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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Continuing professional development for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training
Belgium - Flemish Community

Belgium - Flemish Community

9.Teachers and education staff

9.9Continuing professional development for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

Adult Education (AE)

As is the case for nursery and primary and secondary education, the decree of 8 May 2009 regulates the professional development resources for adult education (VWO) [see  9.3.1].

Institutions/players within this level of education also:

  • must pursue a coherent professionalisation policy, the expectations of which are contained in the reference framework for educational quality. Both internal and external forms of professionalisation can be important.
  • receive professionalisation resources that they can use to implement their professionalisation plan;
  • can call on their pedagogical guidance service for supply- and demand-driven training;
  • can search for a suitable organisation within the database on KlasCement.

Adult basic education centres

As in nursery and primary and secondary education, the Decree of 8 May 2009 regulatesthe professional development resources for the Adult Basic Education Centres (ABEC) [see 9.3.1].

Institutions/players within this level of education also:

  • must pursue a coherent professionalisation policy, the expectations of which are contained in the reference framework for educational quality. Both internal and external forms of professionalisation can be important.
  • receive professionalisation resources that they can use to implement their professionalisation plan;
  • can call on their pedagogical guidance service for supply- and demand-driven training;
  • can search for a suitable organisation within the database on KlasCement.

Part-time artistic education (PAE)

As is the case for pre-primary, primary and secondary education, the Decree of 8 May 2009 regulates the funds for the professional development for part-time education in the arts (PTEA) [see 9.3.1].

Institutions/players within this level of education also:

  • must pursue a coherent professionalisation policy, the expectations of which are contained in the reference framework for educational quality. Both internal and external forms of professionalisation can be important.
  • receive professionalisation resources that they can use to implement their professionalisation plan;
  • can call on their pedagogical guidance service for supply- and demand-driven training;
  • can search for a suitable organisation within the database on KlasCement.

Vocational training VDAB

The VDAB’s trainers work together in subject groups, within which they share know-how and engage in peer supervision. Experts also ensure that their competences are secured and developed in accordance with a competence management system and development pathway with internal and external train-the-trainer sessions. They also have the possibility of attending in-company work experience placements.

Entrepreneurial training SYNTRA Flanders

SYNTRA Flanders organises periodically advanced training focused on technical elements or on specific aspects of the pedagogical-educational approach. Employers (who provide 4 day/week apprenticeship training) are given sequential training. These training programmes mainly focus on issuing instructions to apprentices, their coaching and conflict management.

In-service training counsellors

There is just one non-profit organisation which is subsidised for the in-service training of training counsellors and Syntra Flanders training counsellors. This in-service training centre is required to be open to collaboration with all centres within the alternance training system.

Training in Agriculture

The centres have the possibility of organising refresher training days for instructors. These are subsidised by the Flemish Region. Their purpose is to update the instructors’ technical and teaching skills and inform them about new regulations.

The Department for Sustainable Agricultural Development is responsible for site inspections.

Socio-cultural adult work (SCAW)

SoCiuS, the support centre for socio-cultural adult work, provides advanced training and organises peer supervision meetings, colleague groups and workshops. Special attention is paid to the topics of ‘interculturalisation’ and ‘community-building and social activation’. SoCius also supports the application of quality assurance in the sector. The website Bijleren (Dutch only) gives an overview of the training provision.

The organisations usually arrange their own training of their voluntary and freelance instructors. Both associations and training institutions also use specialists.