education, Olympic Education, Environmental Education) and Appendix: Instructions for authors of textbooks, Specifications of textbooks'.
Ministerial Decision 21072a/Γ2/28-2-2003 (Government Gazette 303/Issue Β/13-3-2003): 'Interdisciplinary Single Curriculum Framework and Analytical Curricula for Compulsory Education a) General part b) Interdisciplinary Single Curriculum Framework and Analytical Curricula for Greek Language, Literature, Modern Greek, Ancient Greek Language and Literature, Visual Arts, Theatre Studies, Religion, History, Social and Political Education, Mathematics, Environmental Studies'.
Ministerial Decision D/13074/7-6-2000 (Government Gazette 780/Issue Β/23-6-2000): "Foreigners registration in Public and Private IEKs".
Ministerial Decision Γ2/3850/16-6-1998 (Government Gazette 658/Issue Β/1-7-1998): 'Operation of music schools'.
Law 2621/1998 (Government Gazette 136/Issue A/23-6-1998): 'Regulating issues pertaining to the organization and functioning of Technological Educational Institutes and other provisions'. It includes, inter alia, provisions related to seminaries of the prefectures of Rodopi and Xanthi.
Law 2525/1997 (Government Gazette 188/Issue A/23-9-1997): 'Unified upper secondary school, access of its graduates to tertiary education, evaluation of the educational work and other provisions'. It establishes the Eniaio Lykeio and sets the rules for access of graduates to higher education. It also establishes the all-day Kindergarten and all day primary school and sets the rules for the teaching process evaluation.
Presidential decree 409/1994 (Government Gazette 226/Issue A/22-12-1994): 'Assessment of lower secondary education pupils'.
It defines the concept, the purpose and the process of assessment of upper secondary education school students.
Ministerial Decision Γ2/3345/2-9-1988 (Government Gazette 649/issue Β/7-9-1988): "Establishment and operation of music schools".
Law 1599/1986 (Government Gazette 75/issue A/11-6-1986): "Relations of the state and citizen, introduction of new identity type and other provisions".
Law 1566/1985 (Government Gazette 167/issue A/30-9-1985): "Structure and operation of primary and secondary education and other provisions". It describes the purpose, structure and levels of primary and secondary education, the administration of schools, while it also regulates on issues of teaching and administrative staff. The same law provides for the re-foundation of the Pedagogical Institute. What is more, provisions for the training and further education of teachers are included. Also, the law regulates issues related to special education and training of people with disabilities. It also lays down provisions on the School Vocational Guidance, organization of student life, the institutions for people participation, parental organizations and other special topics.
Presidential Decree 485/1983 (Government Gazette 184/issue A/21-12-1983): "Amendment of provisions related to the attendance and absences of Middle General and Technical – Vocational Education students". It distinguishes schooling among satisfactory, incomplete or inadequate and defines consequences for the last two cases.
Presidential Decree 104/1979 (Government Gazette 23/issue A/7-2-1979): "On school and academic year, service books, enrollments, transfers, attendance, conduct and honors of students of General Secondary Education Schools". It sets the start and end of the school and teaching year in lower and upper secondary schools and Christmas, Easter and summer holidays, it describes the territorial distribution of pupils in them, the process of transfer and characterizes attendance, conduct and honors of students.
Hellenic Constitution, as revised by resolution dated May 27th, 2008 by the 8th revisionary Parliament session.
Law 5094/2024 (Government Gazette 39, B): Strengthening the Public University - Framework for the operation of non-profit branches of foreign universities
Law 4957/2022 (Government Gazette 141/Issue Α΄/21-7-2022): "New Horizons for the Higher Education Institutions: Enhancing the quality, functionality and connection of higher education institutions with society and other provisions".
Law 4777/2021 (Government Gazette 25 A΄): "Introduction to Higher Education, protection of academic freedom, upgrading of the academic environment and other provisions".
Law 4653/2020 (Government Gazette 12 A΄): "National Authority for Higher Education. Special Accounts for Research Funds of Higher Education Institutions, Research and Technological Bodies and other provisions. "
Law 4763/2020 (Government Gazette 254 A΄): "National System of Vocational Education, Training and Lifelong Learning, transposition into Greek law of Directive (EU) 2018/958 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 June 2018 on proportionality control before the introduction of new legislation (EU) L 173), ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Hellenic Republic and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Hellenic-German Youth Foundation and other provisions. "
Law 4692/2020 ( Government Gazette 111 A΄): "School upgrade and other provisions".
Ministerial Decision F.253/11812/Α5 (Government Gazette 345/ Issue Β΄/07-02-2020): "Classification of Faculties, Departments and Introductory Departments in the Scientific Fields of article 4A of Law No. 4186/2013 (A193), as added by par. 5 of Article 100 of Law No. 4610/2019 (Α΄70)".
Minesterial Decision Φ.253/11812/Α5/28-1-2020 (Government Gazette 345 Β΄): "Classification of Schools, Departments and Introductory Directions of Departments in the Scientific Fields of article 4A of law 4186/2013 (AD193), as this was added with par. 5 of article 100 of law 4610/2019 (AD 70). »
Ministerial Decision Φ.253/99129/Α5/24-7-2020 (Government Gazette 3209 B΄): "Amendment of no. Φ.253 / 11812 / Α5 / 2020 (ΒΔ 345) of ministerial decision on: Classification of Schools, Departments and Introductory Directions of Departments in the Scientific Fields of article 4A of law 4186/2013 (AD 193), as this was added with par. 5 of article 100 of law 4610/2019 (AD 70) "
Ministerial Decision ΤΕΚ 1615/1-8-2019 (Government Gazette 3093/issue Β/1-8-2019): "Approval of doctoral studies regulation of the Hellenic Open University".
Ministerial Decision Φ253/80503/Α5/21-05-2019 (Government Gazette 1907/issue B/28-05-2019): "Amendment of ministerial decision Φ.253/142542/Α5/2017(2995 Β): "Inclusion of facultites, departments and introductory directions in the scientific fields of article 3 of law 4327/2015 (50 Α), as amended with par. 1 and 2 of article 74 of law 4485/2017 (114 Α)".
Law 4610/2019 (Government Gazette 70/issue A/7-5-2019): "University and Technological Institution synergies, admission to higher education, model schools, general state archives and other provisions".
Law 4589/2019 (Government Gazette 13/issue A/29-01-2019): "Synergies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Agricultural University of Athens, the University of Thessaly with the TEI of Thessaly, the TEI of Central Greece, the Pallimniako Fund and other regulations".
Ministerial Decision 41931/Ζ1/19-3-2018 (Government Gazette 972/issue B/19-3-2018): "Regulation of issues of common postgraduate studies and dissertations with co-supervision between HEIs of the country and certified as equal foreign institutions or research centres and institutes".
Law 4559/2018 (Government Gazette 142/issue A/03-08-2018): "University of Ioannina, Ionian University and other regulations"
Law 4521/2018 (Government Gazette 38/issue Α/2-3-2018): "Foundation of the West Attica University and other provisions".
Law 4485/2017 (Government Gazette 114/issue Α/4-8-2017): "Organisation and operation of higher education, regulations for research and other provisions".
Law 4452/2017 (Government Gazette 17/issue Α/15-2-2017): "Regulation of issues of the National Certificate in Languages, the National Library of Greece and other provisions".
Law 4327/2015 (Government Gazette 50/issue A/14-5-2015): "Urgent measures for Primary, Secondary and Higher Education and other provisions".
Law 4186/2013 (Government Gazette 193/issue A/17-9-2013): "Restructuring of Secondary Education and other provisions". It includes provisions for the restructuring of General and Vocational Upper Secondary Schools, Vocational Training Institutes and Special Education structures. It establishes Schools of Vocational Education, as well as Lifelong Learning Directores. Last, it supplements new provisions regarding Higher Education Institutions".
Law 4076/2012 (Government Gazette 159/issue A/10-8-2012): "Regulating issues of Higher Education Institutions and other provisions". It provides for issues relating to Higher Education Institutions collective services, as well as other provisions for all education levels.
Law 4009/2011 (Government Gazette 195/issue A/6-9-2011): "Structure, operation, quality assurance of studies and internationalisation of higher education institutions". It provides general rules on the structure and operation of higher education. It regulates the framework for autonomy, structure and bodies of Higher Education Institutions. It provides for the assessment and transparency, as well as issues relating to reaching and other staff. It distinguishes studies between those of first, second and third cycle. It regulates student issues, issues pertaining to the funding of Higher Education Institutions, as well as issues relating to quality assurance and accreditation in higher education.
Law 3879/2010 (Government Gazette 163/issue Α/21-9-2010): "Lifelong Learning development and other provisions"; article 25 includes provisions on domestic transfers. It provides for the regulation of Lifelong Learning in Greece. It regulates responsibilities of Lifelong Learning bodies. It also sets the Lifelong Learning National Network.
Ministerial Decision Φ1/76244/Β3/30-6-2010 (Government Gazette 957/issue B/30-6-2010): "Conditions and procedure for the free supply and selection of textbooks by students of Higher Education Institutions and Higher Ecclesiastical Academies and payment of beneficiary publishers".
Law 3794/2009 (Government Gazette 156/issue Α/4-9-2009): "Regulation of issues regarding the university and technological sector of high education and other provisions". It deals with issues of Universities and Technological Education Institutes. It also contains provisions for all education levels.
Law 3685/2008 (Government Gazette 148/issue Α/16-7-2008): "Postgraduate studies institutional framework". It sets the institutional framework of postgraduate studies. It defines issues pertaining to the bodies and the regulation of postgraduate programmes, candidates, selection procedures, academics and supervisors. It also regulates the operation of the University Research Institutes.
