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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Conditions of Service for Teachers Working in Early Childhood and School Education


9.Teachers and education staff

9.2Conditions of Service for Teachers Working in Early Childhood and School Education

Last update: 10 March 2025

Primary and Secondary Education permanent teachers are considered as public servants and are bound by the employees’ code, unless special provisions apply to them. The appointment of permanent teachers and employment of provisional substitute teachers are centralized, as well as transfers, secondments, and transplantations. Regulations common to all teachers in the country determine teaching hours and required time spent at school. Induction follows the same rules for all teachers and takes place at regional centers (see Unit 9.2 Induction). The regional service councils are responsible for teachers’ advancement, promotion, and dismissal, while salary grids, retirement rights, and statutory leaves are governed by the legal framework that applies to all public servants.

It is carried out at distance learning centres by trainers under the guidance of the Institute of Education Policy (IEP). Career development, promotion or dismissal of teachers are the responsibility of the regional staff councils, while pay scales, pension rights and leave are subject to the legal framework governing all civil servants.

Planning policy

Permanent teachers’ appointment or provisional substitute and hourly paid teachers’ employment in Primary and Secondary Education as well as permanent teachers’ transfers, secondments and transplantations are carried out after current teaching needs.

The needs arise:

  • From the vacancies created due to the automatic departure or resignation of teachers from the service.
  • Vacancies caused by absences ( maternity, maternity leave, sick leave and educational leave) and any surpluses.

These needs shall be determined by applying the following procedure: 

  • In each school unit data, relating to it, are registered, entered and updated into the electronic system (operating classes, number of students per class in each grade, teachers’ positions, their full names, mandatory hours of work etc.).  Moreover, vacant positions (organic or operational), expected to arise by August 31st, are registered into the same electronic system.
  • The data, each school unit registers, are checked by the corresponding Educational Directorate and are confirmed by the Head of the Directorate.

The total number of teacher vacancies resulting from the above process corresponds  to the number of existing needs for teaching staff per year and leads to the planning of new recruitment. 

Entry to the profession

By Law 4589/2019, as supplemented by Law 4823/2021, the Supreme Personnel Selection Board (ASEP), at the request of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, according to the recorded educational needs (see above 9.2.1 "Planning Policy", announces and conducts every two years a ranking procedure, in order of priority by discipline and specialization, of candidates for filling the vacant positions of primary and secondary school teachers, members of Special Education Personnel and Special Support Staff, as well as for meeting the operational needs of primary and secondary education.  
The Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP), at the request of the Ministry of Education, announces and conducts the process for the classification of teachers in candidate lists according to overall scores. The process takes place every second (2) school year and the classification is in order of priority, by branch (category  of HE degree) and specialty of candidate (law 4589/2019, as supplemented by law 4823/2021).

The appointment or recruitment of teachers is carried out exclusively by ranking lists of candidates, which are valid until the end of the second school year, following the end of the school year in which they were published in the Government Gazette. The modification of data, in the interim period, is not permitted. (see also transitional provisions of the same law).
These lists are compiled on the basis of predefined, objective criteria (academic, educational experience, social criteria) which are marked. The classification lists are in descending order, as a result of the cumulative scoring of these criteria.
In particular, candidates for appointment or employment are ranked by branch and specialty, in the following ranking lists:

  1. Table A (General Education Teachers)
  2. Table B (Special Education Teachers - EAE)
  3. Table C (C1 Special Teaching Staff (EEP) and C2 Special Auxiliary Staff (EBP)

In the process, ASEP and the Ministry of Education post on their websites the provisional ranking lists.Candidates can file an objection within a specified period of time. After checking the objections, ASEP prepares the final lists, which are published in the Government Gazette.
Teachers interested can submit a candidacy application in the manner specified in the relevant announcement of ASEP. Candidate teachers and members of special education staff who have the formal requirements for appointment in primary or secondary education are accepted in the process.
An additional formal qualification for filling the vacancies of teachers and faculty members is the pedagogical and teaching competence, which is certified either before or after appointment (law 4589/2019). Candidates who already have a validated pedagogical and teaching competence at the time of submission of their application, precede in the ranking over candidates who do not. (see Unit 9.2.1 "Pedagogical and teaching qualifications").
If candidate teachers or other special staff members are appointed without having a certified pedagogical and teaching competence, it is mandatory that they are trained within a period of two (2) years from the date of their appointment (law 4589/2019).
The order of ranking of candidates in the final table is determined on the following criteria:

  • academic criteria (first cycle degree grade, possession of second or third cycle degrees, language skills, certified computer skills, etc.),
  • actual teaching experience,
  • social criteria (parents of two or more children, disability, disability of children, etc.).

