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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Educational Support and Guidance


12.Educational Support and Guidance

Last update: 20 March 2025

Recent education reforms for improving the quality of services for all students have been explicitly oriented towards special education and intercultural education. 
Following the priorities set by article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Greek educational policy emphasizes on the right of all students, including students with disabilities and/or special educational needs, for equal access to education.
Within such a framework, the equal access of students with disabilities and/or special education needs constitutes a basic pillar of the National Action Plan on the Rights of People with Disabilities, drawn up under the coordination of the Minister of State. 
The aforementioned National Action Plan provides for a wide array of actions in the field of education for students with disabilities and/or special education needs aiming to promote inclusive education in line with the recommendations by the United Nations, the representative organisations of People with Disabilities, the Ombudsman and the National Human Rights Authority.

The Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports has drawn up and implements the Strategic Action Plan for the Equal Access of Students with Disabilities, which constitutes an extension of the National Action Plan on Disability in the field of Education. The Strategic Plan includes thirteen (13) Operational Objectives, which are further analysed in projects and actions, with a predefined implementation timetable, in key areas of intervention, such as:

  •  review of the current legislative framework,
  • adequate allocation of human and material resources,
  • increase of physical and digital accessibility,
  • training of the staff in issues of differentiated teaching,
  • upgrading of the evaluation and support services,
  • promotion of integration education programmes,
  • strengthening of both early educational intervention and vocational education,
  • equal access to Lifelong learning and higher education,
  • further organisation of the statistics collected on people with disabilities and/or special education needs,
  • evaluation of the operation of the institution of the integration classes and parallel support.

The currently in force institutional framework of special education for individuals with disabilities and/or special educational needs, is laid down mainly in l. 3699/2008, as in force, and recently l. 4713/ 2020 and l. 4823/2021.
Inclusion Policy is promoted for all vulnerable groups of the student population.

In this context, intercultural education:

  • concerns the structuring of relations of different cultural groups with the aim to lift inequality and social exclusion.
  • sets the framework for harmonious and effective integration in the general education system of students with educational, social and cultural particularities.
    The objectives of intercultural education (l. 4415/2016) are pursued by means of the following:
  1. The registration of children from different cultural backgrounds in schools along with native children
  2. The reinforcement of the school's democratic function based on the respect for democratic principles and children’s rights
  3. The drafting of suitable curricula, school books and teaching resources
  4. Tackling the discriminations caused by cultural differences, xenophobia and racism
  5. Supporting measures and structures in favor of the educational and social inclusion of children of migrant background in a framework of equity and respect for their cultural identity
  6. Suitable educational programmes and actions of an intercultural nature which address all members of the educational community.

Key objectives of compensatory education are:

  •  the re-integration of students in the learning process,
  • the improvement of their progress so as to complete compulsory education,
  • the reducing of early school leaving.  
  • to increase access rates for upper secondary education with the prospect of entering tertiary education. 

    A number of compensatory and supporting structures are put in place for this purpose, such as:

  • the institution of intercultural schools (scholeia diapolitismikis ekpaidefsis) and minority schools (meionotika scholeia),
  • reception classes (taxeis ypodochis),
  • remedial teaching (enischytiki didaskalia) and additional teaching support (prostheti didaktiki stirixi),
  • the school life advisor,
  • measures for interschool violence
  • detention centres schools
  • as well as educational priority zones (zones ekpaideftikis proteraiotitas - ZEP). Educational priority zones promote equal inclusion in the education system of students from areas with low educational and socio-economic indicators.

Furthermore, refugees' children education and their smooth inclusion in school structures has been a goal of the education policy of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports.

Under the provisions of l. 4823/2021, a Regional Council of Supervisors (PESEP) is established at the headquarters of all Regional Directorates of Primary and Secondary Education. This Council consists of Regional Supervisors of Quality in Education.

The Council is in charge of:

  • issues of education planning
  • issues of support of education work
  • supporting training in various forms and topics
  • training in various forms and topics
  • the coordination and cooperation of different structures
  • school executives, teachers and members of the special teaching staff and special assistance staff in their everyday work, and
  • the overall planning and the self-evaluation of the work of school units.

In addition, in each Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education there is provision for:

  • one Supervisor of Quality in Education
  • positions of Education Advisors of various specialisations, including Advisors of Special and Inclusive Education. Advisors of Special and Inclusive Education bear the pedagogical responsibility in clusters of primary and secondary education units regarding the objective of inclusive education.

Also, l. 4823/2021 redefines the role of:

  • Centres for Interdisciplinary Assessment, Counseling and Support (KEDASYs)
  • School Networks of Educational Support (SDEYs)
  • Committees of Interdisciplinary Support (EDYs).

In higher education, the strong social dimension of the Greek national policy, primarily as a result of a series of provisions on the empowerment of the quality and internationalisation of ΗΕ and connectivity with society, ( l. 4009/2011, l. 4485/2017 and l. 4957/2022)  is evident in the support that all students receive and particularly students of vulnerable social groups, throughout their studies, via a series of:

  • educational and social provisions,
  • benefits
  • and facilities.

Finally, pursuant to l. 4763/2020 and recent l. 5082/2024 a key policy of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports is the planning, coordination, supervision and assessment of policies, actions and programmes in the field of vocational training and lifelong learning, without discrimination and exclusions. Primarily, aiming at:

  • providing human resources with qualifications, adapted to the real needs of the labour market,
  • increasing employment with quality job placements, better organizing the competitiveness of the Greek economy,
  • reinforcing citizens’ personal development and upskilling,
  • ensuring the rights and equal opportunities for all young people that will lead to their unhampered inclusion in the educative, social and economic life of the country.