Ministerial Decision Φ5/89656/Β3/13-8-2007 (Government Gazette 1466/issue Β/13-8-2007): "Implementation of the ECTS".
Law 3467/2006 (Government Gazette 128/issue Α/21-6-2006): "Selection of primary and secondary education officials, regulation of administrative issues in education and other provisions". It regulates administrative staff selection issues in primary and secondary education. It also refers to issues of administration of education and to other provisions concerning all levels of education.
Law 3450/2006 (Government Gazette 64/issue Α/30-3-2006): "Upgrade and restructuring of naval education and other provisions".
Law 3432/2006 (Government Gazette 14/issue Α/3-2-2006): "Structure and operation of ecclesiastical education". It sets the rules of structure and operation of Ecclesiastic Education in Greece. It deals with Ecclesiastic Lower Secondary Schools, Ecclesiastic Upper Secondary Schools, Higher Ecclesiastic Academies and Seminary Second Chance Schools.
Law 3374/2005 (Government Gazette 189/issue A/2-8-2005): "Quality assurance in higher education, transfer and accumulation system of credits-diploma supplement". This law introduces quality assurance in higher education, and also establishes the Quality Assurance Agency. It also provides for the organisation of undergraduate and postgraduate programs based on the European Credit Transfer System, as well as the issue of the Diploma Supplement.
Law 3404/2005 (Government Gazette 260/issue Α/17-10-2005): "Regulation of issues of Higher Education University and Technological Sectors and other provisions". It deals with issues related to study and operation of Technological Education Institutes, as well as with personnel issues of the Technological Education Institutes and of the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education. It also deals with issues relating to higher education access, as well as with student transfers and exams for attending other first cycle programmes after initial graduation. It also contains other provisions on higher education.
Law 3187/2003 (Government Gazette 233/issue Α/7-10-2003): "Higher Military Educational Institutions (MEI)". It sets the rules for the organization, operation and staff recruitment of the Higher Military Education Institutes which since then are considered as institutes of the university sector of higher education.
Law 3027/2002 (Government Gazette 152/issue Α/28-6-2002): "Regulation of issues of the Organisation of School Buildings and higher education, and other provisions". It defines the process of expropriation and requisition of immovable property by the School Building Organization S.A. as well as the operation of its personnel. It also defines regulations for the establishment, merger and abolishment of Technological Education Institutes and provides for the renaming of University departments. It establishes the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education and abolishes SELETE.
Law 2916/2001 (Government Gazette 114/issue Α/11-6-2001): "Structure of higher education and regulation of issues pertaining to the technological sector thereof". It upgrades Technological Education Institutes and distinguishes higher education between University and Technological sector. It defines the required qualifications for the Technological Education Institutes teaching staff and determines its salary.
Law 2552/1997 (Government Gazette 266/issue Α/24-12-1997): "Hellenic Open University and other provisions". It establishes, organises and sets the rules of operation of the Hellenic Open University and of the distance learning provided by it.
Law 2525/1997 (Government Gazette 188/issue Α/23-9-1997): "Unified Upper Secondary School, graduates admission to tertiary education, educational work assessment and other provisions". It establishes the Eniaio Lykeio and sets the rules for access of graduates to higher education. It also establishes the all-day pre-primary and primary school and sets the rules for the teaching process evaluation.
Law 4763/2020 (Government Gazette 254 A΄): "National System of Vocational Education, Training and Lifelong Learning, transposition into Greek law of Directive (EU) 2018/958 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 June 2018 on proportionality control before the introduction of new legislation (EU) L 173), ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Hellenic Republic and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Hellenic-German Youth Foundation and other provisions".
Presidential Decree 84/17-7-2019 (Government Gazette 123/ issue Α/2019): "Establishment and abolishment of general secretariats and special secretariats/single administrative domains of Ministries".
Law 4186/2013 (Government Gazette 193/issue A/17-9-2013): "Restructuring of Secondary Education and other provisions".
It includes provisions for the transformation of General and Vocational Upper Secondary Schools, Vocational Training Institutes and Special Education structures. It establishes Schools of Vocational Education, as well as Lifelong Learning Directores. Last, it supplements new provisions regarding Higher Education Institutions.
Law 4115/2013 (Government Gazette 24/issue A/30-1-2013): "Organisation and operation of the Institute for Youth and Lifelong Learning and of the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance and other provisions".
It sets the rules of operation and organisation of the two above mentioned bodies. Chapter three contains other provisions for issues under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports.
Law 4111/2013 (Government Gazette 18/issue A/25-1-2013): "Pension issues and other provisions". It includes provisions for Colleges.
Joint Ministerial Decision 129818/Γ2/16-9-2013 (Government Gazette 2451/Issue B/1-10-2013): 'Number of pupils per class in Lower Secondary and General Upper Secondary Education Schools'.
Law 4093/2012 (Government Gazette 222/issue A/12-11-2012): "Approved Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016 - Emergency Measures of Implementation of Law 4046/2012 and the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016". By this law, the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016 is approved. Pages 5580 – 5590 contain provisions relating to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.
Joint Ministerial Decision 905/2012 (Government Gazette 557/issue B/2-3-2012): "Initial Vocational Training Voucher grant to public and private vocational training institutes trainees".
Joint Ministerial Decision 127175/Η/4-11-2011 (Government Gazette 2508/issue Β/4-11-2011): "Merger of Private Law Legal Entities 'National Youth Institution', 'Continuous Adult Training Institute' and 'Youth Institute', supervised by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs".
Law 4009/2011 (Government Gazette 195/issue A/6-9-2011): "Structure, operation, quality assurance of studies and internationalisation of higher education institutions". It provides general rules on the structure and operation of higher education. It regulates the framework for autonomy, structure and bodies of Higher Education Institutions. It provides for the assessment and transparency, as well as issues relating to reaching and other staff. It distinguishes studies between those of first, second and third cycle. It regulates student issues, issues pertaining to the funding of Higher Education Institutions, as well as issues relating to quality assurance and accreditation in higher education.
Law 3879/2010 (Government Gazette 163/issue Α/21-9-2010): "Lifelong Learning development and other provisions"; article 25 includes provisions on domestic transfers. It provides for the regulation of Lifelong Learning in Greece. It regulates responsibilities of Lifelong Learning bodies. It also sets the Lifelong Learning National Network.
Law 3699/2008 (Government Gazette 199/issue A/2-10-2088): "Special Education and Training of disabled people or people with special educational needs". This law regulates the institutional framework for the organization and operation of Special Needs Education in Greece. It also contains provisions for preprimary, primary and secondary education.
Law 3696/2008 (Government Gazette 177/issue A/25-8-2008): "Establishment and operation of colleges and other provisions". Colleges are established, as providers of post-secondary education and training in Greece.
Law 3191/2003 (Government Gazette 258/issue A/7-11-2003): "The National System of Vocational Education and Training linked with Employment". It provides for the rules of the national connection system of vocational education and training with employment. It designates the National Council of Connection of Vocational Education and Training with Employment as the implementing body and regulates its duties and powers.
Law 2909/2001 (Government Gazette 90/issue A/2-5-2001): "Regulation of issues of admission to tertiary education and other provisions". This law regulates issues related to candidates access to higher education, renames the Institute of Computer Technology (CTI) to "Research Academic Computer Technology Institute and provides for the foundation of the "National Observatory" of the General Secretariat for Youth.
Law 2552/1997 (Government Gazette 266/issue Α/24-12-1997): "Hellenic Open University and other provisions". It establishes, organizes and sets the rules of operation of the Hellenic Open University and of the distance learning provided by it.
Law 2083/1992 (Government Gazette 159/Issue Α'/21-09-1992): “Modernisation of Higher Education”.
Law 1320/1983 (Government Gazette 6/issue Α/11-1-1983), "Recruitment in the Public Sector and other provisions". Law of 1983 on the conditions and the recruitment process in the public sector.
Law 2009/1992 (Government Gazette 18/issue A/14-2-1992): "National system of vocational education and training and other regulations".
Law 4957/2022 (Government Gazette 141/Issue Α'/21-07-2022): “New Horizons in Higher Education Institutions: Enhancing the quality, functionality and connection of higher education institutions with society and other provisions”.
Law 4917/2022 (Government Gazette 67/Issue Α'/31-03-2021): “Ratification of the Individual Donation Agreement of 17.3.2022 - Project VIII, Annex 12 of the Donation Agreement of 6.9.2018 between the Stavros S. Niarchos Charitable Foundation and the Greek State for the strengthening and upgrading of the infrastructure in the health sector - Arrangements for the response to the pandemic of the coronavirus COVID-19 and the protection of public health and other urgent provisions”.
Law 4842/2021 (Government Gazette 190/Issue Α'/13-10-2021): “Expedited civil procedure, adaptation of the provisions of civil procedure for the digitalisation of civil justice, other amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure and other urgent provisions”.
Law 4823/2021 (Government Gazette 136 A): "School upgrading, empowering teachers and other provisions".
Law 4812/2021 (Government Gazette 110/Issue Α'/30-06-2021): “Ratification of the 24.3.2021 amendment of the 3.2.2020 individual Donation Agreement for Project I [Annex 5 of Law 4564/2018] and of the 13.5.2021 amendment of the 6.9.2018 donation agreement between the Stavros S. Niarchos Charitable Foundation”.
Ministerial Decision 100322/Ε1/2021: "Call for Primary and Secondary teacher candidates Education for submitting an application form-preference of areas for recruitment as temporary substitutes and/or hourly employees in the school year 2021-2022".
Ministerial Decision 164516/Ε1/2021: "Invitation for candidates of Secondary Education teachers, classes TE and TE for submitting an application-preference for the recruitment of temporary substitutes and / or hourly paid teachers for the school year 2021-2022".
