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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms related to transversal skills and employability


14.Ongoing Reforms and Policy Developments

14.5National reforms related to transversal skills and employability

Last update: 12 September 2024


Changes in training for certain professions 

In order to substantially improve the quality of training, the government has changed the rules for the training and examination of Qualified accountants, Tax advisers and Certified tax advisers. Under a government decree (Government Decree No 607/2023 (XII. 22.) on the regulated training and examination of Accountants, Tax advisers and Certified tax advisers), these courses will be converted into regulated training, their duration will be significantly increased and their format will be changed. These courses can now only be organised and delivered by accredited institutions.


European Year of Skills 

Hungary held a number of events as part of the European Year of Skills, including those related to the Individual Learning Account and the micro-credential scheme, with a particular focus on promoting competences that meet labour market needs.

Fine-tuning the vocational education and training system

Following the conclusions of an ex-post impact assessment on the reform of vocational education and training, the government has fine-tuned the VET and adult learning system by amending the Vocational Education and Training Act, the Adult Education and Training Act and other related acts and government regulations.

The Register of Occupations has been expanded

The occupation of Kindergarten Teacher has been added as a new occupation, the occupation of Leather Product Maker has been supplemented by the occupation of Glove Maker and the occupation of Assistant in the field of Textiles has been deleted. In the Health Care Assistant occupation, the Audiology Assistant occupational pathway has been extended by one occupational field and is now available as Audiology Assistant and Hearing Acoustician occupational pathways. In case of the Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Mechatronics occupation, the duration of vocational training has been increased from 3 to 4 years (and from 2 to 3 years in the case of vocational training preparing for the vocational examination only).

Legal background for the control of adult learning

The minister responsible for adult learning has been authorized to establish a decree which details the rules of the control of adult training programmes carried in person, in distance learning or online in a closed LMS system, thus their set up and implementation and their obligation to provide data.

Micro credentials from January 1, 2023

Through legislative amendments, the government promotes the spread of micro-credentials in higher education, as well as in VET and adult learning.

After completing any subject, course or module of a higher education institution, a micro-credential can be issued to prove learning outcomes. Micro-credentials can also be obtained in short-term training experience by persons without a student or a visiting student status. Fulfilment of the completed course or module can be counted towards higher education studies according to the rules of credit transfer.

A VET provider may issue a micro-credential for the knowledge and skills acquired in vocational education in accordance with the Act on Vocational Education and Training, the procedure, the content and prerequisites are specified in the Act. 

In adult learning, micro-credentials can be obtained by completing the full range of learning resources listed on the vocational training textbook list, but the detailed rules are still being worked out.

The micro-credential is a public instrument. The micro-credential is practically equivalent to the “credit certificate”.

Training subsidies

In the framework of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme Plus 3.2.1 call for proposals, employers can receive a conditionally non-refundable subsidy to cover the costs incurred in connection with the training of their employees, based on the application submitted to the government office acting as the state employment agency. The programme supports professional competence building training, IT, soft skills and language training with a support intensity of 50-70%, depending on the size of the applicant company.

The programme provides funding for professional training, language training, ICT technology training, and soft skills training, and thus every company can develop its training plan necessary to enhance the skills of its employees, tailored to its own needs. Depending on the company's needs, the trainings can be internal or external carried out as a purchased service. The programme provides conditional non-refundable subsidy to companies, the conditions of which include continued employment after the completion of the training, and a wage increase for the employees participating in the training; the conditions were revised in the fourth quarter of 2023.

The VET and Adult Education Career Tracking System is now operational 

A career tracking system for VET and adult learning has been established in Hungary, containing both administrative data and survey results. The first connection of administrative data bases was made in 2022, and will be updated twice a year. The first results were published in autumn 2023 by the National Authority for VET and Adult Learning, which operates the system. The tracking period is 9 years, so that for young people moving from VET to higher education, delayed labour market transitions can still be tracked. (Szakképzési és Felnőttképzési Pályakövetési Rendszer fejlesztése Magyarországon)

Youth employment, student work

Before 2010 the youth unemployment rate was close to 30%, today it has fallen to a third, 10%, and their number has decreased by 12,000 people compared to the level in the last year. The government successfully encouraged those under the age of 25 to get a job with a tax discount. Employment of this age group is also encouraged by the summer student work program, which is supported by the government with nearly HUF 3 billions, approximately 22,000 students are working in the program.


Tax rebate

On 1st January, 2022, the vocational training contribution ceased, the related tax reduction for specialized and dual training can now be claimed in the social contribution tax. Eligibility is established for whom who

  • have a vocational training employment contract (including the apprenticeship contract) with a person participating in training, or who have a cooperation agreement concluded according to the previous regulations.

  • have a HE student employment contract with the student.

  • have a cooperation agreement with a higher education institution (in case of HE initial programmes requiring practice).

The new tax rebate can be also claimed after all the reductions from the social contribution tax. If the reduction is more than the tax to be paid, or if the taxpayer does not have to pay social contribution tax, they can claim the rebate with a general tax refund.

The new tax rebate can also be claimed by budgetary authorities. (Változtak a szakképzési hozzájárulás szabályai)