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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in vocational education and training and adult learning


14.Ongoing Reforms and Policy Developments

14.3National reforms in vocational education and training and adult learning

Last update: 12 September 2024


Improving teachers' pay in vocational education and training

In parallel with teachers in public education, the government has also significantly increased the salaries of teachers in vocational education by an average of 32.0%, at a cost of HUF 60 billion. The government decision (Government Decision No. 1010 of 2024 (23 January) on the salary improvement of vocational education teachers) covers 24,000 teachers working in state and non-state vocational education institutions.

Further improving interoperability

Students who achieve excellent results in the fifth year of vocational education and training (technicum) may even be offered a preliminary student status by the higher education institution with which the VET school has a training cooperation. This innovation will facilitate access to higher education for young people in VET in a progressive way, in addition to the acquisition of a vocational qualification. Credits acquired in the meantime will be accepted and recognised by higher education institutions. The possibility was created by the amendment to the Higher Education Act (Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education) (Act LXXXV of 2023 amending certain acts necessary to strengthen the interconnection of universities and research institutions and the economy, and amending certain acts on adult education and culture).

Significant infrastructure development for quality education and training

An unprecedented school infrastructure development programme has been launched in Hungarian vocational education and training, using almost HUF 100 billion. Under the "21st Century Vocational Education and Training Institution Development Programme", a complex development project will renovate or build 110,000 square metres of teaching space in 34 institutions, create display kitchens and workshops, and green up the energy systems of buildings. The National Authority for Vocational and Adult Education and Training, the Digital Government Development and Project Management Ltd. and 18 vocational training centres have jointly won a non-refundable grant of HUF 95.8 billion for the project.

The aim of the programme is to create an attractive learning environment in the vocational training centres, to create the conditions for quality vocational education, to improve the infrastructure and energy efficiency of the buildings, classrooms, workshops, laboratories and community spaces used in education and training, and to modernise the equipment used in the institutions. The project is being implemented with the support of the European Union's Instrument for Recovery and Resilience (RRF) and the Hungarian government.


The Government reviewed and refined the VET 4.0 Strategy and the related Action Plan

The Government has refined the VET 4.0 strategy and the related Action Plan, revised the indicators and updated the palnned interventions, taking into account the experience of the VET system introduced from the 2020/2021 academic year and the expectations of the European Union on vocational and adult education. The changes have placed greater emphasis on basic competences, with particular emphasis on the development of literacy and maths, on compensating for disadvantage (special educational needs, disadvantaged or severely disadvantaged, disability) of learners and adults in training, on career guidance and counselling for learners and adults, and on measures to help adults with low educational attainment to enter the labour market and to raise their level of training. The revised Strategy (Szakképzés 4.0) and Action Plan (Cselekvési Terv) were adopted by Government Decision No. 1499 of 2023 (16 November) (1499/2023. (XI. 16.) Korm. határozat a 2021–2027 programozási időszak kohéziós célú támogatásainak kifizetését lehetővé tevő 4.2 „A nemek közötti egyenlőséget célzó nemzeti stratégiai keret” és a 4.3 „Az oktatási és képzési rendszer minden szintjét felölelő stratégiai szakpolitikai keret” tematikus feljogosító feltételek teljesítését alátámasztó dokumentumokról  ).

Salary increase for instructors in vocational education and training

The salary of teachers in vocational education and training is increasing. The wage improvement implemented in two stages means a total increase of 15 percent in 2023. The government's goal is to further strengthen the vocational education and training system, which was renewed two years ago, and one of the important preconditions is the greater appreciation of instructors.

Apáczai scholarship

In addition to the general scholarship, students in mainstream VET schools can also receive a larger allowance. Apáczai scholarships of HUF 16,000 to 34,000 per month can be applied for by ninth- and tenth-graders from a disadvantaged situation and with good academic results. In addition to financial incentives, the program also provides talent support for young people with the involvement of mentors from HUF 3 billion. Vocational students receive a general scholarship of HUF 8,000 to 16,000 per month, depending on the type of school. In addition, the Apáczai scholarship recipients receive extra support and mentoring to develop their talent. The competitive and motivating salary system of mentors facilitates the involvement of professionals working at companies in vocational training, which can also increase the number of potential mentors.

Fine-tuning the vocational education and training system

Following the experience of the ex-post impact assessment of the VET reform, the government has fine-tuned the VET and adult learning system by amending the Vocational Education and Training Act, the Adult Education and Training Act and other related acts, and the related government regulations.

