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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in adult education and training
Belgium - French Community

Belgium - French Community

14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.5National reforms in adult education and training

Last update: 11 September 2024
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There have been no reforms to date in this area.


Decree of 25th March 2023 : designation of gender contact persons in all higher education establishments as well as for Social advancement  education : entry into force at the beginning of the 2023/24 academic year

The PCGs of the various institutions work as a network. They share the information at their disposal, exchange best practices and those of which they are aware, and develop joint projects by pooling their resources. The network of PCGs forms the "Gender Contact Persons Conference". In addition, the Advisory Council on Women's Rights was created in 2023 as a result of the merger of the existing Women's Rights Plan Monitoring Committee and the « Alter Égales » Steering Committee. The Council aims to ensure that all French Community policies are developed and implemented with gender equality in mind. It aims to better support and structure the involvement of civil society in the implementation of policies carried out in the French Community, particularly with regard to the implementation of the Women's Rights Plan.


European Recovery Fund : 21 million euros for digital development in higher education and social advancement education : 21/04/2022

On 21 April 2022, the Government of the French Community validated the list of projects that will be supported, via the European Recovery Fund, and devoted to the development of the digital strategy in higher education and social advancement education.
These amounts will make it possible to support and strengthen the efforts already undertaken by institutions, for example in terms of overall digital strategy, the loan of equipment to students and training - in particular through the hiring of techno-pedagogues.
Almost 19 million euros (€18,643,716.82) will be allocated to higher education.  For social advancement education, more than €2 million (€2,250,260.34) will be allocated to the 123 participating institutions.
In addition, a call for collaboration, with a budget of €131,009.20, will make it possible to increase the number of online teaching resources available and to ensure that they are shared between social advancement education institutions. 41 projects will be supported in this framework.
An initial estimate indicates that more than 180,000 students and learners will benefit from the European funds provided for the digital transition.


Women's Rights Plan 2020-2024

As stated in its community policy statement (2019-2024), the Government of the French Community is resolutely committed, through this plan, to the defence of women's rights in all their diversity. The fight for equality must be fought on all fronts. The measures proposed in this plan are realistic and proactive and aim to mobilise all the competences of the French Community in favour of women's rights. They are the roadmap for the legislature in terms of women's rights and are in line with the Community Policy Statement. It will also be necessary to link the measures provided for in this plan with other action plans of the Government of the French Community, in particular those relating to the children’s rights, or the fight against poverty, or its contribution to the “Women in Digital” plan.
The Plan is based on 4 axes which will be translated into concrete actions in the different sectors concerned. In the field of education and training, the following actions can be found, among others :

  • Fighting violence against women: training future graduates in health and human sciences to identify, prevent and deal with violence ;
  • Deconstructing stereotypes and acting on representations: reinforcing the notion of gender in the initial and in-service training of teachers ; 
  • Ensure better representation of women in all professional sectors and at all levels in decision-making bodies and positions of responsibility: open access to training to all women; integrate the gender issue in the organisation of internships; get involved in the "Women in digital" plan; rebalance participation in higher education and research ;  
  • Facilitating the reconciliation of private and professional life: removing obstacles to the careers of women researchers.