Pupil assessment
Primary education is provided in pre-schools and primary schools (nipiagogeia and dimotika scholeia), where attendance is compulsory but objectives, organisation of the school day and week, curricula and teaching methods and materials are distinct.
In brief, in the kindergarten/pre-school (nipiagogeio) there is no standardised path to learning and alternative forms of assessment are prevailing. In primary school (dimotiko scholeio) assessment of the progress of pupils is a continuous and advisable process and required for each seperate subject of the curriculum of the relevant school year and pupils receive a Performance Assessment (with a descriptive assessment and/or a grading scale for certain grades).
Subject to certain conditions, both at pre-school and primary school grade retention may occur.
Pupils that leave the kindergarten receive an Attendance Certificate and pupils who graduate successfully from primary school (dimotiko scholeio) are awarded the primary school leaving certificate which includes their general average grade.
School year 2017-2018 initiated descriptive assessment as a primary method for assessing pupils in public compulsory education.
There are no national exams at this level of education.
Detailed information for assessment, progress and certification separately for pre-school (nipiagogeio) and primary school (dimotiko scholeio) is provided below.
Kindergarten/pre-school (Nipiagogeio)
Under the Cohesive Cross Thematic Curriculum Framework for Pre-primary Schools and the relevant Detailed Curriculum (Ministerial Decision 21072β/Γ2/28-2-2003), the main purpose of assessment is to provide private feedback on the educational process, aimed at improving the education provided.
In pre-school education, there is no standardised path to learning. Assessment is continuous, integrated in the daily process and based on the overall evaluation of the programme.
The educator systematically monitors the child during the school year. Initially, the educator identifies the level of experience, knowledge and interests of the child (initial or diagnostic assessment) and attempts to adapt the learning process to the abilities and individual characteristics of the child. Then, the educator checks the progress of every child (formative or gradual assessment) as the child develops new ideas, attitudes, values and competences. Finally, the overall achievement of the aims of the programme is assessed (final or overall assessment).
Essentially, assessment focuses on the effect of the learning process on the development and socialisation of the child on individual, as well as on team work.
In the kindergarten (nipiagogeio), there is no place for traditional forms of assessment. On the contrary, marking has to be replaced by alternative practices such as:
- The progress and results of projects
- Peer assessment of the team by children themselves
- The child’s portfolio.
Regarding the methods and techniques, systematic monitoring of the children by the educator inside the classroom is suggested, while self-assessment, dialogue, discussion and the student’s individual portfolio are considered necessary.
In this context, educators have to:
- Assess the learning and development of the child in relation to the pursued objectives, based on the belief that every pupil has the potential for improvement.
- Assess the effectiveness of the curriculum, the conditions and means of its implementation, its teaching and pedagogical practice
- Explore the possible difficulties, which hinder children's progress
- Engage children themselves, their parents and other specialists in the process of assessing their learning and progress, recognizing the need for the shaping of a unique comprehensive personality
- Share the learning goals of the curriculum with the children and discuss the assessment criteria with them, encouraging them to self-evaluate the progress they have made
- Provide information to families on school results and the development of their children, as well as ideas for further support at home, so that there is a learning continuum outside the classroom.
In order to address cases of children facing serious learning difficulties or/and with behavioural problems, and so as protect and support them, pre-school teachers may cooperate with the following:
- The school head
- The teacher of the inclusion class
- The parents/guardians
- The competent KEDASY, within the framework of the operation of the team for the educational support of pupils or EDEAY (where in operation)
- The competent Education Advisor (Law 4823/2021)
- The Education Advisor of special education needs and inclusive education (Law 4823/2021)
- The competent services and bodies for protecting and supporting the children and their families.
Primary school (Dimotiko scholeio)
According to the Cross-thematic Curriculum Framework and the Detailed Curricula (Ministerial Decisions 21072α/Γ2/28-02-2003 and 2107β/Γ2/28-02-2003), assessment of the progress of pupils is a continuous and advisable process which is embedded in the teaching procedure.
It consists of assessing the pupils' performance in each subject of the curriculum of the relevant school year and it follows specific criteria which result from specific educational goals.
The pupils' assessment concerns not only the acquired knowledge, but also the development of competences, as well as the formation of attitudes, values and conduct.
The process of assessment should be characterised by transparency, reliability, objectivity and validity. The aims and the criteria of assessment should be clear, but also communicated to pupils on time.
Pupil assessment concerns performance, and progress.
A number of approaches, which are oriented according to the goals, the content and the teaching method of each study subject, as well as age, educational needs and the experiences of pupils, are used during the assessment process. At the same time, the personal characteristics of pupils, the individual pace, the stage of linguistic development, as well as the opportunities each child has in his/her social and family environment are also taken into consideration.