Expansion of the Register of Qualifications

The Kindergarten teacher has been added as a new qualification, the Leatherworker has been supplemented by the professional pathway of Glove maker, and the Specialised Assistant in Histology has been deleted. In the case of Health Care Assistant, the Audiology Assistant professional pathway has been extended by one more professional field and is now available as Audiology Assistant and Hearing Acoustician pathway. In the case of Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Mechatronics, the duration of vocational training has been increased from 3 to 4 years (from 2 to 3 years in the case of vocational training for vocational exam only).

Simplified regulation of VET programmes

As a result of the amendment to the Vocational Education and Training Act (Section 12 of the Act), the central Programme Curriculum has been removed as a content regulator, and VET schools now provide education and training on the basis of their vocational programme developed in accordance with the central rogramme outcomes standards and requirements.

The government has set up sectoral expert working groups to support the methodological work of teachers

In 2023, expert-led working groups focusing on specific industries and teaching methods were set up, involving teachers with a recognised, innovative approach to their profession. The working groups aim to promote innovative teaching methods and knowledge sharing, to change the mindset of VET teachers and to develop a methodological culture in VET. The meetings, held on a bi- or trimonthly basis in each sector and professional area, provide an opportunity to facilitate network learning, create a forum for community building among teachers, share good practice and knowledge, reflect together, share current information and build professional relationships. The aim is to progressively develop these forums in all 25 sectors, after the 11 that have been set up so far. 

Support for talent development

The government has launched a 'Köbüki scholarship call' (Köbüki ösztöndíj-pályázat ) to recognise and encourage the professional activities and individual development of teachers involved in talent development. The call offers a HUF 75,000 monthly grant for one academic year to teachers of Hungarian language and literature, history, maths, physics, biology, chemistry, geography, IT (digital culture) or music culture who have at least 3 years of professional experience as teachers in Hungarian secondary education institutions and are currently teaching such subjects in Hungarian secondary education and are involved in talent development. By the deadline for submission, 1,048 applications were registered, and 957 applications were awarded funding on the basis of the decision. The total amount of funding for the 957 applications is HUF 717,750,000, half of which, i.e. HUF 358,875,000, will be paid from the 2023 budget and the other half, i.e. HUF 358,875,000, from the 2024 budget. The grant will take the form of a non-reimbursable scholarship at an intensity of 100%, to be paid in instalments by bank transfer according to the schedule set out in the grant award document. The funding period is from 01.09.2023 to 30.06.2024. The application is published and managed by the National Cultural Funding Agency on behalf of the Ministry.


Scholarships for disadvantaged students

The “Útravaló” (Pathfinder) programme provides support for disadvantaged and multiply disadvantaged pupils and students from the last year of basic school (ISCED 1-2) until the HE graduation. The scholarship programme has four sub-programmes: Path to upper secondary school, Path to profession, Path to graduation, Path to diploma. Due to the governmental 2.5 billion HUF subsidy, more than ten thousand children and young people can benefit from this performance-based scholarship programme, the amount depends on the academic results of the pupil/student gained at the end of the previous school year. The programme is ongoing also in the school year 2022/23. (In Hungarian:

Addition, modification and deletion of VET programme requirements

Anyone can make a proposal to the minister responsible for vocational education about a programme requirement, its modification and deletion. In the procedure, the administrative deadline is three months, and the assignment of an expert is mandatory. The requesting client shall pay an administrative service fee for the procedure for registering, modifying and deleting the programme requirement - at the same time as the application is submitted.


For the implementation of the Public Collection Digitisation Strategy (Közgyűjteményi Digitalizálási Stratégia) the Government allocated 5.1 billion HUF. The document sets out digitisation tasks for memory institutions for the period 2017-2025, including access to digital contents and their use for educational purposes.

The infrastructure required for the launch of web archiving in Hungary was procured with the help of the state support for the development of the IT system of the National Széchényi Library, within the framework of the National Library System Project.

In addition, the Government has created the legal environment and the necessary financial background by amending the law and decrees so that the National Library can perform its task in the field of preservation and provision of “born-digital” content in addition to digitisation.

Introduction of the quality management system of vocational training institutions

In line with the Vocational Training Act and its implementing government decree, vocational training institutions must, as of 1 September 2022, carry out their vocational training tasks based on a set of criteria prescribed by law, based on a quality management system. In accordance with the applicable provisions of the new regulation, in order to maintain and improve high-quality operation, a new uniform institutional quality management system (MIR) was introduced in vocational education starting from the 2022/2023 academic year, which is based on the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET).

In connection with the same regulations, a Chamber Quality Criteria System (KAMSZER) was introduced among business organisations providing dual vocational training, regardless of company size and vocation. This system is a set of value-based quality requirements.