University of Malta
The following are the links to the branches of Study at the University of Malta at Level 6 on Malta’s National Qualification Framework for Lifelong learning – first cycle degrees
Faculty for the Built Environment
Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology
Faculty Of Media & Knowledge Sciences
First cycle bachelor’s degrees vary in duration between three to four years depending on the specialization and the area of study.
Admission requirements
For undergraduate degree courses, the entry requirements are:
The Matriculation Certificate that includes six subjects – two subjects taken at Advanced Level and four subjects taken at Intermediate Level, including Systems of Knowledge.
Passes in the Secondary Education Certificate examination at Grade 5 or better in Maltese, English Language and Mathematics.
Some undergraduate courses also prescribe Special Course Requirements which are considered critical for successful completion of the course applied for. These requirements also specify the level and minimum grades that must be obtained. These Special Course Requirements are published by the University of Malta two years in advance of coming into force.
In addition the University considers also applicants who are mature students (at least 23 years of age by the beginning of the course) and who do not necessarily possess the entry qualifications. Such applicants are required to demonstrate formal and informal learning achieved since completing secondary school education. Each applicant is assessed by the faculty and the University Admission Board to determine whether the prospective student has the necessary academic background to successfully complete the course of their choice.
In the case of foreign students, qualifications that are recognized and give access to tertiary education in their country of origin are favorably considered as long as these qualifications are of comparable breadth and standard to the University of Malta’s General Entry Requirements.
Where appropriate, applicants could be advised to follow a one-year Foundation Studies Course which prepares them for the first cycle course of their choice. Maltese language is not a requisite for overseas students.
Students can also avail themselves of the University’s Students’ Advisory Service which provides extensive information and leaflets regarding admission requirements and other matters of interest.
The University of Malta, through its Faculties, Institutes, Centres and Schools has full academic autonomy and freedom to develop the nature, content and structure of the courses and programmes of studies. The University has implemented the Bologna process with few or no changes needed to be carried out in some areas such as the three cycle system and a workload-based credit system as it had been operating this system for a number of years. Courses and programmes of study are developed and proposed by the Faculties, Institutes and Centres and approved by the Senate after having been processed by the Programme Validation Unit.
Each study unit is assigned a code in accordance with the regulations, and students then are required to select a number of study units according to the level weighting of each unit, as shown in the following Table:
Level 0 |
Pre-tertiary or foundation or proficiency study-units. |
Level 1 |
Study-units normally offered in Year 1 of an undergraduate Course where it is assumed that the students have a general level of education at least meriting the award of the Matriculation Certificate. In Courses where admission is dependant on students being in possession of special course requirements, such as a pass in a subject taken at Advanced Level, lecturers can assume that students possess the pre-required knowledge. |
Levels 2 & 3 |
Study-units offered in Years 2 and 3 of an undergraduate Course. Level 3 credits are also offered in Year 4 of an undergraduate non-professional course. Lecturers can assume that students have the required skills associated with studying at tertiary level. |
Level 4 |
Study-units offered in Years 4 of a professional Course. Such study-units, normally imparting specific professional competencies although given at a level higher than Level 3, are still considered as being at undergraduate level. |
All study-units within courses are assigned credits according to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System [19] (ECTS) which is the only credit system in operation at the University since 2003/4. The number of study hours students have to undertake is indicated by the number of ECTS credits assigned to the individual study-unit. The amount and level of credits making up each undergraduate qualification awarded by the University of Malta is found below:
University Undergraduate Award |
Requirements |
University Certificate |
30 or 32 credits of which not less than 26 credits not below Level 1. |
University Diploma |
between 60 and 90 credits, as specified in the bye-laws for the Course, of which not more than 4 Level 0 and not less than 56 Level 1. |
University Higher Diploma |
between 90 and 120 credits, as specified in the bye-laws for the Course, of which not more than 4 Level 0 and not less than 56 Level 2. |
Bachelor |
180 credits of which not more than 4 Level 0, not less than 56 and not more than 68 Level 1, and not less than 108 more or less divided equally between Levels 2 and 3. |
Bachelor (Honours in one Area of Study) (three year full-time Course or three year full-time professional Course) |
180 credits of which not more than 4 Level 0, not less than 56 and not more than 68 Level 1, and not less than 108 more or less divided equally between Levels 2 and 3 of which not less than 56 Level 3 credits assigned to the area taken at honours. |
Bachelor (Honours in two Areas of Study) (4 year full-time Course) |
240 credits of which not more than 4 Level 0, not less than 56 and not more than 68 Level 1, and not less than 168 more or less divided equally between Levels 2 and 3 of which not less than 56 Level 3 credits in each of the two areas taken at honours. |
Bachelor (Honours) (4 year full- time professional Course) |
240 credits of which not more than 4 Level 0, not less than 56 and not more than 68 Level 1, and not less than 168 Levels 2, 3 and 4 of which not less than 100 at Levels 3 and 4. |
Maltese and English are the two official languages of the University with teaching generally being delivered in English except where Maltese and foreign language studies are concerned. In these cases, the language being studied is utilized.
