This chapter focuses on the main aspects of education system organisation with regard to teachers and education staff. The chapter is differentiated into the main education levels, that is: early childhood, school education, higher education and adult education.
For each main level it focuses on three major aspects:
initial teacher education and training
conditions of service
continuing professional development.
Summary of the main measures in place for initial educator education and training
Those wishing to teach at Childcare level, locally known as Childcare Educators are required to hold at least an MQF Level 4 Qualification of 60 ECTS credits in Early Childhood Education and Care. Those wishing to teach at kindergarten level, locally referred to as Kindergarten Educators, are required to hold at least an MQF Level 5 qualification of 30 ECTS credits in Early Childhood Education and Care (call for Applications – Kindergarten Educators). Initial teacher education may take place in any higher-education institution that offers the requested qualifications in line with the Malta Qualifications Framework. This usually entails a First Degree at Level 6 (MQF) and Masters’ Degree in Teaching and Learning (120 ECTS Credits). A professional teacher training qualification is not a prerequisite for lecturers who teach in Higher Education Institutions, although such a qualification may be considered an asset.
Summary of the main measures in place for conditions of service:
Conditions of service for Childcare Educators are governed by the local Employment and Industrial Relations Act. The Public Service Management Code and collective agreements (2023-2027) establish the working conditions of teaching staff employed in state schools at Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary levels. Conditions of service of Kindergarten Educators and Teachers employed in Church Primary and Secondary Schools are established in the respective collective agreement, which as a result of a seminal agreement between the Republic of Malta and the Holy See reached in 1991, ensures parity of conditions with educators employed in State-run schools. The collective agreements negotiated between individual higher education institutions and the lecturers’ unions determine the working conditions of those working in higher education institutions.
Summary of the main measures in place for continuing professional development
In relation to Childcare Educators, the National Standards, Early Childhood Education and Care Services (0-3 Years) state that the management is to provide continuous professional development opportunities for staff members on a regular basis but does not specify the amount of hours. Educators teaching at kindergarten, primary and secondary levels of education in state and Catholic Church Schools are required to attend 28 hours of CPD time during school hours as agreed in the respective collective agreements. Those teaching at higher education institutions are expected and assisted to further their professional development.