The assessment process in primary education occurs in a number of ways, which can be briefly presented as follows:
Initial or diagnostic assessment is mainly performed at the beginning of the learning procedure and especially in the beginning of the school year or at the beginning of a course. It aims at defining the level of prior knowledge and experience, the pupils’ interests and detecting possible difficulties pupils might be facing.
Formative or gradual assessment is performed during the teaching procedure and consists of a continuous daily practice, which has a mainly informative nature. It assesses the progress of each pupil in line with certain educational goals. After formative assessment, the educator may need to decide whether to modify the planned teaching method, in order to help pupils achieve the desired goals.
Final or overall assessment is used to summarize and offer feedback, in order to assess and compare the overall level of pupil achievement compared to specified and anticipated pedagogical and educational goals. Final assessment is performed after the completion of a course or a syllabus. The aim is to systematically assess the results of the teaching procedure and pupils' efforts.
Assessment techniques are directly correlated with the particular characteristics, the aims and content of each subject and aim to explore the pupils’ cognitive achievements, whilst emphasizing the student's ability to acquire, manage and apply knowledge in various ways. Final assessment techniques highlight the communicative skills and learning profile of each pupil.
Assessment techniques, which at the same time consist of teaching practices and apply to all subjects, include:
- Written questions, with a duration of a few minutes or up to one teaching hour
- Written or oral exams of various types
- Short, guided essays
- Short questions, written or oral
- Summary of content, written or oral
- Judgement tests, which are more appropriate for the assessment of a deeper understanding of the content of a unit or a book
- Projects.
Detailed information on the assessment of each subject taught in primary education can be found on the Cross-thematic Curriculum Framework website at the address: http://www.pi-schools.gr/programs/depps/.
The assessment of pupils during their attendance of primary school is performed per subject and falls within the exclusive responsibility of the teacher or the teachers of the relevant class or grade, Specialised subject teachers, for subjects like Foreign Languages, Music, Arts, Physical Education, etc. are also responsible for the assessment of pupils on their subject.
In accordance with presidential decree 8/1995, the assessment of the progress of each pupil should be based on the following:
- Everyday oral examination and overall participation of the pupil in the educational procedure and relevant school activities
- The pupil’s performance. These criteria form a fundamental part of the school programme and are included in the teaching material. The criteria concerning the assessment of pupils in the last two years of primary school (grades 5 and 6) may be extended so as to include more complicated questions, which could relate to more than one subject
- The work that the pupil prepares as homework or at school.
Pedagogical meetings are carried out at the end of every term - there are 3 in total during the school year. The entire teaching personnel of the school unit participate in these meetings for the assessment of the progress of pupils per grade and school level. Within 10 days from the end of the term, the school principal holds a meeting with the parents or the guardians of the pupils, where the latter receive the individual “Performance Assessment” on the results of the assessment as well as the performance of the pupil during the relevant term.
Grading scale
In Grades 1 and 2 only oral descriptive assessment is provided for in accordance with Ministerial Decision Φ.7Α/ΦΜ/212191/Δ1.At the end of each term, the class teacher informs the parents of the students about their progress.Descriptive assessment allows teachers to inform pupils and parents on the results of efforts made, as well as on any possible weaknesses in specific fields.
In Grades 3 and 4, in the "Performance Assessment", apart from the descriptive assessment, the following grading scale is used: “Excellent” (A), “Very Good” (B), “Good” (C), “Almost Good” (D).
In Grades 5 and 6, the following additional grading scale is used, which is expressed both verbally and arithmetically: “Excellent” (9-10), “Very Good” (7-8), “Good” (5-6), “Almost Good” (1-4). Pupils with severe cognitive difficulties are assessed with “Almost Good”. These pupils, as well as pupils attending grades 1 and 2, who are facing similar difficulties, benefit from remedial teaching programmes.
At the end of the teaching year, pupils who have attended grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and provided that they fulfil the promotion requirements (as outlined in the following section) are awarded a "Progress Certificate", while pupils who have attended grade 6 are awarded a "Leaving Certificate". Progress Certificates bare the indication 'Promoted' only, there are no marks. The "Progress Certificate" is a prerequisite for enrolment in the next grade. Leaving Certificates bare the indication 'Graduated' and the general average grade of the year.
Briefing of parents/guardians in pre-primary and primary schools
Briefings on issues of child conduct and progression constitute a right for parents/guardians and a responsibility for educators. These briefings, which also include matters of schoolwork and school operation, take place:
- At the beginning of the school year. The school head and teachers inform the parents/guardians, per grade or collectively, on the timetable and the detailed curriculum, contact hours and days or on general issues that pertain to child conduct, the progression of pupils and school operation.