Law 4653/2020 (Government Gazette 12 Α΄): “National Authority of Higher Education. Special Accounts for Research Funds of Higher Education Institutions, Research and Technological Institutions and other provisions".
Law 4653/2020 (Government Gazette 12 Α΄): “National Authority of Higher Education. Special Accounts for Research Funds of Higher Education Institutions, Research and Technological Institutions and other provisions".
Law 4763/2020 (Government Gazette 254 Α΄): "National System of Vocational Education, Training and Lifelong Learning, transposition into Greek law of Directive (EU) 2018/958 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 June 2018 on proportionality control before the introduction of new legislation (EU) L 173), ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Hellenic Republic and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Hellenic-German Youth Foundation and other provisions ".
Law 4623/2019 (Government Gazette 134/issue A/9-8-2019): "Regulations of the Ministry of Interior, provisions on digital governance, pension arrangements and other urgent measures".
Law 4590/2019 (Government Gazette 17/issue A/07-02-2019): "Empowerment of the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP), empowerment and upgrading of the Public Administration and other provisions".
Ministerial Decision 147611/Ε1/12-08-2020 (Government Gazette 2539/Issue Β/24-06-2020): “Special announcement to cover functional gaps in primary and secondary school units [Article 86 of Law 4547/2018 (A' 102), as applicable], for the 2020-2021 school year".
Ministerial Decision 105324/Ε1/12-08-2020: “Invitation for candidate teachers of Primary and Secondary Education to submit an application-declaration of preference for areas for recruitment as temporary substitutes and/or hourly wages in the 2020-2021 school year".
Ministerial Decision 25735/Η1/2020 (Government Gazette 625/ Issue Β΄/27-2-2020):"ERASMUS + Program Implementation Framework, Participation and Travel Process"
Law 4589/2019 (Government Gazette 13/issue A/29-01-2019): "Synergies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Agricultural University of Athens, the University of Thessaly with the TEI of Thessaly, the TEI of Central Greece, the Pallimniako Fund and other regulations".
Ministerial Decision 100684/Δ2/11-05-2019 (Government Gazette 2581/Issue Β΄/27-6-2019): "Modification of the 76099/D2/11-05-2018 ministerial decision "Gymnasium and General Lyceum Course Assignments" (Β΄ 1704) regarding the course assignments of the 3rd Class of General Lyceum"
Ministerial Decision 105626/Δ4/12-04-2019 (Government Gazette 2779/Issue Β΄/04-07-2019): " Modification of the Φ22/75401/Δ4/10-05-2018 (Β΄ 1664) Ministerial Decision on Vocational High School course assignments regarding the course assignments of the Applied Arts Sector and the Health-Welfare-Wellness Sector of EPAL"
Law 4572/2018 (Government Gazette 188/τ. Α΄/ 05-11-2018): "Establishment of the Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki and other provisions".
Ministerial Decision 158733/ΓΔ4/2018 (Government Gazette 4299/issue B/27-9-2018): "Single Operation Regulation of PEKES and specific duties and responsibilties of Co-ordinatots of Educational Work".
Ministerial Decision 63486/Ε2/2017 (Government Gazette 1315/Issue Β'/13-04-2017): "Call for candidates for Primary and Secondary Education teachers branches of General Education (except Music) for inclusion in the lists of substitutes and hourly teachers for the school year 2017-2018".
Law 4472/2017 (Government Gazette 74/issue A/19-05-2017): "Public-sector pesnion provisions and amendment of Law 4387/2016, implementation measures of budgetary targets and reforms, social support measures, and working arrangements, medium-term fiscal strategy 2018-2021 and other regulations".
Law 4452/2017 (Government Gazette 17/issue Α'/15-2-2017):“Regulation of issues regarding the State Certificate of Foreign Language Proficiency, the National Library of Greece and other provisions”.
Law 4445/2016 (Government Gazette 236/ issue Α'/19-11-2016): “National Mechanism for Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation of Policies for Social Inclusion and Social Cohesion, regulations for social solidarity and provisions of Law 4387/2016 and other provisions”.
Law 4327/2015 (Government Gazette 50/issue A/14-5-2015): 'Urgent measures for Primary, Secondary and Higher Education and other provisions'.
Law 4351/2015 (Government Gazette 164/issue Α΄/4-12-2015): "Greek pasturable lands and other provisions".
Law 4354/2015 (Government Gazette 176/issue Α΄/16-12-2015): "Management of non-performing loans, wage sttlements and other urgent regulatory provisions concerning the agreement of budgetary objectives and structural reforms".
Ministerial Decision 182667/Δ2/12-11-2015 (Government Gazette 2499/issue Β΄/19-11-2015): "Lower Secondary Education School and General Upper Secondary Education School courses assignment".
Ministerial Decision 182692/Δ2/12-11-2015 (Government Gazette 2499/issue Β΄/19-11-2015): "Assignment of General Education courses for Vocational Schools".
Ministerial Decision 151899/Δ2/29-09-2015 (Government Gazette 2148/issue Β΄/07-10-2015): "Assignment of courses per Orientation Group, Sector and Specialisations for classes A, B and C of Day EPAL and for classes A, B and C of Evening EPAL".
Law 4115/2013 (Government Gazette 24/ issue Α'/30-1-2013):“Regulation of issues regarding the State Certificate of Foreign Language Proficiency, the National Library of Greece and other provisions”.
Joint Ministerial Decision 2/106902/0022/10-11-2013 (Government Gazette 3276/issue Β/23-11-2013): "Establishment of the hourly wage for adult trainers in Public sector general formal and non formal LifeLong Learning Education, Second Chance Schools, Vocational Training Institutes, Vocational Training Schools, LifeLong Learning Centres".
Ministerial Decision 124062/6-9-2013 (Governemnt Gazette 2350/issue Β΄/20-9-2013): "Amendment and completion of Ministerial Decision 118842/C2/17−09−2008 (GG 1984 Β΄)'Course assignments in Lower Secondary, Upper Secondary, EPALs and EPASs', as amended and in force (GG 1984/Β΄)".
Law 4210/2013 (Government Gazette 254/issue Α΄/21-11-2013): "Regulations of the Ministry of Administrative Reform and e-Governance and other provisions".
Law 4186/2013 (Government Gazette 193/issue Α΄/17-9-2013): "Restructuring Secondary Education and other provisions". It includes provisions for the transformation of General and Vocational Upper Secondary Schools, Vocational Training Institutes and Special Education structures. It establishes Schools of Vocational Education, as well as Lifelong Learning Directores. Last, it supplements new provisions regarding Higher Education Institutions.
Law 4152/2013 (Government Gazette 107/issue Α΄/9-5-2013): "Urgent measures for the implementation of laws 4046/2012, 4093/2012 and 4127/2013". Apart from provisions related to Ministries of Finance, Administrative Reform and E-government, it also includes provisions regulating issues pertaining to the auspices of the Ministry of Education and specifically teaching time and time devoted to practical training by staff employed in secondary education, as from 1-9-2013.
Ministerial Decision 49104/Δ1/10-4-2013 (Government Gazette 1017/issue Β΄/24-4-2013): "Extension of transitional period specified in Article 9 paragraph 1 of Law 3848/2012 regarding the appointment of permanent teachers in primary and secondary education".
Law 4115/2013 (Government Gazette 24/issue Α΄/30-1-2013): "Organisation and operation of the Institute for Youth and Lifelong Learning and of the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance and other provisions". It sets the rules of operation and organisation of the two above mentioned bodies. Chapter three contains other provisions for issues under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports.
Ministerial Decision 152263/Δ2/4-12-2012 (Government Gazette 3437/issue Β΄/24-12-2012): "Redifing areas of transfer in Secondary Education".
Ministerial Decision 147801/Δ1/23-11-2012 (Government Gazette 3240/issue Β΄/5-12-2012): "Redifing areas of transfer in Primary Education".
Law 4093/2012 (Government Gazette 222/issue A/12-11-2012): "Approved Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016 - Emergency Measures of Implementation of Law 4046/2012 and the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016". By this law, the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016 is approved. Pages 5580 – 5590 contain provisions relating to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.
Ministerial Decision ΓΠ/20082/22-10-12 (Government Gazette 2844/issue B/23-10-2012): "Educational Certification Attainment System for Adult Educators of non-formal education".
Law 4076/2012 (Government Gazette 159/issue A/10-8-2012): "Regulating Issues of Higher Education Institutions and other provisions". It provides for issues relating to Higher Education Institutions collective services, as well as other provisions for all education levels.
Law 4024/2011 (Government Gazette 226/issue A/27-10-2011): 'Pension arrangements, single payroll - ranking, job redundancy and other provisions for the implementation of the medium term fiscal policy framework 2012-2015'. Regulates the pension system and provides unified payroll and ranking scales for all civil servants.
Law 4009/2011 (Government Gazette 195/issue A/6-9-2011): 'Structure, operation, quality assurance of studies and internationalisation of higher education institutions'. It provides general rules on the structure and operation of higher education. It regulates the framework for autonomy, structure and bodies of Higher Education Institutions. It provides for the assessment and transparency, as well as issues relating to reaching and other staff. It distinguishes studies between those of first, second and third cycle. It regulates student issues, issues pertaining to the funding of Higher Education Institutions, as well as issues relating to quality assurance and accreditation in higher education.
Presidential Decree 38/2010 (Government Gazette 38/Issue Α'/25-05-2010): “Implements Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications”.
Law 3879/2010 (Government Gazette 163/issue Α'/21-9-2010): 'Lifelong Learning development and other provisions’; article 25 includes provisions on domestic transfers. It provides for the regulation of Lifelong Learning in Greece. It regulates responsibilities of Lifelong Learning bodies. It also sets the Lifelong Learning National Network.
Law 3865/2010 (Government Gazette 120/issue A/21-7-2010): 'Reform of the public pension schemes and similar provisions'.