For the certification of the staff of primary and secondary education (see also Unit 9.1. "Alternative training pathways"),
Degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions are accepted, provided that they have recognition of academic equivalence and correspondence by: 

  • the Interdisciplinary Organization for the Recognition of Academic Degrees and Information (DOATAP),
  • a decision for recognition of professional qualifications or
  • a decision for recognition of professional equivalence for a first cycle degree with a relevant Greek degree for teacher specialization.
  • Postgraduate degrees and doctoral diplomas awarded by foreign educational institutions abroad require either:
  • recognition of academic equivalence by DOATAP or
  • recognition of professional equivalence in a subject related to teaching spesialisation. 

Terms of appointment for permanent teachers (law 4589/2019 and law 4653/2020)

Primary and Secondary Education teachers, who are registered in the above-mentioned rating lists, may apply for schools in specific areas, according to their preference, within a certain deadline. 

Their appointment is based on the position they have in the final ranking list, as well as the teacher’s application for vacancies in different locations by order of preference. The appointing procedure continues up to the point that all the vacant positions have been covered.

Newly appointed teachers are temporarily placed in a vacant position of a school unit in the region of ​​their preference. Their final placement takes place during the transfer process.

The newly appointed primary or secondary school teacher serves for two years as a probationary teacher. At the end of the second year, newly appointed teachers are evaluated so as to become a permanent public school teacher. A Ministerial Decision determines the procedure and the criteria for judging the suitability of the newly appointed.

Newly appointed teachers are required to remain in their placement for at least two school years (see Chapter 9.2. "Mobility and Transfers"). In special education, the newly appointed teacher is obliged to serve in the special education school unit for a period of at least five (5) years.

Employment of provisional substitute teachers (law 4589/2019)

In primary and secondary education temporary substitute teachers are also recruited in addition to permanently based teachers. Substitute teachers cover vacancies for emerging operational needs. Substitute teachers are on a private law employment contract and are hired for a duration of up to one school year. Their employment takes place upon application and only upon certain conditions so as to cover the following circumstances:

  • If permanent teachers are, for any reason, absent from Primary and Secondary Education schools,
  • If there are extraordinary operating needs arising during the school year,
  • If the teaching and workshop time scheduled in the school programme do not justify the employment of a permanent teacher.
  • The employment of temporary substitute teachers in specific ‘educational areas’ in order to meet the needs of primary and secondary school units, is based on the teachers’ ranking in the aforementioned final ranking tables, compiled by ASEP (see also above) but also on the teachers’ order of preference, as declared in their application.

Employment of hourly paid teachers (law 4589/2019)

In exceptional cases, where other reasons do not allow the employment of a temporarily substitute teacher, hourly paid teachers are hired. Hourly paid teachers are on a fixed-term, private law employment contract (IDOX) and are hired for up to one school year. The employment of hourly paid teachers is based on their order of ranking in the final candidate’s ranking lists, as well as the declared preferences.

Every school year, as part of the process of recruitment, candidates for provisional substitute and hourly paid primary and secondary education teaching posts are invited by ministerial decisions to declare the areas of their preference. 
The period served by these teachers is recognized as a valid public education service and counts towards their permanent appointment in public education.

Pedagogical and teaching qualifications

Pedagogical and teaching competence is not a formal requirement but an additional formal qualification (law 4589/2019, see also transitional provisions), which can be certified either before or after the appointment of the candidate, through successful attendance of special training programs.

Graduates of non-Teacher Education Faculties can, therefore, acquire pedagogical and teaching proficiency either during their studies or after their completion.

In particular, law 4589/2019 stipulates that pedagogical and teaching proficiency is certified:

  1. By a certificate issued by a Department or collaborating Departments of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), after attending a group of courses offered under a special curriculum or under the first cycle curriculum or in combination, and are addressed to students or graduates of departments.
  2. On possession of:
  • a degree in Pedagogy from a higher education institution,
  • a postgraduate degree  ( Master's degree) or doctorate in educational sciences,
  • a certificate of pedagogical competence of the Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE), (law 3027/2002),
  • an ASPETE degree.


Introductory teacher training (induction) is a mandatory form of training. 

Introductory training is also mandatory for the appointment of pedagogical staff and pedagogical assistants in the municipal day baby care and child care centres (law 3584/2007).

The Introductory Training Program has a duration of at least one hundred teaching hours and address newly appointed Primary and Secondary teachers. However, provisional substitute teachers can also attend such programmes, but with a reduced duration, due to their previous service ( Presidential Decree 45/1999).

Law 4568/2019 determines the time, the procedure, the way of certification and every issue related to the induction of the teachers and members ofspecial education staff, as well as their training to acquire pedagogical and teaching competence after appointment.

The Institute of Educational Policy (IEP)  and the Ministry of education are responsible l.4547/2018 for designing training programs and introductory teacher training. They are also support the planning implementation and the evaluation of educational work. In terms of the planning and implementation of training programs, the competent body is also the IEP.

Professional status

Permanent Teachers fall under the Permanent Civil Servants category and are subject to the Employees Code in a complimentary way.  According to the Constitution currently in force, public servants, teachers included, placed in permanent posts, are permanent employees.  With the exception of cases of withdrawal due to reaching the retirement age limit (‘ipso jure retirement due to age limit’, according to the provisions of law 4369/2016 (which amended the provisions of the Employee Code law 3528/2007), or due to dismissal by court decision, permanent teachers cannot be transferred without prior opinion, or demoted or dismissed without the competent service council’s prior decision (see “Retirement and pensions”).
Newly appointed teachers do not acquire a permanent contract immediately after appointment. They serve for two years as probationary teachers.  At the end of the second year newly appointed teachers are evaluated in order to become permanent. The procedure and the criteria for judging the suitability of the newly appointed teacher are determined by a Ministerial Decision: (law 4589/2019 and law 4823/2021).

At the end of the probationary period, the School Counsellor prepares a report on the teacher's performance during the two years of the probationary period and submits it on the relevant platform created . The evaluator shall discuss with the evaluated , in case the evaluated disagrees, he/she shall register a report/objection in his/her online file within 5 days. (Law 5014/2023)

Newly appointed teachers are temporarily placed in a vacant position of a school unit in the area of their preference for appointment by decision of the relevant Director of Education. Their appointment follows a proposal of the relevant Regional Service Council of Primary or Secondary Education (PYSPE or PYSDE) or the Regional Service Council of Special Education Staff (PYSEEP). Their final placement takes place after all vacancies and teacher transfers are completed. (law 4653/2020).
In addition, they are obliged to remain in their area of appointment for a period of at least two (2) school years. Any change of service, such as secondment or transfer, during the above-mentioned period, is not allowed. In case of appointment to Special Education and Training schools (EAE), the newly appointed teacher is obliged to serve in the EAE for a period of at least five (5) years (law 4653/2020).
As regards substitute teachers, they are employed under a fixed-term contract governed by private law, while according to current provisions, the employment agency (the relevant Minister) is not granted the discretion to employ substitute teachers for a period shorter than the school year.

Salary and Grade Profession

The special provisions of l. 4354/2015 regarding the staff classification and progression grade for primary and secondary school teachers and their promotion from grade to grade, are maintained in force. The teaching staff progression grades are divided into three categories: C (introductory), B and A (senior).

The promotion of teaching staff in terms of salary is not based on seniority, according to the provisions of Law 4354/2015, which have been amended by laws 4484/2017 and 4485/2017  in conjunction with a circular from the General Accounting Office (GLK) (ref. no. 2/31029/ΔΕΠ/06-05-2016), which can be found in Unit 9.2 ("Salaries"). 

Replacement measures

If permanent teachers are, for any reason, absent from Primary and Secondary Education schools or if there are extraordinary school operating needs arising during the school year, provisional full-time or part-time substitute teachers are recruited under a fixed-term employment contract governed by private law (IDOX), after submitting a relevant request. (see Unit 9.2 “Entry to the profession”).
In exceptional cases where there are objective reasons not permitting the  provisional substitute teacher’s employment in Primary and Secondary Education school units, hourly paid teachers are recruited after submitting a relevant request.  They are recruited under a fixed-term employment contract governed by private law (IDOX), in order to cover the teaching hours dictated by the school timetable.
Law 4572/2018, as amended by law 4653/2020, regulates issues of replacement of education officials (e.g. the Regional Directors of Education are replaced in their duties by the Director of Primary or Secondary Education of the relevant Regional Directorate of Education). Similarly, law 1566/1985, as amended by law 4547/2018 stipulates that if there is no school head in a two- or three-class capacity primary school or kindergarten, the temporary exercise of school head duties is assigned to a senior permanent teacher with the longest  serving years in an organic position of the school unit.

