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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in higher education
Belgium - French Community

Belgium - French Community

14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.4National reforms in higher education

Last update: 11 September 2024
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There have been no reforms to date in this area.


Decree of 25th March 2023 : designation of gender contact persons in all higher education establishments as well as for Social advancement  education : entry into force at the beginning of the 2023/24 academic year

The PCGs of the various institutions work as a network. They share the information at their disposal, exchange best practices and those of which they are aware, and develop joint projects by pooling their resources. The network of PCGs forms the "Gender Contact Persons Conference". In addition, the Advisory Council on Women's Rights was created in 2023 as a result of the merger of the existing Women's Rights Plan Monitoring Committee and the « Alter Égales » Steering Committee. The Council aims to ensure that all French Community policies are developed and implemented with gender equality in mind. It aims to better support and structure the involvement of civil society in the implementation of policies carried out in the French Community, particularly with regard to the implementation of the Women's Rights Plan.

Creation of a formative and non-binding guidance tool : academic year 2023-2024

This formative, non-binding guidance tool, is intended for all young people wishing to enrol in higher education, as well as supporting the professionalisation of those involved in guidance, including teachers. In concrete terms, the tool itself will be developed in 3 areas :

  • Interest ;
  • motivation ;
  • and (non-disciplinary) skills.

At the same time, the work will also target the design of support and training for teachers and guidance staff in the use of the tool. Across the board, the tool and its tests will be monitored, analysed and evaluated as part of a quality approach that will enable the tool's strength, its acceptance by the target audience, its approval by the field and its benefits for young people to be designed and analysed.
The first part of the "Ada-intérêt" (Accompagnement au Développement de ton Avenir) tool was implemented in September 2023. The other 2 components are currently being developed and should be finalised by the end of 2024.
Ada makes it possible to :

  • identify the fields of professional activities ;
  • explore the professions in these fields of activities ;
  • locate the higher education programmes organised in French Community that relate to these occupations.

Two other modules will soon be added to this guidance tool. They will focus on cross-disciplinary skills, study strategies and motivations.


Reform of initial teacher training : 08/2023

Long-awaited, the reform of initial teacher training will take effect from the start of the 2023 academic year. The reform is based on four pillars : extending initial teacher training from 3 to 4 years for future primary and lower secondary school teachers, reinforcing practical experience, co-diplomation between higher education institutions, and mastery of the French language.
In terms of salaries, the decree of 11 April 2014 already provides for a specific salary scale to be awarded to holders of these new masters degrees working in primary or lower secondary education. This new scale would be intermediate between that currently in force for upper secondary teachers and the others. A political decision is expected on this aspect of salary enhancement during the next legislature.


Adjustment of holidays in higher education institutions and Arts Colleges for two weeks for the academic year 2023-2024 : 17/05/2023

In accordance with the request of the ARES (Academy of Research and Higher Education), based on a broad consensus within the higher education institutions and the Arts Colleges, the Government of the French Community decided on 17 May 2023 to modify the dates of two weeks' leave in the higher education institutions and the Arts Colleges for the 2023-2024 academic year.  Specifically, one week's leave for members of staff will be aligned with the second week of the compulsory education break, and one week's leave for members of staff will be aligned with the first week of the compulsory education spring break.  This change does not affect universities, which are autonomous in the organisation of leave and suspension of learning activities.  The aforementioned adjustments will be in force for the 2023-2024 academic year in response to requests from the ARES and stakeholders in the sector, pending a reform of the academic calendar.


Draft Decree relating to the introduction of an entrance examination for the medical and dental courses : 29/09/2022

The Government of the French Community adopted on 29th September 2022, in its last reading, the draft Decree relating to the introduction of an entrance examination for the medical and dental courses from the academic year 2023-2024.

The agreement offers the guarantee to all students, already in the curriculum, to have an INAMI number as well as an objectification of the needs in doctors on the ground of the French Community. The competition will take place in a single session between 16th and 31st August preceding the academic year in question in order to allow students to prepare effectively during the summer, but also to give time to candidates who are not selected to reorient themselves before the start of the academic year. From an organisational point of view, the main principles of the current examination are retained. Thus, the eight subjects on which the examination will be based are the same as those of the current entrance examination, in order to respect the options that may have been taken by students at the end of secondary school wishing to go into the medical or dental sciences.
As it is already the case, candidates will have to choose the university where they will start their studies when they register for the competition. They will be ranked in the order of their marks.
The maximum number of successful non-resident students will be reduced from 30% to 15% in order to guarantee a sufficient supply of health care for the population and to fight possible shortages linked to practitioners who leave the territory after completing their studies and therefore do not contribute to the renewal of the workforce. The text adopted also defines the formula for calculating the number of eligible students.

