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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in higher education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.4National reforms in higher education

Last update: 2 October 2024


National Strategic Action Plan for Further and Higher Education 2022-2030

The National Strategic Action Plan for Further and Higher Education 2022-2030 was launched on July 17 2024. This Strategic Action Plan outlines Malta’s priorities for further and higher education with a view to develop a "dynamic resilient knowledge ecosystem" by 2030, addressing both current and future challenges in the education sector. This strategy, which was developed through consultation with key stakeholders, institutions, post-secondary schools, and other interested parties, promises an "innovative, inclusive, and quality-driven" further and higher education sector.

The strategic plan places student wellbeing at its core and focuses on delivering a high-quality education system that enhances employment opportunities. It integrates Malta's context, identity, cultural heritage, and language across all objectives and targets. The goal is to maintain high-quality education that is accessible to all students, regardless of socioeconomic background, and responsive to their needs throughout their lives.

A key principle of the strategy is ensuring strong coordination among all stakeholders, with clear roles and responsibilities. The strategy encompasses seven main pillars, each providing recommended measures and targeted outcomes in priority areas:

•    Strengthening Policy Design and Governance
•    Quality Assurance and Transparency
•    Internationalisation and Mobility
•    Educational Attainment, Retention, and Completion
•    Relevance of Teaching, Learning, and Research
•    Widening Participation and Adult Learning
•    Exploring Emerging Opportunities.

Launch of Professional Doctorate in Educational Leadership

The University of Malta’s Faculty of Education launched the Professional Doctorate in Educational Leadership (EdD), which will commence in September 2024. This is the first professional Doctorate in Education offered in Malta. This program offers mid-career educators the opportunity to engage in a learning journey within a community of learners, fostering change and development within their respective organizations. The EdD, a Level 8 program, integrates theory, research, and practice.
The EdD program is unique in that its focus is on participants' day-to-day practices, helping them realize that even the most mundane decisions are rooted in theoretical perspectives. 

The professional doctorate aims to ensure that the broader theoretical perspectives explored in the program inform everyday dilemmas as well as the larger philosophical demands of leadership at all levels. This approach aims to foster effective educational leadership, which, while highly contextualized, is increasingly recognized as a crucial factor determining the success of educational organizations.

New allowance for parents of post-secondary students

As of June 7 2024, parents (including foster parents) of children aged 16-19 who continue their studies after secondary school shall receive a yearly allowance of €500 for up to three years. The initiative aims to strengthen and broaden Malta’s post-secondary educational achievement by encouraging parents to support their children's education, thereby equipping them with the tools for upward social mobility.

IfE Collective Agreement

In May 2024 a Collective Agreement for the Institute for Education (IfE) was concluded.

The IfE provides part-time courses, from Awards to Master's degree programmes, for those already in the teaching profession or aspiring educators who want to specialise in a particular area, take on managerial roles or further their professional development. As of April 2024, 360 students were reading for a qualification.

This agreement aims to enhance working conditions and financial terms. Additionally, the agreement ensures job security for employees and acknowledges the IFE as a premier educational institution.

MCAST and MCVS sign collective agreement

In May 2024, The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) and The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS) signed a collaborative agreement, aiming to strengthen the cooperation, networking, and the sharing of knowledge between the two institutions. This agreement will enable MCAST and MCVS to work together to develop programs for volunteers and voluntary organisations, and cooperate in developing training guides and resources on the engagement and management of volunteers.

MCAST and MCVS will work in tandem to support active volunteering on the College Campus by establishing a physical presence of MCVS in collaboration with the Volunteer Support Team, MCVS, and the MCAST Events and Corporate Social Responsibility Department.

MCAST and the Malta Crafts Foundation sign a MOU to strengthen collaboration for the sustainability of the local artisan sector

The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) and the Malta Crafts Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), in May 2024, pledging collaboration to enhance the awareness of traditional artisan trades and to strengthen education provision in innovative craftsmanship.

Furthermore, both entities will work together to identify apprenticeship and work placement opportunities in the sector, ensuring a practical and hands-on approach to learning.


There was no major measure in this domain this year.