Supporting measures

School monitoring and supporting measures are provided with law 4547/2018. The Regional Educational Planning Centers (PEKES) and the positions of Educational Project Coordinators are abolished by Law 4823/2021 and in their place the Regional Councils of Supervisors are created.

The Education Project Coordinators are renamed Educational Consultants who are selected on the basis of their qualifications and a personal face-to-face interview. According to Law 4823/2021, 800 new posts of Education Consultants were created, distributed proportionally across all sectors and regions. The task of the Education Consultants is a) the pedagogical, scientific guidance and training of the teachers and the members of the EEP and EBP, b) their evaluation and participation in the process of collective planning and self-evaluation of the school unit. In particular, the Education Consultant supports and ensures that the needs of the teachers and the school unit are met.

The Educational and Counselling Support Centres (KESY) are renamed, according to Law 4823 /2021, into Centres for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Counselling and Support (KEDASY). Their competence is:

  1. the investigation and assessment of the educational and psychosocial needs of students
  2. the design and implementation of differentiated and individualized teaching for students with learning difficulties and the responsibility for its implementation
  3. the support of parents and guardians of these students
  4. the support of the work of school units
  5. the continuous information and training .

The monitoring and operation of these services is entrusted to a special committee of the Regional Directorate for Primary and Secondary Education. In order to achieve its objectives, this committee cooperates with the KEDASYs in order to carry out an interdisciplinary assessment of the obstacles encountered in the educational process and the educational needs that arise. Where the Committee and the KEDASYs identify evidence of mental health problems, child abuse or parental neglect, they shall cooperate with the relevant out-of-school bodies.

School Educational Support Networks (SDEY) and Interdisciplinary and Support Committees. SDEYs are established by decision of the Regional Director of Education. They consist of school units and EK of Primary and Secondary General and Vocational Education, as well as schools units of Special Education and Training. They aim to promote empowerment, cooperation and coordination of school units’ and EKs’ work, to ensure equal access for all students without exception to education and the promotion of their psychosocial health.

One (1) School Unit of Special Education and Training (SMEAE), defined to operate as the Support Center of each SDEY.

The Interdisciplinary Support Committees (ISCs) of School Units of General and Vocational Education aim to develop collaborative practices of educational assessment of students and counseling support. Their operation is based on the practices prescribed by the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (Law 2101/1992).

The Sustainability Training Centers support the school units regarding in the development and implementation of an educational action plan for sustainability, the participation of teachers and students in European programs, the production of educational material, the organization of training programs and the provision of training to teachers.

Teacher teams and school teams: School units establish a new practise, the teaming of teachers who teach the same or related subjects or teach in the same class. They meet on a regular basis throughout the school year. In the meetings of each group the teachers cooperate with the aim of the joint planning of the teaching, the exchange of ideas and teaching material, as well as the evaluation of the implementation results of the planned educational work. The groups of teachers cooperate systematically with the Education Work Coordinators of the respective specialisations.

Diagnostic, evaluation and support bodies: The special educational needs of students with disabilities or with special educational needs are identified and certified by the KEDASY, EDY  and the recognized Communal Mental Health Centers for Children and Adolescents, which fall in the competence of other Ministries.

According to Presidential Decree 79/2017, as amended and in force, the treatment of pupils who have severe learning difficulties or behavioral problems requires cooperation of: 

  • the class teacher with the Principal or the Head of the school,
  • the teacher of the integration class,
  • the parents/ guardians in the context of the educational support group’ operation of the students or
  • the local Interdisciplinary Educational Evaluation and Support Committees (EDY) and the relevant Educational and Counseling Support Centers (KEDASY),
  • the responsible Coordinator of Education Work  and the Work Coordinator of Special Education Work for Special Education and Inclusive Education, as well as the cooperation of the competent services and bodies for the protection and support of children and their families.

School Heads are obliged to help teachers at the school units under their direction. Law 3848/2010 provides for the appointment of a Mentor for the guidance and support of the newly appointed teacher, but its implementation is still pending.


Law 4024/2011 introduced a new system for the calculation of salaries for all public servants and proceeded with the abolition of most bonuses and benefits. It should be noted that a salary cut was marked in 2012/2013 due to the economic crisis.
By virtue of law 4354/2015, a reclassification of all public servants has been introduced. Teachers that serve in Public Primary and Secondary Education Schools are also affected by this change.  They are promoted on a pay scale.  The introductory pay scale is MK1 and the final one is MK19.  Civil servants' payroll calculation is also defined by law 4354/2015 and the circular with ref. no. 2/ 31029/ DEP/ 06-05-2016 of the General Accounting Office of the State (GLK).

Indicatively, we mention that a teacher being in service from 0 to 2 years ( Pay Scale 1 - MK 1) gets 1,092 euros (gross earnings), while a teacher serving for 36-38 years (Pay Scale 19  - MK 19), gets 2,154 (gross earnings).
It is required that the teacher (public servant) has completed at least two (2) years of service in the lowest pay scale, in order to  progress from the lowest  to the highest pay scale.  Holders of a postgraduate degree advance in two pay scales while the doctorate gives a precedence of six pay scale. 
Law 4093/2012 repealed the Christmas and Easter bonuses and the Annual Leave benefit.  The allowance for teachers serving at remote border areas and problem areas remains (which is set at 1,200 euros per year) as does the family allowance for minors and for children under the age of 24 years, who are studying in tertiary education. 
Teachers who occupy positions of responsibility receive a special allowance for the position (law 4547/2018). A joint ministerial decision of the Ministers of Finance and Education and Religious Affairs (law 4369/2016) provides for the extra compensation of public school teachers and private sector teachers who participate in various ways in the processes of organization, conduct, support, assessments/ re-assessments and publication of results.

Law 4024/2011 initiated a new salary calculation system for all public servants, which led to the removal of most bonuses and benefits. Due to the economic crisis, a salary reduction was introduced in 2012/2013. Law 4354/2015 introduced a reclassification of all public servants, including teachers in public primary and secondary education schools. Teachers are promoted on a pay scale from Pay Scale1 to 19. Law 4354/2015 and the circular with reference no. 2/31029/DEP/06-05-2016 of the General Accounting Office of the State (GLK) define the payroll calculation for civil servants.

For instance, a teacher with 0 to 2 years of service (Pay Scale 1 - MK 1) earns a gross income of 1,092 euros, while a teacher with 36 to 38 years of service (Pay Scale 19 - MK 19) earns a gross income of 2,154 euros.

A teacher must have served for at least two years in the lowest pay scale to advance to the highest pay scale. A postgraduate degree allows for a two-pay-scale advance, while a doctorate allows for a six-pay-scale advance.

Law 4093/2012 eliminated Christmas and Easter bonuses and the Annual Leave benefit, but teachers serving in remote border areas and problem areas still receive an allowance (1,200 euros per year). Additionally, teachers with children under the age of 24 who are studying in tertiary education receive a family allowance for minors.

Teachers in positions of responsibility receive a special allowance for their position (law 4547/2018). Law 4369/2016 provides for extra compensation for public school teachers and private sector teachers who participate in various ways in the processes of organization, conduct, support, assessments/reassessments, and publication of results, as determined by a joint ministerial decision of the Ministers of Finance and Education and Religious Affairs.

Working time and holidays

Teaching hours - time spent at the school unit

As regards teachers’ working time, all teachers of Primary and Secondary Education school units are obliged to remain at school during the working days beyond their teaching hours (law 4512/2018) in order to offer other kinds of services that have to do with:

  • the general educational work, or,
  • tasks assigned to them by the school administrative bodies (i.e the head of the school)

The teachers’ work, apart from teaching, usually involves matters contributing to the school’s smooth operation such as:

  • the preparation of supervisory training material and laboratory exercises,
  • the correction of works and competitions,
  • the registration-updating of the students' assessment,
  • participation in the preparation and holding of festivities,
  • sporting and cultural events,
  • the planning and evaluation of education work,
  • the supervision of school meals,
  • informing parents and guardians,
  • the keeping of school books and the execution of administrative tasks, etc.

In any case, compulsory working time cannot exceed 6 hours per day and 30 hours per week for teachers without or with administrative tasks such as Heads, Deputy Heads of school units and school laboratories Directors, Pre-primary school teachers included (law 4115/2013). Law 3979/2011 applies to permanent staff under a private-law employment relationship of indefinite duration that are employed at 1st and 2nd degree OTA childcare centers and nurseries, which states that the weekly hours of work have been forty (40).

Teachers’ compulsory teaching time per week is determined based on their branch, years of prior service and their administrative position as follows:

Primary education

Ministerial Decision 127187/Ε1/2016  regulates the compulsory weekly teaching schedule of teachers’ in Pre-Primary education schools in a way similar to that of teachers’ serving in Primary Education schools.