Teaching Methods
Courses at the University of Malta are mainly of an academic nature and structured on the modular (study-unit) system. Courses which lead to professions such as education, engineering, medical and health sciences incorporate teaching, work placement, fieldwork and similar experiences as required.
The method of instruction varies according to course requirements. Generally a variety of methods are adopted according to the topic being considered and to facilitate learning. Methodology varies and could include formal and non-formal lectures, seminars, group projects, tutorials, practical work in laboratories or workshops, fieldwork, depending on the type of programme of studies. The use of communication technologies has become the norm. Lecturers are free to identify the best teaching methods and instruments required for the effective delivery of their credit.
Computerised library services are essential sources of reference for students’ studies. In many areas, the library [20] offers online access to journals, electronic indexing services and bibliographical databases. Organised tours, lectures and bibliographical guides for students and information services help students with their research for dissertations. Reader services are also available with an inter- library loan and overseas photocopying services for material unattainable locally.
Progression of students
Students following the different courses are expected to cover a number of study units over one full- time academic year.
For Degree courses, students are awarded a total of 60 ECTS credits on successfully completing one full-time academic year. Once these 60 ECTS credits have been obtained students can register as regular students for the following year of their course.
Students who fail to obtain all the credits can sit for a supplementary session under certain conditions. Those students who after the supplementary session need not more than 12 ECTS credits in order to successfully complete the course programme for the year, whenever possible and after academic counselling by the Dean and /or the Head of Department, are given one of the three following options:
Refer the Incomplete Study-Units to the following year of their Course plan to be done over and above the Study-Units indicated for that year; or
Refer the Incomplete Study-Unit/s to an extension year, if the student is in the final year of the Course; or
Repeat the year in its entirety, if eligible in terms of the regulations.
Those students who opt to refer failed units to the following year (option A) are advanced to the next year of studies and are considered as conditionally progressed students. Students who again fail the assessment of a referred study unit in a normal session of examinations are allowed a final reassessment in the September supplementary session if they are eligible according to the regulations. Students are not allowed to continue the course if, after supplementary assessment sessions, they fail once again to obtain the required credits for any of the referred units. A study unit may be referred to the following year only once.
Students who, by the end of a particular academic year of study, lack more than 20 of the credits required for their current year including credits for referred study-units are not allowed to sit for the supplementary session. These students are required to repeat the year if eligible in terms of the regulations. If they are not eligible to repeat a year, students are required to withdraw from the course. Students are allowed to repeat a year only once.
In the final year of a course students, who after the supplementary session of examinations, still need to successfully complete only one study-unit (normally a dissertation, a long essay or a project) to which more than 12 ECTS credits are assigned in order to successfully complete the course, may be allowed an extra year of study in which to complete the missing unit.
For students following certificate and diploma courses, the outlined principles and processes are valid, except that the number of credits will be established according to the outline in the course description.
Links between the world of education and that of employment are ongoing and continuously being enhanced. Initiatives are taken in a number of faculties, institutes and centres, to familiarize students with the world of work. These initiatives include actual placements, such as those of student teachers in the Faculty of Education, and industry linked projects in the Faculties of Engineering and ICT. Some courses incorporate work experiences as an integral part of the academic course. Courses in the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery have direct work related periods. Students following nursing and other health sciences courses include work experiences in hospitals and/or clinics. A number of faculties organise study visits for students both locally and abroad.
During the summer vacation, students may opt to perform work, sometimes directly related to their studies, in various entities. A number of students may also be contracted to work for establishments in which they practise after they finish their degree course. A number of professions require graduates to have a specified period of work experiences before being granted a warrant.
Student assessment
A student’s performance and progress is assessed in a number of ways. These could range from an assignment which could include either a relatively short or long written paper, an oral presentation, to a record of an experiment, an examination or any combination of these methods. The lecturer responsible for the study-unit determines the method of teaching and assessment. These methods of teaching and assessment for each study-unit is indicated in the study-unit description and published in the catalogue of study-units, following approval by Senate. All students on the same study-unit are assessed by the same method/s of assessment.
Assessments may include written supervised examinations, oral examinations, home assignments, short or long essays, dissertations or theses, clinical or practical examinations, portfolios, projects, field-work, case-studies, logbooks as continuous assessment or a placement. There can also be a combination of two or more methods or any other method approved by the Senate.
Synoptic study-units and all compulsory study-units conducted at the end of the last semester of any course leading to a diploma or an undergraduate degree normally include an examination component which contributes not less than 60% towards the final mark of the unit.
Any student who fails in any study-unit, except in a study-unit that is declared to be non- compensatable in a Programme of Studies, with a mark of not less than 35% and whose year mark average is at least 50%, can be awarded the grade of Compensatory Pass (CP) . Thus the credit is awarded for the unit by compensation and the credit is not required to be reassessed. Students who fail in any study-unit and who are not eligible for a compensatory pass are allowed a supplementary assessment under certain conditions.
Certification classification is different for each award. Students following a Certificate course are awarded a general unclassified certificate. Students following Diplomas and Higher Diplomas are awarded any of the following classifications:
Pass with Distinction
Pass with Merit
General (not Honours) degrees are of three years’ duration during which a student must accumulate a total of 180 ECTS credits of which not more that 4 at Level 0, not less than 56 at Level 1, 56 at Level 2 and 56 at Level 3. Such degrees may be awarded in any of the following categories:
Category I (Summa Cum Laude)
Category IIA (Magna Cum Laude)
Category IIB (Cum Laude)
Category III (Bene Probatus)
Honours degrees may be either of three years, four years of full-time study.
The 3-year Honours degree is awarded in one area of study and requires the accumulation of 180 ECTS credits of which not more than 4 at Level 0, not less than 56 at Level 1, 56 at Level 2 and 112 at Level 3 and 4. The Levels 3 and 4 units are divided equally between the two areas taken at Honours.
In the case of a 4-year full-time Honours professional degree, the professional units will be at Level 4.
The honours degree may be awarded in any of the following classes:
First Class Honours (Summa Cum Laude)
Second Class Honours (Upper Division) (Magna Cum Laude)
Second Class Honours (Lower Division) (Cum Laude)
Third Class Honours (Bene Probatus)
The classification of awards is determined by the Award Classification Board in accordance with criteria that are indicated in the general regulations and in the course bye-laws.
Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST)
The Malta College of Ats, Science and Technology caters for higher education programmes and vocational degrees while also working in close collaboration with industry in order to provide professionals that are both academically prepared and practically trained to satisfy the needs of the local industry.
The Institutes and Centres provide all the technical and professional expertise towards the delivery of all programmes at MCAST while having the main aim of driving forward all the areas of study under their respective responsibility with an outlook towards the future. This corporate structure enables each College to create focused strategies that address the specific needs of students at each level while maintaining a healthy dialogue with all interested stakeholders in order to provide the best programmes for the needs of the local economy and society.
Institute of Applied Science |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Chemical Technology Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science and Sustainable Technologies Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Health Science (Physiological Measurements) MCAST-Northumbria University Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing Studies Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Health Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Animal Management and Veterinary Nursing Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Horticulture Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Fish Management |
Institute of Business Management and Commerce |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Enterprise Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Procurement and Finance Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Financial Services Management ACCA
Institute of Community Service |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Health and Social Care (Management) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Inclusive Education Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sport, Exercise and Health
Institute of the Creative Arts |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Media Production Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Fine Art Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Game Art and Visual Design Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Graphic Design Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Interactive Media Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Photography Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Product Design Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Spatial Design Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Journalism Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Performing Arts Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Fashion |
Institute of Engineering and Transport |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Quantity Surveying Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Construction Engineering Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Construction Engineering (Civil Engineering) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronics and Control Engineering Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronics Engineering Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Marine Engineering Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering (Plant)
Institute of Information and Communication Technology |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Systems and Networks Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Software Development Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Multimedia Software Development Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Business Analytics
General Degrees |
Bachelor of Applied Science Bachelor of Applied Business Studies Bachelor of Creative Arts Bachelor of Community-Based Service Provision Bachelor of Applied Technology |
Centre for Professional Development | Bachelor of Vocational Education and Training 4.0 (Honours) |
The Admission Regulations are specified in the Prospectus which is available on the MCAST website. As a general rule, admission is based on qualifications obtained through the SEC and MATSEC. Entry requirements are established by the MCAST central administration and quality assurance department in collaboration with the MCAST Institutes’ directors. While students may be able to progress from the lower-level programmes to the higher level ones, applicants holding the relevant qualifications may be eligible to apply from outside the College if they prove they can benefit by joining a course of study at the appropriate level.
Applicants who satisfy the following conditions may apply for consideration to join MCAST programmes as mature students:
- Be in possession of a School Leaving Certificate and other certificates achieved at
various levels – depending on the course level one is aspiring to follow.
- Have, by the end of the same calendar year, attained:
a. the age of 27 years for entry to programmes at MQF Level 7
b. the age of 23 years for entry to programmes at MQF Levels 5/6
c. the age of 21 years for entry to programmes at MQF Level 4
d. the age of 19 years for entry to programmes at MQF Level 3.
- Demonstrate that they stand to benefit and show that they can follow the chosen programme of study. This is done through an interview held for the purpose and any other possible actions that gauge the applicant’s standing and sound preparation for the chosen programme of studies. Shortlisted applicants will be called for an interview to assess their suitability for the selected programme. Age is not the only criteria for eligibility. The Maturity Clause Selection Board may require candidates to undertake additional studies as part of their acceptance. The Board may recommend an alternative programme where this is considered appropriate. The Board reserves the right to evaluate the applicant’s competences through various modes of assessment.
MCAST as a self-accrediting institution has full autonomy in developing curricula of study and training based on the concept of lifelong learning. Curriculum development is carried out in consultation with students, lecturers and stakeholders from various economic sectors whilst taking into account the changing economic landscape. This ensures that knowledge, skills and competences within the Curriculum are relevant and appropriate. Programmes include units covering key competences as well as units dedicated to underpinning knowledge and sectoral skills related to the vocational area of the programme in question. The distribution of such units varies by MQF level as per the provisions of the Referencing Report and guidelines by MFHEA. Work-based learning is also at the heart of vocational programmes at MCAST. Thus, learners are prerpared for employment through a combination of relevant work experience and college-based learning.
Teaching Methods
As outlined in previous chapters, at MCAST teaching methods include both theoretical and practical sessions in laboratories and workshops with some courses including on-the-job training. Extensive use of ICT is made by staff and students alike. This is further enhanced through the state-of-the-art Library and Learning Resource Centre which supports students in their research activities to complete their assignments.
Progression of students
Many of the higher level courses offered by MCAST extend over a period of two or three years. Throughout each year students are expected to complete a number of units or modules and perform adequately in the assessments forming part of the programme. Students have an opportunity to re-attempt the necessary work when they do not manage to satisfy the entire unit’s learning outcomes. This is necessary if they intend to progress to the following year. Re-sits are subject to established regulations as specified in the course respective handbooks. When the academic performance of a candidate is considered insufficient, the student may qualify to complete the failed units in a subsequent year.
MCAST has a student support and advisory service which provides extensive services to students both with regard to full-time and part-time courses run at the various Institutes, as well as personal support which students can get both before and during their stay at MCAST.
The Guidance and Counselling service within MCAST also offers support and assistance to students in:
• Vocational Guidance and Counselling – which aims at assisting students along their career path as well as identifying alternative paths.
• Personal Counselling – which is more growth oriented aimed at helping, supporting and encouraging students in their daily challenges.
• Group Activities – to facilitate students to work as a team.
Student assessment
A variety of assessment instruments including home-based assignments, group work, presentations, practical assessments etc. are used to gather and interpret evidence of student competence toward pre-established assessment criteria that are aligned to the Learning Outcomes of each unit of the programme of study. Lecturers also provide formative, ongoing feedback to students highlighting both the student strengths and possible areas for development and/or improvement. Through this learner-centred teaching, learning and assessment approach, students are offered an opportunity to demonstrate their progress in the learning process.
EQF/MQF Level 1 and Level 2 courses: Applicants who have completed compulsory education and are in possession of Secondary School Certificate & Profile (SSC&P, rated or unrated) will be accepted to MCAST Level 1 or 2 study programmes following Initial Assessment Tests. Holders of two SSC&P level 1 & 2 subjects or SEC grades 6 and 7 from Maltese, English and/or Mathematics will be accepted directly to the Level 2 Foundation Programme of choice.
All the courses offered by MCAST have been pegged to the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) as issued by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority . Full-time courses range from introductory Level A going up to Doctoral Level (MQF Level 8) MCAST also offers Part time courses from MQF Levels 1 - 8. The Doctoral programme at MQF Level 8 was launched in 2021.
MCAST issues Europass Certificate and Transcripts alongside the final certificate to candidates successfully completing courses up to MQF Level 4. MQF Level 5 candidates receive final certification and transcript of achievement while MQF Level 6 candidates receive the Europass diploma supplement alongside their degree certificate upon successful completion. Bachelors Degrees are classified as follows:
• First Class (80%-100%)
• Second Class (Upper Division) (70%-79%)
• Second Class (Lower division) (60%-69%)
• Third Class (50%-59%)
MQF Level 7 candidates receive the Europass diploma supplement alongside their Masters degree certificate upon successful completion. Masters Degrees are classified as follows:
• Distinction (80%- 100%)
• Merit (65%-79%)
• Pass (50%-64%)
Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS)
In 2017 ITS launched three-degree programmes namely in Gastronomy, International Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts which will give the students the possibility to advance to the levels of excellence required by the tourism industry. The ITS
is in constant contact with the tourism industry through the scientific committee, to ensure that our programmes of study
satisfy the standards required to achieve excellence. The following are the 3 degree programmes being offered by ITS:
• Bachelor in Culinary Arts (Hons) B.CA (Hons) in collaboration with the Institute of Paul Bocuse - MQF Level 6. Total Credits 240 ECTS. The programme duration is 32 months (including internships)
• Bachelor in International Hospitality Management (Hons) B. IHM (Hons) in collaboration with the University of Applied Science of Haag Helia (Finland) - MQF Level 6. Total Credits of 240 ECTS. The programme duration is of 32 months .
• Bachelor in Gastronomy (Hons) B. Gastr (Hons) in collaboration with The University of Malta - MQF Level 6. Total Credits 242 ECTS. The programme duration is of 32 months.
Entry Criteria for Bachelor in Culinary Arts (hons):
• Matriculation (MQF Level 4) with a minimum of 1 A level and 3 Intermediates OR 2 A levels and2 Intermediates (with a minimumof 44 points as per Matrix provided on page 52) AND passes at grade 5 or better in SEC examinations in English Mathematics and Maltese and 4 years of documented experience in the Culinary industry; OR
• An ITS Diploma in FoodPreparation and Production MQF Level 4(or equivalent); OR
• An ITS Higher National Diploma in Food Preparation and Production or Higher National Diploma inFood Preparation & Culinary Arts for Cruise Liners MQF Level 5 (or equivalent)
– Students who are in possession of the Higher National Diploma in Food Preparation and Production (MQF Level 5) and Higher National Diploma in Food Preparation & Culinary Arts for Cruise Liners are eligible to enter in the 4th semester of the degree programme; OR
• Apply as a matureStudent, may be subject to an interview and/or relevent tests
Entry Criteria for Bachelor in International Hospitality Management (hons):
• Matriculation (MQF Level 4) with a minimum of 1 A level and 3 Intermediates OR 2 A levels and 2 Intermediates AND passes at grade 5 or better in SEC examinations in English, Mathematics and Maltese; OR
• An ITS Diploma in Events and Leisure, Rooms Division, and Food Preparation and Production and Food and Beverage Service MQF Level 4 (or equivalent); OR
• An ITS Higher National Diploma in Hospitality Management, Rooms Division Events and Leisure, and Food preparation and Culinary Arts for Cruise liners, Hotel Management Operations for Cruise liners, Guest service Operations for Cruise liners, Food Preparation and Production and Food and Beverage Service MQF Level 5 (or equivalent)
• Students who are in posession of the aforementioned Higher National Diploma (MQF Level 5) can enter the degree programme in the 4th Semester (2nd Year); OR
• Apply as a mature Student, may be subject to an interview and/or relevant tests.
Entry Criteria for Bachelor in Culinary Arts (hons):
• Matriculation (MQF Level 4) with a minimum of 1 A level and 3 Intermediates OR 2 A levels and 2 Intermediates AND passes at grade 5 or better in SEC examinations in English, Mathematics and Maltese; OR
• An ITS Diploma in Events and Leisure, Rooms Division, and Food Preparation and Production and Food and Beverage Service MQF Level 4 (or equivalent); OR
• An ITS Higher National Diploma in Hospitality Management, Rooms Division Events and Leisure, and Guiding, Food Preparation and Production andFood and Beverage Service MQF Level 5 (or equivalent) - Students who are in possession of the aforementioned Higher National Diploma have to enter from the first semester (1st year) of the degree programme; OR
• Apply as a mature Student, may be subject to an interview and/or relevant tests.