It describes the basic pension and insurance arrangements for employees in the public sector.
Law 3848/2010 (Government Gazette 71/issue A/19-5-2010): 'Upgrading of teacher role-establishment of assessment and meritocracy rules in education and other provisions'. It describes the process of selection of teaching staff in primary and secondary education. It defines the education staff selection process, as well as it regulates issues relating to status and evaluation of teachers in primary and secondary education. It also provides for the operation of Higher Education Institutions (access, writings, teaching staff, research fund, Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency). It also comprises issues of ecclesiastic education, post-secondary education centers and issues relating to the General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
Law 3833/2010 (Government Gazette 40/τ.Α΄/15-3-2010): "Protection of national economy-urgent measures for dealing with the financial crisis".
Law 3794/2009 (Government Gazette 156/issue A/4-9-2012): ‘Regulation of issues regarding the university and technological sector of high education and other provisions.’ It deals with issues of Universities and Technological Education Institutes. It also contains provisions for all education levels.
Law 3699/2008 (Government Gazette 199/τ.Α΄/2-10-2008): ‘Special Education and Training of disabled people or people with special educational needs’. This law regulates the institutional framework for the organization and operation of Special Needs Education in Greece. It also contains provisions for preprimary, primary and secondary education.
Ministerial Decision 118842/17-9-2008 (Government Gazette 1984/issue Β΄/24-9-2008): 'Course assignment in Lower Secondary, Upper Secondary, EPAL and EPAS'.
Law 3528/2007 (Government Gazette 26/issue A/9-2-2007): 'Ratification of the Code regarding the status of Civil Administrative Employees and Public law entities staff'. This Law regulates the institutional framework for the structure and the operation of Higher Education Institutes, which are distinguished between those of University and Technological sector.
Law 3584/2007 (Government Gazette 143/Issue Α'/28-06-2007): “Ratification of the Code on the Status of Municipal and Community Employees”.
Ministerial Decision Φ2/63260/Β3/15-6-2007 (Government Gazette1069/issue B/29-6-2007): 'Replacing provisions of Ministerial Decision Φ2/121871/Β3/3.11.2005 - Ranking of Higher Education Graduates, as amended by Ministerial Decision Φ2/125186/Β3/22.11.2006'.
Law 3467/2006 (Government Gazette 128/issue A/21-6-2006): 'Selection of primary and secondary education executives, regulation of issues of administration and other provisions'. It regulates administrative staff selection issues in primary and secondary education. It also refers to issues of administration of education and to other provisions concerning all levels of education.
Ministerial Decision Φ2/121871/Β3/3-11-2005 (Government Gazette1517/issue B/3-11-2005): 'Issues related to the university and technological sector of higher education and other provisions'.
Law 3404/2005 (Government Gazette 260/issue A/17-10-2005): 'Regulation of issues of Higher Education University and Technological Sectors and other provisions'. It deals with issues related to study and operation of Technological Education Institutes, as well as with personnel issues of the Technological Education Institutes and of the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education. It also deals with issues relating to higher education access, as well as with student transfers and exams for attending other first cycle programmes after initial graduation. It also contains other provisions on higher education.
Law 3255/2004 (Government Gazette 138/issue A/22-7-2004): 'Regulation of issues in all grades of education'. This law deals with the establishment of Departments at Universities, establishment of branches and departments in Technological Education Institutions, joint postgraduate degrees in the framework of international - transnational collaborations, as well as other issues of primary and secondary education.
Law 3149/2003 (Government Gazette 141/issue A/10-6-2003): 'National Library of Greece, public libraries and other rovisions'. It establishes the National Library of Greece and public libraries. It provides for the General Council of Libraries and addresses issues related to the competence of the Ministry of Education and of other agencies subject to the jurisdiction thereof.
Law 2986/2002 (Government Gazette 24/issue A/13-2-2002): 'Organisation of Regional Services of Primary and Secondary Education, evaluation of the teaching work and staff, training of teachers and other provisions'. It organises the prefectural services of primary and secondary education and defines the selection procedure of the prefectural directors. It regulates issues pertaining to the evaluation of the teaching process and of the teachers, as well as for their continuous training.
Law 2916/2001 (Government Gazette 114/issue A/11-6-2001): 'Structure of Higher Education and provisions of the Technological Sector'. It upgrades Technological Education Institutes and distinguishes higher education between University and Technological sector. It defines the required qualifications for the Technological Education Institutes teaching staff and determines its salary.
Presidential Decree 140/1998 (Government Gazette 107/issue A/20-5-1998): Conditions and procedures for the permanency of primary and secondary education teaching staff, advancement, provided guarantees to appraisees and finalisation process for evaluation reports". It describes procedures for the permanency of primary and secondary education teaching staff, selection of education executives, teacher advancement and evaluation guarantees.
Law 2517/1997 (Government Gazette 160/issue A/11-8-1997): 'Election of Teaching Staff of Higher Education Institutions and other provisions'. It defines the procedures for the election of faculty members, regulates issues related to scientific associates, assistant lecturers, special education staff and special administrative and technical staff, while it sets the teaching time of primary education staff.
Presidential Decree 100/1997 (Government Gazette 94/issue A/22-5-1997): 'Modification of PD 50/1996 (Government Gazette 45A) Transfers and placements of teaching staff in public primary and secondary education. It amends Presidential Decree 50/1996 regarding transfers and placements of secondary education teaching staff.
Presidential Decree 50/1996 (Government Gazette 45/issue A/8-3-1996): 'Transfers and placements of teaching staff in public primary and secondary education'. It describes the types of transfers and placements and defines the competent bodies, the general conditions, areas and the required criteria.
Presidential Decree 130/1990 (Government Gazette 52/issue A/6-4-1990): 'Conditions and process of degree equivalence of graduates of Pedagogical Academies and Pre-school Education Schools, to graduates of Pedagogical Departments of HEIs'. It describes the conditions and process of degree equivalence of graduates of Pedagogical Academies and Pre-School Education Schools, to graduates of Pedagogical Departments of HEIs.
Law 1566/1985 (Government Gazette 167/issue A/30-9-1985): 'On the structure and operation of Primary and Secondary Education and other provisions'. It describes the purpose, structure and levels of primary and secondary education, the administration of schools, while it also regulates on issues of teaching and administrative staff. The same law provides for the re-foundation of the Pedagogical Institute. What is more, provisions for the training and further education of teachers are included. Also, the law regulates issues related to special education and training of people with disabilities. It also lays down provisions on the School Vocational Guidance, organization of student life, the institutions for people participation, parental organizations and other special topics.
Law 1404/1983 (Government Gazette 173/issue A/24-11-1983): 'Structure and operation of Technological Educational Institutes'. It describes the mission, the establishement of Technological Educational Institutes, academic freedom, governing bodies, advisory bodies, while it addresses issues related to the teaching, administrative and other staff, and issues related to the programme of studies and student issues.
Law 1404/1983 (Government Gazette 87/issue A/16-7-1982): 'On the structure and operation of Higher Education Institutions'. Law of 1982 regulating issues of higher education in Greece. It contains general principles and regulates issues relating to the autonomy of institutions, administrative bodies, staff, student issues, as well as issues relating to undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
Law 4763/2020 (Government Gazette 254/Issue Α'/21-12-2020): "National System of Vocational Education, Training and Lifelong Learning, integration into Greek legislation of Directive (EU) 2018/958 of the European Parliament and of the Council as of 28th June 2018 on proportionality test".
Law 4713/2020 (Government Gazette 147/ Issue Α’/29-7-2020): «Modernization of private education and other urgent provisions of the Ministry of Education and Religions».
Law 4692/2020 (Government Gazette 111/ Issue Α’/12-6-2020): «School upgrading and other provisions».
Law 4547/2018 (Government Gazette 102/issue A/12-06-2018): "Re-organisation of support structures of primary and secondary Education and other regulations".
Law 4386/2016 (FEK 83/ issue Α΄/11-5-2016):“Regulations for Research and other provisions”.
Law 4354/2015 (Government Gazette 176/issue Α΄/16-12-2015): "Management of non-performing loans, wage sttlements and other urgent regulatory provisions concerning the agreement of budgetary objectives and structural reforms".
Law 4327/2015 (Government Gazette 50/issue Α'/14-05-2015): "Urgent measures for Primary, Secondary and Higher Education and other provisions".
Ministerial Decision 5953/23-6-2014 (Government Gazette 1861/issue B/8-7-2014): "Regulation for Second Chance Schools Organization and Operation".
Ministerial Decision 5954/23-6-2014 (Government Gazette 1807/issue B/2-7-2014): "Regulation for the Operation of Lifelong Learning Institutes (IEK) that fall under the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning".
Presidential Decree 152/2013 (Government Gazette 240/issue A'/5-11-2013): "Evaluation of teachers in primary and secondary education". Specifies the bodies, the criteria and the process for the evaluation of teachers and teachers in positions of responsibility in primary and secondary education.
Law 4186/2013 (Government Gazette 193/issue A/17-9-2013): "Restructuring of Secondary Education and other provisions". It includes provisions for the transformation of General and Vocational Upper Secondary Schools, Vocational Training Institutes and Special Education structures. It establishes Schools of Vocational Education, as well as Lifelong Learning Directores. Last, it supplements new provisions regarding Higher Education Institutions.
Law 4115/2013 (Government Gazette 24/issue A'/30-1-2013): "Organisation and operation of the Institute for Youth and Lifelong Learning and of the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance and other provisions". It sets the rules of operation and organisation of the two above mentioned bodies. Chapter three contains other provisions for issues under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports.
Law 4093/2012 (Government Gazette 222/issue A'/12-11-2012): 'Approved Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016 - Emergency Measures of Implementation of Law 4046/2012 and the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016'. By this law, the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016 is approved. Pages 5580 – 5590 contain provisions relating to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.
