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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Assessment in post-secondary non-tertiary education
Belgium - French Community

Belgium - French Community

6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.12Assessment in post-secondary non-tertiary education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Pupils/Students assessment

see Assessment in General Upper Secondary Education

Progression of pupils/students

In education

see Assessment in General Upper Secondary Education

In the business management course

In the business management course, learners undergo an assessment in each of the courses they take at the end of each course year. The length of the apprenticeship contract may be reduced if the apprentice’s previous training or his or her progress during the apprenticeship justify doing so, or extended in accordance with current regulations and subject to the training provider’s agreement, in the event of the apprentice failing the mid-course or end-of-course assessment. The apprenticeship contract includes a three-month trial period.


In full-time education

The authorities and official bodies of the French Community, and especially the schools, the services of the Ministry of the French Community and the General Inspection Service verify for their respective areas of responsibility that pupils’ studies are completed in accordance with the legal requirements in force in the French Community. The Ministry of the French Community affixes the seal of the French Community to the upper secondary education certificates issued by schools organised or subsidised by the French Community in accordance with the legal requirements in force in the French Community.

The 7th qualifying technical year leads to the award of a CQ7 and of the certificate of 7th year studies.

The 7th complementary technical year leads to the award of a skills attestation complementing the qualification certificate that gain the pupil admission to the year, and to the certificate of 7th year studies.

The type B 7th vocational year leads to the award of the upper secondary education certificate (CESS) and to the qualification certificate for the 7th year of vocational education (CQ7) if the chosen core option is classified as qualifying, or to a skills attestation complementing the qualification certificate that gain the pupil admission to the year if the chosen core option is classified as complementary. The type C 7th vocational year leads to the award of the upper secondary education certificate (CESS)

At the end of the fourth stage, vocational school certificates for the complementary secondary cycle (BEPSC in nursing) are issued. Pass attestations are issued every year.

All the awarded certificates, pass attestations and vocational school certificates for the complementary secondary cycle are recognized by the French Community.

In the business management course

At the end of the overall training, the learner must take an examination of practical knowledge. To gain admission to the exam, he or she must prove that he or she has gained a minimum level of practical experience in one of the following ways :

  • through an apprenticeship contract and/or internship agreement ;
  • through a worker’s, assistant’s or temporary agency-supplied worker’s employment contract ;
  • through the exercise of a profession as a self-employed person ;
  • through an ‘employment/training’ agreement.

Learners who pass the end-of-course exams obtain a business management diploma that is approved by the French Community and satisfies the legal requirements for admission to a profession. At present there is no equivalence with the qualifications issued by the Ministry of Education.