Malta's Draft National Strategic Action Plan for Further and Higher Education 2022-2030

In December 2022, Malta’s Draft National Strategic Action Plan for Further and Higher Education 2022 – 2030 was launched for public consultation. This draft Strategic Action Plan recognises progress made in addressing EU and national targets in further and higher education, while emphasising the need for sustained efforts for continual improvement.
This draft Strategic Action Plan identifies key trends and drivers up to 2030 and their relevance to further and higher education, with a view to mapping and tackling emerging opportunities and threats. The policy implications and recommended actions highlight the need for closer policy synergies between Ministries and entities, in particular between education, research and innovation, and enterprise.

Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) launches B.A. (Hons) in Journalism

Malta College of Arts, Sciebce and Technology (MCAST) launched, for the first time, the B.A. (Hons) in Journalism. The course aims to train students in analysing and reporting events, providing the opportunity to gain experience and practical skills in journalism.  

Institute for Education - Sponsorship for Albanian Nationals

In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the Institute for Education (IfE) and Preca College, Albania, IfE launched a sponsorship scheme through which it will be sponsoring up to two Albanian Nationals to follow its Master of Education programme during academic year 2022/2023. As a result of this sponsorship, IfE will be hosting its first international students (who are not from Malta or an EFA country) on the programme, who will be following the programme remotely and collaborating with peers online. 

The programme is blended and, thus, a system of hybrid lecturing will be used. While both Albanian and Maltese students will follow online lectures, Maltese students also have an in-person element, in which Albanian students will participate via video conferencing. Arrangements have also been made to allow for Albanian students to carry out the teaching practice component within course participants’ school in Albania, while this will be assessed onsite by IfE’s assessors.

Malta Further and Higher Education Authority applies to become full member of The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education

Following the SEQA-ESG project, in June the MFHEA has submitted an application to become a full member of ENQA and shall undergo an external review against the Standards and guidelines for Quality Assurance in European Higher Education Area (ESG) coordinated by ENQA in 2023.

Amendments on the National Quality Assurance Framework

The Malta Further and Higher Education Aurhority (MFHEA) is currently in the process of updating the National Quality Assurance Framework, including Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) Standards to enhance its approach to quality assurance. In addition, the Authority is revising the External Quality Assurance Provider Audit Manual of procedures (Accreditation Manual) as part of the EQAVET project, which will further improve the EQA procedures and the overall quality of education provided in Malta. As part of the VET Team project, the MFHEA is also updating Implementation of Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (VET) Institutions (Manual for VET providers).

Malta's National Strategic Action Plan for Further and Higher Education 2030

The MFHEA, in consultation with stakeholders, is working on Malta’s National Strategic Action Plan for Further and Higher Education 2030, which revises the Vision and Guiding Principles for Further and Higher Education to ensure that students are ready for the future. The seven key themes for the implementation of the Vision focus on building a solid foundation for more unified government-wide policies and industry. This plan towards a dynamic and resilient knowledge ecosystem, based on a higher education sector and quality-driven innovation, inspires individuals, throughout their educational and life experience, to develop relevant skills. enabling them to contribute as community members and active citizens to a global digital and green economy.

Further and Higher Education Advisory Committee 

In accordance with article 18 of Chapter 607 of the Laws of Malta, the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority has established an Advisory Committee to engage in an enhanced dialogue with representatives of various stakeholders. The Advisory Committee is made up of representatives of private and public higher education institutions, representatives of private and public further education institutions, student representatives, civil society representatives, business community, and trade unions representatives, who represent the majority of employees in the further and higher education sector. The MFHEA plans to start involving students in the process of programme accreditation at MQF Level 5 and above.

New courses to be offered by the University of Malta as from October 2022

The UM approved and is receiving applications for a number of new courses at Master level offered by various Faculties, Institutes and Centres, as from October 2022, including: a Master of Arts in Baroque Studies offered by the International Institute for Baroque Studies; a Master of Arts in Disability Studies offered by the Faculty for Social Wellbeing; a Master of Arts in Digital Marketing Communication offered by the Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences ; a Master of Science in Geotechnical Engineering, offered by the Faculty for the Built Environment (by Research); a Master of Science in Data Science offered by the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology; and a Master of Science in Marketing, a Double Degree programme coordinated by the University of Malta and Libera Università Internazionale Degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli (Luiss), Rome, Italy.