Law 4076/2012 (Government Gazette 159/issue A'/10-8-2012): 'Regulating Issues of Higher Education Institutions and other provisions'. It provides for issues relating to Higher Education Institutions collective services, as well as other provisions for all education levels.
Ministerial Decision 92984/Γ7/2012 (Government Gazette 2316/issue Β/10-8-2012):"Organs, criteria and process for selecting executives responsible for School Vocational Guidance, responsibilities and powers".
Ministerial Decision 93008/Γ7/2012 (Government Gazette 2315/issue Β/10-8-2012):"Organs, criteria and process for selecting heads of Yough Councelling Offices, responsibilities and powers".
Ministerial Decision 92998/Γ7/10-8-2012 (Government Gazette 2314/ Issue Β/10-8-2012): «Definition of the bodies, the criteria and the process of selection and placement of the Heads for Environmental and Health Education, for Cultural Issues and School Activities as well as their duties and responsibilities».
Law 4024/2011 (Government Gazette 226/issue A'/27-10-2011): 'Pension arrangements, single payroll - ranking, job redundancy and other provisions for the implementation of the medium term fiscal policy framework 2012-2015'.
Law 4009/2011 (Government Gazette 195/issue A'/6-9-2011): 'Structure, operation, quality assurance of studies and internationalisation of higher education institutions'. It provides general rules on the structure and operation of higher education. It regulates the framework for autonomy, structure and bodies of Higher Education Institutions. It provides for the assessment and transparency, as well as issues relating to reaching and other staff. It distinguishes studies between those of first, second and third cycle. It regulates student issues, issues pertaining to the funding of Higher Education Institutions, as well as issues relating to quality assurance and accreditation in higher education.
Law 3879/2010 (Government Gazette 163/issue Α'/21-9-2010): 'Lifelong Learning development and other provisions’; article 25 includes provisions on domestic transfers. It provides for the regulation of Lifelong Learning in Greece. It regulates responsibilities of Lifelong Learning bodies. It also sets the Lifelong Learning National Network.
Law 3848/2010 (Government Gazette 71/issue A'/19-5-2010): 'Upgrading of teacher role-establishment of assessment and meritocracy rules in education and other provisions'. It describes the process of selection of teaching staff in primary and secondary education. It defines the education staff selection process, as well as it regulates issues relating to status and evaluation of teachers in primary and secondary education. It also provides for the operation of Higher Education Institutions (access, writings, teaching staff, research fund, Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency). It also comprises issues of ecclesiastic education, post-secondary education centers and issues relating to the General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
Ministerial Decision Φ.353.1/324/105657/Δ1/8-10-2002 (Government Gazette 1340/issue B'/16-10-2002): 'Specific duties and responsibilities of the heads of regional services of primary and secondary education, of heads and deputy heads of school units and school laboratory centers, as well as of the teachers' association.'
Ministerial Decision 16065/17-4-2002(Government Gazette 497/issue Β΄/22-4-2002): "Model Rules of Operation of Municipal and Community Legal Entities of Public Law, Child and Infant/Child Centers".
Law 2986/2002 (Government Gazette 177/issue A'/13-2-2002): 'Organisation of Regional Services of Primary and Secondary Education, evaluation of the teaching work and staff, training of teachers and other provisions'. It organises the prefectural services of primary and secondary education and defines the selection procedure of the prefectural directors. It regulates issues pertaining to the evaluation of the teaching process and of the teachers, as well as for their continuous training.
Law 2190/1994 (Government Gazette 28/issue Α΄/3-3-1994): "Foundation of independent authority for personnel selection and regulation of administrative issues".
Law 2525/1997 (Government Gazette 188/issue A'/23-9-1997): 'Unified Upper-Secondary School, access of its graduates to tertiary education, assessment of educational work and other provisions'. It establishes the Eniaio Lykeio and sets the rules for access of graduates to higher education. It also establishes the all-day Kindergarten and all day primary school and sets the rules for the teaching process evaluation.
Presidential Decree 323/1993 (Government Gazette 139/issue Α΄/25-8-1993): "Amendment of Presidential Decree 349/92 (GG 171-A) and Presidential Decree 64/93 (GG 28-A) and recommendation of permanent posts for English Language and PE Teachers in Primary Education and their allocation in Primary School Units".
Law 1894/1990 (Government Gazette 110/issue Α/27-8-1990): 'For the Academy of Athens and other education provisions'. It regulates matters concerning the operation of the Academy of Athens as well as issues pertaining to primary, secondary and higher education. It establishes the Higher Education Institution of Home Economics, the Youth Counseling Offices and the Reception Classes and Enhancement Coaching Courses for foreign and repatriated pupils. It also contains regulations for issues regarding school property and other provisions.
Law 1566/1985 (Government Gazette 167/issue A'/30-9-1985): 'Structure and operation of primary and secondary education and other provisions'. It describes the purpose, structure and levels of primary and secondary education, the administration of schools, while it also regulates on issues of teaching and administrative staff. The same law provides for the re-foundation of the Pedagogical Institute. What is more, provisions for the training and further education of teachers are included. Also, the law regulates issues related to special education and training of people with disabilities. It also lays down provisions on the School Vocational Guidance, organization of student life, the institutions for people participation, parental organizations and other special topics.
Law 1304/1982 (Government Gazette 144/issue A'/7-12-1982): 'For the scientific - pedagogical guidance and management in general and technological - vocational education and other provisions'. It introduces the institution of school advisor in general and secondary technical vocational education and training. It establishes the directorates and offices of general and secondary technical vocational education, while it provides for the establishment of post-secondary preparatory programmes.
Law 4692/2020 (Government Gazette 111/ Issue Α’/12-6-2020): «School upgrading and other provisions».
Law 4763/2020 (Government Gazette 254 A΄): "National System of Vocational Education, Training and Lifelong Learning, transposition into Greek law of Directive (EU) 2018/958 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 June 2018 on proportionality control before the introduction of new legislation (EU) L 173), ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Hellenic Republic and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Hellenic-German Youth Foundation and other provisions.
Law 4653/2020 (Government Gazette 12 Α΄): “National Authority of Higher Education. Special Accounts for Research Funds of Higher Education Institutions, Research and Technological Institutions and other provisions".
Law 4623/2019 (Government Gazette 134/issue A/9-8-2019): "Regulations of the Ministry of Interior, provisions on digital governance, pension arrangements and other urgent measures".
Presidential Decree 84/2019 (Government Gazette 123 Α΄/2019) “Establishment and abolishment of General Secretariats and Special Secretariats/Single Administrative sectors within the Ministries”.
Law 4610/2019 (Government Gazette 70/issue Α/7-5-2019): "Synergies of Universities and TEI, access to tertiary education, Experimental schools, Official Records of the state and other regulations".
Law 4386/2016 (Government Gazette 83/ issue Α/11-5-2016): “Regulations for Research and other provisions”.
Νόμος 4369/2016 (Government Gazette 33/issue A/27-2-2016): "National Register of Officials of Public Administration, grading of staff positions, evaluation, promotion and selection systems of heads (transparency - meritocracy and efficiency of public administration) and other regulations".
Ministerial Decision 5954/2-7-2014 (Government Gazette 1807/issue Β/2-7-2014): "Regulation of Operation of Vocational Training Institutes (IEK) falling under the General Secretariat of Lifelong Learning".
Presidential Decree 152/2013 (Government Gazette 240/issue A'/5-11-2013): 'Evaluation of teachers in primary and secondary education'. Specifies the bodies, the criteria and the process for the evaluation of teachers and teachers in positions of responsibility in primary and secondary education.
Law 4142/2013 (Government Gazette 83/issue A'/9-4-2013): 'Authority for Quality Assurance in Primary and Secondary Education'. This Law provides for the establisment of the Authority for Quality Assurance in Primary and Secondary Education, and in particular its mission and responsibilities, the set up of the Council, the President, while it also regulates issues related to assessment decisions of the Authority, and finally the criteria for the evaluation of the educational work.
Law 4093/2012 (Government Gazette 222/issue A/12-11-2012): 'Approved Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016 - Emergency Measures of Implementation of Law 4046/2012 and the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016'. By this law, the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016 is approved. Pages 5580 – 5590 contain provisions relating to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.
Ministerial Decision 30972/Γ1/5-3-2013 (Government Gazette 614/issue Β/15-3-2013): 'Evaluation of school units' educational work - self-evaluation process'.
Law 4115/2013 (Government Gazette 24/issue A/30-1-2013): 'Organisation and operation of the Institute for Youth and Lifelong Learning and of the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance and other provisions'.
It sets the rules of operation and organisation of the two above mentioned bodies. Chapter three contains other provisions for issues under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports.
Ministerial Decision ΓΠ/20082/22-10-12 (Government Gazette 2844/issue B/23-10-2012): "Educational Certification Attainment System for Adult Educators of non-formal education".
Law 4009/2011 (Government Gazette 195/issue A/6-9-2011): 'Structure, operation, quality assurance of studies and internationalisation of higher education institutions'. It provides general rules on the structure and operation of higher education. It regulates the framework for autonomy, structure and bodies of Higher Education Institutions. It provides for the assessment and transparency, as well as issues relating to reaching and other staff. It distinguishes studies between those of first, second and third cycle. It regulates student issues, issues pertaining to the funding of Higher Education Institutions, as well as issues relating to quality assurance and accreditation in higher education.
Law 3966/2011 (Government Gazette 118/issue A'/24-5-2011): 'Legal framework for pilot schools, establishment of the Educational Policy Institute, organisation of the Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus" and other provisions'. This law establishes the Educational Policy Institute, abolishes the Centre for Educational Research, Teacher Training Agency and the Pedagogical Institute, renames the Research Academic Computer Technology Institute into Computer Technology Institute and Publications "Diophantus", and regulates the institutional framework of Pilot Schools.
