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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Continuing professional development for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training


9.Teachers and education staff

9.9Continuing professional development for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training

Last update: 17 March 2025

Law 4763/2020 is the key legislation in lifelong learning. It determines the legislative framework and the tools for establishing effective lifelong learning education systems.

It clarifies basic concepts and aspects and draws a line between:

  • Governing bodies for lifelong learning
  • Service providers for lifelong learning.

The above constitute the national network of lifelong learning.

Regarding the meaning of general adult education, the same law states that the term includes all organised learning activities (formal and non-formal) that target adults.

The aim of general adult education is to:

  1. Enrich knowledge
  2. Develop and improve skills and competences
  3. Cultivate personality traits
  4. Develop active citizenship
  5. Tackle educational and social inequalities.

With a view to assure quality in lifelong learning and meet the goals of general adult education, there is a system of:

  • Continuing training and assessment for trainers and executives in non-formal education and teachers at second chance schools
  • Evaluation of programmes and efficiency of the national network of lifelong learning.

Within this framework of continuous training for teachers and adult education trainers, University KEDIVIM implement various specialised training programmes.  These programmes target adult education trainers who wish to develop and tailor their knowledge and competences.

By decision of the Minister of Education, the following are regulated:

  • Programme specifications
  • Issues concerning their scientific support and supervision.

ERASMUS+ is the programme of the European Commission for education, training, youth and sport.  It offers a wide range of funding opportunities for all organisations being active within formal and non-formal education and training, youth and sport.

In particular, the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) is the national agency for the Erasmus+ programme for education and training sectors.  It manages the following actions:

Key action 1 - learning mobility of individuals

Key Action 1 (KA1) "Learning Mobility of Individuals" refers to mobility in:

  • School education
  • Higher education
  • Vocational education and training
  • Adult education.

Within the framework of Key Action 1, mobility plans in the field of adult education, offer the option to staff of entitled bodies to carry out transnational mobility for the purpose of:

  1. Studies
  2. Training
  3. Work
  4. Teaching
  5. Education
  6. Development of professional qualifications and competences.

Activities in the adult staff training organisation learning mobility programme include:

  1. Teaching/training assignment duties
  2. Structured educational or training cycles and educational events abroad
  3. Job shadowing.

Key action 2 - strategic partnerships

Key Action 2 (KA2) “Co-operation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices" concerns co-operations – partnerships in:

  • School education
  • Higher education
  • Vocational education and training
  • Adult education.

In the field of adult education, the strategic partnerships concern the development and strengthening of transnational co-operations between organisations that engage in adult education.

In particular, as part of a strategic partnership in the field of adult education the following actions are supported:

  • Action plans aimed at establishing the exchange of good practices
  • Action plans that promote the implementation of innovative practices.

More information for both actions is available on the European Commission website and the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY).

Key action 3 – support for policy reform

Key Action 3 (CA3) supports public policy reforms of Member States and promotes cooperation with third countries, including the exchange of good practice. This support includes the implementation of European transparency tools, the conduct of cross-border national studies and  support of specific action programs, for higher education as well as vocational education and training.

It consists mainly of projects managed by the Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission, while the National Units manage the Youth Structured Dialogue.

More information for all actions is available on the European Commission website and the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY).