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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Organisation of general upper secondary education


6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.4Organisation of general upper secondary education

Last update: 21 February 2025

Types of institutions

In Malta, upper secondary education comprises four years: the latter two years of compulsory education (described in articles 6.1-6.3), that is Years 10 and 11 and culminating in ordinary level qualifications, and the optional two-year general post-secondary education (described in articles 6.4-6.6), culminating in the advanced and intermediate level qualifications. The State also offers students a second opportunity of obtaining their ordinary level qualifications after completing compulsory education (also described in articles 6.4-6.6).  The State provides for upper secondary (post-secondary non-tertiary) education through the following institutions: 

The GEM 16+ school was set up for students who leave compulsory education without formal (MATSEC) qualifications giving them a second opportunity of succeeding in an academic route. A core curriculum consisting of Maltese, English, Maths, ECDL or Physics or Biology prepares students to sit for the SEC exam; 

Two state higher secondary schools falling within the remit of the Education Directorate: Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary (GCHSS) and  Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form. Both schools offer two-year programmes for students wishing to continue their studies at University or Vocational College or to seek employment. The schools offer academic courses at advanced, intermediate and ordinary level that are suited to the individual needs of the student. Sir MA Refalo Sixth Form is the state run post-secondary school in Gozo. 

The Junior College (which falls under the remit of the University of Malta) aims to prepare students for university and beyond. The learning experiences at Junior College prepare students in their transition from secondary school to tertiary education and for life. The College offers a number of educational programmes all based on the Matriculation Certificate and specifically designed to suit different needs. 

There are two Church  Sixth Forms (De La Salle Sixth FormSt Aloysius Sixth Form) and five  Independent Sixth Forms (St Martin’s CollegeSt Edward’s CollegeVerdala International School;  QSI International School, Mediterranean College of Sport). These higher-secondary schools also prepare students for university and beyond through a two-year programme.

The table shows the number of Students in Higher Secondary Schools in Scholastic Year 2023-24.

Sector Name of School providing higher-secondary education Number of students in 2023-24
State GEM 16+ 86
Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary  781
Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form 331
GF Abela Junior College 1845
Church De La Salle Sixth Form 290
St Aloysius Sixth Form 523
Independent St Martin’s College 186
St Edward’s College 79
Verdala International School 84
QSI International School 31
Mediterranean College of Sport Not yet operational

Geographical Accessibility

Students may attend the higher secondary education institution of their choice. Public transport is available directly from most towns and villages to some of the institutions and is available free of charge. Some students also organise private transport (at a fee) to facilitate travel.

Gozitan students can follow higher secondary education at the Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form. Gozitan students who follow courses in Malta make the trip between the islands by ferry with the ferry fare being subsidised by Government.

Admission requirement and choice of school

Admission to post-secondary institutions is subject to specific entry requirements, which vary between institutions and programmes. 

The GEM 16+ school caters for students who would have missed getting enough exam grades to enrol in a higher secondary school follow a one-year, second-chance course to achieve the required grades.

The two further education institutions: GA Higher Secondary and Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form cater for students who need to do a revision course at Secondary Education Certificate (SEC) level, or who want to follow an Advanced and SEC level course, or those students who have got all SEC level passes and want to do a Matriculation Course. 

The Junior College and the Church and Independent Sixth Forms cater for students who have passed the SEC level examinations and want to continue towards a Matriculation Certificate through a two-year programme. Some Independent Sixth Forms

Age levels and grouping of students

In Malta, students who attend upper and higher secondary institutions must turn 16 years or older by the end of the academic year of entry. Students in the various educational institutions are not grouped according to ability and attainment but on the programme and/or subjects chosen.  When selecting the subjects, students consider the specific requirements for admission to tertiary education. Subjects are usually taught by different specialized teachers and a class may have more than one teacher for the same subject. At Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School and at Sir MA Refalo Sixth Form, lesson/lecture class sizes are of approximately 25 students. During tutorials class sizes are of 8-10 students and during practical workshops class sizes are of 16 students. Class sizes at GEM 16+ are of a maximum of 16 students. 

Organisation of school year

The GEM 16+, the two higher secondary schools and the non-state sixth forms follow the same calendar as that for state secondary schools with the academic year being made up of three terms. Further information is provided in ND 6.1.

The Junior College follows the academic year of the University of Malta. This consists of two semesters, with the first extending from the first week of October till the end of January and the second semester from February to the end of June. There is a two-week recess for Christmas and for Easter respectively.  The summer recess runs from July to August.

Organisation of the school day and week

School time at upper secondary level is determined by the type of programme and school being followed. Teachers’ and Lecturers’ working hours are negotiated with the teachers’ unions. The current “Agreement between the Government of Malta and the Malta Union of Teachers” was signed in July 2024, with effect from 1st January 2023.

The school time followed at state Higher Secondary Institutions and GEM 16+ school is based on the school time of regular secondary schools, with lessons starting at around 08:30 and finishing at 14:50. Church and Independent Sixth Forms follow the school time as Church and Independent Secondary Schools.

The Junior College starts its day at 08.00 and lectures can continue till 17.00. Each lecture lasts an hour, thus, having a timetable with nine one-hour sessions per day. However, students only attend the lectures of the subjects they would have chosen.