Law 3879/2010 (Government Gazette 163/issue A'/21-9-2010): 'Development of Lifelong Learning and other provisions'. It provides for the regulation of Lifelong Learning in Greece. It regulates responsibilities of Lifelong Learning bodies. It also sets the Lifelong Learning National Network.
Law 3848/2010 (Government Gazette 71/issue A'/19-5-2010): 'Upgrading of teacher role-establishment of assessment and meritocracy rules in education and other provisions'. It describes the process of selection of teaching staff in primary and secondary education. It defines the education staff selection process, as well as it regulates issues relating to status and evaluation of teachers in primary and secondary education. It also provides for the operation of Higher Education Institutions (access, writings, teaching staff, research fund, Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency). It also comprises issues of ecclesiastic education, post-secondary education centers and issues relating to the General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
Law 3374/2005 (Government Gazette 189/issue A'/2-8-2005): ‘Quality assurance in higher education, transfer and accumulation system of credits-diploma supplement'. This law introduces quality assurance in higher education, and also establishes the Quality Assurance Agency. It also provides for the organisation of undergraduate and postgraduate programs based on the European Credit Transfer System, as well as the issue of the Diploma Supplement.
Ministerial Decision Φ.353.1/324/105657/Δ1/8-10-2002 (Government Gazette 1340/issue B'/16-10-2002): 'Specific duties and responsibilities of the heads of regional services of primary and secondary education, of heads and deputy heads of school units and school laboratory centers, as well as of the teachers' association'.
Law 2986/2002 (Government Gazette 24/issue A'/13-2-2002): 'Organisation of Regional Services of Primary and Secondary Education, evaluation of the teaching work and staff, training of teachers and other provisions'. It organises the prefectural services of primary and secondary education and defines the selection procedure of the prefectural directors. It regulates issues pertaining to the evaluation of the teaching process and of the teachers, as well as for their continuous training.
Law 1304/1982 (Government Gazette 144/issue A'/7-12-1982): 'For the scientific - pedagogical guidance and management in general and technological - vocational education and other provisions'. It introduces the institution of school advisor in general and secondary technical vocational education and training. It establishes the directorates and offices of general and secondary technical vocational education, while it provides for the establishment of post-secondary preparatory programmes.
Ministerial Decision 24109/Δ3/02-03-2021 (Government Gazette 3028/Issue Β’/21-7-2020): ”Establishments, Promotions and Abolitions of Schools of Special Education and Training (SMEAE) Primary and Secondary Education, Establishments and Abolitions of Sectors and Specialties in existing ones EN.E.E.GY.-L., from the school year 2020-2021, Renaming of Integration Departments due to merger”.
Ministerial Decision 28727/Ζ1/16-03-2021: “Funding of Higher Education Institutions for the award of scholarships for conducting supplementary teaching work in first cycle study programs of Higher Education Institutions (H.E.I.), for the academic year 2020-2021, to postgraduate students and doctoral candidates. Determining the amount of the scholarship and regulating individual issues of management, monitoring and implementation of the operations that will be included for financing, under the invitation EDVM 143 entitled "Support to the educational activities of universities during the academic year 2020-2021 with the integration of remedial teaching in addition to the main lectures”. Included in the Operational Program "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020", co-financed by the European Social Fund (E.S.F.)”.
Ministerial Decision 13423/CD4/2021 (Government Gazette 491/Issue Β'/9-2-2021): "Internal Regulations for the Operation of Primary and Secondary Education School Units".
Ministerial Decision 3752/GD4/2021 (Government Gazette 68/ Issue Β’/14-1-2021): "Organization and operation of school compensatory education centers for the Supporting Teaching of Special Courses for the school year 2020-2021".
Law 4763/2020 (Government Gazette 254/Issue Α'/21-12-2020): National System of Vocational Education, Training and Lifelong Learning, incorporation into Greek legislation of Directive (EU) 2018/958 of the European Parliament and of the Council as of 28th June 2018 on proportionality test (law 4763/2020).
Ministerial Decision 129431/GD4 (Government Gazette 4183/ Issue Β΄/28-9-2020): "School Life Counselor".
Ministerial Decision 125614/D2/21-09-2020: "Organization and operation of school compensatory education centers for supportive teaching for the school year 2020-2021 » for the school year 2020-2021".
Ministerial Decision 102635/GD4/31-07-2020: «Instructions and directions for the establishment and operation of Reception Classes (R.C.) ZEP for the school year 2020-2021 in Public Gymnasiums, General and Vocational High Schools of the country».
Law 4713/2020 (Government Gazette 147/Issue Α΄/29-7-2020): "Modernization of private education and other urgent provisions under the Ministry of Education and Religions."
Law 4692/2020 (Government Gazette 111/Issue Α΄/12-6-2020): “School upgrading and other provisions”.
Law 4638/2019 (Government Gazette 181/ Issue Α΄/18-11-2019): «Ratification: a) of from 25.9.2019 Act of legislative content (“Urgent arrangement for exemption from the obligation to refund the residence tax” (Α 142), b) of form 30.9.2019 Act of legislative content "Urgent regulations within the competence of the Ministries. Environment and Energy, Internal Affairs, Finance and Health » (Α 145), c) of form 4.10.2019 Act of legislative content "Urgent regulations within the competence of the Ministry of Health" (A 150) and other provisions".
Ministerial Decision 104750/Δ3/2019 (Government Gazette 2712/Issue Β΄/2-7-2019: "Modification of the Ministerial Decision 163742/Δ3/02-10-2018 on the subject: "Schedule of the courses of the A, B and C classes of the Special High School" (Government Gazette 4691/Issue Β΄/19-10-2018) regarding the Timetable of the courses of the third grade of the Special High School".
Law 4368/2019 (Government Gazette/issue A/18-11-2019): Article 28: "Issues of Special Needs Education".
Law 4589/2019 (Government Gazette 13/issue A/29-01-2019): "Synergies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Agricultural University of Athens, the University of Thessaly with the TEI of Thessaly, the TEI of Central Greece, the Pallimniako Fund and other regulations".
Ministerial Decision 85317/Δ3/29-05-2019 (Government Gazette 2171/issue B/7-6-2019: "Daily timetable of compulsory and all-day programme of special education nipiagogeio and special education dimotiko scholeio".
Law 4559/2018 (Government Gazette 142/Issue Α΄/3-8-2018): "University of Ioannina, Ionian University and other regulations".
Νόμος 4386/2016 (Government Gazette 83/ issue Α΄/11-5-2016): “Regulations for Research and other provisions”.
Ministerial Decision 164700/Δ2/3-10-2018 (Government Gazette 4517/issue B/3-10-2018): "Organisation and operation of Remedial Teaching Centres for the 2018-2019 School Year".
Ministerial Decision 163742/Δ3/2-10-2018 (Government Gazette 4691/issue B/2-10-2018): "Timetable of subjects of A, B and C grades of special needs education lykeio".
Law 4547/2018 (Government Gazette 102/issue A/12-06-2018): "Re-organisation of support structures of primary and secondary Education and other regulations".
Ministerial Decision 142628/ΓΔ4/2017 (Government Gazette 3032/issue B/4-9-2017): "Duties and responsibilities of specialisations PE 23 Psychologists and PE 30 Social Workers in primary schools and secondary school of general and vocational education".
Ministerial Decision 68755/Δ3/26-04-2017 (Government Gazette 1606/issue B/10-05-2017): "Timetable of single special education vocational gymnasia and lykeia".
Law 4452/2017 (Government Gazette 17/issue Α/15-2-2017): "Regulation of issues regarding the State Certificate of Foreign Language Proficiency, the National Library of Greece and other provisions".
Law 4485/2017 (Government Gazette 114/issue Α/4-8-2017): "Organisation and operation of higher education, regulations for research and other provisions".
Presidential Decree 79/2017 (Government Gazette 109/issue Α'/1-8-2017): "Organisation and operation of Pre-primary and Primary Education Schools".
Law 4430/2016 (Government Gazette 205/issue A/31-10-2016): "Social and Solidarity Economy and Development of Bodies and other regulations".
Ministerial Decision 147356/Δ3/13-09-2016 (Government Gazette 3011/issue B/20-09-2016): "Timetable of lessons of A, B and C class of Special Needs Gymnasio and A, B and C class of Special Needs Lykeio".
Law 4368/2016 (Government Gazette 21/issue Α/21-2-2016):“Measures for the acceleration of the governmental work and other provisions”.
Law 4415/2016 (Government Gazette 159/issue Α/6-9-2016):“Regulations for Hellenic education, Intercultural Education and other provisions”.
Law 4386/2016 (Government Gazette 83/issue Α/11-5-2016):“Regulations for Research and other provisions”.
Ministerial Decision 131024/Δ1/8-8-2016 (Government Gazette 2687/issue Β/26-8-2016): 'Regulations on Educational Priority Zones (ZEP)- Foundation of Reception Classes ZEP, Enhancement Coaching Courses for Refugees Education ZEP (DYEP ZEP) in Primary Education School units.'
Ministerial Decision 201980/Δ2/10-12-2015 (Government Gazette 2737/issue Β/16-12-2015): 'Organisation and Operation of Remedial Teaching School Centers for the school year 2015-16'.
Ministerial Decision 5954/23-6-2014 (Government Gazette 1807/issue B/2-7-2014): 'Rules of Operation of Vocational Training Institutes (IEK) which come under the General Secretariat of Lifelong Learning'.
Ministerial Decision 5953/23-6-2014 (Government Gazette 1861/issue B/8-7-2014): 'Rules of Organisation and Operation of the Second Chance Schools (SDE)'.
