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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms related to transversal skills and employability
Belgium - Flemish Community

Belgium - Flemish Community

14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.5National reforms related to transversal skills and employability

Last update: 27 November 2023



The importance of the digitalization of education became clear through the corona pandemic. It is the ambition of the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training to strengthen the digital competencies of all learners, from primary school child to adult. From a strong Flemish e-inclusion policy, special attention is also given to vulnerable target groups. The measures and actions to facilitate distance learning are framed within the recovery plan and the pursuit of digital inclusion. 

Efforts are being made on 5 fronts for an accelerated digitization policy:  

  1. A digital friendly government; 

  1. ICT infrastructure; 

  1. ICT vision and school policy;  

  1. Digital teaching materials;  

  1. ICT skills.  

A strong ICT infrastructure and development of an ICT vision and school policy are considered prerequisites for digital acceleration and development of an ICT vision and school policy. To further develop ICT skills among teachers and in school teams in compulsory and adult education, including through additional colored in-service training resources and by funding so-called IT bootcamps for teachers and ICT coordinators. We also envision a tool, Digisnap, that will allow teachers to scale their digital skills. This tool will also be linked to a new training database.  

The digital transformation of Flemish education is a complex process. In order to coordinate and support the many diverse actions and projects in the field of education from the same framework, a knowledge and advice center is being established.  

Efforts are also being made to strengthen the role of ICT coordinators and the transformation to ICT teams in schools. There is further provision for a sustainability strategy whereby schools can have outdated ICT infrastructure refurbished or decommissioned. Other upcoming elements include a vision trail around Artificial Intelligence in education and a cybersecurity support program. 

ICT Policy Plan  

The importance of the digitization of education was highlighted by the corona pandemic. It is the ambition of the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training to strengthen the digital competencies of all learners, from primary school child to adult. From a strong Flemish e-inclusion policy, special attention is also given to vulnerable target groups. The measures and actions to facilitate distance learning are framed within the recovery plan and the pursuit of digital inclusion.   

Efforts are being made on 5 fronts for an accelerated digitization policy:  

  1. A digital friendly government; 

  1. ICT infrastructure; 

  1. ICT vision and school policy; 

  1. Digital teaching materials; 

  1. ICT skills. 

A strong ICT infrastructure and development of schools' ICT vision and policies are considered basic prerequisites for digital acceleration and development of schools' ICT vision and policies. To further develop ICT skills among teachers and in school teams in compulsory and adult education, existing initiatives will be strengthened and IT bootcamps for teachers and ICT coordinators will be organized.  

The digital transformation of Flemish education is a complex process. In order to coordinate and support the many diverse actions and projects in the field of education from the same framework, a knowledge and advice center will be established.  

Efforts are also being made to strengthen the role of ICT coordinators and the transformation to ICT teams in schools. There is further provision for a sustainability strategy whereby schools can have outdated ICT infrastructure refurbished or decommissioned. Other upcoming elements are a vision trail around Artificial Intelligence in education and a cybersecurity support program. 


Digisprong ('Digital leap')

It is the ambition of the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training to strengthen the digital competences of all learners, from primary school children to adults. A strong Flemish e-inclusion policy ensures attention is to vulnerable target groups. The measures and actions to facilitate distance learning are framed within the Flemish recovery plan and the pursuit of digital inclusion.

Efforts are being made on 5 fronts for an accelerated digitisation policy: (1) a digital friendly government, (2) ICT infrastructure, (3) ICT vision and school policy, (4) digital learning resources and (5) ICT skills. Up-to-date ICT infrastructure and the development of an ICT vision and policy for schools are basic conditions for achieving this digital acceleration. In order to further develop ICT skills among teachers and in school teams in compulsory and adult education, existing initiatives will be reinforced and IT bootcamps for teachers and ICT coordinators will be organised.

The digital transformation of Flemish education is a complex process. A knowledge and advice centre will be set up to coordinate and support the many different actions and projects in the field of education from a single framework. The creation of the position of ICT coordinator is planned for September 2021.

A new STEM Action Plan

To encourage careers in mathematics, science, engineering and technology, the Flemish Government has drawn up a STEM Action Plan for the period 2012-2020. The Flemish labour market needs more people with a STEM profile and this demand will only increase with increasing digitalisation and technologisation. In the framework of this action plan, the STEM monitor was developed which provides insights into the evolution of relevant STEM indicators and data of pupils in STEM-related courses in secondary education, adult education and higher education. The most recently published STEM Monitor is the 2020 edition (with data from 2018-2019), which can be consulted here: (in Dutch). It is also the last monitor issued under the current Action Plan. In 2021, the new STEM Action Plan 2020-2030 will be submitted to the Flemish Government for approval.