Before applying, one may also apply for RPL, which is the process in which individuals may gain exeption to, or a credit within a nationally recognised qualification course/s based on learning outcomes or competencies gained through formal, non-formal and informal learning. RPL is a form of assessment which is the process of recognising a person’s skills, knowledge and competences which a candidate has acquired through previous training, education, work and/or general life experience. Work and/or general life experience. The benfeits of RPL may be the reduced time a student needs to spend attending classes, undertaking assessments or relearning what they already know.
Through its innovative high quality lifelong learning academic programmes, the Institute of Tourism Studies trains people for tomorrow’s tourism industry. We direct our resources towards the development of inclusive programmes which facilitate technical, generic and behavioural skills and competencies, integrate theory and practice, and promote modern leadership approaches.
The values behind our vision are to:
• provide a student oriented style of curriculum which promotes creativity, innovation, participation, self-reflection, and personal independence;
• develop specialised technical, leadership and entrepreneurial skills in line with tomorrow’s industry trends and requirements;
• promote an international outlook whilst embracing differences between local and foreign cultures;
• promote professional development through lifelong learning opportunities for all levels within society;
• perform and solicit practices which are ethically correct and environmentally friendly; and
• individually guide, mentor and holistically develop our students.
Teaching methods
Within each module several instructional strategies are used to cater the different learning styles.
The direct instruction strategy: lectures, didactic questionings, and explicit teaching are used to provide information.
These are complemented with indirect instruction, where reflective discussion, concept formation and problem solving are used.
Total class discussions is used (interactive instruction) and emphasis is done on the process of learning and not on the product. Personalized reflection about an experience and the formulation of plans to apply learning to other contexts is encouraged as they are critical factors in effective experiential learning.
During the degree programmes, students follow a Local and Indsutrial Trade Practice (LITP) during the 3rd semester and go on an International Internship Trade Practice (IITP) during the 6th semester for 4 months.
The degrees mentioned in this section provide the student the optimum qualification needed for the top careers in the Tourism Industry. The courses lead our students to acquire the necessary skills in management of industries related to their area. ITS degrees offer a secure career at the moment in time, both in Malta as well as in several countries across Europe and beyond.
Gastronomy Degree – The Bachelor in Gastronomy (Hons) targets students who are interested in developing a career in gastronomy with special interest in the social, economic and political aspects of food. Gastronomy candidates work as consultants for food and beverage companies, culinary instructors, food marketers, as well as for non-profit organizations working to reform the food system. Moreover, candidates with background in the culinary arts, such as sommeliers and chefs, will benefit from pursuing this programme of study. The degree will also be beneficial for journalists and writers who have a special interest in gastronomy.
Culinary Arts Degree- The BA in Culinary Arts (Hons.) Degree Programme aspires to successfully prepare students to enter and work in today’s diverse culinary industry. The Programme involves a comprehensive study of the basic and advanced skills required for a career within the culinary world. In addition to honing their culinary skills, the Programme provides students with exposure to a wide array of Culinary-Arts-related topics that could range from contemporary food related debates to business and management principles. The prospective culinary arts student is primarily a hands-on culinarian. Consequently, the Programme has been planned in a manner to attract candidates who are either aspiring to develop a career in Culinary Arts or are already involved in the culinary world and who are aspiring to enhance their potential of professional growth in an ever-demanding culinary industry.
International Hospitality Management Degree- The Bachelor (Hons) degree in International Hospitality Management aspires to prepare students who are interested in developing a career in hospitality management and who would like to further their academic knowledge. Hospitality graduates find work in the areas of hospitality, conference and events management. They also work within the tourism and leisure sector, the entertainment sector and in facilities management and food service management.
Student assessment
Assessment for degree courses is module based and each module has one or more of the following forms of assessments: class assignments, examinations, practical examinations; Projects; presentations; on field assessment; home assignments. The successful completion of a course requires the student to pass in all the core modules together with selected elective modules, accumulating the total of ECTS indicated per programme.
ITS issues certification in standard format, i.e. each graduate is given a hard copy of the degree certificate together with a full transcript. Moreover ITS is the first Maltese institution to start handing certificates as block-certs, i.e. electronic format. ITS has just launched this pletform and will be using it for all courses as from January.