Law 4139/2013 (Government Gazette 74/issue A/20-3-2013): "Law on addictive substances and other regulations".
Ministerial Decision 24136/Γ7/21-02-2013 (Government Gazette 524/issue B/6-3-2013): 'Organisation and Operation of Remedial Teaching School Centers for the school year 2012-13'.
Law 4186/2013 (Government Gazette 193/issue A/17-9-2013): 'Restructuring of Secondary Education and other provisions'. It includes provisions for the transformation of General and Vocational Upper Secondary Schools, Vocational Training Institutes and Special Education structures. It establishes Schools of Vocational Education, as well as Lifelong Learning Directores. Last, it supplements new provisions regarding Higher Education Institutions.
Law 4115/2013 (Government Gazette 24/issue A/30-1-2013): 'Organisation and operation of the Institute for Youth and Lifelong Learning and of the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance and other provisions'. It sets the rules of operation and organisation of the two above mentioned bodies. Chapter three contains other provisions for issues under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports.
Ministerial Decision 127781/Γ7/18-10-2012 (Government Gazette 2985/issue B'/8-11-2012): Organisation and functioning of Additional Teaching Support'.
Law 4076/2012 (Government Gazette 159/issue A/10-8-2012): 'Regulating Issues of Higher Education Institutions and other provisions'. It provides for issues relating to Higher Education Institutions collective services, as well as other provisions for all education levels.
Law 4019/2011 (Government Gazette 216/issue Α/30-9-2011): 'Social Economy and Social Entrepreneurship and other provisions'. It introduces the institution of Social Cooperative Enterprise as a body of Social Economy. It describes its categories, the conditions for the establishment of the institution as well as other issues relating to the organization and operation of the institution. It establishes a Social Economy General Register and identifies the coordinating body for the development of social economy. It also regulates issues pertaining to the organization and operation of developmental partnerships for actions implemented within the context of the Operational Programme “Human Resources Development".
Law 4009/2011 (Government Gazette 195/issue A'/6-9-2011): Structure, operation, quality assurance of studies and internationalisation of higher education institutions'. It provides general rules on the structure and operation of higher education. It regulates the framework for autonomy, structure and bodies of Higher Education Institutions. It provides for the assessment and transparency, as well as issues relating to reaching and other staff. It distinguishes studies between those of first, second and third cycle. It regulates student issues, issues pertaining to the funding of Higher Education Institutions, as well as issues relating to quality assurance and accreditation in higher education.
Law 3966/2011 (Government Gazette 118/issue A/ 2011): 'Legal framework for pilot schools, establishment of the Educational Policy Institute, organisation of the Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus" and other provisions'. This law establishes the Educational Policy Institute, abolishes the Centre for Educational Research, Teacher Training Agency and the Pedagogical Institute, renames the Research Academic Computer Technology Institute into Computer Technology Institute and Publications "Diophantus", and regulates the institutional framework of Pilot Schools.
Law 3879/2010 (Government Gazette 163/issue A'/21-9-2010): 'Development of Lifelong Learning and other provisions'. It provides for the regulation of Lifelong Learning in Greece. It regulates responsibilities of Lifelong Learning bodies. It also sets the Lifelong Learning National Network.
Law 3794/2009 (Government Gazette 156/issue A/4-9-2012): ‘Regulation of issues regarding the university and technological sector of high education and other provisions.’ It deals with issues of Universities and Technological Education Institutes. It also contains provisions for all education levels.
Law 3699/2008(Government Gazette 199/issue A'/2-10-2008): 'Special Education of persons with disabilities or with special educational needs’. This law regulates the institutional framework for the organization and operation of Special Needs Education in Greece. It also contains provisions for preprimary, primary and secondary education.
Ministerial Decision 117303/Γ6/19-10-2007 (Government Gazette 2105/issue Β'/30-10-2007): "Minimum number of pupils per class in special education school units".
Law 3404/2005 (Government Gazette 260/issue Α'/17-10-2005): ‘Regulation of issues of Higher Education University and Technological Sectors and other provisions’. It deals with issues related to study and operation of Technological Education Institutes, as well as with personnel issues of the Technological Education Institutes and of the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education. It also deals with issues relating to higher education access, as well as with student transfers and exams for attending other first cycle programmes after initial graduation. It also contains other provisions on higher education.
Law 3391/2005 (Government Gazette 240/issue Α/4-10-2005): ‘International University Of Greece and other provisions’. The law provides for the establishment, organisation and operation of the International University of Greece. It also contains provision for primary and secondary education.
Ministerial Decision 57523/Γ6/9-5-2002 (Government Gazette 765/issue B/19-6-2002): "Weekly timetable of Special Vocational Education and Training Workshops (ΕΕΕΕΚ)".
Ministerial Decision Φ10/20/Γ1/708/7-9-1999 (Government Gazette 1789/τ. Β΄/28-9-1999): ‘Intercultural Education –Reception Classes - Enhancement Coaching Courses’.
Law 2552/1997 (Government Gazette 266/issue Α'/24-12-1997): ‘Hellenic Open University and other provisions'. It establishes, organizes and sets the rules of operation of the Hellenic Open University and of the distance learning provided by it.
Presidential Decree 301/1996 (Government Gazette 208/issue A'/29-8-1996): 'Special Education curriculum'. It introduces the analytical curriculum framework for Special Education, whose purpose is to support people with Special Educational Needs, so as to progress physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, morally and aesthetically and eventually join the school and social environment. Specific aims of the analytical curriculum framework for Special Education is school readiness, acquisition of basic school skills, socialization, exercise and creative activities, as well as professional readiness.
Law 2413/1996 (Government Gazette 124/issue A'/14-6-1996): 'Greek education abroad, cross-cultural education and other provisions'. It defines the purpose, types, bodies and means for the support of the Greek education abroad. It provides for the foundation of the Greeks Living Abroad Education and Intercultural Education Institute. It regulates issues relating to the operation, administration/supervision and staff of the Greek education abroad. Last, it provides for the operation of the Intercultural Education Schools.
Presidential Decree 121/1995 (Government Gazette 75/issue A/18-4-1995): "Completion of provisions for Primary School pupils assessment". This Presidential Decree redefines the regulatory framework for the promotion of primary education pupils, as well as that for their progress titles and qualification.
Presidential Decree 8/1995 (Government Gazette 3/issue A/10-1-1995): "Assessment of Primary School pupils". This Presidential Decree defines the concept and the process of the evaluation, establishes the institution of descriptive assessment for all grades of primary school and reintroduces grading.
Law 2009/1992 (Government Gazette 18/issue A'/14-2-1992): 'National System of Vocational Education and Training and other provisions'. The law establishes the National System for Vocational Education and Training, provides for the foundation of the Organisation for Vocational Education and Training (OEEK) and the Institutes for Professional Training (IEK). It also regulates issues related to primary and secondary education, as well as related to the access of athletes to higher education.
Presidential Decree 462/1991 (Government Gazette 171/issue A'/11-11-1991): 'Assessment and remedial teaching of primary school pupils'. It describes the meaning and purpose of the assessment in primary school as well as the overall scheme for pupils’ assessment. It also introduces the concept of remedial teaching for the courses of Language and Mathematics.
Presidential Decree 429/1991 (Government Gazette 167/issue A'/30-9-1985): 'Assessment and remedial teaching of lower secondary school students'. It describes the meaning and purpose of the assessment in general lower secondary education, establishes written final examination and the calculation of the annual progression mark per subject. It also introduces the concept of remedial teaching for the courses of Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Foreign Language.
Law 1894/1990 (Government Gazette 110/issue Α/27-8-1990): 'For the Academy of Athens and other education provisions'. IIt regulates matters concerning the operation of the Academy of Athens as well as issues pertaining to primary, secondary and higher education. It establishes the Higher Education Institution of Home Economics, the Youth Counseling Offices and the Reception Classes and Enhancement Coaching Courses for foreign and repatriated pupils. It also contains regulations for issues regarding school property and other provisions.
Law 1566/1985 (Government Gazette 167/issue A/30-9-1985): "Structure and operation of primary and secondary education and other provisions". It describes the purpose, structure and levels of primary and secondary education, the administration of schools, while it also regulates on issues of teaching and administrative staff. The same law provides for the re-foundation of the Pedagogical Institute. What is more, provisions for the training and further education of teachers are included. Also, the law regulates issues related to special education and training of people with disabilities. It also lays down provisions on the School Vocational Guidance, organisation of student life, the institutions for people participation, parental organizations and other special topics.
Law 4763/2020 (Government Gazette 254/Issue Α'/21-12-2020): "National System of Vocational Education, Training and Lifelong Learning, incorporation into Greek legislation of Directive (EU) 2018/958 of the European Parliament and of the Council as of 28th June 2018 on proportionality test".
Ministerial Decision 31603/Δ2/2020 (Government Gazette 699/Issue Β'/4-3-2020): "Curriculum of the Religious course of the General and Vocational High School".
Ministerial Decision 31585/Δ2/2020 (Government Gazette 698/Issue Β΄/4-3-2020): "Curriculum of the Religious course in Primary and Secondary School".
Ministerial Decision 25735/Η1/2020 (Government Gazette 625/ Issue Β΄/27-2-2020): "ERASMUS + Program Implementation Framework, Participation and Travel Process"
Law 4653/2020 (Government Gazette 12/ Issue Α΄/24-1-2020): “National Higher Education Authority. Special Accounts for Research Funds of Higher Education Institutions, Research and Technological Bodies and other provisions”.
Law 4547/2018 (Government Gazette 102/issue A/12-06-2018): "Re-organisation of support structures of primary and secondary Education and other regulations".
Presidential Decree 18/2018 (Government Gazette 31/issue A/23-2-2018): "Organisation of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs".
