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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms related to adult education & training


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.5National reforms related to adult education & training

Last update: 25 September 2024


Development of a mechanism for monitoring the participation of adults in Lifelong Learning programmes
The Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports is currently organising a system for collecting the required data from all Lifelong Learning providers (Ministries, Organisations, Private Bodies) and in cooperation with the Hellenic Statistical Service (ELSTAT).


Horizontal/transversal skills in Information Technologies

The Informatics courses are included in new Curricula, which have been piloted and are expected to be universally applied (No. 49728/Δ1/3-5-2023) Decision, No. 48599/Δ2/28-04-2023 Decision, No. 48564/D2/28-4-2023 Decision. These new Curricula aim, among others, at the development of students' horizontal/transversal skills in Information Technologies. More specifically:

The planning and organisation of the content of the Curriculum for the course "Information and Information and Communication Technologies in Primary School" is structured in two axes:

  • the main Subject Areas, which have been defined in a uniform and coherent way, from Primary School through High School and
  • the practices that the students are expected to follow, in order to achieve the expected results, but also to be able to continue developing their IT skills.

The thematic field "Digital technologies and society" concerns, among others, Transversal practices. These practices develop in contexts of authentic learning and are based on problem solving, the exploratory approach and the creativity of the students using computing tools. As their education progresses, students continuously develop more sophisticated and transversal practices in the following areas:

  • Investigation,
  • Problem Solving,
  • Work/Research Designs,
  • Interdisciplinarity,
  • Collaboration and
  • Creativity and innovation.

In the "Informatics of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades of High School" Curriculum, in addition to the hierarchical organisation of its content, 6 Basic Practices - Horizontal Competencies of Informatics have been defined, which are considered important horizontal competencies and are pursued in every opportunity combined with Expected Learning Outcomes from various modules. These are the following:

  1. Computational thinking
  2. Promoting an inclusive culture in IT
  3. IT Collaboration
  4. Information Technology Communication
  5. Building computational artifacts
  6. Development and use of computational abstractions

The general purpose of the new Curriculum "Informatics of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades of General High School" is for all students to have increased opportunities and possibilities to develop digital and computing skills (i.e. knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours) that are necessary in order to participate in society as active and responsible citizens. It is not limited to the acquisition of technological knowledge and digital skills, but rather focuses on the comprehensive development of computing abilities, which empower students to autonomously design, develop and improve solutions to authentic problems using appropriate computing tools. Key pillar-priority is Interdisciplinarity: Emphasis is placed on the horizontal interconnection of Informatics with mathematics, natural sciences, engineering, humanities and social sciences (STEM/STEAM approach). Teachers are encouraged to adopt cross-curricular approaches by integrating IT tools into appropriately designed student learning activities.


21st century Skills Labs

The Skills Labs is an innovative school module, which advances soft and digital skills, as well as fundamental life skills (related to health, safety, and social interactions). Particular emphasis is laid on communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity.

This initiative aspires to bring about a paradigm shift in education: moving away from a knowledge-centric model to a skills-based approach. The workshops are combined with Flexible Curricula. Students make better use of knowledge and respond more effectively to modern challenges.

The module is part of the mandatory national curriculum in compulsory education. Educational materials are developed by civil society, while being selected and monitored by the Institute of Educational Policy. Since September 2021, a rollout to all classes throughout the country has been achieved.

The skills Labs are divided into four thematic areas, which arise from the Global Sustainable Development Goal Indicators:

  • Well-being
  • Environment
  • Social empathy and accountability
  • Creative thinking and innovation

In particular, the thematic areas are the following:

1.HEALTH: Nutrition - Self Care, Road Safety
2.Mental and Emotional Health – Prevention
3.My body – Sex education
1.Ecology - Global and local Natural heritage
2.Νatural Disasters, Civil protection
3.Global and local Cultural Heritage
3. CARE AND ACT - Social Awareness and Responsibility
1.Human rights
2.Volunteering mediation
3.Inclusion: Mutual respect, diversity
CREATE AND INNOVATE – Creative Thinking and Initiative
1.Stem - educational robotics
2.Entrepreneurship – Career Education – Familiarity with professions

Skills are grouped into four circles:

A) 21st Century Skills (4cs)

A1. 21st Century Learning Skills (4cs) (Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, Creativity)

A2. 21st century digital learning (4cs in a digital environment) (Digital communication, Digital collaboration, Digital creativity, Digital critical thinking, Combined skills of digital technology, communication and collaboration)

A3. Productive learning through the arts and creativity.

B) Life skills

B1. Social life skills (Self-care, Social skills, Empathy and sensitivity, Citizenship, Adaptability, Resilience, Responsibility)

B2. Digital Citizenship Skills (E-Government Proficiency, Digital citizenship, Safe internet browsing, Protection from addictive behaviours in technologies, Resilience)

B3. Mediation and social empathy skills (Empathy and sensitivity, Mediation, Conflict resolution, Citizenship)

B4. Entrepreneurship skills (Initiative, Organisational ability, Planning, Productivity, Efficiency).

C) Technology, engineering and science skills

C1. Technology skills (Skills for creating and sharing digital creations, Skills for analysing and producing content in printed and electronic media, Skills for interdisciplinary and cross-curricular use of new technologies)

C2. Media Management Skills (Information literacy, Digital literacy, Technology literacy, Media literacy, Safety in internet)

C3. Robotics (Modelling and simulation skills, Scientific/Computational thinking).

D) Cognitive skills

D1. Strategic Thinking (Organisational thinking, Case study and problem solving)

D2. Lateral thinking (Creative, Productive, Holistic thinking)

D3. Thinking routines and reflection

D4. Constructions, games, applications

D5. Computational thinking skills (Scientific/Computational thinking, mediation).

The skills Labs promote and bring into effect the UN Sustainable Development goals, especially Goal 4.7 (By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development in education).

The programme has received the Global Education Network Europe (GENE) Global Education Award (2020/21).