- At least once a month the teacher of each grade sets a specific day and time (at the end of classtime) during which she/he is available to meet parents, exchange views and co-operate for the child's benefit. The day and time is recorded in the register book of the school teachers’ board and parents/guardians are notified in good time. In addition, the classroom teacher can meet in exceptional cases with the parents/guardians, if necessary.
- During the school year, 10 days before the end of term the school head and the classroom teacher hold briefings, informing parents of their children’s progress. Briefings take place outside teaching hours, at a time convenient for most parents/guardians.
Progression of pupils
Pre-school (Nipiagogeio)
Under presidential decree 79/2017, repetition of pre-primary school for children at the age of their transition to grade 1 of primary school, is permissible in cases of serious attending difficulties assessed and confirmed by KEDASY or a relevant evaluation from the special education needs and inclusion education advisor or from the teacher education advisor of the relevant pre-school. In all cases the parents' consent is required.
In addition, if the absences of a pupil exceed the 100 during the school year, the certificate for enrolment in grade 1 of the primary school is provided only by decision of the school teachers' board and the agreement of the education advisor. Otherwise, the pupil must repeat his/her attendance of nipiagogeio (l. 4610/2019).
Primary school (Dimotiko scholeio)
In accordance with presidential decree 121/1995 and Ministerial Decision Φ.7Α/ΦΜ/212191/Δ1 , pupils attending grades 1 and 2 progress to the next grade, when the main teacher of the class believes that the child concerned can respond to the daily oral assessments, the assessment criteria included in the teaching material and the work assigned either at school or as homework; that the child can adequately participate in the learning procedure and other school activities. Otherwise, pupils are required to repeat the same grade.
Pupils attending grades 3 and 4 progress to the next grade, if the majority of the final average grades of their subjects are other than D (fail). Otherwise, pupils are required to repeat the same grade.
For pupils attending grades 5 and 6, the yearly progression mark per subject consists of the average of their marks in all 3 terms, as indicated on the progress assessments per term. The general mark of yearly progression is calculated by adding the marks which correspond to the yearly progression of each subject per term and then dividing the total sum by the number of the subjects taught. Pupils attending grades 5 and 6 may progress to the next grade or leave school (in case of graduates), as long as their average mark is 4.5 and above (10 stands for excellent). If the general average mark is under 4.5, the pupil is required to repeat the same grade.
It is self-evident that grade retention concerns not only the teacher, but also the entire school unit. Therefore, the cases of pupils who face the possibility of repeating the grade are a subject of discussion in special pedagogical meetings of the teaching personnel, which are carried out following a decision of the school head. At the same time, the relevant education advisor is informed. The latter deals with each case separately, in co-operation with the classroom teacher and the school head, and state his/her opinion concerning the further progression of the pupil.
Therefore, the percentage of pupils that repeat a grade at primary schools is pretty low. (usually the percentage remains under 1%).
As far as progression to the next grade is concerned, apart from the required minimum marks, as defined in presidential decree 121/1995 presented above, regular attendance for a minimum time period of at least half of the school year is required. In cases of absences for longer periods of time, when justified, the pupil will have to take exams, in order to progress to the next level of education.
Pre-school (Nipiagogeio)
The pupils who graduate from nipiagogeio receive the “Attendance Certificate”. It is issued by the nipiagogeio unit the pupil has completed at the end of the teaching year, according to the provisions in force for all pre-schools of the country. Attendance Certificates are official public documents. They bear the national logo of the Hellenic Republic, the name of the nipiagogeio issuing it, as well as that of the Regional Directorate of Education and the Directorate of Primary Education in which the school is adherent and the date of issue.
The pre-school attendance certificate is a prerequisite for the pupil’s enrolment to primary school, which is automatic.
Primary school (Dimotiko scholeio)
Pupils successfully graduate from primary education provided that the general average mark of their performance, which is calculated according to the average mark of their performance per subject in all 3 terms equals at least 4.5 or above, where 10 equals “Excellent” (The procedure is fully presented in the above section).
Pupils who graduate from primary education successfully are awarded the primary school leaving certification, known as “Leaving Certificate”.
The primary school leaving certificate is provided by the school unit the pupil has graduated from. It is an official public document. It is issued upon completion of the school year, according to the provisions in force for all primary schools of the country. It bears the national logo of the Hellenic Republic, the name of the school unit issuing it, as well as that of the Regional Directorate of Education and the Directorate of Primary Education in which the school is adherent, and the date of issue.
On the primary school leaving certificate, apart from the reference “Graduated”, there is also numerical reference, as well as the equivalent word description of the general average grade of yearly performance: “Excellent” (9-10), “Very Good” (7-8), “Good” (5-6).
The primary school leaving certificate is a prerequisite for the pupil’s automatic enrolment to lower secondary education schools.