Heads of pre-primary schools (nipiagogeia)

  • 20 hours per week in four-teacher and five-teacher schools
  • 12 hours in six-teacher schools

Teachers serving in one-teacher, two-teacher and three-teacher pre-primary schools, independently of their grade or years of service

  • 25 hours.

Teachers serving in four-teacher schools or over than that

  • 24 hours, if they have up to 10 years of service
  • 23 hours, if they have 10 to 15 years of service
  • 22 hours, if they have 15 to 20 years of service
  • 21 hours, if they have over 20 years of service

By law 4547/ 2018 compulsory weekly teaching schedule is regulated as follows:

School Principals of primary schools

  • 18 hours, in four-teacher and five-teacher schools
  • 10 hours, in six-teacher up to nine-teacher schools
  • 8 hours in ten-teacher and eleven-teacher schools
  • 6 hours in twelve-teacher schools and over than that.

 The weekly compulsory teaching time of teachers that are selected as deputy principals in primary schools is reduced by two (2) hours during their term.

Teachers, independently of their grade and years of service:

  • 25 hours in one-teacher, two-teacher and three-teacher primary schools

Teachers serving in four-teacher primary schools or more:

  • 24 hours, if they have up to 10 years of service
  • 23 hours, if they have 10 up to 15 years of service
  • 22 hours, if they have 15 up to 20 years of service
  • 21 hours, if they have over 20 years of service.

Secondary education

Educational Staff of all branches and specialisations holding a University degree

  • 23 hours, if they have up to 6 years of service
  • 21 hours, if they have 6 years and one day up to 12 years of service
  • 20 hours, if they have 12 years and one day up to 20 years of service 

Workshop teachers of sectors falling under ΤΕ01( Technological Education)

  • 24 hours, if they have up to 7 years of service
  • 21 hours, if they have 7 years and one day up to 13 years of service
  • 20 hours, if they have 13 years and one day up to 20 years of service

Compulsory teaching schedule for heads of school units and school laboratory centers directors is as follows:

Principals of School Units

  • 10 hours, when the respective school units have between 3 and 5 classes
  • 9 hours, when they have between  6 and  9 classes
  • 7 hours, when they have 10 to 12 classes
  • 5 hours, when they have more than 12 classes.

Heads of School Laboratory Centers

  • 10 hours

Deputy Principals of School Units and Staff in charge of School Laboratory Centers Sectors

  • 16 hours

Staff in charge of Laboratories

  • 20 hours

Master Technicians of sector DΕ01

  • 28 hours

Technicians of sector DΕ01

  • 30 hours

The above-mentioned teaching schedule for Secondary Education teachers has been in force since September 1st, 2013, (law 4152/2013) while, upon completion of 20 years of service, the education staff of said level has a reduced by two hours schedule on a weekly basis. 
It should be noted that part-time substitute teachers’ schedule ranges from 9 up to 15 hours per week (for both education levels), while hourly paid teachers’ teaching schedule does not exceed eight hours per week (law 4589/2019).
It is pointed out that full time substitute teachers’ teaching schedule is 24 hours per week in Primary Education, 23 hours per week in secondary education, while it is subject to reduction depending on the teacher’s years of prior service and based on what is respectively provided for permanent employees.

Completing teaching hours of the compulsory schedule 

Teachers who do not complete their compulsory teaching time may be occupied so as to complete their compulsory teaching time as follows:

  1. in remedial teaching programs or additional teaching support, in the school they serve or in the adjacent school (law 4203/2013 article 25, as amended and in force).
  2. for secretarial support at or near the school where they serve; and
  3. in education administration services in the Directorate of Education to which they belong.

The completion of teaching time for joint specialties in primary and secondary education may be carried out in school units of either (2) levels of education, preferably at the school unit of the level at which the teacher is serving.


During the school year, Primary and Secondary Education teachers are entitled to holidays amounting to two weeks during Christmas time and two weeks during Easter time.  
After the end of the school year, more specifically as of June 22nd for Primary education and June 30th for Secondary Education and until August 31st, Primary and Secondary Education teachers do not go to schools given that they remain closed because of summer holidays with the exception of just one day per week (for handling administrative issues). Primary and Secondary Education teaching staff is not granted regular leaves of absence, with the exception of emergency reasons in which case they do not exceed ten working days per year.  However, when conditions allow or demand it, several types of paid or unpaid leaves are granted, depending on the case, such as educational leaves, childbirth leaves, pregnancy leaves, leaves of absence for monitoring children’s upbringing, special parental leaves, recovery leaves etc.

