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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
First-cycle programmes


7.Higher education

7.2First-cycle programmes

Last update: 27 November 2023

As a general principle, access to higher education programs at all levels in academic or vocational-technical secondary education is dependent on the success of exams conducted at the central level. Higher education institutions do not have the authority to select their own students except for programs that are entered through special ability on the condition that they ensure a certain minimum score of the examinations (art, music, physical education etc.).

Acceptance conditions and process of the first cycle are determined centrally by the Council of Higher Education. Regulations relating to higher education input and processes are linked to a legal framework, and access conditions determining the basic principles are regulated by the regulations prepared in accordance with 2547 Higher Education Act with the article 45/a.

Furthermore, Article 45/b of this foresees the entrance into associate degree and bachelor degree programs through the exams determined by the Council of Higher Education (YOK) and taking into account the students' achievement in secondary education. According to Article 50, after getting a bachelor's degree, those who want to study master's degree in higher education institutions, veterinary specialization, doctorate or specialization in medicine, higher education institutions will be selected in accordance with the procedure examination and Higher Education.