Law 4485/2017 (Government Gazette 144/issue A/4-8-2017): "Organisation and operation of higher education, provisions for research and other regulations".
Law 4415/2016 (Government Gazette 159/ issue Α/6-9-2016): "Regulations for Hellenic education, Intercultural Education and other provisions".
Ministerial Decision 2/12870/ΔΕΠ/29-3-2016 (Government Gazette 1740/issue B/2016): "Terms, preconditions and procedure of payment of the special allowance of co-ordinators, educators and administrative staff of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs abroad and establishment of it in euro".
Ministerial Decision 2/20801/0022/2012 (Government Gazette 807/issue B/19-03-2012): "Establishment of reducted special allowance of educators, administrative staff and education co-ordinators of the Ministry of Education".
Law 4027/2011 (Government Gazette 233/issue Α/4-11-2011): "Greek Language education abroad and other provisions". It regulates issues related to the purpose, forms and bodies responsible for Greek language education abroad, the educational units, and the responsibilities of the Directorate of Greek Studies Abroad and Intercultural Education.
Law 4009/2011 (Government Gazette 195/issue A/6-9-2011): "Structure, operation, quality assurance of studies and internationalisation of higher education institutions". It provides general rules on the structure and operation of higher education. It regulates the framework for autonomy, structure and bodies of Higher Education Institutions. It provides for the assessment and transparency, as well as issues relating to reaching and other staff. It distinguishes studies between those of first, second and third cycle. It regulates student issues, issues pertaining to the funding of Higher Education Institutions, as well as issues relating to quality assurance and accreditation in higher education.
Law 3685/2008 (Government Gazette 148/issue A/16-9-2008): "Postgraduate studies institutional framework". It sets the institutional framework of postgraduate studies. It defines issues pertaining to the bodies and the regulation of postgraduate programmes, candidates, selection procedures, academics and supervisors. It also regulates the operation of the University Research Institutes.
Law 3528/2007 (Government Gazette 26/issue Α/9-2-2007): "Validation of the Code for Public and Political Administration Staff and NPDD Staff".
Law 5128/2024 (Government Gazette 118/A (30-07-2024): "Arrangements for the Digital Educational Portal and the Digital Tutoring Centre, vocational guidance in secondary education, measures to support the educational system in remote areas and other regulations of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports".
Law 5094/2024 (Government Gazette 39, B): Strengthening the Public University - Framework for the operation of non-profit branches of foreign universities
Ministerial Decision:49728/Δ1/Government Gazette 3022/B/3-5-2023: "Curriculum for the Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies course in Primary School"
MInisterial Decision: 48599/Δ2//Government Gazette 2932/B/28-04-2023: «Curriculum of the Informatics course for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades in High School»
Ministerial Decision 48564/Δ2/Government Gazette 2951/B/28-4-2023: "Curriculum of the Informatics course for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades in General Lyceum".
Law 4823/2021 (Government Gazette 136/Issue Α’ /3-8-2021): "Upgrading the school, empowering teachers and other provisions".
Law 4777/2021 - Government Gazette 25 Α': Introduction to Higher Education, protection of academic freedom, upgrading of the academic environment and other provisions.
Law 4692/2020 - Government Gazette 111Α': School upgrading and other provisions.
Law 4763/2020 - Government Gazette 254 Α': National System of Vocational Education, Training and Lifelong Learning, incorporation into Greek legislation of Directive (EU) 2018/958 of the European Parliament and of the Council as of 28th June 2018 on proportionality test (law 4763/2020).
Joint Ministerial Decision Φ25α/36946/Δ4/8-3-2019 (Government Gazette B 135 2019): "Constitution and composition of a group of Supervisors-Psychologists by the Association of Greek Psychologists, within the framework of the programme “A New Beginning for EPAL” – Support of EPAL school units”.
Joint Ministerial Decision Φ15/27268/Δ1/29-2-2019 (Government Gazette Β 623 2019): “Establishment of municipalities of the implementation of the two-year pre-school education from school year 2019-2020”.
Ministerial Decision Φ14/22511/Δ1/9-2-2018 (Government Gazette Β 688 2018): “Institution of network of school libraries in public primary schools”.
Law 4589/2019 (Government Gazette A 13 2019): "Synergies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Agricultural University of Athens, the University of Thessaly with the TEI of Thessaly, the TEI of Central Greece, the Pallimniako Fund and other regulations".
Ministerial Decision 1816/ΓΔ4/7-1-2019 (Government Gazette Β 16 2019): “Planning and evaluation of the educational work of school units”.
Ministerial Decision 127860/Δ1/2019 (Government Gazette 3233/Issue Β΄/22-8-2019): "Amendment of the Joint Ministerial Decision Φ.15/27268/Δ1/21-02-2019 on "Designation of municipalities for the implementation of two-year pre-school education from 2019-2020" and the 100872/Δ1/24-06-2019 Joint Ministerial Decision on "Designation of municipalities for the implementation of two-year pre-school education from 2020-2021".
Ministerial Decision 101096/Issue Β9/F2/12/24-06-2019: “Determining the Budget and Credits of the Public Investment Program. 2019 to Legal Entities under Public Law School Committees of the Municipalities against the project with code 2018SE04700021 of SAE 047 for the implementation of the project entitled "Action of equipping Primary Schools Integrated in the Network System of Primary School Libraries" and funding body the Ministry of Education and Religions, after the publication of the SAE047 TROP.0 (ΑΔΑ 782Ο465ΧΙ8-Ε3Χ) of the year 2019”.
Joint Ministerial Decision 102535/Δ3/26-06-2019 (Government Gazette 2702/issue Β/ 2019): "Foundations, promotions and removals of special needs education school units (SMEAE) of primary and secondary education, conversion and renaming of the existing special vocational upper secondary education schools into special needs vocational lower - upper secondary education schools, defining sectors and specialisations in them and establishment of sectors and specialisations in the existing special needs vocational lower - upper secondary education schools, from the school year 2019-2020".
Ministerial Decision Φ.17/47528/Δ1/28-03-2019 (Government Gazette 1097/issue Β/2019): "Definition of school units included in the School Library Network System of primary education from the school year 2019-2020".
Ministerial Decision 211076/ΓΔ4/6-12-2018 (Government Gazette Β 5614 2018): “Rules of procedure of the Education and Counselling Support Centres (KESY) and the specific duties of their staff”.
Joint Ministerial Decision Φ25α/202088/Δ4/22-11-2018 (Government Gazette 5343 B 2018): "Organisation and Function of the Institution of of the "Teacher – Advisor" within the framework of the programme "A New Beginning for EPAL – Support for EPAL School Units for School Year 2018-2019".
Ministerial Decision Φ25α/195192/Δ4/14-11-2018 (Government Gazette 5206 B 2018) "Organisation and operation framework of the programme “A New Beginning at EPAL – Support for EPAL School Units".
Ministerial Decision 4776/12-10-2018 (Government Gazette 4850 B 2018): "Procedure of implementing the action "Training of Educational Co-ordinators of PEKES" within the framework of the OP "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning", Partnership Agreement 2014-2020, co-funded by the European Social Fund".
Ministerial Decision Φ2/165262/Δ4/04-10-2018 (Government Gazette 4496 B 2018): "Curricula of specialisations: "Hairdressing Services", "Pharmacy Assistant", "Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art", "Mechanical Installations Engineer", "Computer and Networks Engineer" for the "Post-secondary Year - Apprenticeship Class".
Law 4559/2018 (Government Gazette 142 A 2018): "University of Ioannina, Ionian University and other regulations".
Law 4547/2018 (Government Gazette 102 A 2018): "Re-organisation of support structures of primary and secondary Education and other regulations".
Joint Ministerial Decision 66981/Δ1/08-05-2018 (Government Gazette 1586 B 2018): "Designation of municipalities for the implementation of the two-year compulsory education from school year 2018-2019".
Law 4512/2018 (Government Gazette 5 Α 2018):“Regulations for the implementation of structural reforms of the fiscal adjustment programme and other provisions”.
Presidential Decree 18/2018 (Government Gazette 31 A 2018): "Organisation of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs".
Ministerial Decision 188975/Y2/3-11-2017 (Government Gazette 567 Y.O.Δ.Δ. 2017): "Establishment of Technical Committee for Vocational Education and Training".
Ministerial Decision 1608/Y2/27-10-2017 (Government Gazette 566 Y.O.Δ.Δ. 2017): "Establishment of National Committee for Vocational Education and Training".
Law 4485/2017 (Government Gazette A 144 2017): "Organisation and operation of higher education, provisions for research and other regulations".
Presidential Decree 79/2017 (Government Gazette 109 Α 2017): "Organisation and operation of Pre-primary and Primary Education Schools".
Ministerial Decision 26385/16-2-2017 (Government Gazette 491 Β 2017): “Quality Framework for Apprenticeship”.
Ministerial Decision 26412/16-2-2017 (Government Gazette 490 Β 2017): “Quality Framework for VET Curricula”.
Ministerial Decision 26381/16-2-2017 (Government Gazette 490 Β 2017): “Implementation of Post Secondary-Apprenticeship Class under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs”.
Law 4452/2017 (Government Gazette 17 Α 2017): “Regulation of issues regarding the State Certificate of Foreign Language Proficiency, the National Library of Greece and other provisions”.
Law 1566/1985 (Government Gazette 167/issue A/30-9-1985): "Structure and operation of primary and secondary education and other provisions". It describes the purpose, structure and levels of primary and secondary education, the administration of schools, while it also regulates on issues of teaching and administrative staff. The same law provides for the re-foundation of the Pedagogical Institute. What is more, provisions for the training and further education of teachers are included. Also, the law regulates issues related to special education and training of people with disabilities. It also lays down provisions on the School Vocational Guidance, organisation of student life, the institutions for people participation, parental organizations and other special topics”.