The Faculty of Education is accepting applications for a MA in Open and Networked Higher Education. This international study programme provides an open and networked learning experience that will develop and strengthen student’s knowledge of contemporary higher education (HE). The programme prioritises the academic commitments of learning, teaching and research, and will prompt students to critically consider these priority areas within the bigger picture of HE and society at large. Students will scrutinize the mediation of digital technologies and open education orientations in HE learning and teaching. They will be supported to trace inroads to the study and experience of e-quality, effective, affective and transformative teaching, learning and research; issues which are important in the struggle of coping with increasing student numbers, shrinking resources, pervasive digital technologies and unlimited access to information and resources.

The UM will also be offering a number of new Master programmes within the sphere of the Health Care. The Faculty of Dental Surgery will be offering a Master of Science in Digital Dentistry with specialisation in two areas: Dental Surgery and Dental Technology. The programmes teach the theoretical and scientific foundation of the field of digital dentistry, and students pursuing them will become skillful in clinical and laboratorial practice within the professional environment of the teaching clinics. On the other hand, the Faculty of Health Sciences will be offering a new, one-year, full-time Master programme in Midwifery, while the Department of Nursing within the same Faculty will be offering a number of Master of Science in Nursing programmes in different areas of specialisation, including: Cancer Care, Critical Care, Emergency Care, Infection Prevention and Control, Palliative Care and Skin and Wound Care. The same Faculty will also be offering a Master of Science programme in Patient Safety and Clinical Risk Management, a very topical area of study in view of the current pandemic. The programme has been designed by the Department of Health Systems Management and Leadership, keeping in mind the principal that effective implementation of patient safety and clinical risk management policies does not just require human, financial and other resources, but rather the commitment of individuals to be educated and trained to practice safely. 

Two Certificate courses will also be offered at undergraduate level. The Centre for Environmental Education and Research is accepting applications for the Certificate in Environmental Interpretation and Education. This one-year part-time evening course is targeted at aspiring nature guides, outdoor educators, environmental educators, environmental interpreters, rangers, and those working in nature parks and community settings.

In a bid to attract more students to follow its undergraduate programmes, the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology will be offering a Certificate in ICT Foundation Studies, a programme that delivers the necessary foundational material that brings students to the academic level required to follow such programmes.

Changes to Admission Refulations at the University of Malta

The University of Malta is currently in the process of implementing changes to its Admissions Regulations, which changes were approved by Senate in January 2022. These changes principally concern the admission of probationary students.

As from October 2022, applicants will continue to be admitted as regular students if they obtain the Matriculation Certificate and Special Course Requirements (if applicable) by the MATSEC Second Session of Examinations. On the other hand, applicants will be admitted as probationary students if they would have reached the age of 18 by the 31 December 2022; and if they are in possession of the required SEC passes in English, Maltese and Mathematics; have sat all six subjects required for the award of the Matriculation Certificate, and have attempted to improve their Matriculation Certificate by sitting for the required subject or subjects at the MATSEC Second Session of examinations of the year during which the course for which they apply commences. This enables students to start the course without necessarily missing out on an entire academic year of study.

Applicants will be accepted as probationary students if they:
•    Obtain a pass grade in one subject from each of the three obligatory subject groups and in Systems of Knowledge and obtained between 38 and 42 points in their Matriculation Certificate; or

•    Obtain not less than 44 grade points but lack a pass grade in one of the subject groups or in Systems of Knowledge required for the award of the Matriculation Certificate; or

•    lack not more than a grade (such as a D instead of a C, but not an F instead of a pass grade E) in a subject or subjects indicated as special course requirements (Advanced or Intermediate level) for the course applied for, as long as they obtained a pass in Systems of Knowledge and not less than 38 points in the Matriculation Certificate.

Probationary students are admitted under specific conditions. Students accepted as probationary students will not be allowed to repeat the year or be allowed an extension year. These provisions are not applicable to courses which are restricted to a limited number of applicants, if all places have been filled in by fully-qualified applicants; courses that are not governed by the UM’s General Regulations for Undergraduate Courses; and courses that may be accessed through a Certificate course at MQF Level 4 designed for the purpose of providing an alternative route to a higher level Undergraduate Course.

Implementation of changes to admission regulations at the Junior College

The admission requirements for the Junior College have been amended, with effect from the October 2022 intake. The old rules required admitted students to be in possession of a Secondary Education Certificate (SEC) examination pass (grade 5 or better) in six subjects, including three core subjects: Maltese, English Language and Mathematics. The new entry requirements, demand at least one SEC pass in a core subject (Maltese, English Language and Mathematics). Admitted students who do not have a SEC pass in one or two of these core subjects are offered preparatory classes, which will enable them to satisfy the General Entry Requirements.

Changes to the Entry Requirements in connection with Maltese have also been affected. Maltese applicants having lived and studied abroad for a significant period during the four years prior to entry, and not having received adequate teaching in Maltese, may now present another language instead of Maltese. Non-Maltese applicants, who pursued at least four years of compulsory secondary level schooling in Malta, may present a SEC pass (grade 5 or better) in Il-Malti bħala Lingwa Barranija (Maltese as a Foreign Language) instead of Maltese. Non-Maltese applicants, who pursued less than four years of compulsory secondary level schooling in Malta, may present either a pass in Il-Malti bħala Lingwa Barranija (SEC) or in another language (either must be MQF3 at grade 5 or better, or comparable).

University of Malta graduate tracking exercise

The University of Malta has embarked on a project pertaining to the European survey of higher education graduates. This survey is a pilot survey of graduates in a choice of European countries, which aims to lay the ground for a sustainable European-wide graduate survey. The purpose of the EU Graduate Tracking Study includes the following:

•    Strengthening career guidance systems for prospective students, current students and graduates;

•    Supporting the design and updating of curricula to improve the acquisition of relevant skills for employability;

•    Improving skills matching to support competitiveness and innovation at local, regional and national level, and to resolve skills shortages;

•    Planning for and forecasting evolving employment, educational and social needs; and

•    Contributing to policy development at both national and EU levels.

University of Malta Professional Development Programme for Doctoral Researchers

Each academic year, from 2019, the UM’s Doctoral School offers a Professional Development Programme for Doctoral researchers. This programme seeks to assist doctoral students in developing a wide range of research, professional and transferable skills, which are deemed vital for their success. The Professional Development Programme has been designed to offer resources to help doctoral students succeed in their research degree. Each Academic Year, the Doctoral School seeks to propose new workshops on topics which may not have been explored before. In July 2022, the Professional Development Committee approved three new workshops: ‘Struggling with your Ph.D.’, ‘The purpose of your leadership in times of change’ and ‘Aligning your research to the Sustainable Development Goals’. These will be offered for the first time as from Academic Year 2022/23.

New courses launched at the University of Malta

The Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy introduced the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Public Sector Accounting at undergraduate level. The course covers a wide spectrum of the accounting functionality and provides a systematic process of ensuring that adequately trained public sector accounting staff are available to the Ministries and their respective Departments. The Faculty of Medicine and Surgery launched the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Pharmacology. The course brings together the biological, biotechnological and digital aspects of pharmacology, and equips you with the required skills as recommended by both International Pharmacology associations and major European Universities, whilst keeping in focus the needs of the local and international industry. The Faculty of Theology introduced the Diploma in the Archival and Cultural Appreciation of Ecclesiastical Patrimony which takes its cue from an Introduction to the history of the Church in Malta which goes back to Apostolic times. Studying this tradition allows a deeper understanding on the formation of the national identity, which in many respects (culturally, socially, artistically) is intimately linked with the Catholic faith.

At a postgraduate level, the Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences introduced the Master of Arts in Archives and Records Management which provides specialised training and the required national and international practical and theoretical skillset for archivists and records managers. The course promotes research in the field by integrating traditional and digital theories and practices. The Faculty also introduced the Master of Arts in Library and Information Sciences which is designed to provide specialised training and the required national and international practical and theoretical skills for librarians and information professionals. It provides course participants with an in-depth, advanced study of childhood studies from a transdisciplinary, children's voice perspective. The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology launched the Master of Science in Digital Health designed to expose the student to modern digital technologies that are becoming vital to improve personal wellbeing and to the understanding, prevention, diagnosis and management of illnesses. Designed to establish foundations in pharmacology and toxicology, and provide the skills to manage and apply this information in the clinical, regulatory and pharmaceutical setting.