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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National qualifications framework


2.Organisation and governance

2.5National qualifications framework

Last update: 17 April 2024

A government resolution on developing the Hungarian Qualifications Framework (HuQF) and joining the European Qualifications Framework was adopted in 2008. Following that there was a period of research in order to describe the levels of a qualifications framework most suitable for the Hungarian system of education.

The development of the Hungarian Qualifications Framework (HuQF) was financed by the Government from the European Social Fund. The development was performed between 2010-2015. As part of the development process, the state accredited vocational qualifications and qualifications were classified in the HuQF. The referencing procedure, in which the levels of the HuQF were adjusted to the levels of the EQF was completed in February 2015.

HuQF is an 8-level framework containing 4 descriptor categories. The framework is mainly of communicative function, the operation thereof does not divert governance, administrative and policy-authority functions from the sectoral responsible parties of the qualifications listed in the framework. The framework is open to the classification of the qualifications of the non-formal training sector as well.

Level descriptors are defined by the following categories:

KNOWLEDGE: Theoretical or practical knowledge, its forms are: general basic education and expertise. The connected elements and concepts of knowledge are organized into complex units and patterns, the complexity of which differs on successive levels. The abundance and extent of knowledge of abstract concepts differs significantly at each level.

SKILLS: It consists of motor skills (manual skills and the handling of certain methods, materials, devices and instruments) and cognitive skills (use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) demonstrated in actions.

ATTITUDES: Assessing attitude to something concrete or abstract; attitudes concern studies, work and one’s own actions, relationships and cooperating skills. Attitudes consist of elements related to emotions, thoughts and behaviours.

AUTONOMY AND RESPONSIBILITY: Expresses the level of independence and responsibility a person can perform in a given activity.

The degrees and qualifications listed in the HuQF


HuQF level

completed 6th grade

level 1

completed 8th grade

lower secondary partial vocational qualification

partial qualification

qualification after completing a second chance programme

level 2

completed 10th grade

lower secondary partial qualification, vocational qualification, vocational qualification add-on

partial vocational qualification

level 3

upper secondary school leaving certificate

upper secondary vocational qualification, vocational qualification add-on

professional qualification

level 4

advanced-level vocational qualification, vocational qualification add-on

technician vocational qualification

higher education short-cycle qualification

level 5

BA/BSc degree in higher education

post-graduate specialisation (with a prerequisite bachelor or higher education degree)

level 6

MA/MSc degree in higher education

post-graduate specialisation (with a prerequisite master degree)

level 7

Doctoral degree (PhD/DLA)

level 8

The primary objective in the development of the Hungarian framework was the classification of qualifications that can be obtained in formal education. 

In relation to higher education, an agreement was stipulated during the development of the HuQF levels that the various higher education qualifications will be classified into the HuQF at the given levels (5, 6, 7 and 8).