Validation of the list of authorisations linked to the implementation of the reform of the initial teacher training : 29/09/2022

The Government of the French Community validated, in first reading, the list of authorisations linked to the implementation of the reform of the initial teacher training which will come into force in 2023. As a reminder, future teachers will henceforth be trained via a co-diplomation between University Colleges (Hautes Ecoles), Universities and Arts Colleges. The list of these joint courses, as defined in the decree on the reform of initial teacher training, was approved on 29th September 2022. This agreement marks another important step towards the implementation of the reform, the aim of which is to contribute to the improvement of our education system, which requires a high level of training for future teachers. As already provided for in the decree of February 2019, the training of all core teachers will be extended from 3 to 4 years from the start of the next school year. The text also specifies the areas of cross-cutting skills to be developed, regardless of the course of study, by all future French-speaking teachers, making it possible to meet the needs of the implementation of the Pact for Excellence in Teaching. In addition, students will henceforth be required to complete a long-term placement during the school year. The objective is to offer future teachers a gradual, supervised and accompanied entry into their profession, while in the French Community, nearly 25% of teachers leave the profession at the beginning of their career. This internship - which will count for a significant part of the study credits dedicated to practice - will preferably take place within the same institution. It will allow the student to develop autonomous work and to prepare the beginning of his/her teaching career through hours of practice in the classroom but also, for example, in the framework of collaborative work within the educational team of the placement institution.

E-Landscape : fewer procedures for students and better management of higher education for the actors : 15/09/2022

The Government of the French Community approved, in third and final reading, the draft decree establishing the computerised and centralised data platform "E-Landscape” (“E-Paysage"). It will be operational from the academic year 2023/2024. E-Landscape, launched in February 2016, will allow administrative simplification for students and institutions as well as the collection of objective data on higher education, all in strict compliance with data protection rules.

  1. Administrative simplification for students and institutions ;
  2. Objective data on the management of higher education ;
  3. Enhanced privacy protection ;
  4. Thanks to E-Landscape, French-speaking higher education is entering the digital age.


Adoption of the modalities of the entrance exam for medicine and dentistry : 06/07/2022

The Government adopts the modalities of the entrance exam for medicine and dentistry in second reading

The Government of the French Community adopted at second reading the preliminary draft decree relating to the introduction of an entrance examination for the medical and dental fields from the academic year 2023-2024.

This entrance examination will give students who pass it the certainty of being able to practice their profession and benefit from quality training. It will also guarantee that the population will have access to medical services that correspond to the needs of the field.

Moreover, the agreement also provides for a guarantee to all students, already in the course, to have an INAMI number as well as an objectification of the needs in doctors on the territory of the French Community.

From an organisational point of view, the main principles of the current examination were retained. Thus, the eight subjects on which the competition will be based are the same as those of the current entrance examination, in order to respect the options that may be taken by pupils at the end of secondary education wishing to choose medical or dental sciences.

The ranking of candidates after the competitive examination for selection will be in two separate streams : medicine on the one hand and dentistry on the other.

As far as non-residents are concerned, the Government envisages a reduction in the maximum number of non-residents from 30% to 15% in order to guarantee a sufficient supply of health care for the population and to limit the risk of shortages linked to practitioners who leave the territory at the end of their studies and therefore do not contribute to the renewal of the work force.

European recovery plan : inter-university research infrastructures to promote green innovation : 01/07/2022

On the initiative of the Minister for Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Government of the French Community approved the establishment of five inter-university research platforms designed to promote green innovation and fight climate change. These platforms will be endowed with an initial amount of 22,400,000 euros from the European funds allocated to Belgium within the framework of the European Recovery Fund.

These investments will enable the universities of the French Community to be provided with advanced equipment to carry out scientific research in areas such as energy efficiency, renewable energies, security of supply and the reduction of greenhouse gases.
The objective is to rely on the work and collaboration of French-speaking researchers to promote the necessary energy transition of our society.

The research infrastructures will be accessible to researchers from all universities. The facilities will also be accessible to other higher education establishments, enabling creative energies to be brought together in one place and ensuring a "lever effect" on the essential themes for the future. This system will also make it possible to accelerate the process of valorization of results and to attract high-level international researchers within the institutions of the French Community, allowing the universities to be part of collaborations with an international scope. Finally, these research infrastructures will also allow students and professors to have access to advanced learning material.

European recovery plan: 35 million euros will be invested in university buildings : 05/05/2022

The Government of the French Community has validated the list of projects that will be supported via the European Recovery Fund (Next Generation EU) and dedicated to the renovation of ten university buildings on French-speaking campuses. These sums will make it possible to modernise existing infrastructures in a sustainable manner, to make French-speaking campuses more attractive to students and to contribute to the necessary energy transition.