The operation of Childcare Centers-Nurseries’ is defined by the Standard Operating Regulations of Municipal Childcare Centers-Nurseries (Ministerial Decision 41087/29.11.2017).  They operate five days a week, i.e. from Monday to Friday commencing on September 1 and ending on July 31. In areas where the mothers’ employment peaks during the summer period, the Childcare Center is able to operate in August and shut down for a total of one month during the months of  May to September.

The Childcare Centers-Nurseries do not operate from December 24 until January 5 and from Holy Thursday until the Sunday after Easter.  The Childcare Centers-Nurseries also close during the official Public Services holidays, on the name day the Patron Saint of the Municipality or Community in which the Childcare Centers-Nurseries operates, or during a National Local celebration.  The Childcare Centers-Nurseries operate from 07:00 a.m until 16.00 p.m.  In cases that the Childcare Centers-Nurseries are part of the Municipal services, their working hours may be extended for an extra two.

Promotion- advancement

Teachers are promoted from one grade to the next upon completion of the time of service stipulated by law and following the competent service council’s relevant decision (law 1566/1985). According to law 3528/2007, non-attendance of the induction affects the promotion of teachers. Employees/teachers who have completed induction, are promoted to the next grade retroactively.
In order to staff public education officer posts, teachers can be chosen on the basis of choice ranking lists and proposals (see unit 9.2 “Education Officers”), provided that they meet the essential qualification requirements specified by the law. Criteria vary by level of position and include pay scale, teaching time, relevance between the position and the teacher's specialisation, or possibly, additional higher education qualifications e.t.c.

Education officers

Education Officers (law 4351/2015) can be the following:

  • Regional education directors
  • Directors of primary and secondary education
  • Educational Consultants
  • Regional Quality Supervisors
  • Interdisciplinary Assessment, Counselling and Support (KEDASY)
  • Kindergarten Directors
  • Primary School Principals
  • Principals of lower secondary schools / general upper secondary schools (GEL) / Vocational upper secondary schools (EPAL) / Laboratory Centers (EK)
  • Directors of special kindergartens
  • Principals of special primary schools
  • Directors of special education and training lower secondary schools (EAE) / Directors of special education and training upper secondary
  • Directors of single special vocational lower and upper secondary schools- or special vocational lower secondary schools or special vocational upper secondary schools
  • Principals of experimental primary schools
  • Principals of experimental and model general lower and upper secondary schools
  • Principals of music schools / art schools
  • Directors of special vocational training laboratories (EEEEK)
  • Heads of Training Centers for the Environment  and Sustainability (KEPEA)
  • Heads of education departments with the directorates of primary and secondary education
  • Heads of two- and three-class kindergartens and primary schools
  • Heads of experimental kindergartens
  • Heads of two- and three-class experimental primary schools
  • Heads of special kindergartens
  • Heads of special primary schools
  • Deputy principals of primary / secondary schools / laboratory centers (EK)
  • Heads of Laboratory Centers (EK)
  • Deputy Principals of Special Education and Training School Units (SMEAE) in primary / secondary education
  • Directors of the Minority Education Office in the regional directorate of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace.

Prerequisites for the selection of teachers in a position of responsibility are the highest grade A and the certified knowledge of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) A level. Teachers who are obliged to leave the service due to retirement within one (1) year from the date of expiration of the deadline for submission of applications, are not allowed to apply for the position of education executive.

General selection criteria are:

  • academic background as well as                                                                       
  • administrative and teaching experience
  • personality and general background. (law 4547/2018).

For the selection and placement of education officers (Regional Directors of Education, the Directors of Primary and Secondary Education, the Directors of all types and levels of school units, the Coordinators of Education Work and the Heads of KEDASY), evaluation tables are compiled and candidates are classified according to the total sum of points gathered when processing the criteria.
The selection criteria are evaluated with a specific scoring that ensures the integrity of the process (law 4547/2018).

Educational Consultants are teachers who have served in primary or secondary education for a minimum of twelve years; they must also have provided teaching services for a minimum of ten (10) consecutive years and have knowledge of a foreign language of a level at least B2 (good knowledge). 

Other Education Officers
All other education officers, are public education teachers selected on the basis of proposals prepared by the competent bodies (Ministry of Education, Regional Directors of Education, etc.). 