In concrete terms, it is currently planned that at least 34,000 square metres of buildings will be renovated by 2026. Half of this area will have to reduce its primary energy consumption by 30% and the other half by at least 15%. The renovations will make it possible to offer buildings that are welcoming and in line with changing educational practices (digital evolution, accessibility of public buildings to all).
Financial resources are also provided for renovations at universities, art colleges and social advancement education institutions as part of the school buildings project.

European Recovery Fund : 21 million euros for digital development in higher education and social advancement education : 21/04/2022

On 21 April 2022, the Government of the French Community validated the list of projects that will be supported, via the European Recovery Fund, and devoted to the development of the digital strategy in higher education and social advancement education.

These amounts will make it possible to support and strengthen the efforts already undertaken by institutions, for example in terms of overall digital strategy, the loan of equipment to students and training - in particular through the hiring of techno-pedagogues.

Almost 19 million euros (€18,643,716.82) will be allocated to higher education.  For social advancement education, more than €2 million (€2,250,260.34) will be allocated to the 123 participating institutions.
In addition, a call for collaboration, with a budget of €131,009.20, will make it possible to increase the number of online teaching resources available and to ensure that they are shared between social advancement education institutions. 41 projects will be supported in this framework.

An initial estimate indicates that more than 180,000 students and learners will benefit from the European funds provided for the digital transition.

Green light to the launch of a Master's degree in Sociology in English : 31/03/2022

The Government of the French Community has given the green light to the launch by ULiège of a Master's degree in Sociology taught in English from 2022.

Higher education: the fight against sexual harassment and violence is included in the Landscape Decree : 11/03/2022

The Government of the French Community decided to include the fight against discrimination, harassment and sexual violence in the Landscape Decree (Décret Paysage). A new chapter will be devoted to this, which includes the information, prevention, awareness-raising and training missions that must be carried out by institutions on these important issues. Among the tasks that institutions will now be required to carry out are, for example :

  • To provide adequate information on the measures, support services and legislation in place to fight discrimination, violence and harassment, as well as on the organisations that can help victims, in particular via a contact point identified within the institution ;
  • Prevent and raise awareness among staff and the student community through specific actions ;
  • Ensure that training is provided for staff and students.

Finally, a vast study - with a budget of 150,000 euros - is going to be launched in order to have an inventory of situations of violence and harassment in higher education and social advancement education in the French Community. It should make it possible to evaluate the measures already in place to combat the phenomena of harassment and violence, and to analyse whether and what additional measures could be adopted.

Modiffication of the "Landscape decree" : 02/12/2021

The decree modifying the decree of 7 November 2013 defining the landscape of higher education and the academic organisation of studies ("Landscape decree") was passed on 02/12/2021.
This reform restructures the pathway of students, accompanying them in their success and towards obtaining a degree.
The reform structures in a clearer way the pathway of the students, with a specific attention paid to the acquisition of the 60 ECTS of Bac1 which must be passed in priority.
It allows students to acquire a solid pedagogical foundation from the very beginning of their studies, and to be able to remedy any shortcomings early on.
The reform also makes it possible to make the conditions of financeability (the right to re-enrol in an institution) clearer. Students will have five years to obtain their bachelor's degree.
These structural changes are accompanied by increased support for success, targeted at students who are experiencing difficulties, in order to guide them towards success and graduation.
The annual budget dedicated to support for success has been increased from 83 million euros to 89 million euros. In addition, before the beginning of each academic year, institutions will have to draw up a strategic success support plan listing the remedial activities they are putting in place and the financial resources that will be allocated to them. Particular attention should be paid to students who have difficulties in passing the first 60 ECTS of their Bachelor's degree.

Adoption of the draft decree reforming the initial training of teachers : 28/10/2021

The Government of the French Community adopted in fourth and final reading the draft decree reforming the initial training of teachers. 
The objective of this reform is to contribute to the improvement of our educational system, which requires a high level of training for future teachers. As already foreseen in the decree of February 2019 (currently under moratorium), the training of all core teachers will be increased from 3 to 4 years, and future teachers will be trained via a co-diploma between universities, colleges and art schools.
The text also specifies the generic areas of competence to be developed by all future French-speaking teachers, regardless of the course of study, in order to meet the needs of the implementation of the Pact for Excellence in Teaching.
In addition, students will henceforth be required to undertake a long-term placement during the school/academic year. It is crucial to allow future teachers a gradual, supervised and accompanied entry into their profession. This internship will enable the student, through hours of internship in the classroom, but also, for example, in the context of collaborative work within the educational team of the internship institution, to move towards autonomy and to prepare as well as possible the beginning of his or her teaching career.

New conditions to be awarded a grant : 14/10/2021

The Government of the French Community adopted in third reading a draft decree containing structural measures aimed at widening the number of students eligible for a grant. 
These measures make it possible to broaden the target audience of existing support measures and to counter the negative socio-economic impact of the health crisis on students.