Mobility and Tranfers

Primary and Secondary Education teachers are shifted either in the form of transfers within the country or in the form of secondments within and outside the country. Transfers are implemented either for the benefit of the service, or due to staff redundancy or due to the teachers’ relevant request. By virtue of law 4093/2012, transfers are implemented in cases of staff redundancy for the benefit of the National Economy and the educational system quality and at public expense, from one Education Directorate to another, from one school to another throughout the country, irrespective of the educational level or organic position. 
Primary and Secondary Education teacher transfers, are divided into:

  • Τeaching staff transfers from and to Experimental, Music, Art, Ecclesiastical schools as well as to schools for the Greek Expatriates’ Children
  • Teaching staff transfers from and to Special Education and Training school units (SMEA)
  • Teaching staff mutual transfers
  • Teaching staff transfers from one transfer area to another (prefectures or geographical entities smaller than prefectures are considered as such)
  • Teaching staff transfers from one school to another within the same transfer area
  • Teaching staff transfers due to teaching staff redundancy in experimental schools, music schools, schools for the children of the Greek expatriates and Special Education and Training schools
  • Special categories’ transfers (large families’ members, the disabled e.t.c).

Transfer applications are usually submitted by teachers electronically through the Teaching Staff Registration Management System and Transfer Applications Submission System.
Submission of transfer applications is held every year in November.
In order for teachers to have the right for transfer application, completion of at least 2 years of service in their position, be completed by August 31st of the year in which transfers are concluded, is required (law 4115/2013).  
The Central Service Councils for Primary and Secondary Education (KYSPE and KYSDE respectively) as well as the Regional Service Councils (PYSPE, PYSDE) are the competent bodies for Primary and Secondary Education teachers’ transfers.  Most transfer categories are examined by the central service councils and are executed by Ministerial Decisions, while transfers from one school to another within the same area, fall under the regional education councils’ exclusive responsibility.

The criteria for the teachers’ transfers are:

  • Overall time of service
  • Joint service
  • Family reasons
  • Living conditions in the school seats where they used to serve or are still serving
  • Locality
  • Teachers’ top-ranking preference

Secondments occur either in the case of exceptional service related needs or due to teachers related needs, such as heavy or refractory diseases afflicting teachers themselves or members of their family by decision of the Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs and following the reasoned opinion of the competent service council.  In addition to health and family reasons, further secondment criteria are the teachers overall time of service, joint service, and locality.  Teachers are seconded either from one school unit to another or to the Ministry of Education Central Service or to the Primary and Secondary Education Directorates, or to legal entities of public law supervised by the Ministry or even to Greek schools abroad.  By virtue of law 3848/2010, decisions for secondments are not executed until the operational needs of the school the teachers are seconded from are met. Secondments to schools in the country, to the central service of the Ministry of Education Research and Religious Affairs as well as to legal entities of public law supervised by the Ministry last one school year and end on August 31st every year.
Transferred and seconded teachers within the country maintain their salary status. 
Transplantations of teachers and members of EEP and EBP to vacant organic positions of another specialisation, for which they have acquired the special formal qualifications for appointment, are allowed, if the interested parties have completed five (5) years of educational service in the specialisation they serve (law 4589/2019).
New appointees are required to remain in their placement for a period of at least two (2) school years. Any official change that brings about a change in this placement, such as secondment or transfer, is not allowed (law 4589/2019).


Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education Teachers on permanent tenure may be dismissed in accordance with law 3528/2007, as amended, and in effect, with law 4325/2015 and law 4369/2016, on the following grounds:

  • disciplinary action and permanent duty suspension
  • physical or mental incapacity upon interpretation issued by the respective Second Degree Health Committee
  • abolition of the position
  • voluntary dismissal due to reaching the age of 67

In any of the above-mentioned cases, vacancies resulting from dismissals are filled following the transfers, secondments or substitute teachers’ employment procedures.According to law 4186/2013 andlaw 4386/2016, resignation also results in termination of employment.

Retirement and pensions

Law 4369/2016 regulates the automatic termination of employment for public sector servants. More specifically, the 67th year of age marks the age limit for the ipso jure dismissal of employees who fall under the decrees of the Law above. If they have completed 40 years of insurance (i.e pensionable service), then employees have the right to retire and receive full pension at the 42nd year of age. 
Dismissals of primary and secondary school teachers take place at the end of the school year (June 21 and 30 of each year for Primary and Secondary Education respectively), after teachers have reached the indicated highest age limit.  Day of birth for the application of the provision above is taken to be the 31st of December of the year of the employee’s birth.